Unnamed pupplet (puppy411 kernel- Xorg-7.4 LXDE)

For talk and support relating specifically to Puppy derivatives
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#21 Post by Jim1911 »


Another incredible derivative from you. Great start for a fine little derivative that has hugh potential as is, but especially as an up-to-date core for user added applications.

Your basic derivative worked fine with my Dell Dimension 8250, Pent 4 at 2.40Ghz, 1.5GB ram, 128 MB ATI Radeon 9700 Pro graphics card, and Soundblaster Live audio except for the audio. The ALSA sound wizard opens a console and closes immediately.

Then I started making additions which all worked properly. Firepup, aMSN, and Gslapt pets, then using Gslapt installed Thunderbird. Next I converted the save file from 2fs to 3fs.

Since you had already set up haldaemon, I tried KDE 3.5.8 and 3.5.10 sfs and gnome2.20.sfs all along with Openoffice3.sfs. KDE 3.5.8 worked properly, KDE 3.5.10 mounted properly and applications seemed to work properly but would not boot into the KDE interface. Your Gnome worked properly except for the applets at bootup which failed to load.

Thanks again for your superb work,
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#22 Post by wow »

@prit1: I haven't compiled extra drivers yet, because I don't need them. I'll make a .pet later.

@aragon: Multicore? yes. tickless idle? Can't remember :lol: look at /etc/modules/DOTconfig-k2.6.27.5 for more info.

@people complaining about dillo: You can use this SFS by "Wolf Pup": [Firefox 3.03 with Java and Flash ] or install seamonkey again with petget :wink:

@Raffy: LXR? it's not cool enough!! (I was just kidding)

@ttuuxxx: "Your removed xsoldier-1.4 what were you thinking, for the love that is all and" :lol:

@MU: Oops I forgot that ati driver. I'll make an SFS with more xorg and dri drivers as soon as I get some time to compile them. But without the nv driver, xorgwizard configures my xorg.conf file with 19 Device Sections and 19 Monitors !!! My iGPU(GeForce 7050) is not supported.

@Jim1911: Yes this ISO has HAL, DBUS and udev. About your sound card, try to: logout and run 'alsaconf' again. I'm testing that gnome.sfs too, don't know why the clock applet failed to load, if you want to try epiphany first install 'flash' and 'firefox' from petget (puppy4 repo) also install xine lib for Totem.
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#23 Post by wow »

I forgot to add LXLauncher to the autostart list.

If you would like to test lxlauncher please paste this code in any terminal window:

Code: Select all

cat > ~/.config/autostart/lxlauncher.desktop << "EOF"
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Open source clone of Asus launcher

Now run 'lxsession-edit', disable Conky from the list and logout:


Sometimes conky shows the background image incorrectly, to fix it copy and paste these lines in a terminal window:

Code: Select all

cat > ~/my-applications/bin/restart-lxde.sh << "EOF"
killall pcmanfm
killall lxpanel
pcmanfm > /dev/null &
sleep 1
lxpanel --profile LXDE > /dev/null &

chmod +x ~/my-applications/bin/restart-lxde.sh

Now press Alt+F2 to launch the run dialog and type restart-lxde.sh


Osmo requires libnotify [download here]
Alsamixer can't be started from menu
Do not ever launch alsaconf(Alsa sound wizard) if X is running.
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#24 Post by bezeen »

Your puppy could be THE PUPPY everyone looking up on;


I cant remember much from my history class (or Gladiator - but LEX a do remember...)

Your puppy isn't a new colosseum but its good. (LXDE = LEX, a think its okej but not spot on)

thx for a good puplet
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#25 Post by bezeen »

as my remark on gladiator suggest - you should work a little more on multimedia. Codecs or a really god player...
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#26 Post by 37fleetwood »

very cool! I looked at lxde when I was considering my first puplet. way over my heat at this time, but the best way to learn to swim is to be thrown in! (also the best way to drown) the greatest thing about Puppy is the guys like you who do things just to see them done. to many Icewm would be just fine with no need to try something new. I love trying all the different flavours of Linux and you guys are the best. I also looked at EDE here:
and Étoilé here:
I like EDE as it looks to be a very retro win95 looking desktop and may be great for "new-to-Linux" types such as myself. (I still miss Windows 95c). have you considered making a puplet using it? anyway LXDE looks great, thanks for making great stuff for us to try out!
Scott 8)
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#27 Post by wow »

http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_177.82.html wrote: Linux Display Driver - x86

