M-Audio Midisport 4x4 setup

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M-Audio Midisport 4x4 setup

#1 Post by jukingeo »


I have a Midisport 4x4 midi interface that is made by M-Audio (Midiman). It isn't recognized in Puppy unless I "start it up" first in Windows XP or Ubuntu.

Initially I couldn't get the device to work in Ubuntu either, but they have a procedure outlined there on how to get it going. While starting up the device there in Ubuntu is something I CAN do...it is something I don't want to do. Also there are a couple of stand alone midi projects I want to use just Puppy for. However, I need to be able to have the Midisport unit start up on it's own.

In Ubuntu this was a firmware issue and they had a fix for it...however, here in Puppy there is NOTHING mentioned about the Midisport unit I have (or any other Midisport unit for that matter).

Are people using Midi with Puppy? or am I "barking" up the wrong tree?

Any insite on setting up MIDI devices in Puppy would be a big help.


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#2 Post by maggotspawn »

The Midisport requires a firmware to be loaded by the operating system, usually Windows or Mac, hence the drivers. This link might help: http://usb-midi-fw.sourceforge.net/ I'm using a Tapco 4 x 4 midi interface that doesn't require drivers, seemed to work in some experiments with Puppy 4,00. OSS might work as well: http://www.opensound.com/linux.html
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