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#101 Post by polymath »

I think that barry could pick an advisory committee and then we should let them deal with everything.

Besides, most of the people arguing about this (read: nearly everyone except me), is probably one of the people barry would select in his advisory committee anyway, so why argue. If you let barry decide who votes, if anyone, then it would solve the argument. Those who want barry to call all the shots would get what they want, and those who want voting would get a voting class.

Gosh, the hardest part about all of this is getting all of the RDBMS stuff sorted out to add new voting attributes to all the tables of users, and then lock the threads.
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#102 Post by cb88 »

@bugman it shouldn't be too hard to compile older kernels and having an automated build system makes building stuff to support whatever hardware less of a pain

also the source is the thing that is HUGE

the base will probably get even smaller maybe even like slitaz but that is just speculation on my part
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#103 Post by big_bass »

HairyWill wrote:
I suspect that these people will just do their own thing anyway, they have a history forging frontiers one their own regardless I would just like to do my best to support them in their efforts.

You should go for it PM those in the back of your mind and offer your support

who ever gets you on their team will be blessed

and that will filter back into the mix

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#104 Post by Lobster »

Barry gives the rights to use the puppy name to a number of people who have been releasing genuinely innovative (at the fundamental level) puplets for a while. Each of these people can release a version whenever they like. The people I have in the back of my mind would be capable of agreeing version numbers (names) amongst themselves. They have previously demonstrated the ability to release high quality supported puplets. These people have previously incorporated cutting edge bits of other people's work into their own releases. There would be no pressure on them to release versions on any particular timescale.
That is a good idea

I am pleased that Barry will be providing guidelines - this from the release notes in the 4.1rc

I have decided to bow out from my position as leader (also known as "Benevolent Dictator") of the Puppy Linux Project (held since I released v0.1 in mid-2003), and take a back seat. Version 4.1 is my final release as leader. A small group of trusted developers will take over, although the details are still to be worked out -- there are a couple of threads on the forum discussing this.
I won't be going away totally, and plan to focus on a "puplet" (derivative of Puppy) based on my "UniPup" concept and targeting specific hardware, probably one or more of the baby laptops. This will be a more part-time project than the hectic full-time pace that I have maintained over the last couple of years.
It is likely that I will keep working on some aspects of the "core" or "base" Puppy, primarily for my puplet but that will be useful for the mainstream Puppy.
Also, I will retain whatever copyright/trademark rights I currently have and continue with ownership of the and domain names. Plus, I will provide input to how and who takes over, hopefully without interfering too much. I see this as providing a kind of safeguard function -- I am mindful of other distros that have languished after the Benevolent Dictator left. Monitor my blog for updates on the transitional phase as I progressively retire.
I think this is a great opportunity, and Puppy will become better and better!

Best regards,
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#105 Post by Caneri »

Hooray for Barry!!

Well done..well said.

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#106 Post by ttuuxxx »

Finally some sort of guidance, Thats what we needed from the first posting of his retirement. I guess this whole ordeal will help other distros when the head of state retires. Excellent :)
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#107 Post by Pizzasgood »

@Sir Duncan: I don't know about JWM, but Rox does support SVG. I've been using SVG for my icons since mid-June.

Puppy currently has a utility that takes a set of SVG icons and creates raster images from them at various sizes. So if JWM or some particular program can't handle them, we could still make the originals through SVG and then have that program create an icon specifically for those programs that need them.

Also, a program that doesn't seem to support SVG may actually support it in the vanilla form but just not be compiled with support for it in that instance.

GTK stock icons (like the generic "open", "new file", "cut" buttons) can also be SVG.
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#108 Post by cb88 »

on a side note ... I currently can't post to barrys blog and have abolutely no reacord of ever registering on there ... it won't let me register as cb88 becuase that username is already take but im pretty sure i never registerd
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#109 Post by SirDuncan »

cb88 wrote:becuase that username is already take but im pretty sure i never registerd
The first case of Puppy community identity theft?
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#110 Post by ttuuxxx »

cb88 wrote:on a side note ... I currently can't post to barrys blog and have abolutely no reacord of ever registering on there ... it won't let me register as cb88 becuase that username is already take but im pretty sure i never registerd
Ya I'm in the same boat it says that I've already signed up and theres no new way of making account, If possible could someone give cb88 and myself a account on Barry's Blog and PM or email us with the details, eg, username and password. Thanks
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#111 Post by alienjeff »

Food for thought on future development of Puppy: Gentoo Linux Cancels Current Planned Release
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#112 Post by Aitch »


Good to see Puppy isn't the only one having 'people issues'

Hopefully this will remain 'an awareness'

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#113 Post by cb88 »

