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#41 Post by changturkey »

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#42 Post by cb88 »

no jhecht im pretty sure he ment the links to your commercial software and books in the above post and the other thread that got locked

like this above:
Not a programmer, not a developer, but what I AM is a very skilled technical writer. Just had a book published on wiring audio recording studios. Check out: http://www.amazon.com/Audio-Wiring-Guid ... 0240520068
and yeah my sig is almost the max length big deal i have links in mine too

you posted some links to your books and stuff etc big deal just as longs as your a real person and not some senseless spambot ....
Taking Puppy Linux to the limit of perfection. meanwhile try "puppy pfix=duct_tape" kernel parem eater.
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#43 Post by Aitch »

no jhecht im pretty sure he ment the links to your commercial software and books in the above post and the other thread that got locked
Yep - and the big difference in the footer, is a little blue button with a house & www on

just like other people seem content with

but hey, the horse is dead already :wink:

onwards and upwards, right?

Aitch :)
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#44 Post by alienjeff »

Not only is the horse dead, but so is this thread.
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#45 Post by ecomoney »

Technically.....level 2...just about. Still unsure with a great many things


I have got a great deal of experience with puppy users and implementing puppy linux in real world situations. Ive ran a puppy linux cybercafe for two years, where Ive delivered training and support. I continue to install puppy linux privately in peoples home, and collect older hardware from schools, colleges, hospitals and businesses to resell with puppy linux on. I havnt kept accurate records, but I believe the amount of running puppy linux computers in and around my town to be around the 200 mark so far. I also maintain puppy linux to at many commercial, voluntary and community sites, including a garage, a PR company, a preschool, several community centres, the local Multiple Sclerosis group etc etc.

In terms of background computing experience I got my first computer (a bbc micro) aged nine and got my first paid computer job (doing graphics and titles for a small video company) aged 12. I took a Btec National diploma in General Computer studies at our local technical college, and went on to take a Higher National Diploma in Business Information Systems at Huddersfield University. I then worked freelance for a few legal firms before being made "Millenium Bug" project manager for Lincolnshire County Councils Social Services Department. I then moved on to work for a Software house whos clients included walmart and several large manufacturing and logistics companies.

For around a year I worked as an I.T. tutor for our local Adult education service, and earned a City and Guilds qualification in Teaching. I finally set up my own business at the end of 2004 (Ecomoney Systems Ltd) and have worked with puppy linux, alongside several web/social networking concepts.

In terms of technical skill, Im still sadly lacking, but if you need advice on how to implement puppy linux in homes and businesses then I have a great deal of experience. Puppy linux has so much potential, and I would love more of this experience to go into simple new features for future versions of puppy, if only I could persuade the developers to include them!!!
Puppy Linux's [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=296352#296352]Mission[/url]

Sorry, my server is down atm!
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#46 Post by canbyte »

What about a place for a newbie noob, level 0 or below! Thats me, Canbyte. I have other technical training, can write and being a bit pedantic, can think like a non geek. One problem as i see it is that good info is piecemeal, all over the place, getting access to it can be confusing and time consuming. So far i've spent 2 months on this go-round trying to get puppy working, plus a previous effort similarly unsuccessful. I hope i don't have to give up this time but until i get my oki printer working and either a usb drive or a lan share with a win98 box working, the project can only be considered experimental, subject to disillusionment/ abandonment. I need a system, not a Puppy box.

I've been reading till my eyes bleed - kind respondents' replies, the wiki, fora here and elsewhere, the manual, etc. While Puppy is a great box to use, this is not how i want to live my life. Volunteering to organize the info would be a far more satisfying use of my time. Although there is some benefit going through some pain to understand MY problem, it really doesn't do anything for Puppy. So lets make a deal. Somebody, get my @#$%^& system working, as Ecomoney is doing, I'll work endlessly on presenting / reorganizing info so non geeky newbies can get going or solve problems quickly, much as jhecht described. [I once saw a page that had topics that that the reader could expand as needed to show /print more detail.]

I'll be your border collie rounding up the bits and pieces!

Reorganize puppy home page to eliminate clicks.
Expand forum topics to encourage more permanent / developing topics.

So lets boogie.

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#47 Post by mohan34u »

Me too, a level 1 puppy user, sometimes, contributor.

Often you can see my post with new .pet package. I love to create packages for puppy. Working in a Tech company, so I'm not able to spend my fulltime on puppy.
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#48 Post by T_Hobbit »

Level 1 with some knowledge from level 2
:idea: Rebuilding old DOS Machine for Wing Commander Privateer and Puppy :!: Old spare parts to give away - anyone interested :?:
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#49 Post by ezeze5000 »

Level 1.5 have donated hardware in the earlier development of Puppy.

Have performed a lot of full hard drive puppy installs.
Have had to trouble shoot hardware problems on old PCs to get puppy to run properly.

Keep burned copies of puppy handy for anybody that might want to try out Puppy. Have made a lot of converts!

Anyway thats my 2 cents worth.
If at first you don't succeed try try again!
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Level 1.5 > Virtually Level 2

#50 Post by Max Headroom »

Level 1.5 > Virtually Level 2
First Puppies 1.05 Chubby, & 1.07, Many since...
First Linux Mandrake 9.0,
Other Linux includes Mandriva, Xandros, Suse, PC Linux OS, kNoppix, Kanotix, Simply Mepis, Sidux, Elive, Dream Linux, etc...
Other OSes Mac 10.2, M$ 3.1 for WorkGroups ( Basic Training Course ), W9X, W2K Pro & $erver, W2K3 $erver, XP, Vi$ta ( Don't go there! )
eNthusiatic, Keen Tester / User / Puppy Promoter
How can U & I Help?

