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#1 Post by MU »

gxine is very critical concerning the system, it was compiled in.

I had many crashes in Muppy0084.
Also if I compiled the latest 0.5.11 myself.

Then I tried the one from slackware (0.5.903).
This worked, but had some issues.

So I started to add several modifications to the sourcecode of 0.5.903.
Some parts were taken from 0.5.11.

- Fullscreen: before fullscreen is set, the window is maximized.
Like this it also works in JWM.

- In Icewm, you now have the "maximize/restore" buttons.
- I removed the inbuilt "mediamarks" (bookmarks), as many are no longer valid.

- If you don't use mediamarks at all, you can run gxine with the option "-N".
That speeds up the start.
The mediamark menu still is visible then, but without function (so you can't add own ones).

- I deactivated the "gxine crashed" dialog.
It crashes when you exit, so I had to get rid of it.
This crash also happenswith the slackware version.

I marked my changes with "//MU" in the sourcecode, though I might have forgotten to mark every change.

Note: the "NLS" pet include the international languagefiles, if you speak english, you do not need those.

Download PUPPY 4.1:
http://dotpups.de/puppy4/dotpups/Multim ... 1-i486.pet
http://dotpups.de/puppy4/dotpups/Multim ... 1-i486.pet

http://puppyfiles.ca/dotpupsde/puppy4/d ... 1-i486.pet
http://puppyfiles.ca/dotpupsde/puppy4/d ... 1-i486.pet

Download MUPPY008.4:
http://dotpups.de/puppy4/dotpups/Multim ... U-i486.pet
http://dotpups.de/puppy4/dotpups/Multim ... U-i486.pet

http://puppyfiles.ca/dotpupsde/puppy4/d ... U-i486.pet
http://puppyfiles.ca/dotpupsde/puppy4/d ... U-i486.pet

SOURCES: (not required!)
http://dotpups.de/puppy4/dotpups/Multim ... atched-MU/
http://puppyfiles.ca/dotpupsde/puppy4/d ... atched-MU/

If this gxine does not work on your system, you must reinstall the original one.
Better backup your savefile first :!:

Or try to compile it on your own (if you have a different system).
See the two included "configure" examples for options.

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#2 Post by Lobster »

Wow! Hope this works ok :)

If Barry does not put this in 4.1.1, hopefully WhoDo will put it in 4.2

Linked here
http://www.puppylinux.org/wiki/applicat ... -todo-list
Puppy Raspup 8.2Final 8)
Puppy Links Page http://www.smokey01.com/bruceb/puppy.html :D
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#3 Post by MU »

but check it first.
I encountered once or twice, that the fullscreen did not work correct in jwm. I had no time yet to do intensive tests over a longer period.
I think I should add a one second delay or a gdk_flush() after the new gtk_window_maximize(), before it activates gtk_window_fullscreen().

And in Muppy, gxine needs pretty long to initialize.
This is much faster in Puppy.
This might be related to libxml or so.
However I am glad to have a version now, that works in both systems.
When I had run gxine from Puppy in Muppy, it crashed after 3 seconds.

I hope some people will try it out, and if it basically works, we can try to add some refinements.
E.g. then we might add a variable to remember, if the window was not maximized before fullscreen. Then it could be "unmaximized" again, when fullscreen mode is left.

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#4 Post by zgp152 »

May I draw your attention to this thread:

Since you have been improving Gxine, could the area of decoding asx and asf streams (and bbc.co.uk streams) be included in the forthcoming tasks?

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#5 Post by MU »

Here is a small workaround for asx.

Install the pet, that I attach.
Then click on the link:


Choose "open with"
[x] always open with this application

Uses mplayer if available, or else gxine.

If you get no "open with", e.g. in Opera, go to the extras - preferences - extended - downloads.
There search "asx", and edit the setting to use my script as default action.

But this just works if you have a link to click on.
I don't know how to customize actions for certain mime-types for the gxine plugin.

