no sound at all on thinkpad 560x (pup 4.1.2)

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no sound at all on thinkpad 560x (pup 4.1.2)

#1 Post by ssme »

i have very little knowledge of how linux really works, but whenever i've used it before it's picked up all my hardware without a problem. puppy seems to have found everything except my soundcard! i don't get any sound, or any little picture of a speaker in the taskbar.

i have puppy 4.1.2 (full) installed triple booting with windows 98 and 2000 on a IBM Thinkpad 560x (233mhz, 64mb ram, 300mb swap). as i understand it this machine has the cs4236 soundchip. i previously tried all the steps below with the puppy3-based edupup, with no success.

when i use the sound wizard, it directs me to the isa probe thing. when i try to select cs4236 as the card to use, it instead cycles through ALL the cards listed in the menu (cs4236 is the second, it goes right past it), until it gets to the sb16, where it stops completely (i left it at this stage overnight and it hadn't progressed 8 hours later, so i can only guess it is crashing).

i have read in a few threads in this forum that i could edit modprobe.conf to get a solution, but having done that i can't see (or hear!) any difference at all.

other people seem to have had success with this machine. is there any way whatsoever to get my sound card working? seeing as puppy is quicker than windows on this old hardware for just about everything, it seems a shame that it can't even play mp3s.

any help or guidance much appreciated!
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