Congrats, USA!

For stuff that really doesn't have ANYTHING to do with Puppy
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#81 Post by Aitch »

:lol: :lol:

If you like, though Jake the peg was more like what I was thinkin'

Aitch :)

#82 Post by bugman »

Aitch wrote:If you like, though Jake the peg was more like what I was thinkin'
i had to look that up

there is a whole world of entertainment out there, innit?

[tie me distro down, sport]

#83 Post by bugman »

Black Man Given Nation's Worst Job

November 5, 2008 | Issue 44•45

WASHINGTON—African-American man Barack Obama, 47, was given the least-desirable job in the entire country Tuesday when he was elected president of the United States of America. In his new high-stress, low-reward position, Obama will be charged with such tasks as completely overhauling the nation's broken-down economy, repairing the crumbling infrastructure, and generally having to please more than 300 million Americans and cater to their every whim on a daily basis. As part of his duties, the black man will have to spend four to eight years cleaning up the messes other people left behind. The job comes with such intense scrutiny and so certain a guarantee of failure that only one other person even bothered applying for it. Said scholar and activist Mark L. Denton, "It just goes to show you that, in this country, a black man still can't catch a break."
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#84 Post by Pizzasgood »

What? They didn't mention the threat of assassination that generally comes with the job?
[size=75]Between depriving a man of one hour from his life and depriving him of his life there exists only a difference of degree. --Muad'Dib[/size]

#85 Post by bugman »

Pizzasgood wrote:What? They didn't mention the threat of assassination that generally comes with the job?
the onion is short of fact-checkers

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#86 Post by PaulBx1 »

Thanks for the sentiment, Mark (Ulrich), but congratulations are not in order. No matter who won this election, this country was and is headed for disaster. Part of the "end of empire" syndrome, don't you know. But every cloud has a silver lining...
My only fear at this point is that the gun-toting, redneck element of the US population will make this brilliant, brave man a martyr...
I suspect Obama has a lot more to fear from that lowlife he picked as VP than from "rednecks". BTW what is a "redneck"? Anyone different than you?

Funny about gun ownership. I always thought of that as a virtue, while some apparently consider it a vice. There's no accounting for taste. I do wish that gun prohibitionists were not so fond of oppression and gestapo tactics though.
Americans seem to have elected someone with some moral fibre...
Oh, geez. :roll: America had a choice between a power-mad hack, and a power-mad hack. Virtuous people do not run for president.
And before the republican area (Bush), the USA had a very stable financial system. Now they are almost ruined.
Ah, no, Mark. The problems you see manifesting themselves now, have very deep roots. And I mean, many decades - at least back to 1913. It's just that it takes a long time to run a good thing into the ground, and the American economy was a very good thing.

"Trade and commerce, if they were not made of India rubber, would never manage to bounce over the obstacles which legislators are continually putting in their way; and, if one were to judge these men wholly by the effects of their actions, and not partly by their intentions, they would deserve to be classed and punished with those mischievous persons who put obstructions on the railroads."-- Henry David Thoreau
But if you leave out this point, you will find a frightening amount of similarities.
This is very true, but the similarities are bipartisan. Anyone want to bet on whether Obama will ask Congress to repeal the "Patriot" Act or the Military Commissions Act? Don't hold your breath...
The german chancellor Schroeder compromized Bush, when he refused to send troups to iraq.
Made me proud to be half German in ancestry. :)
@ttuuxxx if your not with us they you kinda are against us duh!!!! what else would you be?
This is an obvious logical fallacy, a fallacy known as "either-or". It denies any third choice, but of course there is at least one more choice, that of being against both. I am against terrorists, and I am against the entirely illegitimate American government.
As a former tortured prisoner who later voted against a bill banning waterboarding...
It was my understanding that McCain had finally thrown over his longstanding opposition to torture, and voted for waterboarding. I guess he wanted to use it when he got in power. <later> Woops, pardon me. You said the same thing: voting against a waterboarding ban is the same as voting for waterboarding.
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#87 Post by puppyluvr »

:D PaulBx1,
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You....
How much better you put that than I could have...
So obvious, yet so ignored..The Big Picture.....
PaulBx1, You are right on the money..(Pun Intended )..
The german chancellor Schroeder compromized Bush, when he refused to send troups to iraq.

Made me proud to be half German in ancestry. Smile

My sentiments exactly...
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#88 Post by droope »

I like USA, they don't trouble much about stuff. They walk arround with money that is worth noting (as in everywhere else in the world) and put a black president, so that people don't worry a lot about the fall in the markets, but be glad about having the first black president in american history.

Later, when the markets calm down, they'll find their way back up (the way they know to :twisted: ).

Wish my goverment did smart* moves like that.

And I wish USA didn't steal as much from us 3rd world countries. At least not AS MUCH.

(Not that our problems are your fault, it's all a matter of greed. Everyone could have a great life if we simply gave a damn about money).

It must be a little lonely to be the king country, tho...

Cheers, and a peaceful non-slaving future!