Version: 177.82
Operating System: Linux x86
Release Date: November 12, 2008
For GeForce 6 and newer

[nvidia-177.82-k2.6.27.5.pet] [filefront.com]
[nvidia-177.82-k2.6.27.5.pet] [puppyisos.org]
Last edited by wow on Mon 15 Dec 2008, 21:30, edited 1 time in total.
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#28 Post by magerlab »

really good gifts for New Year!
So many nice pupplets for any taste!
even for those who want a freshest kernel and "lightgnome" feel
surprisingly pcmanfm can mount drives and correctly shows russian file names on vfat ( i hacked pmount before :D )

what mediaplayer acts best with xcompmgr?
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yipee my lcd works

#29 Post by zygo »

Wow wow! :D :D :D

Unnamed is the first Linux to display on my LCD monitor properly. Thanks very much.

Actually, I haven't tried many Linuxes but I did struggle with Xorg and Puppy 4.0 for a while. I read a webpage that baically said give up if you have an LCD which isn't 96 dpi but I knew other LCDs had worked. Could they all be precisely 96 dpi?

I have an acer X193W 1440x900 and an intel 82946 card in my newer acer pc. My other pc's monitor is a CRT which is getting more blurred by the day. Without getting the LCD working the demise of the CRT would have mean't the end of Linux for me unless I could have bought a new CRT.

It's also the first time that Xorg has worked for me on LCD or CRT - the latter with 2 cards. No conincidence I know. I'd like to get it working on the official Puppy 4 series. It's not just a matter of compiling Xorg 7.4 is it?

Anyway, I tested Unnamed only briefly:
Nice that it comes with cdp. Mmm no sound from the cd so I clicked the alsa wizard from the menu; a box flashed up and the panel at the top disappeared. However it runs from the command line. Still no cd sound. I know; acer will have skimped on the 20 pence audio cable. I have spares so I open it up.. It turns out they've skimped on the 20 pence audio socket on the dvd drive. Progress.
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#30 Post by Schism »

This is one of my favorites. Though there are a few problems. I like it. Thank You!
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#31 Post by MU »

wow has uploaded two more sfs, mesa 7.2 and xinput apps.
He will anounce it on his own, mwith more info I think, I just want to let you know, that the files are already there.
So if you have a graficscard that has no 3D accelleration in the main iso itself, try the mesa sfs.
http://puppyisos.org/isos/2008-07-to-12 ... .5/iso-01/
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#32 Post by magerlab »

i have problems with keyboard keys recognition
first, arrows do not work at all
and when i add ru keyboard layout it stays only until the next X restart and i have to run keyboard wizard again
also the boot time is a bit slow due to kernel event manager
whatis it for? and is it possible to skip it or load it after x loaded?
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#33 Post by eightbitz »

Any news on adding the wireless drivers?
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#34 Post by wow »

More SFS's (you can found the package list and configure options in <sfs file> /usr/doc/<sfs filename>.txt)
  • SOLVED: [read more] reported by MU and confirmed by me:xorgwizard resulted in a black screen when I chose "xorg" So, don't load these SFS files with Bootmanager, please only copy the files you need from them (double click on a .sfs file browse and copy drivers to the filesystem) I'll convert these sfs to .pet soon to avoid this problem.
Last edited by wow on Mon 05 Jan 2009, 01:42, edited 5 times in total.
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#35 Post by wow »

magerlab wrote:surprisingly pcmanfm can mount drives and correctly shows russian file names on vfat
ROX-Filer should have no problems with filenames in vfat too :)
zygo wrote:It's not just a matter of compiling Xorg 7.4 is it?
Installing a new intel driver on Puppy-4.xx could fix it. Sometimes those xorg video modules requires to update even more libs.

@magerlab: About the boot time... I added 3 service scripts (for: hal 0.5.11, dbus-1.2.3 and udev-1.30) to the rc.sysinit file, I compiled Xorg with HAL enabled for xinput hotplug (try to add/remove/swap keyboard, mouse, or any other input device while X is running and it will be autodetected and autoconfigured) PCmanfm uses hal and udev(kernel event manager) to mount and unmount devices.
You said that arrow keys doesn't work at all? it happens any time or only with certain apps? Please tell me more.

@eightbitz : I'm downloading ndiswrapper-1.53 right now and will try to make a pet later.
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#36 Post by wow »

For the people asking for desktop icons, copy and paste these commands in a terminal window.

