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#121 Post by puppyluvr »

I'm all for a trip to the Hague for G.W. and his brown shirts,
This is what makes me laugh, (No offense Scott), is the minimalization of it...
G.W.....LOL...Taking out George W would be like shooting a private and thinking you had killed the whole army...
Think right after the first "World War" and probably much further back..
Think the "Matrix" with people as the bad guys...
This started with, or before, G.W.`s Grandfather and his accomplices, including
some Rothchilds, a man named George Herbert Walker, (the Namesake), and the founders of the "Fed"..and God only knows who...
The change of an Administration is the change of a "shirt"...
"Beauty is only skin deep"
Yes, but Evil goes all the way to the "Skull and Bones" LOL...
I crack me up....
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#122 Post by Aitch »

me too :lol: :lol:

like you say, maybe even further back


see here ... g.jpg.html

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#123 Post by 37fleetwood »

well, as a christian guy I think you could go back to a certain garden but I won't bore you with that. I will however point you to a place called Jekyll island and a meeting there In November of 1910. also look to see who some of the charter members of the Carlyle Group are. but those really are conspiracy theories!
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#124 Post by urban soul »

a) the term reparations pulls the discussion in a missleading direction. Nobody in the forum, no politician, no one I know talks about such nonsense.

b) The Hague is important. Cynicism is missplaced. Not the army or individuals are responsible. Read the articles of Lifton and Zimbardo ('Stanford prison experiment') to get an introduction to artrocity producing situations. In the case of Guantanamo these situations were forced by politicians up to the highest levels. Read the FBI documents.
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#125 Post by PaulBx1 »

Reparations are always imposed by winners on losers; it is irrelevant which side was the "bad guys". Another word for it is "plunder". So maybe it is the wrong term.

I'm all for trials for Bush, Cheney et. al. and I don't care if they were just foot soldiers (Cheney wasn't). But we all know that's not going to happen. The world doesn't work that way.
now that we've made it so they can't defend themselves we can't pull out without a civil war
:roll: Yes, this sounds like that old chestnut from the Viet Nam war, "We have to destroy the village in order to save it." I can't believe people are snookered by this propaganda that the chattering classes put out. If they want a civil war, let them have it. It's not like the job of the US is stopping civil wars around the world. And let Israel look out for herself. I guess I don't find convincing the argument that we now have to support Israel because she might drag other countries into a nuclear war. If true (and I don't think Israelis are that stupid), that's a perfect reason not to support Israel. Don't forget, WWI started with some piddling political assassination in Sarajevo; it was only a whole mass of idiotic alliances that turned it into a full-scale conflagration.
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#126 Post by 37fleetwood »

PaulBx1 wrote:Reparations are always imposed by winners on losers; it is irrelevant which side was the "bad guys". Another word for it is "plunder". So maybe it is the wrong term.

I'm all for trials for Bush, Cheney et. al. and I don't care if they were just foot soldiers (Cheney wasn't). But we all know that's not going to happen. The world doesn't work that way.
now that we've made it so they can't defend themselves we can't pull out without a civil war
:roll: Yes, this sounds like that old chestnut from the Viet Nam war, "We have to destroy the village in order to save it." I can't believe people are snookered by this propaganda that the chattering classes put out. If they want a civil war, let them have it. It's not like the job of the US is stopping civil wars around the world. And let Israel look out for herself. I guess I don't find convincing the argument that we now have to support Israel because she might drag other countries into a nuclear war. If true (and I don't think Israelis are that stupid), that's a perfect reason not to support Israel. Don't forget, WWI started with some piddling political assassination in Sarajevo; it was only a whole mass of idiotic alliances that turned it into a full-scale conflagration.
You get me wrong, I'm not for the war in Iraq, I'm totally against it, but I do realize that answers aren't so simple as you make them. if you were in charge you'd pull out and after creating the situation leave it to them to solve? and when it explodes you'd say, oh well? and when Europe and Russia get involved because of the oil, you say it's not our problem, and invoke the Monroe Doctrine, and when the trains stop moving here and the food stops coming and the children stop eating you wonder why.
so as you seem to understand at least some of the dynamics of the start of WWI you would rather let it happen again than stay in Iraq until it stabilizes. how about another plan, first we stay in Iraq, but now we work toward getting the machine going over there instead or raping their resources for American big businesses, second we stop being the weak, limp wristed, liberal, politically correct people we are being taught to be and become the American people again who does what must be done and doesn't apologize so much. we need to address the fact that there are countries and governments that are working for our i'll. I'm not talking about terrorists. lets start with our own government, why don't we demand real change! trust me Obama isn't that change, he's simply brand blue.
Oh, and by the way,one of the main reasons for the start of WWI was the crumbling of the Ottoman empire and the greedy European nations like Jackals not waiting til it was dead to start carving it up. why do you think the Austrians were even in Sarajevo? sound familiar? trust me even if we decide to pull out of the middle east, the rest of the world will arm wrestle over it, Russia has already made their deal with Iran.
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#127 Post by Aitch »