*Smart as in The devil is smart.
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#89 Post by sunburnt »

Politics is a real sore spot for me (too many moron voters), so I'll avoid being contentious.

I also have much hope riding on Obama as much of the world does.
The Republicans will essentially attempt to do to him what they did to Clinton.
But so much must be fixed after W's traitorous criminal acts against the U.S & the world.

The mess left by the 43rd president of the U.S. seems massively huge & virtually unrepairable as so many areas have been damage so badly.
The debt from the Iraq oil war will be ~ 5 trillion if Obama ends it quickly.
Plus there's the Afghanistan war to add to that, hummm... you think they have anything to do with the coming of the second great depression?

One could only hope that the 44th president of the U.S. would bring to justice the criminals responsible for destroying the world economy.
These excuses for human beings are known to all & there's no doubt as to their guilt.

" One nation under god, with truth, liberty, & justice for all. "
So says the American "Pledge of Allegiance", I pray Obama will return us to it's promise as we've been lead astray & driven into a hole intentionally.
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#90 Post by puppyluvr »

Ahh, if it were only that simple...
But it goes way deeper than the "Republicans and Democrats"..
Merely a charade to keep the public busy...
It doesnt matter who we elect "Puppet-ident"
We`re all still screwed..
Except the select few...
The "Financial Royalty"
The manipulators of it all...
That drive us like cattle...
Or Lemmings...
Its amazing what Money and Media can do..
That Guns and Bombs never could...
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#91 Post by Aitch »

2 sides of the same coin, isn't it?

money & media is 'heads', guns & bombs is 'tails'

which is why so many believe in that ol' peanut, "tails you lose" :wink: :lol:

'they' win whichever way you toss it

[, excepted :twisted: ]

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#92 Post by PaulBx1 »

One could only hope that the 44th president of the U.S. would bring to justice the criminals responsible for destroying the world economy
You don't understand. There is no essential difference. Look at who Obama hired to be his Treasury Secretary: the president of the Federal Reserve bank, the very entity that created the unsustainable bubble with low interest rates, which (among other things) created this economic mess.

The US is ruled by an invisible oligarchy. No matter who wins, we still get the oligarchy. The only chance we had to get out of this was Ron Paul's campaign, and the Republican Party and the lap-dog media sabotaged his campaign to ensure that wouldn't happen. Every other candidate, except for a couple of D's who didn't have a chance, were cut from the same cloth.

There will be no prosecution of the criminals in the Bush administration, by the criminals in the Obama administration. Nancy Pelosi (House Speaker) has already ruled that out, long ago, just after the D's took over the House.

There is one bright spot in this whole picture. American gun shops are now doing a rip-roaring business. All their military-style rifles (AR-15's, M1A's, FALs and the like) are sold out and back-ordered. All their ammo is sold out. Even reloading components are getting scarce. Obama is the best gun salesman we've had since Bill Clinton made AR-15's popular. :lol:

I just bought myself one of these:
I'll have to do a little trigger work on it, but I like it a lot. It will be my carry gun.
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#93 Post by hillside »

The US is ruled by an invisible oligarchy.
I thought everybody knew about this. It's written right there in the constitution - in plain sight - with invisible ink.
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#94 Post by John Doe »

PaulBx1 wrote:I just bought myself one of these:
I'll have to do a little trigger work on it, but I like it a lot. It will be my carry gun.
Looks like a nice pistol.

Just got this one myself: ... ory=Pistol

I chose that model for the light weight and sub-compact size. Was told that I wouldn't be able to hit anything with it, but I can double tap paper plates at 20 yards after watching a couple online videos and practicing out in the local state forest.

Quick ammo tip that my local gun shop owner passed along. He says, "the 9mm got a bad name in Iraq because they used the wrong type of ammo". For home defense he recommends Pow'RBall:

It's a hollow point with a plastic tip that helps prevent feeding issues.

Happy shooting :-)
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#95 Post by 37fleetwood »

I love this thread!! :lol:
I'm noticing a few sub threads going and am finding it fun to read. I must admit I only read about half and will have to go back and finish it but I got excited and skipped to the end (so far) so I could ad .02¢ worth.
first I was intrigued that the XIIth amendment was the one people were worried about when so many of them are falling by the way side, which brings up the misunderstood "right to bear arms" part which has been championed by gun toting rednecks who may or may not be the best equipped to explain why it was put in place. first the intent was so that the citizens could enforce the Constitution and Bill of Rights against our very own government if need be and also so we could defend ourselves against a government hostile to the people of this land whether this governmental threat was foreign or domestic.
over the years the established government has eroded this to the point where rednecks are fighting for their right to own firearms so they can hunt. we have been sold a bunch of crap and need to send it back. this government has convinced us to fight for rights which are not even in the constitution.
consider the religious freedom we are supposedly granted as a right. it was put in place so that one religion would not take over and oppress the others and was in fact meant to protect religious freedom. instead we are told we need to be protected from religion.
the government here has successfully redirected the discussion so successfully that most of us don't realize that the two I have mentioned have actually been gone for many years and we are arguing over the placebo issues they have given us instead.
as to who is president or vice president I have no personal opinion or desire for one or the other. which special interest group do you want controlling the country? my question is that while watching the few minutes of the election coverage game show, where were the other game show contestants? why does the government think it is ok to hand us their two favorite corporate sponsored choices and tell us that this is freedom of choice?
sadly over the years we Americans have become victim to our own invention and have become accustomed to basing our decisions on 5 minute soundbites from the ever increasingly biased media, which by the way is revenue driven (hence the game show atmosphere). they should have had Vanna White turning around blue and red states on a map, or maybe Howie Mandel and his girls opening briefcases with blue or red interiors.
I am reminded of the lyrics of the Pink Floyd song, Wish You Were Here:
"And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts?
Hot ashes for trees?
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage?"

