Puppy 5.0 "New Hope"

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#21 Post by bugman »

SirDuncan wrote:Puppy 5.0 . . . No. Not yet. I really think that jumping another series so soon is a bad idea. Look at this: 2.12, 2.13, 2.14, 2.16, 2.17, 3.00, 3.01, 4.00, 3.02, 4.10, 5.00 - do you see the problem? You're getting ahead of yourself, and the community. Let's wait for a final of 4.10, then start working on 4.20. We need to get our bearings and work out our development system before we tackle a big enough change to warrant a series version increase.
put the 1.x series in there and the trend looks even worse

get a really great 4.x and then think about 5

i like the idea i saw somewhere about people testing new/crazy things in puplets and then folding those that work back into the main release

[i think that's what someone said]

a sort of 'functional democracy'
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#22 Post by Brandon »

Yes, anarchy could be good, everyone throws their best out and the best "runs" the show.
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#23 Post by big_bass »

The most important safeguards are already in place
for open source


5. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups

The license must not discriminate against any person or group of persons.

Rationale: In order to get the maximum benefit from the process, the maximum diversity of persons and groups should be equally eligible to contribute to open sources. Therefore we forbid any open-source license from locking anybody out of the process.


Last edited by big_bass on Mon 29 Sep 2008, 01:08, edited 2 times in total.
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#24 Post by Trobin »

What precisely does that mean?
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#25 Post by big_bass »

Trobin wrote:What precisely does that mean?

lets stay productive
and follow the open source

they are a safe guard to
puppy growing by
the community

and prevent evil take over
for selfish personal reasons
whatever they may be
real or imagined

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#26 Post by Trobin »

That did not come anywhere close to answering my question.

If I put Alpine into Speak Pup while another person suggests I use Mutt or Finch an I discriminating against thpose people?
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#27 Post by big_bass »

Trobin wrote:That did not come anywhere close to answering my question.

If I put Alpine into Speak Pup while another person suggests I use Mutt or Finch an I discriminating against thpose people?
If you were Barry (no)

if you build your own puplet and follow Barry's guide lines (no)

most all of these types of questions have already been answered if you wish to investigate

at the 90% mark close to the bottom of the page

http://www.puppylinux.com/development/p ... tement.htm
http://www.puppylinux.com/news/news202- ... ppy_distro

and any real legal concerns should be addressed to Barry
not me

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#28 Post by Trobin »

So if I follow the rules, give Barry credit for creating Puppy, make sure that my puplet is sufficiently differentiated from mainstream puppy then I am not discrtiminating against anyone if I use my choice of programs rather than theirs.

I wasn't asking about any legal concerns. I wanted clarification on the statement about discrimination.
Last edited by Trobin on Mon 29 Sep 2008, 03:50, edited 1 time in total.
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#29 Post by panzerpuppy »

No,4.1 won't be the last official version. We will definitely see another (4.2) release by BarryK,with major updates [Xorg 4.2/XServer with the latest MESA (the most important upgrade ever),latest ALSA 1.0.18,a fixed version of XINE,a nightly build of Seamonkey 2.0 (much better than the current one),Flash 10,SANE,etc.]

After that,it's time for the community to work on Puppy 5.0,while Barry continues with his UniPup project.

Here's some stuff I'd like to see in Puppy 5.0:

* Kernel optimized for low-latency multimedia use (as in Ubuntu Studio)
* DVD-RAM and UDF support out of the box
* HD and beyond-HD resolution support for Xvesa and Xorg:
- 1792x1344, 1920x1440 and 2048x1536 (Standard Ratio)
- 1920x1080, 1920x1200 and 2560x1600 (Widescreen)
Even with the latest version,Puppy is still limited to 1600x1200 :(
* Seamonkey being replaced with Opera (Opera > Seamonkey > Firefox)
* A CPU usage meter in the systray instead of that somewhat useless thread count indicator
* XnView MP ftp://ftp2.xnview.com/xnview/misc/XnViewMP-linux.tgz (a brand new Qt4 Linux version !) as an image viewer instead of Fotox
* The good old MUT mount interface with more options
* RP-PPPOE with the official GUI (which includes the meter),not Barry's stripped implementation.
* A good bandwidth/traffic meter (or even a patched XNetLoad) that works with PPP connections (XNetLoad doesn't detect any PPP connections in Puppy 4,works great in 2.xx)
* +1 for all those crappy calculators replaced with a single good one, i.e. Galculator.I prefer having one good app for each task,instead of several not-so-good ones.
* XArchive replaced by a much better archiver that's not awfully slow when scanning the archive (7-zip does this part instantly), can extract individual files without creating the source directories (the most annoying thing I ever saw in a file archiver), can open .7z (a must),.RAR,ACE (and .PET archives without renaming them to .tgz)
* XINE patched or replaced by a player that has OpenGL (multitextured) video output,so all users can have accelerated fullscreen video playback. Xv doesn't work on most cards and XShm is terribly slow.
* The latest version of Qt4 (as standard) in the ISO,including the OpenGL libs and qtconfig
* Include Firelog,the network monitoring / firewall utility
* Include the tiny sha1sum utility. Are there still people who use the deprecated md5sum?
* +1 for including the latest version of SDL in Puppy 5,it's a must have for those that are into gaming or emulation
* A mouse cursor with inverted colors (black outline with white fill,as in Ubuntu/Winblows)
* OpenGL support (including the glxinfo and glxgears utilities)
* Updated fonts
* Ability to uninstall/remove some of the built-in packages (PetBegone functionality integrated into the package manager)
* Installing or uninstalling packages in the package manager should be started by double-clicking the selected package (I like to select and view an item first before activating it,this is a major annoyance)
* and +1 for a more modern theme :)