We're Saving th' Planet by Keeping Old Working Hardware Out o' LandFills!
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#51 Post by jabu2 »


Level 1
user and tester

maybe more useful in areas such as
usability/ergonomics and practicability of productive software
and training users.
Editing of documentation.
30+ years experience
using Win playing with Lin
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#52 Post by wkr »

Level 1
Some level 2 skills, so I can help as tester.
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#53 Post by gposil »

gposil on Forum

Level 3

Programmed professionally in C/C++, Pascal and Java.

Was TAFE and University lecturer in IT before retiring and for many years a UNIX System Admin.

I've forgotten alot... :lol:
[img]http://gposil.netne.net/images/tlp80.gif[/img] [url=http://www.dpup.org][b]Dpup Home[/b][/url]
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#54 Post by 01micko »

I've forgotten alot... :lol:
I remember my maths teacher in year 11 saying..."I've forgotten more than you know son!" :lol: (circa 1982...NSW)

Level 2. Doing some bash, html, xml, trying to learn Genie (no docs aarrgghh, must look at Python), created a few of wiki pages, and they are linked from there related apps, (thanks to zigbert :wink: )

Gotta love the power of Puppy. 8)
Last edited by 01micko on Sun 17 May 2009, 00:22, edited 1 time in total.
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#55 Post by dejan555 »

Level 2
I can make pets, sfs's and very simple bash scripts,
and a bit of html+css, I like playing with gimp

forum nickname dejan555
irc freenode nick daysleeper555

Similar enough to remember :D
puppy.b0x.me stuff mirrored [url=https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_Mb589v0iCXNnhSZWRwd3R2UWs]HERE[/url] or [url=http://archive.org/details/Puppy_Linux_puppy.b0x.me_mirror]HERE[/url]
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#56 Post by samedog »

Hi all
.....well i am somewhere between level 2 and 3..xD

i have made some .pups, a few .pets, and one sfs (kde 3.5.9 full suite with qt 3.3.8 , now i'm working on kde4), i know a little bash script, assembler, fortran, basic, html, css, python and now i'm learning, php, and genie/vala, i'm also working on a wine derivate (like cedega, but writen in genie/vala), i have made some small linux distros with T2 and puppy unleashed core also some puppy derivates with kde and other fancy stuffs, i'm good at making things on the gimp (not pro but i can make a wallpaper...xD) and that's all with my "inner geek", in my other side i have introducied puppy to my friends/family, and teached them howto intall/use it, etc, in the university i was able to get the permission to set up 10 puppylinux machines (we have like 120~130 "Linux only" systems in the campus), and i'm always trying to get more people to use puppy here where i live.

I'm a electronics technician (Fernando Santiván technical high school,), and i'm now in second year of physical sciences and astronomy (i'm not sure if is called like that on english, maybe is more like theoretical physics or something) at the Concepción University, Chile

irc nick: samedog (active member, almost 24/7)
forum nick: samedog (not so active member, just sometimes)

(please help me to improve my english, point anything i have misspelled, or any syntax error, thanks)
<Rupp>ERROR: Communication problem with khotkeys, it probably crashed.
<samedog>hmm... pretty good for a signature..
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#57 Post by hondasid »

Level 1.6

I know BASIC and some C++ and I am teaching myself how to use the Linux CLI. I have done a few remasters and am working on a few more. i have never made and .pets or anything, but a few icon packs that I posted on the forum. I spend a lot of time helping puppians with problems they may have on the support channel.

Look at my profile and there are many ways to get a hold of me. I'm happy to help in any way.
Instead of looking out Windows, I'm playing with my Puppy.
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#58 Post by bignono1 »

Level -2
But: level 10 Puppy fan.
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#59 Post by kazzamozz »

New to Puppy but love it.
Currently build Pcs and refurbish old systems, perfect for puppy.
Previously Started in help desk for CTos, MSDos based systems,
Windows from 3.1 up to Vista (hate them all now) Puppy convert.
Currently set up hardware and software for friends & relatives to keep my hand in the industry. Last lot convinced them to use Puppy!
Have numerous Computers and hardware that I can test all types of puppies on. Some of my current hardware.
Toshiba Pro Satellite, Acer Aspire One, EEE Box, EEE701, Apple Mini, Dell 6000&6100, Medion 8950, Dell GX520 & DHP plus a few more I've built and tinkered with. Lot's of external hardware etc I like to play with.
LCD Screens from 15" 24" 32" & to 62". (I'm a photo & DVD nut love new technology)
Anyway would rate me as

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Re: Puppy Community Register

#60 Post by ttuuxxx »

kazzamozz wrote:New to Puppy but love it.
Well welcome to puppy and to the forum :) There are few other users on here that recycle older pc's, hmmm really we should have forum thread "Puppy Recycles". Anyways if you need help with anything feel free to ask, we're pretty helpful around here.
http://audio.online-convert.com/ <-- excellent site
http://samples.mplayerhq.hu/A-codecs/ <-- Codec Test Files
http://html5games.com/ <-- excellent HTML5 games :)
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