Thinkpad 600E mwave modem problem (solved)

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#21 Post by peebee »

Did the modem work after doing the manual setup????

You can test it with:

modem-stats -c "ATI3" /dev/ttyS1

which should return:

ThinkPad Modem v4.0

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#22 Post by vtpup »

Sorry, no Peter, the modem didn't work after manual setup.

Also the command, modem-stats -c "ATI3" /dev/ttyS1 simply returned nothing and the console just continued to wait.

also, I have tried using both versions of mwaved on my computer by giving the full path, and following your code anew each time.

There is a difference in the final error message. The longer version of mwaved (the one shipped with Puppy):

Code: Select all

/initrd/pup_rw/etc/init.d/mwaved start
Starting Mwave modem:
    Starting Mwave Manager:failed
The shorter version (the one in the dotpup) is the one that reports the serial config problem:

Code: Select all

# /root/my-applications/bin/mwaved start
Starting Mwave modem:
    Starting Mwave Manager:done

    Configuring serial port:failed
So it looks like two different problems.

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#23 Post by vtpup »

I'm guessing that in the longer version, there may be a bad location reference to mwavem. I'm going to look for that location reference and make sure it points properly.

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#24 Post by vtpup »

Well, now I really don't know what to say....

I rebooted and all of a sudden the modem was detected automatically. I don't know why. The only change I believe I made at one point today was to make wavem executable -- but now I can't remember which copy of mwavem -- there are several on the system now from all the trial and error and the dotpup download. The important one in the original Puppy distribution is the one at /usr/bin/mwavem.

I apologize to anyone looking for answers here in the future. I wish I could pin down the solution. One thing that was definitely wrong at the start for me was the irq addressing of the modem, as I mentioned much earlier.

I needed to use the MSDOS ps2.exe program (from a floppy disk) to reset the modems irqs to 3 and 10 and also to issue the ps2,exe command "enable" after setting them.

Sorry I can't give a clearer account of what caused it to start working.
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#25 Post by vtpup »

Well, having Puppy see the modem, is not the same thing as getting it to communicate with it.

I now have the modem detected on startup and Pupdial shows ttyS1 when I hit "Probe." This is different than earlier behavior when nothing was detected..

However, when I hit Test TTYS1 in PupDial I get the error message, "Sorry the modem was not detected".

And when I run

Code: Select all

modem-stats -c "ATI3" /dev/ttyS1 
I get no response.

I'm about to give up on this whole thing.

I did give the modem a test in Windows 98SE and was able to connect to the Internet using the same TP600E. So the modem is fine.

I did notice that Win98SE reported that the interrupts for the modem were set to irq 5 and irq 10, NOT irq3 qnd irq10.

Oddly, PS2.exe shows 3 and 10 are enabled for the modem. So who is right? PS2 or Windows Device Manager?

I don't know I'm getting tired of this whole thing.
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#26 Post by vtpup »

It was irq 3. This worked:

Code: Select all

# setserial /dev/ttyS1 irq 3
checked with:

Code: Select all

# setserial /dev/ttyS1

/dev/ttyS1, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x02f8, IRQ: 3

Code: Select all

# modem-stats -c "ATI3" /dev/ttyS1 

ThinkPad Modem v4.0

PupDial agrees "Success the modem responds."

I'll check an actual dialup tomorow.

The big problem was the setserial autoirq command doesn't work. You have to set it by the irq number manually.
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#27 Post by peebee »

You MAY have IRQ conflicts - something else may be using IRQ3 on Windows?

You need to disable with PS2 any features you don't use such as the IR port and the docking system.

I also made sure that PCMCIA didn't grab any of the IRQs by putting:

# Resources we should not use, even if they appear to be available

# First built-in serial port
exclude irq 4
# Second built-in serial port
exclude irq 3
# Sound
exclude irq 5
# First built-in parallel port
exclude irq 7
# Mwave irq
exclude irq 10

into /etc/pcmcia/config.opts

Don't know if any of this is essential but auto_irq did work for me.............

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#28 Post by vtpup »

It works! It works! I'm writing this from a modem initiated connection.

