Extras for Puppy 4.1 alpha5

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Posts: 94
Joined: Tue 01 Jul 2008, 05:30

Re: thanks for qc-usb driver for k2.6.25.16!

#41 Post by kuapao »

kuapao wrote:
tempestuous wrote:OK, your webcam device 046d 0840 definitely requires the qc-usb driver.
I just compiled it for Puppy 4.1.x here
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 590#251590
Thank you! Will install it week after next (am on vacation).
Thanks, tempestuous. I installed it today without problems. It detected my webcam just fine. My next task is to search for tips on fixing the pixelated image (as seen from skype's Test function)...
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