medusa4 CAD software

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#61 Post by bambuko »

ttuuxxx wrote:...Chris I'm a bit late for sleep and have to work in about 5hrs so I'll make it quick...
thanks ttuuxxx,
you are indeed a bit late ...
I'll have a go with your instructions

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#62 Post by ttuuxxx »

bambuko wrote:
muggins wrote:... I'm pretty sure you can simplify your Step 3 from:

Code: Select all

3.To get csh download bsd-csh.tgz from here
and than:
3.1 extract bsd-csh
3.2 copy bsd-csh to /usr/bin
3.3 rename bsd-csh to just csh
3.4 symlink:

Code: Select all

3.To get csh download bsd-csh.tgz from here
and than:
3.1 extract bsd-csh
3.2 copy bsd-csh to /bin
3.3 rename bsd-csh to just csh
thanks muggins - you are indeed 100% correct
I have moved csh to /bin and deleted the symlink and everything still works fine 8)

btw I don't know whether ttuuxxx's pet has this incorporated or not?
I have run his pet after installation and csh was still as per my original plan :?
this maybe because it was run after the installation?
I might un-install everything and try to run his pet from scratch to test it...
My small pet "way #1" includes the csh
just to make things easy
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#63 Post by bambuko »

shouldn't you be asleep by now ttuuxxx :D
the question wasn't whether you incorporated csh or not?
the question was - where did he put csh?
directly to /bin ?or as per my original plan? (which was - /usr/bin with symlink to /bin)
The reason I questioned it was, that even after running your pet - cash was still as I have installed it originally...

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#64 Post by ttuuxxx »

bambuko wrote:shouldn't you be asleep by now ttuuxxx :D
the question wasn't whether you incorporated csh or not?
the question was - where did he put csh?
directly to /bin ?or as per my original plan? (which was - /usr/bin with symlink to /bin)
The reason I questioned it was, that even after running your pet - cash was still as I have installed it originally...

yes I put it into as your original plan and then system linked it, as you specified.
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#65 Post by bambuko »

that is un-necessarily complicated and a reflection of the way we have "arrived" at the solution rather than what is necessary ie csh in /bin with no need for any symlinking
sorry for the confusion (I have now edited original post)

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#66 Post by ttuuxxx »

Chris it just works now seamlessly :) so don't worry about a few links thats worth a couple of kb
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#67 Post by bambuko »

yes, you are indeed right that it works and doesn't (almost) cost anything :D
it's just that I don't like loose ends :wink:
I suppose you could say that I am an anal old fart 8)
but as you say - it doesn't matter ...

thanks for all your help and I hope you have gone to sleep by now, otherwise you will be useless at work in the morning :roll:

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#68 Post by paulski »

Thanks Bambuko for your points on page 3 of this thread - sorry their has been so much communicating going on - I've missed the boat by a day.

I'll try ttuuxxx's Pet and see if that solves my problems from before.

Based on Bambukos comments from before (page3) his HD install is a very important point.

On frugal installs and cd run Puppys either the manual way will need about 700-800mb to play with or ttuxxx's pet will need about 500mb.
While I don't have mine running yet - as far as I tried with a Frugal install or CD run option you need a helluva big pupsave file with lots of free space. The other option, only for those with EXT2 or EXT3 partitions is to use some tricks MU mentioned in the "sister" thread to this one (see somewhere on page 1 or so) - using a tmp filesystem, or as I tried using an absolute symbolic link
Winblows formatted partitions (Fat32 or NTFS) will have to stick to a chunky pupsave.

As for Dingo's question on csh - Medusa uses it in heaps of its operations that are partially csh script launched - its really a dependency.

Also - Bambukos mentioning he had a completely clean system is a big help for my previous post. Now I know its not a library problem and won't waste time chasing that wild goose. Thanks
Last edited by paulski on Mon 03 Nov 2008, 18:55, edited 1 time in total.
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#69 Post by ttuuxxx »

paulski wrote:Thanks Bambuko

The HD install is a very important point.
While I don't have mine running yet - as far as I tried with a Frugal install or CD run option you need a helluva big pupsave file with lots of free space or using some tricks from MU mentioned in the "sister" thread to this one (see somewhere on page 1 or so) - using a tmp filesystem, or as I tried using an absolute symbolic link - but only if the partition is EXT2 or 3 (no windows Fat32 or NTFS formatted hard drives -sorry).

Most frugal and CD users should find it easier with a chunky pupsave with at least 800mb free.

As for csh - Medusa uses it in heaps of its operations that are partially csh script launched - its really a dependency.

Also - mentioning you had a completely clean system is a big help for my previous post. Now I know its not a library problem and won't waste time chasing that wild goose. Thanks
HI Paul maybe read my post from the top of page 4, I simplified the process :) ... 7&start=45
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#70 Post by paulski »


I tried installing your pet on a CD run puppy with a chunky pupsave.
Somehow the pet installer flipped out and kept saying I needed far more blocks than were needed and then when I made more space it asked for even more blocks - mmph! :(

Then I made the pet a tgz file, unzipped it, manually put things where the pet would install them, copied across my license and then got the same "unknown symbol" error I got earlier in this thread -mmmmph! :(

Getting smart I converted the unzipped tgz folder to a sfs file.
Deleted all traces of the previous installs, deleted whiteouts, rebooted, copied my license and hey it works! :)

I recommend making a sfs of medusa for CD and Frugal users.
Can you do that and host it? It packs down to a sweet 167mb and it runs from it.

