Boot problems

Booting, installing, newbie
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Boot problems

#1 Post by greasemonkey »

I just installed Puppy 4.0 on my girlfriends computer, and am having some problems. A friend and I wiped the hard drive and got it to boot from the cd, but after trying to do a frugal install to the hard drive it will not boot. I followed the directions off of, and on one of the screen shots, I found a discrepancy between the directions and the screen shot. When it came to changing the title on the menu.list the directions said to write puppy linux, however the screen shot did not have the word puppy. I typed puppy linux, and I have a feeling this could be part of the problem. I'm not incredibly tech savvy, so I'm not exactly sure where to go from here. Any suggestions?
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#2 Post by Béèm »

Did you install grub?
Could you post your menu.lst here?
Time savers:
Find packages in a snap and install using Puppy Package Manager (Menu).
Consult Wikka
Use peppyy's puppysearch
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#3 Post by GeoW »

Yo greasemonkey,


The title line will be shown on your boot menu. It is the way you select
which set of commands to use. You can pretty much put anything you
like in the title.

A description of the process you went through, including selections or
choices might help. Also, what exactly did you do to "wipe the hard

And, as Béèm said, seeing your menu.lst is needed.

But you are in good hands,

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