Puppy 5.0 needs to focus more on overall usability and package quality
Last edited by panzerpuppy on Fri 03 Oct 2008, 06:01, edited 6 times in total.
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#30 Post by technosaurus »

Possible base systems
i386 Debian i386
i486 Slackware, Knoppix i486
i586 Mandriva, PCLinuxOS, Suse i586
i686 Arch, Foresight i686

**T2 any architecture (Dingo is built with it)
*Simplux = Puppy + Gentoo

Using T2, Puppy can be automatically built for several architectures and Barry has kindly supplied his original scripts to build puppy from T2 on the ibiblio mirror. Highly customizable & 3100+ packages

Simplux - I haven't personally used it, but it sounds like a possible solution. Many architectures and ~20000 packages

Back to Slack - i486 architecture, 3.x compatibility, lots of packages, +Slax, Vector, Zenwalk, Wolvix, Nimblex....

Personally I prefer the T2 route since we could build 64 bit versions and easily create a 486sx version for the ebox and even a PPC, arm or any other port if we wanted. It is even supposed to support the minix, hurd and bsd kernels soon.
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#31 Post by panzerpuppy »

I'd vote for Slack compatibility,but with an i686 multimedia optimized kernel (T2).

Isn't the latest version of Slackware i686 optimized?
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#32 Post by Pizzasgood »

Trobin wrote:So if I follow the rules, give Barry credit for creating Puppy, make sure that my puplet is sufficiently differentiated from mainstream puppy then I am not discrtiminating against anyone if I use my choice of programs rather than theirs.

I wasn't asking about any legal concerns. I wanted clarification on the statement about discrimination.
The discrimination thing isn't choice of applications. It's about not even allowing certain people to use it. And I think it only applies to the license itself. So if you configured your server to block New-Yorkers, I don't think that it would violate that clause. But if you worded the license so that New-Yorkers were not technically allowed to use it, or had less rights than other people (i.e. no making derivative works), then you'd be in violation.

But making a product that favors people who like app A over people who like app B doesn't matter, as long as the license doesn't say something stupid like "Only people who like Firefox can use this product."

Does that help?

Disclaimer: I'm not a lawyer. I don't even play one on tv.

EDIT: Corrected a mis-type that made me contradict myself.
Last edited by Pizzasgood on Mon 29 Sep 2008, 20:23, edited 1 time in total.
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#33 Post by cb88 »

this thread is stupid and pointless ttuuxxx lacks the ability to even compile ffmpeg even after i told him how to fix it (and yes it compiles just fine on T2 and even on slackware where i compiled it along time ago from svn)

he is not qualified and neither am I i don't have the time/resources to build puppy and probably couldn't do it if i did have time need i mention that i have compiled ffmpeg again :? and ttuuxxx hasn't

ttuuxxx doesn't have the ability but has the time and he is also arrogant as if he does have the ability to do it

if ttuuxxx wants to build puppy then fine i just hope it is never official and btw ubuntu is an unstable piece of bloat use debian if at all get a clue

I know this post is harsh but im fed up with all this silliness and with my statistics class too...
Taking Puppy Linux to the limit of perfection. meanwhile try "puppy pfix=duct_tape" kernel parem eater.
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#34 Post by KF6SNJ »

If ttuuxx wants to create a 5.0 fork, let him. I see no issue with parallel distributions of puppy. Perhaps it could be called Puppy - HotDog. I am starting to setup to look at and re-work ChurchPup. I am not qualified, but I am going to try. Who are we to say who is and isn't qualified? Linux itself developed from people trying something new, regardless of thier "qualifications". Isn't that part of how we are to where we are with our numerous derivatives? Personally, I think that there is plenty of room in the puppy community for this. I would also like to see a "SuperHacker" puppy that has compilers for every known programming language. That could be cool (though it may actually prove rather bloated).

