Difficulty with Puppy Unleashed (solved - not a bug)

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Difficulty with Puppy Unleashed (solved - not a bug)

#1 Post by glassparrot »

After having a lengthy discussion over at the beginner's forum, I am convinced that there is a serious bug in "Puppy Unleashed." I simply haven't been able to get it to work at all. I have tried both puppy-unleashed-core-4.1.1.tar.gz, and puppy-unleashed-core-4.00.tar.gz. No matter how many packages I add from the left hand column in the gui, I still get a CD which has only 22 megabytes worth of Puppy files on it. The process seems to go awry when it attempts to build a file tree in rootfs-complete. I find absolutely nothing in that folder, after receiving these messages:

Code: Select all

Now building rootfs-complete, a directory with the complete Puppy filesystem... 
Updating packages.txt from /tmp/packagesfnd.txt, renamed old packages.txt. 
./createpuppy: line 440: [: too many arguments 
./createpuppy: line 440: [: too many arguments 
./createpuppy: line 440: [: too many arguments 
./createpuppy: line 440: [: too many arguments 
./createpuppy: line 440: [: too many arguments 
./createpuppy: line 440: [: too many arguments 
./createpuppy: line 440: [: too many arguments 
./createpuppy: line 440: [: too many arguments 
./createpuppy: line 440: [: too many arguments 

Generating vertical Puppy menu logo for Fvwm in 
cat: ./splash-images/blank130x24.ppm: No such file or directory 
./createpuppy: line 539: ./splash-images/ppmlabel: No such file or directory 
pnmrotate: Error reading magic number from Netpbm image stream.  Most often, this means your input file is empty. 
ppmtoxpm: Error reading magic number from Netpbm image stream.  Most often, this means your input file is empty. 
./createpuppy: line 539: ./rootfs-complete/usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps/fvwm-menu.xpm: No such file or directory 

GOOD, the complete root filesystem is now built, in rootfs-complete.

The "too many arguments" errors don't happen every time... but when they do, there is one message for each package which I have asked to be included in the compilation.
Last edited by glassparrot on Wed 03 Dec 2008, 10:03, edited 2 times in total.
John Doe
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#2 Post by John Doe »

Is the partition you are running unleashed on formatted ext2 or ext3 and not something else?
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#3 Post by glassparrot »

It is ext2.
John Doe
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#4 Post by John Doe »

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#5 Post by amigo »

Can you post that line 440, plus a few lines above and below that from the createpuppy script. Sounds like a syntax error.
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#6 Post by BarryK »

After expanding Puppy Unleashed core, make sure that you have downloaded all the packages listed in puppy-unleashed/packages.txt, into puppy-unleashed/packages.

There is a utility to expand the pet packages:
# ./expandtarballs.sh

When you run createpuppy:
# ./createpuppy
do it first just accepting all the defaults, that is, press ENTER
key at all questions.

It works.
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#7 Post by dinky »

4.1.1 definitely works from unleashed, Ripple is built from it, as are other pupplets I'm sure. Had trouble at firs tuntil I realised everytimme I ran the ./createpuppy script it needed to be in a fresh untar of the unleashed core package... keep trying... make sure it's 'fresh' each time, and check your md5sum.
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#8 Post by glassparrot »

Bingo Barry... that was exactly it!

I had somehow overlooked that vivid red text in your Puppy Unleashed tutorial, and I hadn't run the expandtarballs script. Someday if you have a free hour or so, could you revise the instruction page? One of the reasons I think I felt hesitant and I ended up brushing over it when I was learning how to do this, is that many of the things weren't applicable anymore. The reference to usercram.fs, and the two sets of instructions for tar.gz packages as compared to .pet packages could be reworked. For a person who's brand new to using the tool, things aren't in focus yet - and it's somewhat difficult to discern the steps, if it's roughly written like that. It wouldn't take long to set that page straight, would it? Halfway through this project, I actually wrongly concluded that the greyed out packages in the left column of the gui were suggestions as to what you should add to the right column. Oye!

Yay... now I have symmetric multiprocessing along with my compiz and my high screen resolution!

You're a saint, Barry.

Cheers, mate :wink:
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#9 Post by eastler_dart »

Hello all,

first sorry for my poor english, thanks.

I had the same problem, but then extract the tarballs an all goes well.

After a time, i deleted some old packages for get better overview.
Now, there are greyed entries, when I had to select packages.
First thought was, the greyed entries are the lines to the deleted packages, but this wasn't right!

When one package is missing, the line to that was disabled/greyed, but some others are also greyed, and the package is there !
So I had to open package.txt in a text-editor and delete the lines of the really missing packages. The other greyed lines (packages to the lines are in the direktory) I had to change:
---the word unavailable is to be edit to off (not to include) or to on (to include)
After restart createpuppy, all went well, until I recognize, that while running createpuppy, there are some errors like:
. / createpuppy: line ?440? too many arguments
Because this error occours two or three times, the first thought was, this error is in a loop of the script. And it was.
I opened the script createpuppy and found the loop, starting in line 435 with this:

Code: Select all

rm -rf devx-extra #v3.98
mkdir devx-extra  #v3.98


  PKGNAMEONLY="`grep "$VVPATTERN" packages.txt | cut -f 4 -d '"' | cut -f 1 -d ' '`" #'geany
  [ "`echo -n "$PKGNAMEONLY" | grep ':'`" != "" ] && PKGNAMEONLY="`echo -n "$PKGNAMEONLY" | cut -f 1 -d '-'`"
  [ -d packages-k${USEKERNEL} ] && SUBSTPKG="`ls -1 packages-k${USEKERNEL} | grep "$PKGNAMEONLY"`"
in this loop I insert the line

Code: Select all

echo -n " |working on package $ONEPKG| "   ##### show every packagename, so that on errors the package is there
direktly between DO and SUBSTPKG=""
so that it looks like:

Code: Select all

rm -rf devx-extra #v3.98
mkdir devx-extra  #v3.98

   echo -n " |working on package $ONEPKG| "   ##### show every packagename, so that on errors the package is there

  PKGNAMEONLY="`grep "$VVPATTERN" packages.txt | cut -f 4 -d '"' | cut -f 1 -d ' '`" #'geany
  [ "`echo -n "$PKGNAMEONLY" | grep ':'`" != "" ] && PKGNAMEONLY="`echo -n "$PKGNAMEONLY" | cut -f 1 -d '-'`"
  [ -d packages-k${USEKERNEL} ] && SUBSTPKG="`ls -1 packages-k${USEKERNEL} | grep "$PKGNAMEONLY"`"
From now on, every time, I run createpuppy, i see all the package-names while building the puppy, and if an error occours, it stands behind the packagename. With this it is easy to have a look, if this package is OK or, maybe, missing.

Hope this helps someone

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