Develpup 1.0 rc1

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#21 Post by ttuuxxx »

Lobster wrote:cutdown Firefox?
Hi Lobster

FirePup is not a cutdown version of firefox, well Its a optimized version for puppy, Its compiled for puppy and not just repackaged like most firefox versions for puppy, Then I updated the security, added a new theme, Installed browser speed increasements, Installed spell check, optimized the code, rebranded it, fix the fonts, added new icons to the menus, and a whole list of things, Thats why it runs so fast and I haven't yet had it crash on me, Plus full screen Youtube video works on JWM.
Thats why its a bit more than "cutdown" no chainsaw or sledge hammer here.

Also this "firePup" bug on here is just because he updated the version and forgot to update the menu, Its not a real "FirePup" bug,
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#22 Post by polymath »

That's the root of the error, sorry if anyone thought that i was blaming firepup for the bug, as the real error here was my lazyness.

Is anyone interested in a snapshot of my unleashed partition (tarred up and such)? I could upload to my account if anyone want's it.

And no, there is no seamonkey on this puplet, the seamonkey folder in /usr/lib is just a symlink so that other apps will work. Besides, I favor firepup for it's speed and better (IMHO) UI.
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#23 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
Would love to try your iso..
Am I missing something...
Every link I try is broken, or wants a username/password that IDK...
Where can I get it??? ( password or ISO)???
And, yes, Id love a snapshot of your unleashed partition....
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#24 Post by polymath »

@puppyluvr: the password can be found here:
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#25 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Thanks,
Duh, shoulda figured that one out...
D/Ling now...

@Edit...D/L`d fine...booted fine...WOW!!!
I wasnt expecting such a complete Pup..
I like the development interface, but hey, put the Browser in there too.:D Of course FirePup works great...
The "Desktop" scripts need icons, but I love the idea..I keep my "Desktop" in an icon/folder, which is similar..Less clutter..
In 800x600 Conkey blends with the logo...
Hmm, enough nit picking (for now LOL) till more testing..

AFAIK there are no other self-contained, on disc, development enviroments available...Only Puppy is even close, but requires a save and reboot to incorperate the devx module, and doesnt have the GUI IDE`s for fltk / python / ect...
This has stuff Ive never even seen!!
Goodie goodie...LOL...
Someone way smarter than me can get a lot of use from this.. :lol:

Well, gotta go play with this...
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#26 Post by Lobster »

Please alter your first post to include: ... up-rc1.iso

User: puppy
Password: linux

make it as easy as possible for people to download and use
if you want feedback - you knew that right? :)
I wasnt expecting such a complete Pup..
This works much better than tmxxine DarkForce (also meant for programming)
The bootup screen (also used in macpup) is very good.
The iconbar link for MurgauLua was not working (you can acccess it from the menu)
The Web development menu was superflous and the help menu did not activate (help will still be there) this is because you have removed or are not using seamonkey

It is a good idea to have Gimp for icons etc and perhaps two browsers (Komposer and Firepup)

If you want to program in Java, Python, Lua, C, C++, then this is what you need.

Good job - I wish you success.
At long last we have a Puppy development puplet. :)
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#27 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
Well, I added the full SDL to it and Pygame as well.
Edited Next is to get QT..and GTK+..
Now I can compile almost anything..
I may be "out of pocket" for a while...LOL
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code::Blocks DevelPup

#28 Post by Rombus »


this is great!

i wanted a puplet for programmers, I'm a C programmer.

I've tried to run Code::Blocks but obtained the same result debuggin that i've obtained in mi own puppy linux.

Code::Blocks like freezes when try debuggin, and when you close the console runs normally.

i tryed with the dot pet, and with this ISO and with dot sfs but in all of them got the same error.

tryed to compile code::BLocks but couldent :S

does this ISO have the dot pet Code::Blocks version on it? or is a fresh compiled version?

does anyone know how to solve this problem?

this forum rocks 8)

(sorry for my english :S)
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#29 Post by polymath »


Thanks for the feedback. I've fixed the ML problem, and though i experience the same problem with Code::Blocks, i tried building from source and it didn't fix the problem (the included is the .pet)

Kompozer works, and i'm going to add some more stuff (i'm just not sure what).

QEMU doesn't seem to work, the executable works but doesn't produce the actual screen, i'm pretty sure it's a SDL error. Puppylvr, does QEMU work with your SDL, and can i get a dotpet of it if it does? I tried building from source but that didn't seem to work for me either.

QT4 is included, BTW, and the next release will have GTK+

THe reason for such a long delay for the next version is because i'm moving the files from my laptop to my desktop because of filesystem space concerns.

When 4.2 comes out i'll move to that, unless you all think dingo will be better.

I've never done all that much web development so i'm not sure what to add, if any of you have more suggestions (i already have PHP and Kompozer) please post.

Lastly, did anyone notice touchpad tapping, i don't know why BarryK disabled this in puppy, but it works (AFAIK) with my hacked xorgwizard (I literally changed 4 lines of code)?

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hey polymath!