For the bbc, please give me an example-link.


Code: Select all


#xmessage -center "test - $1"

#-- search for the last url in the asx --
a=`grep http $1 | tail -n1 | sed -e 's/.*= *\"//' -e 's/\".*//'`

#-- download that url, and look, if it again includes a url
mkdir /tmp/asx
rm -f /tmp/asx/*.asx
cd /tmp/asx/
wget -O 1.asx "$a"
b=`grep http 1.asx | tail -n1 | sed -e 's/.*= *\"//' -e 's/\".*//'`

#xmessage -center "test - $b"

#-- our playlist is the first url

#-- if there was another url included, this now is the playlist
if [ "$b" != "" ];then

#xmessage -center "test - $c"

rm -f /tmp/*.asx 
rm -f $HOME/.opera/cache4/temporary_download/*.asx

mp=`which gmplayer`
if [ "$mp" != "" ];then

	killall gmplayer
	gmplayer -playlist "$c" &
	exit 0


gxine "$c" &

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#6 Post by MU »

ah I see, bbc uses a asx, that itself again includes a link to another asx.

I updated the pet, now it also works with:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/meta/ ... _au_nb.asx

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#7 Post by liberomureddu »

Hi MU,
thanks a lot for working on gxine.
On my system (puppy 4.1) it doesn't work that well, it asks everytime at startup to repeat the setup wizard, and, unfortunately, the yle.fi stream doesn't work anymore for me (but this started already yesterday with the normal gxine included in puppy, so, it's not about your version).
I'm currently talking with the xine people to try to understand what's wrong with this stream, because, also vlc and mplayer didn't work for me.
And I prefer to try to stick with the included media player in puppy, because I don't want to end up in my previous ubuntu situation (use totem for this, BUT vlc for that, BUT mplayer for that one etc etc etc) :)
That's why I'm trying to solve the issues with gxine first!

Attached, the output of your gxine with the --verbose option, trying to open the yle.fi link (the one contained in the asx file).
Thanks a lot,
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#8 Post by MU »

please look, if you have the folder

It should be created by the pet.
Then gxine should save there the settings at start, or better copy those from /root/.gxine.

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#9 Post by zgp152 »

MU wrote:Here is a small workaround for asx.

Install the pet, that I attach.
Then click on the link:


Choose "open with"
[x] always open with this application

Uses mplayer if available, or else gxine.
Wow, this looks promising.
But pls confirm whether this pet is good for Muppy 008.4c as well as for my Puppy 4.0.


BTW Mark, if localisation starts so that "Eurobabel" support for Puppy is organised in proper fashion, I could try localising something like wireless wizard, Pfind etc., locale = fi. I was positively surprised how many of utilities included in Muppy had localising support (fi) as I applied it.
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#10 Post by liberomureddu »

MU wrote:ah I see, bbc uses a asx, that itself again includes a link to another asx.

I updated the pet, now it also works with:
http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/meta/ ... _au_nb.asx

Mark, thank you so much for this.
One point: Matthias Ringwald from xine discovered the reason of the weird behaviour of the yle.fi stream (sometimes working, sometimes not): he told me that:
It looks like the "auth=da_cVb3c3b3c..." part of the URL is a kind of one-time-authentication code which you get with the asx file. If you try the mms stream later, it will fail. So you always have to grab the mms url again.
In fact, removing the yleklassinen.asx file from /tmp solved the issue! Great!.
But I noticed that your script download the stream inside the /tmp but it doens't remove it (I'm talking about the one in the /tmp folder, not the one contained in /tmp/asx folder.
Could you modify your script in order to remove also the .asx files contained in /tmp?
Being not a programmer, my guess would be to add this line:
rm -f /tmp/*.asx
Is it correct?