well, enough for now :lol:
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Don't be too hasty...

#96 Post by tex »

I don't think I have ever voiced a political opinion, but this thread made me wish to do so.
It absolutely blows my mind that so many non-Americans have such strong opinions about our choice of leader. I would like to remind you that Obama is a LAWYER, not a poor mistreated man from the plantations. He ran a very manipulative campaign from start to finish. I am sure he would say that it was necessary to do that to win. My point exactly...this is how lawyers think. The goal is to win. There is no other meaning nor moral attachment anymore. Remember that when he aims his lawyer's bag of tricks in your direction. You may not be so happy.
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#97 Post by John Doe »

37fleetwood wrote:...which brings up the misunderstood "right to bear arms" part which has been championed by gun toting rednecks...
lol, I love that term "redneck". My dad has a PhD and works for one of the Fortune 500 companies. I suppose if that makes us "rednecks" then you are correct.
37fleetwood wrote:...who may or may not be the best equipped to explain why it was put in place.
Well equipped (both mentally and physically): ... 003#115003

I might also add that since I made that post, the SCOTUS has ruled as I argued.

See the DC Gun Ban overturned for further reading. ... overturned

The intent of the 2nd Amendment is so obvious that the only people who "misunderstand" it are the utopian idealists who think violence and crime will magically evaporate if legal gun ownership is outlawed.
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#98 Post by bill »

Amen Tex ! :wink: Barack Obama is a crafty fellow and I am just waiting to see if he can dodge the bullet that he is actually a citizen of Kenya or Indonesia and not a natural born citizen of the US which caused Philip Berg to file an inquiry with the US Supreme Court.If Obama can get away without showing his original birth certificate,he has the game locked up.
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#99 Post by Pizzasgood »

I understand the need for proof. But his mom was an American, wasn't she? Doesn't that make citizenship automatic? Or is it a question of whether she really is his mother? Otherwise, why wouldn't he be a proper citizen?

As for rednecks, they're better than the sissies that make up a good portion of this country.
[size=75]Between depriving a man of one hour from his life and depriving him of his life there exists only a difference of degree. --Muad'Dib[/size]
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#100 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
Obama is a LAWYER
I knew there was something about him I didnt like..LOL
The US is ruled by an invisible oligarchy.
"I am Arthur, King of the Britons"
"Thats nice, who are the Britons??"
" Well, you are..and I am your King..."
" I don`t remember voting for you"
" You dont vote for a King..its an oligarchy"
" An oligarchy?" Then how did you get to be King?"
" Excaliber, the Lady in the Lake did thrust upon me,
thereby signifying I was to be King"
"......You cant expect to wield Supreme Executive Power,
just because some watery tart threw a sword at you.."
" No, look there, you can tell he`s the King.."
"He hasnt got shit on his boots..."
Neither does Obama....
His recent cabinet appointments speak clearly of his alliances....
He`s no different....
Oh, look, we got a Black Puppet this time...
Maybe we`ll get a Girl Puppet next time...
Yes, the Ruler of us all is "Colored"...
Colored Green
"Money, it`s a hit..don`t give me that do goody good bull@#$t"
What, IMO, people don`t realize...Its about controlling the whole World..
Its not Gonna happen, it Did happen,
"He who controls the money, controls the people"
An economy based on Debt...Brilliant....
"Big Brother is Watching"
I guess thats obvious, especially to our British brothers, eh...
Speaking (sic) of Pink Floyd:::

"Us and Them, and after all, we`re only ordinary men..
Me, and You. .God only knows, its not what we would chose, to do.."

"Black, and Blue...and who knows which is which, and who is who???
Up, and Down, and in the end, its only round and round.."

" Down, and cant be helped that theres a lot of it about...
With, without...and don`t deny, its what the fighting`s all about.."
(The same 35 yrs ago, the same 35 years from now....)

Those of you who see the "Big Picture", take heart...
Not that we can do anything about it, but aint it nice to know..
That you know????
Theres 10,000 more people who know the truth,
and arent gonna do a f`n thing about it
Deek Jackson, on his first video reaching 10,000 hits....
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