Unnamed pupplet (puppy411 kernel- Xorg-7.4 LXDE)

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#101 Post by Jim1911 »

Thank you Mark and WOW for working together to create an exceptional distribution. Your latest release is the best yet, relatively stable, and pushing the state of the art.
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New puplet based on wow´s pup

#102 Post by exton »

I just want to say that I have made a new puplet today based on wow´s pup of 68 MB.

I have added some programs/stuff so the ISO-file is much bigger - 221 MB.

You can read about Puppy-Exton LXDE 2009 here: http://www.puppylinux.org/downloads/puplets/puppy-exton-lxde-2009
Last edited by exton on Mon 05 Jan 2009, 18:24, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: oops, should have answer

#103 Post by techtype »

logimax wrote: thanks! Thats a good tip, but I solved it anyway (DL nvidia tar.gz 180.17, fiddled a bit with it and everything is working like a charm)

Now Im off trying to install Tilda, a Quake like Xterm...
Could you possibly share this driver? The driver pet that wow pointed to works for my other nvidia cards but crashes with my 8600.
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#104 Post by MU »

The Nvidia 8800 GTS also crashes with the Nvidia drivers.
The reason is, that nvidias symlink /usr/X11R7/lib/xorg/modules/libwfb.so is incompatible with xorg 7.4 and some cards.
to start X type:

mp /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Code: Select all

driver "nvidia"

Code: Select all

driver "nv"
Now you can start X by typing

Then extract the attached archive in /usr/X11R7/lib/xorg/modules/.
Then modify xorg.conf again to use

Code: Select all

driver "nvidia"
and restart X.

The archive contains wows original Xorg 7.4 libwfb.so.

I also made an updated pet with it included (10 MB):
http://puppyisos.org/isos/2008-07-to-12 ... 800GTS.pet

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#105 Post by techtype »

Thanks again Mark!! That did it alright. javascript:emoticon(':D')
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#106 Post by wow »

More translations:
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BUG: linux-

#107 Post by wow »

Missing files in linux-
  • usr/src/linux-
Copy to /usr/src/linux- and gunzip it.
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#108 Post by logimax »

techtype wrote:Thanks again Mark!! That did it alright. javascript:emoticon(':D')
I would gladly help U, but WoW are soooo fast... I did this...
use linux- and download from nvidia site the drivers, untar.gz, and exit X [CTRL+ALT+Backspace] and then run ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86-180.17-pkg1.run , should nvidia look for kernel drivers (FTP) NO, compiling, should nvidia modify xorg.conf YES. restarted X and presto, all done...
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#109 Post by Jim1911 »

Wow and Mu,

I've been having a great time with your latest release. So far it's worked fine except when I try adding other environments.
1. Gnome 2.20.3 works fine and boots into the gnome desktop except the extra applets won't load and had to be deleted and audio doesn't work.
2. KDE3.5.8 works fine and boots into the kde desktop, also audio doesn't work.
3. Weird problem with KDE 3.5.8 and 3.5.10 when trying to get Bibletime to work using Gslapt. Gslapt installs Bibletime, however, it has missing dependencies. Installing the missingKDE3510libs.pet corrects that problem and Bibletime works perfectly. But upon reboot, the reboot freezes while setting up services at the hardware abstraction layer. The only way out is a hard reboot. After many tries I discovered that this reboot problem is being caused by the missingKDE3510libs.pet. I've attached a listing of the libs that it adds. The missingKDE3510libs.pet has given no problem when used with other distributions such as Ripple, Boxpup, or just basic 4.1.1 or 4.1.2 and it provides the libs necessary to get Bibletime working with the kde sfs files mentioned above.

Thanks again for a fine distribution that has a bright future.