#30 Post by Rombus »

hey polymath!

it would be nice to add Dia, a useful diagram creator, such as data flow diagrams, entity relation diagrams, graphs etc.

it's really a shame that code::Blocks cant debug flawlessly, i even dream about having code::Blocks debugging well XD
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#31 Post by puppyluvr »

:D polymath,
Loving it so far, Once I installed the rest of SDL and Pygame it will compile almost anything without errors!!
One sticky point however..
I like Firepup...I use it on several Puppys..
But on Develpup, it acted funny..Shutting down out of the blue..
When I try to restart it, I get the "XXX is already running", no matter if I killall it, kill it in processes, even restart X, same thing! Have to totally reboot to restart it..
So I installed Firefox 3.04 ...Even worse....Removed them all and tried FF
Same thing!!
Switched to Opera 9.50.....
No Problems..(yet anyhow)...
So there must be a prob in the mozilla libs or something...
Thought you`d want to know...
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#32 Post by Aitch »

Make sure that the project is compiled with the -g (debugging symbols) compiler option on, and the -s (strip symbols) option off. This ensures that the executable has debug symbols included.

Compiler optimization switches should be turned off, stripping symbols (-s) must be turned off.

Keep in mind that you may have to re-build your project as up-to-date object files might not be re-compiled with -g otherwise. Please be aware that in compilers other than GCC, -g and/or -s might be a different switch (-s might not ba available at all). ... de::Blocks

maybe clues here, too ... _id=468206

Good stuff polymath, keep 'em coming :wink:

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#33 Post by polymath »

@Aitch, thanks. I'll try that tomorrow.

@puppylvr, that's weird. I've never had that happen to me. Can you isolate the error to specific sites (like YouTube or Hotmail, those seem to be funny in puppy)? And can you test QEMU and see if it actually works or if it just hangs?

Anyone wish for me to change the browser to something else, or if all else fails, go back to seamonkey (personally i don't like seamonkey all that much). I really like firepup but if it's bugging then i'll either have to fix it or change, but i don't know how firepup works well enough to fix anything but a simple error.

Also, i'll update JDK to 6u10 later, just'll have to get around to that.

Develpup 1.0 will be out within 2 weeks. I hope nothing comes up that'll delay that, like last time i lost everything after a stupid mistake.
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#34 Post by puppyluvr »

:D polymath,
Upon further investigation, I believe it is not a Develpup issue, but a 4.1.1 issue.
My wife has a 4.1.1 Frugal to test for me, and reports the same problem, not just with Firefox, (hers is 3.01), but with the Gimp as well..Sudden shutdown, same refusal to restart..
This leads me to think its GTK related...
On her machine, same Firefox, same Gimp, on Puppy 3.01, no issues..

As for Qemu, it starts via the console, but to be honest, having never used Qemu in Puppy, IDK where to go from there..Ive used it in Doze B4, so I know I need a script like the .bat file that launches it in Doze.
I`ll "Learn up" on it and let you know..
Unless you`ve got a "generic" launch script I can modify...
@Got a good link for instructions??
@EDIT..OK I D/L a Linux .img file and tried it but it hung, am looking for a Puppy .img
to try now...
Well, it works, in a sense.. I cant get an ISO to boot, and the image stops at "No Job Control for this machine" or some such stuff..
However. Qemu seems to be working, its just operator error..
Will keep working with it...
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#35 Post by Aitch »

Jay, Qemu is Bruce B's speciality

maybe check here, 'qemu, Bruce B'

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#36 Post by polymath »

The problem must be on my CD because when i type 'qemu -hda /dev/hda' into the console the computer hangs. I don't know, i'll try reburning and trying on a different machine, maybe a SDL driver issue?
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#37 Post by polymath »

Anyone want to change the IDEs? I like code::blocks and such, but anyone want me to ditch this in favor of KDevelop, which produces more "professional-looking" projects? KDevelop requires KDE libs though, which would take up a lot of space. I could also ditch Code::Blocks and WxGTK in favor of the C++ extension in Netbeans, but i don't really like how netbeans auto-closes {} "" and (). Maybe there's a config file somewhere that i can turn this off, i think there is somewhere... Anyway, what's your thoughts; Does Code::Blocks survive the cut? Is it worth it if it only supports C++ (all others support C++, Java, Ruby, PHP, etc.).

Code::Blocks Pros:
Good interface
Lots of project configs, like SDL project, OpenGL project, WX* project, etc.
Good syntax highlighting, fast building.

Very large, i could probably cut ~70 MB without it, or more
Only supports C++

Netbeans Pros:
Very popularly used
Handles many languages ( , look under "Supported Technologies" )

Hard to configure some options
I don't like it's syntax-highlighting/auto-complete

KDevelop Pros:
Develops full project files that can be compiled with ./configure, make, make install
Handles many languages ( ... tatus.html )

Is very complicated the first time you use it (it gets easier after a while)
Relies on KDE libs

If anyone has anything else to say, or wants to voice an opinion, post.

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#38 Post by polymath »

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#39 Post by Lobster »

People don't always post everyday or even every week.
You might like to include the genie language that Barry has provided a pet for and is using as the basis of the Woof puplet.
Other than that what you have done is fine - about to
burn it for a programmer friend - so many thanks :)
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#40 Post by Aitch »

Sorry polymath

Anything with a 'K' in, reminds me of knoppix, - 'big bloaty, & unnecessary' spring to mind - but I'm not a programmer, so take it with a pinch of salt

What you've done seems fine to me, & I introduced a friend to it who is a programmer [xbasic] & he likes it

I concur with Lobster re: reply rates, some people do other things, too

Aitch :)
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