I just downloaded the full T2 source clocked in at 7.9 GB took all night on my grandparents cable connection
there were only a very few packages that failed to download mostly unstable/unncessesay packages like e17 among a few others
Taking Puppy Linux to the limit of perfection. meanwhile try "puppy pfix=duct_tape" kernel parem eater.
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#114 Post by ttuuxxx »

cb88 wrote:I just downloaded the full T2 source clocked in at 7.9 GB took all night on my grandparents cable connection
there were only a very few packages that failed to download mostly unstable/unncessesay packages like e17 among a few others
Thats just crazy, I would for sure run out ram downloading that much, LOL
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#115 Post by Aitch »

I've just spent a good 1/2 hour rereading the early pages

There have been some good questions posed, but little I can find by way of conclusions
I personally like the contributions which are clearest to me & inspire confidence - favourite examples pizzasgood, cb88, hairywill
I don't like personality posts - careful ttuuxxx, small steps, eh?

I have a suggestion, which I will ask for contributors, as I don't know HOW to do it, but hope people will understand the WHY :)

What are people looking for in Puppy?
[& is this what you think of as development]

I believe it should be possible to analyse searches by quantum/context
Anyone know how?
I believe this will provide the 'missing ingredient' which will help Puppy [development] stay 'ahead of the game'

Most of all - make it fun
If there's no enjoyment - why do it/use it?


PS as a result of posts made while I typed, I think the issues affecting peoples networking capabilities/download speeds needs addressing,
and maybe a wishlist for donations for the purpose would help?
If so, I'm happy to start a thread................ :wink:

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#116 Post by cb88 »

ttuuxxx ... you could LZMA your ram :lol: :roll:
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Re: Middle Ground?

#117 Post by talithos »

playdayz wrote:Would this be a possible middle ground between those who favor a big brother distro and those who favor compiling puppy ourselves. How about putting some energy into making puppy easy to compile for? Then, it seems to me, we would have the advantages of both sides, good availability of programs and programs built for our OS.
I have no idea how possible this is...besides just making more libraries, etc., and maybe a variety of dev_XXX.sfs files...but I would be very much in favor.

That said, I also use puppy to wean friends and acquaintances off of Windows, so I've been cursorily looking into getting dpkg/aptitude working on puppy (or underdog, but that's a bit...confusing). Sure, using base ubuntu or debian repos would be less compact, but it'd be amazingly easier for first-time users to get new applications (and not call me).

My thoughts on the subject of decision making/voting...I'm not a developer (just learned to compile from source last month) and thus am not able to make the technical decisions surely necessary in modifications of puppy's core. You don't want my vote on that.

But I've often dependent on the whims of the puppy and puplet community (and still am: 4.1 nOP, pretty please?) and what I'd enjoy greatly would be some sort of organized program for feature requests, so happy puppy developers know what's wanted and the happy puppy non-devs feel they've participated and been heard. On that note I'd also really appreciate being able to see what all y'all are doing. Reading technical discussions makes me feel...empowered, and keeps me interested.

In the interests of that, then, here's my short list of requests:
1. Easier uninstallation of preinstalled programs (because searching and deleting is often a hassle for me)
2. Easier installation of new programs (maybe it's just me, but the interface of the puppy package manager kills me)

this one's maybe a little out there...
3. Some system for making .sfs 'puplets' that could be loaded on top of the pup_XXX.sfs file and easily swapped for another. Not sure if that's possible, worth it, or even a common desire.

Also (obviously) more drivers & optimizations. With 4.1 finally all of my computers have everything supported out of the box, which is amazing.
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#118 Post by Lobster »

Just to keep everyone aware 8)
4.1.2 (the bug fixed Dingo) is out.
Warren (WhoDo) will be working on 4.2 Code name DT (Deep Thought) which is based on the bugfix.

There are no surprises in 4.2 BUT it will look great - we know that.

4.3? Well we may decide to use Firepup (that would be popular)
For now please support Warren any way you can (bug fixes, updates to programs etc)

Even further ahead remember Barry is working on what he does best, innovation - Woof has hit version 0.0.0 and people are already clamouring to test and run it.

As soon as I have worked out how to do it I will be creating an on line kennel in SecondLife . . .

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#119 Post by Aitch »

As soon as I have worked out how to do it I will be creating an on line kennel in SecondLife . . .
Will we need a time portal or mushrooms to access it? :wink:

btw your publicising skills are needed, please ... &start=225

Aitch :)
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#120 Post by ecomoney »

I have a wealth of experience in "Linux Newbs", having used puppy for close on five years, and also a background in user interface design. I would be happy to contribute that experience to the next puppy development, whoever leads it, if it will promote Puppy Linux.

Ive also got experience in testing, and access to a lot of people who would be willing to test alpha/beta/RC versions. I hope to see some of the suggestions for improving the development/testing/bugtracking process here being implemented.
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