Sadly, Scott, I think you are right

However for me the problem is far bigger than even your analysis

It's a question of Agenda, IMHO

He who rules Agenda, rules the roost, & in Capitalist terms, that means Contracts, forcibly [armed] enforced, rather than through Court [unarmed, & legal] process

We are all taught we have to live by 'rules' 'codes of conduct' etc, yet we are constantly offered a choice of 'government' with no such proviso, or Contract

If governments were held to be in breach of contract for all that they claim right of election on, then there would be a legal redress, & right of removal from office

Our present Hague War Crimes 'against humanity' trials, are far too manipulated, to be really 'against humanity, globally' trials

I have often said to people that the term 'Office' is like a chair
When the elected or appointed person is 'in office', they are legally bound by the definition of powers given to that office - AND NO MORE
If they step off the chair, whatever is done, is ILLEGAL, WAR included

[and that includes War Crimes Judges, sad but true]

That's where the con is played, time & again, because people become fixated on the person, not the office, especially Prime Ministers/Presidents/etc, ~~Leaders~~
(Up the garden path, springs to mind :wink: )

If you want real change - change the definition of the 'office'

Just as you would change an uncomfortable chair, - you see?

The present 'middle east situation' is a play out of an incomplete past agenda, that's all, & until the middle east writes a new one, puppetry occurs - and that's where contracts come in.....

The bindings of office affect us all, in every contract we enter, whether with government or simply, each other, and whether you realise it or not

Any decent Legal Treaty shows only the INTENT of man, in his hour of despair, when everyone has TRULY.....

HAD ENOUGH BS, & seen enough death & destruction, to make them sick of it

For a different take on Agenda, see my oft quoted Ian Lungold videos, [check all parts, for the full picture!]

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#128 Post by 37fleetwood »

I read a great book called "A Peace To End All Peace" which details the middle east problem starting in the 1800's. Also a great book on the start of WWI is titled "Dreadnought" by Robert Massey.
Today sadly kids in America aren't taught history. My nephew thought Herbert Hoover invented the vacuum cleaner! And he had never heard of Richard Nixon. Sadly he was doing well in school, they just don't teach them anything.
Anyway to understand the middle east you have to understand the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the British Mandate. also you must study the collapse of the British Empire and the massive trouble it caused in Africa, Asia, India, and the middle east, problems we're still dealing with today.
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#129 Post by urban soul »

Well, sadly enough, I have to agree with all of you... So here is a principle thought I had in mind for a long time: The question is how in a democracy (given that the majority of people have good will a priori) the will of the people can be respected and how manipulation of the voting people can be prevented.

My answer is: more elements of direct democracy. Unfortunately, there are limits. The more citizens live in a state the more impractical is direct voting. Federalism is part of the solution, but it is weak: reaction time is slower than other models and - worldwide - we need a concentration of power to compete with other non-democracies. BUT TWO THINGS ARE REALISTIC:

1.) Impeachment of politicians must be possible at any time and quickly. Four, five or even six years without a real democratic control? That is way to much time to mess things up. [In Germany Schäuble abuses the time he got to try to counteract the basic law (charter, ger: Grundgesetz).

