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#221 Post by droope »

I have added "Localizing Puppy's scripts in order to provide better support for sectors of the comunity willing to translate puppy fully to it's language." to the wish list.

I think if someone could take over this, it would make the difference. I s'pose there are more important things to do, but let's not deny the importance of being able to give the foreing community (oh yes, we are among you :o :P ) puppy in their own languaje (Or at least, the possibility to translate without losing changes every version-change). For some people, not being able to use their OS in their language is the main reason why they won't use puppy.

It is important to release the localized scripts in a main release because it is crucial, that once localized, everyone works on those localized scripts, so as not to lose localization (as what happened to mu's localized scripts).

I, in fact do not need a translated version of puppy. It's just that I feel that I have recieved so much from puppy that I have to give back what I can. But I won't translate puppy now,as I know that there are 2 versions upcoming.

Hope someone picks it up from the wish list and takes it to the done list!. I compromise to translating scripts that are localized to spanish and adding them to my pet.

Many cheers,
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#222 Post by Aitch »


I've often posted requests for full internationalisation

To me it's one of what could be puppy's strong points, as we have so much of the globe covered already

Just some devs keep forgetting :oops:

Keep pushing it, please :wink:

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#223 Post by Pizzasgood »

I don't remember if I mentioned this for 4.2 yet, but I modified Puppy 3.xx so that USB installs would have a boot screen like the live-cd has. That way they can boot with pfix=ram and what-not.

I can redo this for 4.2 if everybody's okay with it.


EDIT: @ttuuxxx: My point was that it's not something to call Glipper dumb over, because it wasn't even Glipper's fault. Glipper is an innocent, in that respect anyways, and doesn't deserve that abuse.
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#224 Post by disciple »

I'm not familiar with the boot screen - does it actually tell you what options there are?
And can it be bypassed with a grub option or something?
Do you know a good gtkdialog program? Please post a link here

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#225 Post by disciple »

BTW does anyone know why Puppy's main help page has a "Keyboard shortcuts for International characters" link, which takes you to a page of shortcuts that don't even work?
Do you know a good gtkdialog program? Please post a link here

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#226 Post by ttuuxxx »

Ok guys this is really getting extened,
Pizzagood: Glipper is a program, not a human, you can't abuse a prorgram by calling it names :wink:
Disciple: when glipper doesn't post the last thing I select, its because its not working properly, the nexttime I'm using I'll write down what I'm doing and you can try it, its not that I didn't try the middle button, or ctr+V or shift+insert keys, Usually I try all 3 when its not pasting, first copy then try the first command, then copy again and try the second, and copy it again and try the third.
I haven't been using glipper since I found Parcellite about 1.5 weeks ago and I haven't been disapointed yet, Plus i'm not using the autocutsel package either, it just works very nicely.
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#227 Post by disciple »

Yes, well I never could figure out why you thought you needed autocutsel :)
Glipper is a program, not a human, you can't abuse a prorgram by calling it names
I wasn't that concerned about you abusing a program, just about you continually repeating inaccurate and misdirected complaints/arguments/whatever.

e.g. because your complaint about having to turn glipper on has nothing to do with glipper itself, it will apply equally to parcellite. Whoever makes Puppy will have to decide whether to turn parcellite on by default (Barry would turn it off for the sake of people with older PCs, and you would still complain, or someone else might turn it on by default, and other people will complain, because parcellite uses just as much ram as glipper).

FWIW glipper is smaller and I prefer the way it displays the list for some reason, but I'd personally be happy with either of them.[/i]
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#228 Post by droope »

Aitch wrote:droope

I've often posted requests for full internationalisation

To me it's one of what could be puppy's strong points, as we have so much of the globe covered already

Just some devs keep forgetting :oops:

Keep pushing it, please :wink:

Aitch :)
@Aitch, I agree, internationalization is an important matter for puppy. I think that internaliozations are available in other distros and puppy should not be left behind.

I don't know if it is important for puppy itself, but it is very important for a few blokes that need puppy in their languaje in order to learn linux/computing.

I can think of a puppylinux.org website that offers translation to many languajes in form of .pets!

How nice would that be! One click to have your whole OS translated :)

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#229 Post by Aitch »

I can think of a puppylinux.org website that offers translation to many languajes in form of .pets!

How nice would that be! One click to have your whole OS translated :)
What a great Idea - any takers?

Lobster, maybe, can publicise it, in his inimitable style :wink: ?

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#230 Post by Pizzasgood »

I'm not familiar with the boot screen - does it actually tell you what options there are?
And can it be bypassed with a grub option or something?
It has a 5 second timeout before it starts booting normally, but that can be adjusted. If you press a key it waits until you press [Enter].

Passing it with grub isn't an issue because it wouldn't appear if you use grub. Right now it only appears when using Isolinux, which means only from CD. What I'm proposing is to add it to installations using syslinux and extlinux, which means USB drives. Isolinux and extlinux are just alternate versions of the syslinux boot loader, so this is simple to do.

Grub itself is a boot loader, so you would use one or the other, not both.

But if you use USB and thus would be affected by this, you can disable it by just editing the syslinux.conf file, which is where this would be defined (analogous to the isolinux.cfg file on the CD, and similar to menu.lst in grub).

As for what it shows, here is the text from 4.1.1(minus the coloring):

Code: Select all

Puppy Linux 4.1.1

Just wait 5 seconds for normal startup!