EDIT: I converted the missingKDE3510libs.pet to an sfs file and then rebooted using the new missingKDE3510libs_4B.sfs along with KDE3510_411.sfs (from Mu's muppy 084 files). Then using Gslapt, installed Bibletime. There were no problems upon reboot. Also, I tried to select KDE using the Desktopchooser which did not work. Rebooting to a prompt and typing "xwin startkde" started KDE3510. Two problems were noted, an error message "The application Soundserver (artsd) crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" also on reboot you are taken to a prompt and have to type reboot or poweroff to continue.

Thanks for a great distribution, incidently I now prefer your Openbox+LXpanel+Wbar desktop to my long time favorite KDE desktop.
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#110 Post by MU »

the KDE 3.5.10 requires also the Opera-QT sfs, if you use not my big pup_411.sfs.
Hm, but as the desktopchooser works for you, you must have used the pup_411.sfs... as my icewm_411.sfs was broken.
I will check KDE again in the next days.
Concerning sound I might have to add more libs.
Muppy had a bunch of sound libraries, that I did not sort out yet for ultrapup.
So the missing-kde-libs.pet you mentioned certainly will help to find the required files. Thanks! :)

I updated icewm_411.sfs.
It did not update Puppys systemfiles, so the desktopchooser did not work.
Fixed this, and also a bug with the wallpapersetter:
when you run:
pcmanfm --set-wallpaper xyz.jpg
and then:
pcmanfm any.file
then pcmanfm tries to use any.file as wallpaper!
A heavy bug, you may not be able to restart it then later, unless you set a new valid wallpaper.
So this error occured, when you had set a wallpaper, and afterwards clicked on a file in Muppyfiler to open it using the mime-system of pcmanfm.
The wallpapersetter now restarts pcmanfm, after a wallpaper was set.
This seems to work, but must be observed in the next days.

I also uploaded a selfcompiled Gimp 2.6.4.
I hoped this would fix the bug, that Gimp crashes, if you click on "Filesystem" in the "save as" dialog.
It does not fix it, so you must use instead the symlink /root/Filesystem.

And I uploaded Sylpheed 2.6.0 with GnuPG support.
Also selfcompiled, as two older versions I tried (Puppy 4.1 and Muppy 0084) crash when a messagetitle contains german Umlaute and you clicked on it.
A backtrace indicated incompatibilities with Pango or other libs, that Gtk relies on.
Now compiled with the new devx that wow supplied, it works fine.

And I uploaded wine 1.1.12 (Slackware 10.2), but did not test it very detailed.
At least a small freeware program runs fine with it.

I will upload the new pup_411 with the new gimp and wallpaper patch later as ISO. It takes very long to compress it using the lzma option.

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#111 Post by Jim1911 »


I am using the big pup_411.sfs that you uploaded Sun.

With the default desktop, it is relatively stable. although I have had some problems with the Cairo-dock Configuration Manager ie: added Clipper and now can't remove it, also activated auto-hide and can't deactivate it. Also, I'm not able to drag an application to the Cairo-dock, however, it is simple to add applications manually.

One other comment, what is the purpose of the Christmas tree on the dock and how do you remove it?

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#112 Post by MU »

the tree is a seperator.
Cairodock had set it automatically, as I added it on christmas.

Look for separateur.svg in Personnalisation - Images.
If you remove it, a blank is used.

Deactivating autohide works here.
What does not work for you exactly?
Can't you reach the configuration dialog?
Or does it ignore the autohide checkbox?

A fallback to fix broken settings could be, to edit with leafpad:

e.g. it has this line:

If yours is "true", try to use "false", and start the dock again.

I can drag applications on it, with Muppyfiler.
E.g. /usr/share/applications/abiword.desktop
Just the icon is wrong.
I must right-click it in the dock - Modify this launcher
There, Images name or path, you must add in the end ".png". So it looks like:
In doubt, click on the "edit" button in Muppyfiler, to see the correct iconname in the abiword.desktop file.