2.) The use of martial law must be subject to democratic control as well. (Nowadays martial law can be enforced by secret service interventions - theoretically, or - as I believe: practically. Do you really think, hundreds of specialists couldn't stop 10 terrorists in Mumbai? And why was the first reaction - on the first of three days - a political propaganda campaign - rather than taking care about the victims?)


ps.: I am not into conspiracy theories.

The way I look at it is: that terrorist attacks happen is foreseeable by the services. But they don't know exactly where, when and how. So, the plan is, to get the maximum out of the situation. And that means - cynically - to let them do their bloody attacks (even if you could figure out some minutes before what and where, or even encourage them, maybe enforce them eg. by control of the Pakistan ISI) and afterwards pull a predefined plan out of a well locked desk drawer. The propaganda machine rolls, the military inventions roll... At the end you lost something (some peoples lives) but you gained even more: preserval of living standard and political influence in critical regions. Perhaps everybody is happy and you get re-elected?

But there's a little problem with this calculation: this way the (edit:) battle will never end........
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#130 Post by Aitch »

AFAIK every 'terrorist' is a democrat without a listener

Don't we all get upset at being ignored, denied our rights??

How much more so, if you lived under a dictator?? - whether armed or masquerading as a 'democratic leader'

If governments don't listen it is EVERYONE's inalienable right, to ignore them, Forcefully, if necessary, as THEY insist we become 'terrorists' as that is how THEY control everything, or so they believe [It ain't over till.....]

see Ghandiji, as an example - What would happen to him today?

Is there a peaceful solution to violent overthrow of a rogue government??

I am finding it hard to see a success model that hasn't been 'manipulated' into being 'terrorism' & since I am a direct activist, and what I did many years ago is now illegal/likely to get me shot as a terrorist, though ALL my protesting was peaceful!!

Ironically, I am now an antispammer, and many hacker/cracker/spammers think they will destroy governments, as a system, by destroying [LOL] the web

If only they knew....

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#131 Post by 37fleetwood »

Bon Voyage, and smooth sailing!
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#132 Post by darrelljon »

A suicide bomb is a poor man's airforce.
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#133 Post by PaulBx1 »

You get me wrong, I'm not for the war in Iraq, I'm totally against it, but I do realize that answers aren't so simple as you make them.
Why not? Lots of things are actually more simple than people think they are. When the ruling class says, "things are complex", what they are really saying is, "Don't bother your little head about it. We (and our cronies and war profiteers) are the only ones able to solve this situation." Then they never get solved, because it is all a con game.

Sometimes, things actually are simple. In fact, many of the most important things in life are very simple. Such as, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." And, "Tyrants must be killed."
if you were in charge you'd pull out and after creating the situation leave it to them to solve?
That might be a concern if we actually had a solution. We are not the solution; we are the problem. Your position is similar to a man who has just raped a woman, now feeling (perhaps) a little guilty, wanting to brush her off and fix her wounds. All the woman wants is for the bastard to go, but he won't. And even more maddening, he tells her he has to stay to help her out, so he's convinced himself he's being a good guy.
and when it explodes you'd say, oh well? and when Europe and Russia get involved because of the oil, you say it's not our problem, and invoke the Monroe Doctrine, and when the trains stop moving here and the food stops coming and the children stop eating you wonder why.
I see. American children will starve if we stop killing Iraqis. Interesting theory there.

The reality is, the place won't explode. The oil will still flow (whoever has the place will want to sell oil and get money - oil is no good to him sitting in the ground). Please recall, guys like Saddam and Qadaffi kept selling oil to "the great Satan". Even if they refuse selling to us (who can blame them), "oil is fungible". It will be sold to someone. That's all that matters.
so as you seem to understand at least some of the dynamics of the start of WWI you would rather let it happen again than stay in Iraq until it stabilizes.
It will stabilize without us. It won't with us there. Anyway my point was that tying one's country up with other countries in alliances makes no sense, especially for a big, powerful country, because it gains us nothing while increasing the temptation of little allies to do reckless things, knowing we will pull their chestnuts out of the fire if they get in over their head. We don't need Israel for increasing our security. Israel is a nuclear power and with an unbeatable conventional military, so they don't really need us either. We don't need to send them (and Egypt and Jordan :roll: ) piles of taxpayer dollars that we no longer have.