Or, if you need particular boot options, type puppy then a space,
then each boot option. Some boot options:

acpi=off     Default on for PCs >2001, may give boot/shutdown probs.
loglevel=<n> Bootup verbosity. 7 is high verbosity for debugging.
pfix=ram     Run Puppy totally in RAM ignore saved sessions,
pfix=<n>     number of saved sessions to ignore (multisession-CD),
pfix=nox     commandline only, do not start X,
pfix=copy    copy pup_xxx.sfs to RAM (slower boot, faster running),
pfix=fsck    do filesystem check on pup_save (and host part. if ext2),
pfix=clean   file cleanup (simulate version upgrade),
pfix=purge   more radical file cleanup (to fix broken system),
pfix=rdsh    for developers only (initramfs shell).

puppy acpi=off pfix=2    Ignore ACPI, blacklist last 2 saved sessions.
puppy pfix=nox,ram       Run in RAM, do not start X.
Pizzagood: Glipper is a program, not a human, you can't abuse a prorgram by calling it names ;)
Maybe not (most of the time anyways), but its developers have feelings. They aren't the ones who did this thing you call dumb, Barry was, as you can see by reading the header in /usr/local/bin/glipper_shell.

Wouldn't you be perturbed if somebody started calling Puppy stupid because of something I did in Pizzapup?
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#231 Post by droope »

I think someone is a little touchy today.
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#232 Post by esmourguit »

I don't know if it is important for puppy itself, but it is very important for a few blokes that need puppy in their languaje in order to learn linux/computing.

I can think of a puppylinux.org website that offers translation to many languajes in form of .pets!

How nice would that be! One click to have your whole OS translated
Here is a french localized pet for Puppy 4.1.

Cordialement ;)
[url=http://moulinier.net/][color=blue][b]Toutou Linux[/b][/color][/url] - [url=http://toutoulinux.free.fr/pet.php][color=blue][b]Paquets français[/b][/color][/url]
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#233 Post by Aitch »

Merci, esmourguit

Here is the post with list of packages, (maybe from toutou linux?)


Anymore language .pets gratefully received

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#234 Post by droope »

"Puppy en español" for Aitch ;)


¿How about a wiki page to get started?
I'll contact a guy who is making a greek linux, and see if he would do a .pet file with all his translations.
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#235 Post by HairyWill »

jcoder24 wrote:It would be nice to have a utility that allows you to easily modify some of the (default) handlers. For example changing video files from opening in gxine to opening in mplayer or vlc.
You can achieve this fairly easily by:
right clicking on a file and selecting "Customise Menu.." this opens a window of the registered handlers for this file type
now right click on the file and select "Set Run Action..." this pops up a box including a drop zone for the new default handler
now drag one of the registered handlers to the default handler drop zone

BTW the config switch to ensure that the file menu is shown in the top level after a right click is in
/root/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/ROX-Filer/Options and the relevant line is
<Option name="menu_quick">1</Option>
The existing geany pet has this option set to 0. I personally think it would add something to puppy's usability if the pet was repackaged with this option turned on.
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#236 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hi guys I've had an issue with puppy and tar.bz2 files for sometime, XArchive is really slow with the extraction of these files when they are large, like firefox sources can take a heck of a long time to open.
So I went on a hunt to find a solution, I found that in a command line if you typed
tar yxf filename.tar.bz2
it will start extracting immediately and finished within seconds not like 5-10mins. So this brings me to the idea maybe its time to build a script for extraction these files or change compression programs, I don't know, but the way it sits with tar.bz2 files, it looks like a very popular format.. Well Its an idea anyways, here's some helpful command lines I found :wink:

To uncompress the files (or to get the files out of a tarball), you can use the following commands:
tar xvf filename.tar

If the tarball has also been gzipped (compressed), you can use the following command:
tar xvfz filename.tar.gz

If you only want certain directories from the tarball, do this:
tar xvzf filename.tar.gz */dir.you.want/*

If you have a .tar.bz2 file, then you need bzip2 installed (/usr/ports/archivers/bzip2), and you issue this command:
tar yxf filename.tar.bz2


Oh by the way I just used the timer stop watch and it was 16 mins and still going to open the Firefox sources which is 35MB tar.bz2 with XArchive and 132MB extracted, but like I said doing it via command line was instant to build the directory and around 10 seconds finished extraction.

also Peazip is very fast also, not as fast as command line, but under a minute. Too bad its so large, but the developer is puppy friendly maybe he could work something out? or maybe one of our skilled developers might have a play with this issue.
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#237 Post by Aitch »

Try 7zip for linux, ttuuxxx


It's very quick in windoze, and launches by rt clicking on a zipped file

Be interested in a speed comparison as above :wink:

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#238 Post by ttuuxxx »

Aitch wrote:Try 7zip for linux, ttuuxxx


It's very quick in windoze, and launches by rt clicking on a zipped file

Be interested in a speed comparison as above :wink:

Aitch :)
I've used 7Zip in windows, but the default 7zip for linux is command line, I'm looking for a gui, Plus i found a Gui for 7zip but it needed Python stuff, so thats still a no go.
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#239 Post by Aitch »

try this ttuuxxx


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#240 Post by SirDuncan »

ttuuxxx wrote:I've used 7Zip in windows, but the default 7zip for linux is command line, I'm looking for a gui, Plus i found a Gui for 7zip but it needed Python stuff, so thats still a no go.
What about Peazip? I seem to remember it being a bit larger, but it's my archiver of choice when I have to work on Windows machines.
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