dogone wrote:timcriger wrote:I've also had the package manager hangs when trying to download... well, when i was attempting to download, the only attempt i've made.
The orange dialog came up, but was never able to connect to ibiblio or nluug or any other. It seemed to be trying to connect to an odd IP address: 0.0. or something.
Can anyone else duplicate this on their computer?
Precisely my experience, but consistent and many times over. I don't recall the IP in the orange dialog precisely, but it contains mostly zeros and is most certainly invalid. I would suggest that you exercise PM a bit to convince yourself one way of the other. If your luck is anything like mine, you won't need to worry about disk space
This issue would be a show stopper if real, so we need to pursue it. Is anyone else having such problems - or not?
Well, the problem is that I cannot reproduce your problem, so I cannot fix it. You are really going to have to try and get into the code and try to find out what i wrong.
The script is /usr/sbin/petget, and 'wget' is used to download .pet packages. So, there may be some problem with wget. Maybe you could locate the line where wget is run, then try to execute that on its own in a terminal.
Looking in the code, I see that 'ping' is used to verify that a site exists, for example:
# ping -c 1 -q ;echo $?
if that fails, that is, returns non-zero value, the code tries this:
# wget -t 2 -T 20 --waitretry=20 --spider -S -o /dev/stdout | grep '200 OK''s looking for that cring "200 OK"
The actual line that does the download is:
wget $PKGSRC/pet_packages-${PUPREPO}/${APKGNAME}.pet
Doing some example substitutions:
# wget ...
So, try those in a terminal, see what happens.
(remember, highlight the text, then use middle-mouse-button to paste into the terminal window).