I should add then (for future readers), that gxine and libs provided by default in puppy 4.1 don't have any problem in playing back the streams from http://yle.fi

Well, finally, thanks a lot to you and Matthias from xine, this problem has been around for so long time, and it explains all the weird experience that I have had(and I guess many, many other people), with the yle.fi stream.

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#11 Post by playdayz »

Thanks MU, I hope this works. I hope someone might also evaluate xine-ui as a possible replacement for gxine. In my experience it works more reliably than gxine, plus it uses only ***half as much*** cpu as gxine (that is in testing on my machine of course, but I would be interested in seeing if anyone else gets the same results). Here is my original message on gxine--I hope it does not have a bad tone, I just like to have fun with these messages, but I really do hope others would put this to the test.
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 94&t=33961

If we want lean, light, fast, and reliable, I think the numbers should be one indicator we consider. BTW, the original comparison showed gxine taking about 13% cpu and xine-ui taking about 6%. thanks.
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#12 Post by MU »

Being not a programmer, my guess would be to add this line:
rm -f /tmp/*.asx
Is it correct?
yes, that should do it.

Also add:
rm -f $HOME/.opera/cache4/temporary_download/*.asx

I updated the pet with this now.

Wow, this looks promising.
But pls confirm whether this pet is good for Muppy 008.4c as well as for my Puppy 4.0
I just tested it in Muppy 008.4, but according to liberomureddu it works in Puppy 4.1 :)
It is just a simple script, and does not modify anything existant or require something special, so it should work in any Linux.
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#13 Post by zgp152 »

Wow, this looks promising.
But pls confirm whether this pet is good for Muppy 008.4c as well as for my Puppy 4.0
I just tested it in Muppy 008.4, but according to liberomureddu it works in Puppy 4.1 :)
It is just a simple script, and does not modify anything existant or require something special, so it should work in any Linux.
The situation with Puppy 4.1 is following.
Retro kernel, Gxine 0.5.11. After Puppy was running, the above described pet was run and it seemed to work. The directory (see above) was not added by the pet. I added it manually and transferred there all files. Among them mediamarks, that included "ylenklassinen".

It is possible to store the mediamark "ylenklassinen" but if it that is launced, the buffering is interrupted. If however the MRL is added from file|open menu, it works. So it is possible to use yle stream, but it is not fully convenient to use them.

Stored BBC Mediamark BBC7 worked well, and could be launched from mediamarks.
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#14 Post by liberomureddu »

zgp152 wrote:zgp152:

It is possible to store the mediamark "ylenklassinen" but if it that is launced, the buffering is interrupted. If however the MRL is added from file|open menu, it works. So it is possible to use yle stream, but it is not fully convenient to use them.

I'm trying to understand how the yle stream works. My last guess (until now) is that it works only if it's loaded first from the web page. I think it's related with some cookies. If, for instance, I try to launch yle stream from command line (after a fresh boot of puppy), it doesn't work (and then, it doesn't work also from the browser). If I launch it from the browser first, it works *almost* always.
Again, it doesn't work if yle's cookies are not allowed.
So it seems that this is not a radio that can be stored in a mediamark, but I think this would happen in whatever system/software.
And the real mms link changes everytime, so it cannot be stored in a mediamark.
Are you having the same experience?
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#15 Post by zgp152 »

liberomureddu wrote:
zgp152 wrote:zgp152:

It is possible to store the mediamark "ylenklassinen" but if it that is launched, the buffering is interrupted. If however the MRL is added from file|open menu, it works. So it is possible to use yle stream, but it is not fully convenient to use them.

I'm trying to understand how the yle stream works. My last guess (until now) is that it works only if it's loaded first from the web page. I think it's related with some cookies. If, for instance, I try to launch yle stream from command line (after a fresh boot of puppy), it doesn't work (and then, it doesn't work also from the browser). If I launch it from the browser first, it works *almost* always.
Again, it doesn't work if yle's cookies are not allowed.
So it seems that this is not a radio that can be stored in a mediamark, but I think this would happen in whatever system/software.
And the real mms link changes everytime, so it cannot be stored in a mediamark.
Are you having the same experience?
I continued my study. It seems to me that once I have opened ylenklassinen so that it runs, and THEN while it runs, I add the mediamark, the resulting mediamark is useful at least for some time. I had done something else in between, but not booting in the meantime. At returning to Gxine agin, the saved mediamark opened well. I will observe whether this is a permanent behaviour, or is there some expiry mechanism involved.