I have no idea, why ".png" is removed. Maybe a bug, or maybe because modern desktops often do not use extensions.
E.g. if you have a icon "abiword", then one with the matching size is searched in the active icontheme, like /usr/share/icons/gnome.
The iconthemes in this pup are reduced, I can make a sfs of a full gnome and MacOS-like icontheme tomorrow.
But as Puppys .desktop files often contain "wrong", absolute pathnames, this might not help either.
For this puplet with the modern LXDE, we had to modify all the .desktop files, to use just names like "abiword" for an icon. And that name must match a picture in a theme. This is a bit nasty, as here two different worlds come together - highly optimized (in size, not compatibility) Puppy, and very flexible Desktops following the freedesktop.org recommendations.

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#113 Post by Jim1911 »


Tree deleted, however there doesn't appear to be an option to remove a separator, once it has been entered.

I can reach the configuration dialogue, but the checkbox is ignored.

The file /root/.config/cairo-dock/current_theme/cairo-dock_easy.conf did have the line auto-hide=true which I changed to false. Upon restart, it apparently reverted to a hidden configuration file because the Christmas tree reappeared and it still autohides. This isn't a problem since I prefer it hidden, otherwise it stays on top of a maximized application.

Dragging a file using your Muppyfiler does work, however, it doesn't work using the default File Browser.

Glad to have you back, hope that you had a great Christmas and will have a great New Year.

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#114 Post by MU »

thanks Jim, christmas was very calm in the countryside. I really enjoyed it, wish you a good year, too :)

If you edit the configfile, maybe cairodock must not run.
Try to run a desktop without it, then edit it.
Then again use the desktop with cairodock.

- I removed the extended pup_411.sfs, and uploaded an ISO "NewyearspupMU.iso" (180 MB) with it, containing the last tweaks mentioned above, and Gimp 2.6.4.
- I also uploaded an icontheme sfs with 3 themes (in addons-2, usual download-location).

- And I made progress with my old Nvidia geforce2 gts.
I attach a screenshot.
Note the xorg version: I reverted to 7.3 from Puppy 4.1.
Now I can use OpenGL, it even works with composite (shadows).
But composite is pretty slow with this driver, so I will use it only for games and to test compiz fusion this week.
For "daily" usage using only 2D accelleration, the free "nv" driver in wows mesa.sfs is much faster. But that one supports no 3D at all, hence these experiments.
I hope I can provide a pet until weekend, must fiddle out minor issue, like what files are really needed. At moment, I just used a small selection, and cannot type german Umlaute yet.

Time to sleep now...
Please keep us informed about bugs you find, but also if you solve issues, as Jim did with KDE.
The more details we get, the easier it will be to incorporate them in further upgrades :)

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Thanks for 8800 GT

#115 Post by Fishy »

Thanks Mu for figuring out what in hell was wrong with the Nvidia 8800 series graphic cards. I don't know how many installs I have destroyed trying to get Nvidia working but you are the "MAN". New years MU iso is working perfectly. I am almost scared to think about adding something in case I glitch it it up and cannot get it working again.

Thanks again to you and all the other contributers who make Puppy a fun project. :D

John Barrow, Ontario, Canada
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#116 Post by MU »

Great you like it :)

don't be scared, simply make a copy of your pup_save.2fs from time to time.
Then if you destroy things, you can restore it.

for easy backups see:
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 368#222368

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#117 Post by jcoder24 »

Can the xorg from this puppy work on other puppies? If so what must be done to get it to work?
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#118 Post by MU »

well I currently try it "the other way round", so use 7.3 in Ultrapup.
You basically just extract the files over the existing installation.
I extracted 3 pets, and copied what I thought would be required.
But you could try to pack the whole /usr/X11R7/ , and then extract it in another Puppy.
Might be best to do it, when X does not run, though I copied all in the running system.
In console you would do:
In Ultrapup:
cd /usr
tar -czvf xorg74.tgz X11R7

Then in another Puppy:
cd /usr
tar -xzvf /whereeveryousavedit/xorg74.tgz

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#119 Post by zygo »

MU, where can I get xorg74.tgz?
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#120 Post by MU »

you create it on your own in wows pup with the commands I posted in my last message.
tar -c
That is the command to create an archive.
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