Thanks again
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#71 Post by ttuuxxx »

I had the same problem until I made enough space, basically it needs enough space in ram to hold the file as a pet, and then put it into a temp location and then the permament location, so its like 3 times the actual size. And I had enough memory but still it asked for more, strange, yes I'll make a sfs tomorrow, Its late tonight.
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#72 Post by ttuuxxx » <-- excellent site <-- Codec Test Files <-- excellent HTML5 games :)
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#73 Post by technosaurus »

I stripped the documentation and the java runtime environment out of the next release of Medusa4 (3.1 where ttuuxxx's is 3.0.1)... I will provide a separate sfs for the jre and documentation if anyone finds that they need it (if so let me know english, german or french)... anyhow here is the December 2008 release as a 49MB sfs ... .1_412.sfs

& md5 ... fs-md5.txt

same instructions as before on obtaining your own personal license though

your license will be saved in your pupsave_XXX.2fs but if for some reason you want to make your own sfs with your license just click on the sfs, copy the entire contents to a directory, insert your license file as described before, then run dir2sfs on your directory (warning you will need quite ~200MB minimum free to do this)
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#74 Post by vtpup »

Bambuko, if you still read this, how did you like Medusa? how about a mini-review?
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#75 Post by bambuko »

As far as using it on Puppy, everything worked fine, apart from printing. This was Medusa problem rather than Cups or Puppy and I never managed to sort it out.
As far as CAD is concerned - it is proper engineering tool with everything you would expect, but it has some quirks caused by it's heritage. It is definitely not like the others (ie Pro-E or AutoCad etc). If you never used one before, this will not be a problem :-) though.
I was able to import work created previously on other CAD system with no problems.

My main issue was - the renewable licence, which means that should the company change it's attitude to free licence you are left with your pants down and all the investment into learning how to use it is wasted (it doesn't help with another CAD system if you have to move).

I also didn't like the way the geometry is being created, but that is simply because, since using Medusa for the first time some 20 years ago, I have moved on and experienced many other options.

My preferred CAD system for Linux is Varicad, but they do not offer free licence :-(

So, if you want to try CAD - Medusa is great and free option, but ...
if you want to use it every day as the tool for your hobby or business that's another story
As they say YMMV :lol:
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#76 Post by vtpup »

Thanks Bambuko.
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#77 Post by paulski »

@ technosaurus
I can't download your sfs file due to a password requirement on the host server there. Can you tell us how to download it. I'd like to try it, because I have to use a separate pupsave to avoid java with medusa conflicting with another java I have installed.

@ vtpup
QCAD from Ribbon Soft is probably also worth a look. The demo for the new version looks a lot more robust than previous versions and AutoCAD users may feel more at home. Its only DXF though. Problem is the pro version ain't free, but its somewhere in the reasonable bracket (30 Euro?) and the precompiled binary works in Puppy OK. The community version is free, but as yet I haven't seen a pre-compiled community version, and it lags a few versions behind. Someone had a pup from an old version going around, but I found it buggy with command line stuff. The new demo seems to fix this.
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#78 Post by technosaurus »

Check out my [url=]github repositories[/url]. I may eventually get around to updating my [url=]blogspot[/url].
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#79 Post by vezuve »


Version originale / original Version

Ne maîtrisant pas vraiment l'anglais, je suis obliger de m'en remettre a un traducteur en ligne, il est probable que j'ai rater une définition pour le faire fonctionner.
Il aurait été bien de créer un nouveau comment faire pour installer Medusa.
Bambuko =) démarre avec le téléchargement et la compilation.
=) ttuuxxx crée une solution avec un fichier PET et une en fichier SFS.
=) technosaurus mets à disposition un fichier SFS plus récent.
Celui de technosaurus étant plus récent je l'installe sans succès, je parcourre a nouveau les différents message et je constate que celui de ttuuxxx est plus volumineux, donc je fait une nouvelle installation avec celui-ci.
Aux démarrage, j'ai un message d'erreur "lsb realise: command no found".

Je suis avec la version francisée Toutou Linux 4.12 ram de 512Mb avec un pup_save de 512Mb.

Quelle solution et quel fichier SFS pour faire fonctionner medusa4 ?

Version translated on line with GOOGLE / Version traduite en ligne avec GOOGLE

Not controlling really English, I am to oblige of me to give some has a translator on line, it is probable that I have to miss a definition to make it function.
It would have been to create new well how to make to install Medusa.
=) Bambuko starts with the remote loading and compilation.
=) ttuuxxx creates a solution with a file FART and one in file SFS.
=) technosaurus place at the disposal a more recent file SFS.
That of technosaurus being more recent I install it without success, I parcourre again different the message and I note that that of ttuuxxx is bulkier, therefore I makes a new installation with this one.
With starting, I have an error message “lsb carried out: command No found ".
I am with the francized version Toutou Linux 4.12 RAM of 512Mb with a pup_save of 512Mb.

Which solution and which file SFS to make function medusa4?

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