Anyway, we are now playing the role of Austria-Hungary, messing in others countries, and likely to expand the war; so your point supports my position, not yours.
how about another plan, first we stay in Iraq, but now we work toward getting the machine going over there instead or raping their resources for American big businesses
OK, fine. Explain how you are going to accomplish that. (Good luck.)
second we stop being the weak, limp wristed, liberal, politically correct people we are being taught to be and become the American people again who does what must be done and doesn't apologize so much
Actually, the prototypical Americans were people who minded their own business, and didn't mess in other's countries. Unfortunately we caught the "European disease" back around 1898 or so, and decided to get our own little empire.

I'm all for doing "what must be done". I'm just a bit doubtful about war profiteers, imperialists, torturers and know-nothings telling me what must be done.
we need to address the fact that there are countries and governments that are working for our i'll
Hard to blame them. "Turn about is fair play." Or do you expect people to always turn the other cheek, and let us walk all over them? Even so, only pussies worry about terrorists. You're more likely to die by drowning in your bathtub. The real terror, that many Americans have already felt, and the only potential source of terror for the rest of Americans, came from or will come from Washington DC. If you want "homeland security", go buy yourself a battle rifle, and a couple thousand rounds of ammo. Any real American should have something like that anyway, in my opinion.
Oh, and by the way,one of the main reasons for the start of WWI was the crumbling of the Ottoman empire and the greedy European nations like Jackals not waiting til it was dead to start carving it up. why do you think the Austrians were even in Sarajevo? sound familiar?
Yes it does. So your point is, if jackals are going to be carving up the place, it ought to be American jackals? Why?

If you think, maybe, "cheaper oil for all those American gas hogs", the problem with that theory is that the war has been much more expensive for us than any conceivable hike in gas prices caused by some other jackal controlling the place.

@urban soul:
The question is how in a democracy (given that the majority of people have good will a priori) the will of the people can be respected and how manipulation of the voting people can be prevented.
Wrong premise. There is no such thing as a "will of the people". There are only individuals, each of them having a different will. And the people who claim to represent "the will of the people" are just liars, because it is impossible for them to ascertain something that does not exist.

The best thing that could happen to America would be for it to break up into several pieces. Then we would stop inflicting ourselves on the rest of the world, and Washington DC would stop inflicting itself on us.

I expect that will happen pretty soon anyway. We've about wrecked our economy with all the imperialism and socialism.
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#134 Post by vladd44 »

I have to wonder what sort of change $750,000,000 will bring. Whatever it is, I am sure it is not in my interest.

That breaks down to over $11/vote for Obama. A really absurd number when the words of the day are 'fiscal responsibility'.

I waited 8 years for the republicans to get the kick in the teeth they so richly deserve, but the dems had to go and pick the racist. :(

US elections are a sham, as false as N Korea or the old USSR. Just a dog and pony show to keep us entertained while they rape us. Hence this year was the first time in 20 years that I did not vote since I turned 18 over 20 years ago. As a libertarian I could not stomach Bob Barr, and the other third party candidates were less than adequate.

I refuse to vote for someone who represents either the dems or reps, ultimately it seems the biggest differences are what color ties they wear.

It still boggles my mind how weak kneed anglos ravaged by white guilt saw fit to elect a man who hates white people. He spent 20+ years in a church that spewed hatred, gave his time and money, chose to sit his children under such seething racism, and even chose the name of one of his books after a sermon title originating from the Racist Wright himself.

As an agnostic, the words themselves mean little, but the intent is quite clear.......