Thanks Peter for your additional very helpful suggestions. I didn't need to do anything further, however after last night.

The setserial command to associate irq3 was sticky, so I didn't have to set it again this morning -- just started the computer up and connected to a phone line and issued mwaved start from the console.

I still get an error message after this command stating that mwave couldn't set the serial port (but since it was already correctly set, it doesn't matter) -- and despite the error message, mwave does start up. After that it's simply a matter of using PupDial.

To reply re. the latest suggestions you provided:

peebee wrote:You MAY have IRQ conflicts - something else may be using IRQ3 on Windows?
I don't know about Win98SE, the PS2 ? irq command in PS2 shows no conflicts -- but Maybe Windows creates them after a boot, and reassigns for itself. Certainly Pup doesn't have any now so I'll just let Windows be Windows for now, and Pup be Pup.
peebee wrote:You need to disable with PS2 any features you don't use such as the IR port and the docking system.
These were already disabled, but I believe may be usable if one makes sure of no conflicts via ps2. Or reassigns irqs in mwave to suit and then uses setserial to set the new irq. I believe there's no reason mwave has to use 3 and 10 except that they are the scripted defaults -- that should be alterable in the scripts.
peebee wrote:I also made sure that PCMCIA didn't grab any of the IRQs by putting:

# Resources we should not use, even if they appear to be available

# First built-in serial port
exclude irq 4
# Second built-in serial port
exclude irq 3
# Sound
exclude irq 5
# First built-in parallel port
exclude irq 7
# Mwave irq
exclude irq 10

into /etc/pcmcia/config.opts
Yes, I had also done this, except only for 3 and 10. Sounds like a good idea for the others as well.

Thanks Peter so much for your valuable work and suggestions -- I'd never have made it work without your help and the thread you established.

I'm encouraged now to solve the problem at the automatic startup level so I don't have to issue console commands. Pup 3.01 is already set up to do this, by Barry Kauler's implementation, which for some reason fails to start on my system, at least. If I can do that, we shouldn't have to download the alternate mwave 2.0 Dotpup. And it may also solve the problem you are experiencing with 4.1, etc.

Best Regards,

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#29 Post by BarryK »

peebee wrote:Just tried 4.1 - Out of the Box version still does not work, but previous reported .PUP does but I've had to move the mwave startup script to after X-windows starts as something is calling another version of mwavem and mwaved. (moved from /etc/rc.d/rc.local to /root/Startup). The call of mwavem must be: /usr/local/sbin/mwavem
setserial /dev/ttyS1 auto_irq autoconfig
Look in /etc/init.d
/etc/rc.d/ runs these at startup. (puppy 4.1)
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#30 Post by vtpup »

Okay I believe I've solved it for Puppy's automatic bootup installation.

The problem seems to be in the mwavem executable file packaged with Puppy 3.01.

It looks to be the same executable file as mwavem packaged into the DotPup: mwave-2.0-ACP-modem.pup except that it is a "stripped" version.

If you do a properties on each of the two versions, the 3.01 Puppy version is 499088 Bytes long, and the DotPup version is 567305 bytes long. And from the descriptions, both are the same program version except for the stripping.

I found that if I renamed the Puppy 3.01 (stripped) version /usr/bin/mwavem to something else, so it wouldn't load, and then copied the DotPup (not stripped) version to /usr/bin/mwavem, then Puppy starts up automagically with mwavemodem module loaded and running and the tp600e modem fully functional.

I think that was what was intended.

Hope this helps -- possibly with versions of Puppy other than 3.01, as well.

Best Regards
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#31 Post by vtpup »

BarryK wrote: Look in /etc/init.d
/etc/rc.d/ runs these at startup. (puppy 4.1)
Oh hello Barry, our posts seem to have been written simultaneously.

Yes you do have automatic loading, but the stripped mwavem executable (bundled with Puppy 3.01 -- the version I have) is flawed and fails to run when called by mwaved in your boot loader.

I'm guessing this is true of other versions of Puppy besides 3.01, where the mwave modem program also doesn't work.

The executable version of mwavem available in the DotPup mentioned earlier (not stripped) does work with your mwaved script.
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