Upgraded, now fonts missing & X won't start.

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Upgraded, now fonts missing & X won't start.

#1 Post by FrogLeader »

I downloaded gslapt .pet from ttuxxx and it was working great for missing libs but, I tried a game and it decided to upgrade more than I wanted and
now X will not start. /tmp/xerrs.log states that jwm cannot find DejaVu Sans or courier for that matter. I think fontconfig was installed or "upgraded". I've tried an upgrade with pfix=purge with no results. Is there a way to restore fonts by the command line? Any help would be appreciated.

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#2 Post by FrogLeader »

Since nobody wanted to take a crack at this one. I have gutted through it and found the error.
/usr/X11, and /usr/X11R6, used to symlink to /usr/X11R7. After the install of a gslapt game somehow the symlinks were broken and /usr/X11R6 became free standing. The fix was simple, /usr/X11 and /usr/X11R6 must be linked to /usr/X11R7. After a reboot, all things are now back to normal.
Bruce B

#3 Post by Bruce B »

Thank you for posting the fix.

For me there is no such thing as a Puppy 'native' or 'foreign' package in terms of how they are installed.

They all get installed manually, possibly exceptions where I have packaged the software myself for future use.

The software I use to help me accomplish this, is the CLI, standard utilities, some scripts I've written and particularly Midnight Commander.
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