Code: Select all

mkdir ~/Desktop
cp /usr/share/applications/Wizard-Wizard.desktop ~/Desktop
cp /usr/share/applications/Resize-personal-storage-file.desktop ~/Desktop
cp /usr/share/applications/Puppy-universal-installer.desktop ~/Desktop
cp /usr/share/applications/petget.desktop ~/Desktop
cp /usr/share/applications/pprocess.desktop ~/Desktop
cp /usr/share/applications/obconf.desktop ~/Desktop
cp /usr/share/applications/Network-Wizard.desktop ~/Desktop
cp /usr/share/applications/lxrandr.desktop ~/Desktop
cp /usr/share/applications/lxsession-edit.desktop ~/Desktop
cp /usr/share/applications/Chooselocale-country-localisation.desktop ~/Desktop
cp /usr/share/applications/BootManager-configure-bootup.desktop ~/Desktop
cp /usr/share/applications/lxappearance.desktop ~/Desktop
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#37 Post by iscraigh »

How can I stop lxpanel running and use fbpanel (it has auto hide). I have installed fbpanel and can killall lxpanel and run fbpanel but I would like to have fbpanel startup automatically.


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#38 Post by MU »

the desktop is run in /usr/bin/startlxde.
You could edit it, e.g. replace lxsession with fbpanel.

I had more time to check the iso out.
Installed the new xorg/mesa sfs.

Edited xorg.conf from "vesa" to "ati".
Now my desktop started with 1680x1050 pixel, and 3D is accellerated.
Unfortuntely Xorg 7.4 did not solve the crashes of my Radeon 9250 with DRI enabled, I think it is a hardware-defect/conflict.
Oh, and with this resolution, shadows are very slow again, so I had to "killall xcompmgr" to stop them.

Then I replaced again the Radeon with my Nvidia geforce2.
Edited xorg.conf to "nv".
Now I have stable and fast X, but no 3D, the nv driver supports no 3D accelleration.

Note: in both cases, xorgwizard resulted in a black screen when I chose "xorg".
I have not checked yet, if this is due to the mesa/xorg sfs, or to the devx sfs I also activated (that from Puppy 411).
So I edited xorg.conf by hand with mp.

I then tried to compile NVIDIA-Linux-x86-71.86.06-pkg1.run with this patch for 2.6.27:
nvidia-71.86.06-2.6.27.patch.txt (11.1 KB)

I extracted from Kernel.org linux-
For a first test, without Puppy patches.
But got this error:
# modprobe nvidia
FATAL: Error inserting nvidia (/lib/modules/ Invalid module format
I then applied the patches described by wow here:

But I still get the same error.
So it seems, there has something that changed with the Kernel, an different patch?
Tomorrow I'll continue to compile the whole Kernel.

I created an archive with the patches I used.
It includes a very detailed instruction, how I patched the Kernel.

We should continue the Kernel-related stuff in that thread, there you also can download the patches:
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 097#258097

oh yes, with Opera and Muppy-Filer/Quickmount I really enjoy this puplet :)
Time to build some own SFS files soon.

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#39 Post by MU »

I think I sorted out how to compile a nvidia kernelmodule without running the installer.

http://dotpups.de/diverse-tgz/nvidia-ke ... .86.06.tgz

Extract it in /root/
Backup your own nvidia-module, /lib/modules/

Then type:
cd /root/nvidia-kernelmodule-71.86.06/nv

Then please zip and attach the resulting

Then restore your backupped module.

If that works, we could easily compile new nvidia kernelmodules for the existing pets.
Thanks, Mark
Last edited by MU on Tue 16 Dec 2008, 12:52, edited 1 time in total.
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#40 Post by MU »

Also added:
http://dotpups.de/diverse-tgz/nvidia-ke ... .14.19.tgz
patched for 2.6.27, see:
http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthr ... ?p=1819350
nvidia-drivers-100.14.19-kernel-2.6.25+26+27-compat.txt (54.4 KB)

http://dotpups.de/diverse-tgz/nvidia-ke ... 177.82.tgz
This compiles without a patch.

The matching Nvidia pets can be found here:
So we just need to compile the modules now with a working kernelsource.

And I made a small pet that adds freememapplet-tray to /root/Startup.
So you can see the free diskspace in the panel.
I attach it.

(8.49 KiB) Downloaded 712 times
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