pupzip / drag'n'drop rox-apps

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pupzip / drag'n'drop rox-apps

#1 Post by MU »

from the newspage:
I'm having second thoughts about a drag-and-drop desktop icon for PupZip, considering how easy it is to just click on a file in Rox. It is kind of nice, though, to drag a directory to the "pupzip" icon, and a archive is created. Note, it can also be done by right-click and "Open With...".
You could adapt code from the muzip-roxapp for your needs.
It decides from the suffix, what to do (extract a .tgz or create an archive from a folder).
But it just seems to work with rox1.

http://www.murga.org/%7Epuppy/viewtopic ... ight=muzip

I took parts of the code of rarsas background-setter, that seems to support rox2 ,too:
http://www.murga.org/%7Epuppy/viewtopic ... 6883#16883
The desktop now has two drag-and-drop icons, "pupzip" and "trash", and I'm thinking that these should be separated from the others. I suggest that the bottom-right of the screen be for drag-and-drop icons. Top-right for system operations, like "lock" (which runs xlock) and "save" (multisession DVD save). The other side of the screen for normal desktop applications.
This is how I position the drag'n'drop-icons, too.
screenshot: http://noforum.de/pics/fbpanel.jpg
But there is a problem:
different screen-resolution.
If you set them up for 800x600, someone with 640x480 might not see them.
For higher resolutions, it would not matter, as you can drag them manually to the right place.

Here is another nice one (I prefer GuestToos version, just mention my thread for better understanding):
http://www.murga.org/%7Epuppy/viewtopic ... =diskusage

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#2 Post by BarryK »

I've got it all running.
I didn't have a .deb file handy to test it that opens in XArchive
-- I'm using the same "cheating" method that I used for rpm, change it to a tar file -- which does need enough memory -- I do it in /tmp.

pupzip and trash icons could be initially located for a 800x600 screen, and the user can drag them where they want them.

Or, there could be an automatic placement.
rc.update could read the current video resolution and modify /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin accordingly.
...which could mess up someone's nice layout.

I'll fiddle with pupzip a bit more tonight, plus a couple of other things, probably upload a test 1.0.7 late tomorrow. Understand, this is no where near what 1.0.7 will finally be, just to test what has been done so far.
I'll set it to use pup004 or something.
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Re: pupzip / drag'n'drop rox-apps

#3 Post by Lobster »

Good pointers from Mark and G2,

Here is my desktop:


The icons at the bottom use the new dotpup (mac-menu) that Mark has posted
They are not quite right (in order and icon) but I use them by turning off JWM. This Mac way of doing things is intuitive and easy. (Always copy what is good - innovate what does not work) The menu still exists bottom left and with a right click. The bin/trash does not delete icons from my desktop - so I see little use for it as is (in fact I right clicked and deleted it). Until the trash works the way I expect it is wasting my time - (sorry to the coder).The icons on the left are duplicates of the bottom icons and if I could drag a block around them and delete them, I would have done. Ubuntu has the menu on the top and yes positioning is good but I find a start button, bottom left, is expected until people drag over the icons on the bottom of the screen and 'hey there are all the items'. The first icon should be Start and icons can be aligned bottom left (making start in its traditional position) with the mac-menu prog.

That is the radical solution BUT the program is slow if a program is low down and the icons appear over the top - this will be too slow on older hardware - shame . . .

So - using the traditional layout (for now) I would suggest including the "drives / home / setup / packages / reboot / console / trash" bottom right (reboot is not yet included in 1.0.6 except as a dotpup) I have not given full thought to the arrangement but what you are doing is separating OS functions from packages/programs/applications.

I would see how Vista / Mac OS and Solaris do their icon layout (as they are based on usability studies - if people want to be different let them use fluxbox).

Puppy in 1.0.5 (Dream Puppy) became much simpler and easier to use by the naming and availabity of icons. Hooray!
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#4 Post by BarryK »

I just looked at your thread about muzip.pup
-- I must have seen that before, but it slipped my mind that something like that had already been created.

So, I have created pupzip independently.
But, using XArchive adds an extra nice level of functionality, as it has the "--ask" commandline option. Anyway, I'll upload tomorrow and you can take a look at it -- there's probably heaps of ways it can be refined.

I'm not posting it separately, because I did a lot of other stuff the Rox etc to get pupzip integrated.
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