To quote the racist mentor of Obama.... "no no no, not god bless America, God Damn America!!!!".
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#135 Post by Caneri »

You all need to remember that history is rewritten by the victor or the strongest entity. This being said.....maybe another look at what IS America would be prudent and I wonder who will rewrite this stage of history...hmmm..Israel?...America itself....or Bin Laden.

I'm Canadian but my mom was American so I have a basis and/or a voice I think here....

All I know is that the American people are a great bunch...alas, they seem to fall prey to a 2 year electoral process tainted by special interests...this means there is no possible way for an average US citizen to even know what's going on let alone try to understand the propaganda..and yes it's supposed to be the Russians that were the seems that was not entirely true...go figure.

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#136 Post by 37fleetwood »

in a perfect world, we are our brothers keeper. we should be fair and equitable, and treat others with the respect they deserve.
this being said, the world does not work this way, and it is purely self interest that makes me say we should stay in Iraq until it is stable. I don't live in Utopia like you seem to, I live in California. I'm pretty sure terrorists didn't fly the planes into the World Trade Center, but I did watch middle eastern women dancing in the streets with Joy over it. I saw all sorts of things. I've seen American troops violate the sovereignty of a couple nations that had nothing to do with Sept. 11. I see Iran eagerly awaiting our departure. don't you remember the Iran, Iraq war? what do you think it was over? I see videos on you tube showing Muslim clerics vowing to kill all westerners. I have known a few Muslims, any Muslim who tells you their religion is based on a peaceful struggle within themselves is either a liar or a bad Muslim. have you ever read the Qur’an?
I for one believe we now have a responsibility over there as well as an interest in what the outcome is.
your analogy of a woman who has just been raped may have a hint of truth but what does the repentant rapist do when this is at a party and people are lining up behind him? should he walk away? after doing wrong, is the answer do do more wrong? possibly a bigger wrong? if by leaving, more damage is going to occur, I'm for staying.
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#137 Post by urban soul »

37fleetwood wrote:i'm pretty sure terrorists didn't fly the planes into the World Trade Center...
How about that?!
37fleetwood wrote:but I did watch middle eastern women dancing in the streets with Joy over it.
May be. But you didn't see the demonstration in Tehran which was pro-USA. (but you heard the baby killing lies in the 1991 gulf war). So - making up your mind is no easy job these days...
37fleetwood wrote:any Muslim who tells you their religion is based on a peaceful struggle within themselves is either a liar or a bad Muslim.
That's a leader thing. Same with christian crusades some hundred years ago.
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#138 Post by PaulBx1 »

but I did watch middle eastern women dancing in the streets with Joy over it
Well shame on them! :roll: Surely, that must be an excuse for killing a million or so Iraqis (who knows what the number really is).

It's hard to believe people get worked up over this stuff. I mean, come on, are we really basing our foreign policy on the fact that a bunch of women dance in the streets? This is infantile.

As to Islam, hey, why stop at Iraq or Iran? Let's invade Paskistan, Indonesia and Kazakhstan and Turkey. Oh, I forgot. They have no oil - or not enough to bother with.
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#139 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
We didnt invade Iraq for oil.....
Iraq is where "The Scarlet Whore" is..(Babylon)
Remember, our true leaders are pagans...
Its their "Homeland"...
i'm pretty sure terrorists didn't fly the planes into the World Trade Center...
Actually, they did...But they had a lot of "help" along the way...(scapegoats??)..
But I`ll bet they didnt put the Thermite capsules under the planes belly`s...
Just like, without the column charges, McVey`s truck bomb wouldnt have taken down our Federal Building here....(2 blasts, check the USGS)....
These guys are very thorough...Oh yes, the terrorists flew `em in, (unless they needed assistance from the ground)...LOL...But not without help..(Stand-down, ect...)
If it works to their advantage, they will Sponsor it, Assist it, ect..............
Just not take the blame for it.........
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#140 Post by urban soul »

puppyluvr wrote:We didnt invade Iraq for oil.....
Not only my opinion: Bush invaded Iraq to overcome the oil dependence from Saudi Arabia. (Most of the 911 terrorists including B.Laden came from Saudi Arabia). [see interview with Ahmed Saki Jamani]
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