Reason for Edit: Grammer Error.
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#35 Post by cb88 »

sure ttuuxxx can do that thats just fine... flooding the forum with what amount to takover notices is not fine however

if ttuuxxx wants to "try something new" there is no one stopping him but I sure don't want him ordering me around or posting polls just to manipulate things into what the "people" want puppy isn't about that we have the load of calculators for a reason they are tiny and they all work pretty decent just cause another distro uses only galculator doesn't mean we should

ttuuxxx is saying things that only noobs on this forum ask... like why soo many calculators or why is it not based on ubuntu these have NEVER been questions asked seasoned puppy users as far as I know the answers soon become clear anything ive ever seen based on ubuntu was slow and the calculators are neat and small whats next add open office and KDE!? time to get back to our roots of smallness uniqueness and original inventiveness

supperhacker puppy ROFL... and would even have lolcode compiler uberbloat here we come!
Taking Puppy Linux to the limit of perfection. meanwhile try "puppy pfix=duct_tape" kernel parem eater.
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#36 Post by ttuuxxx »

cb88 wrote:this thread is stupid and pointless ttuuxxx lacks the ability to even compile ffmpeg even after i told him how to fix it (and yes it compiles just fine on T2 and even on slackware where i compiled it along time ago from svn)

he is not qualified and neither am I i don't have the time/resources to build puppy and probably couldn't do it if i did have time need i mention that i have compiled ffmpeg again :? and ttuuxxx hasn't

ttuuxxx doesn't have the ability but has the time and he is also arrogant as if he does have the ability to do it

if ttuuxxx wants to build puppy then fine i just hope it is never official and btw ubuntu is an unstable piece of bloat use debian if at all get a clue

I know this post is harsh but im fed up with all this silliness and with my statistics class too...
I told myself that I wasn't going to answer negative responses, but in this case I'll make a exception to the rule.

CB88 I tried your method to compile ffmpeg and it didn't work, probably because I compile 100% live, I might have to install puppy for once and give it a shots again. But whats this to do with building the next release ??? I said I only will contribute some packages and graphics and that we need a developer to build the base. Which wasn't going to be. I don't feel qualified enough, but maybe in another 12 months or so.

As for this statement you made "i don't have the time/resources to build puppy and probably couldn't do it " well that means one less developer to take on the base. At least we know where you stand.
This thread is actually working better than the last and please don't corrupt it or try to mislead it, Its actually been productive, Puppy is never going to get anywhere if people keep shooting a monkey wrench into it.
Last edited by ttuuxxx on Mon 29 Sep 2008, 19:55, edited 1 time in total.
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#37 Post by cb88 »

could be the live issue with the wierd union issues and all

IMO this thread itself is childish why do you need approval to make a derivative? and who made you release coordinator? since when have we even had a release coordinator or needed one?

"i don't have the time/resources to build puppy and probably couldn't do it " ... i meant alone which is how you make it look for yourself

also i believe it was you who corrupted the last thread by deleting your posts wasn't it instead of putting your thoughts out there on the line and letting people see what you really think.

how is saying that you are overzealous at the very least untrue or throwing a monkey wrench in the works at all?

also the name is cb88 please don't yell it

"I might have to install puppy for once and give it a shots again"

so you have never actually installed puppy or configured grub... of course i don't believe that but that is they way you are twisting my words
Taking Puppy Linux to the limit of perfection. meanwhile try "puppy pfix=duct_tape" kernel parem eater.
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#38 Post by ttuuxxx »

cb88 wrote:could be the live issue with the wierd union issues and all

IMO this thread itself is childish why do you need approval to make a derivative? and who made you release coordinator? since when have we even had a release coordinator or needed one?

"i don't have the time/resources to build puppy and probably couldn't do it " ... i meant alone which is how you make it look for yourself

also i believe it was you who corrupted the last thread by deleting your posts wasn't it instead of putting your thoughts out there on the line and letting people see what you really think.

how is saying that you are overzealous at the very least untrue or throwing a monkey wrench in the works at all?

also the name is cb88 please don't yell it

"I might have to install puppy for once and give it a shots again"

so you have never actually installed puppy or configured grub... of course i don't believe that but that is they way you are twisting my words
I did install 2.15ce for about 6 months once and then moved to live only, I like compiling 100% clean its better for releases, less hassles with missing libs. I use my hard drives for storage, like pets, graphics and variants and thats it. I've helped out maybe 20 others in the past install grub, I can do that in no problem, puppy wasn't my first Linux operating system, I tried about 60 of them before settling.

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#39 Post by cb88 »

so now you act like i said you haven't done an HD install which i clearly didn't say

notice the edit times people
Taking Puppy Linux to the limit of perfection. meanwhile try "puppy pfix=duct_tape" kernel parem eater.
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#40 Post by ttuuxxx »

cb88 wrote:so now you act like i said you haven't done an HD install which i clearly didn't say

notice the edit times people
I'm off to work, Have a nice day
ttuuxxx :)
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