The BBC streams seem more genuine (in contrast to once-off) and perhaps have been designed to work forever.
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#16 Post by liberomureddu »

zgp152 wrote:I continued my study. It seems to me that once I have opened ylenklassinen so that it runs, and THEN while it runs, I add the mediamark, the resulting mediamark is useful at least for some time. I had done something else in between, but not booting in the meantime. At returning to Gxine agin, the saved mediamark opened well. I will observe whether this is a permanent behaviour, or is there some expiry mechanism involved.
If the mediamark contains the "real" mms address, if one stops it and reopen, probably it won't work, because the good mms will be different.
I think the yle stream is connected with two cookies: yle.areena.fi and statistik-gallup.net.
By default in seamonkey, those cookies should expire at the end of the session, but if I leave them there, it's quite likely that the next time I reopen seamonkey and yle.fi stream it won't work.
So I set up those cookies in the cookie manager>cookie site, to be valid only per session, and so far it works quite well.
Does anybody know if is it possible to call the gxine plugin with a script as the one posted by MU or if the asx parser should be contained at the source code level? (Hope my technical dictionary is not too wrong here...)

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#17 Post by zgp152 »

zgp152 wrote:I continued my study. It seems to me that once I have opened ylenklassinen so that it runs, and THEN while it runs, I add the mediamark, the resulting mediamark is useful at least for some time. I had done something else in between, but not booting in the meantime. At returning to Gxine agin, the saved mediamark opened well. I will observe whether this is a permanent behaviour, or is there some expiry mechanism involved.
I attach an image of mediamarks that have not expired in one night (and booting between). There may be more ways to a good result.

The timing of yle stream is peculiar. It started at -178 hours and ticks towards zero. It will be interesting to see whether it expires at zero...
Rgds zgp152
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#18 Post by liberomureddu »

@ zgp152

I got somehow the idea that you are from Finland (because of the "Asetukset" screenshot you sent in another post :wink: )

Did you read the following page:
http://linux.fi/wiki/YLE_Areena_ja_El%C ... A4_arkisto
I tried to understand it, but I'm ...still so slow in finnish that it would take lot of time (still studying, that's why I want to listen yle radio) :oops:

Is there something useful to understand yle's behaviour under linux, that might solve the issue with gxine? I was interested by the vlc mms-caching parameters mentioned in the page.

Thanks a lot,
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#19 Post by HairyWill »

I just tried this in 4.1.1

After coming out of fullscreen and then hitting the jwm window restore button I end up with 3 windows. Two have jwm decorations, one of these is the controls, the other is an empty playback window. The music visualisation is shown in the third window which seems outside jwm control, it has no decorations and is on a layer above even the top jwm layer. If I resize the empty jwm window it does change the size of the undecorated window but I cannot move it from the top left corner.
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#20 Post by HairyWill »

Hi Mark,

Today I have been fiddling with jwm and fullscreen. I hacked jwm so that it always maximises a window before setting it fullscreen. I also managed to get to do fullscreen flash (but with the tray showing). It seemed a bit unstable so I thought.
"I know I'll hack gxine to maximise first automatically before going fullscreen"
I had problems getting gxine to compile and a forum search brought me here. I am sure I must have read this thread before but I don't remember it.

I have tried the 4.1 pet in 4.2-alpha, hitting fullscreen gets me lots of flashes and then gxine crashes or the window doesn't fill the screen. Also it insists on launched the setup everytime it starts I think is because I have not optical drive.
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