Puppy 4..2alpha "Deepthought" Bug Reports and Fixes

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#21 Post by ttuuxxx »

WhoDo wrote:
ttuuxxx wrote:Hey WhoDo I'll fixup up the icewm if you want, Like fix the missing icons and also use the icons from the desktop on the taskbar, like the Home, and maybe make a orange magnifying glass, and I'll see what I can do about the desktop icon on the taskbar also. Give me a few hours and All should be fine.
Ps could I sneak in Parcelite and have it autostart only in icewm? extra 22kb????pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Also could install the jwm2icewm fix into the mix
No problem. I had about 3 or 4 copies of your icewm-mini and all were just called icewm (no other identifiers). Obviously I just picked the wrong one.

Parcellite in icewm? 22kb? I don't see why not. jwm2icewm fix? Absolutely!

Like I agreed earlier - it's an alpha. When I have a chance I'll work my way back through this thread to add the fixes to my Unleashed tree. Then I'll come up with second alpha. Don't forget to have a look at what I said was happening in Xarchiver, too. I'm happy to include it if it works right for refugees.

excellent glad its working out for the both of us :) Now that I look back on the past few months since Barry announced his Retirement, and all the turmoil/uncertainty that we put ourselves through. Not knowing if puppy will survive without the great Overlord overseeing day to day operations, You know what we did it!! Puppy will move forward as long as we have a team working together.
I know its a bit soon, but I've been thinking about Puppy 5 a lot, I would like to see it based around woof, but with our own swing of things. Also another Idea I had is that, well certain things get doubled and tripled in the software section, one thing like wxgtk we have like 5 or 6 versions and non are compatible, I think the repo should have SDL plus the other 6 or so SDL type, Wxgtk, a Gnome and Kde universal base model that applications could be added and sections for it. Oh ya and tcl/tx properly compiled, The thing about that is most versions aren't compiled properly, you have to cross compile them to get them working properly for compiling. Plus a working model of OpenGl that could be easily installed, but for this to ever happen, we would have to focus on one task at a time, Like the KDE or Gnome base, That could take 2-3 people easily:) Plus a new ffmpeg with video capture enabled. We've been doing without a solid a foundation of alternative libraries/languages for sometime now. If and when we start a new system a proper project plan could be used.

Anyways as soon as I'm done Icewm, Xarchiver is next :), Then back to the Browser thing.
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#22 Post by ttuuxxx »

Here's what I've been working on, the toolbar icons, I made the showdesktop from scratch. The xterm is the default one but I resized it and made a new background, I resized the default browser and home, and recoloured the magnifying glass, but I'm not happy with it so, I'll keep working on it.
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#23 Post by WhoDo »

ttuuxxx wrote:You know what we did it!! Puppy will move forward as long as we have a team working together.
Communication and cooperation is the key, IMHO. We have a great community here and everyone is pretty well focused on what is best for Puppy rather than themselves. That's why I contribute. That stops and I'm outa here! :P That said, no-one, not even Barry, is indispensible. Barry knows that, I'm sure. I just think he needed the rest of us to find that out for ourselves is all. :wink:
ttuuxxx wrote:I know its a bit soon, but I've been thinking about Puppy 5 a lot, I would like to see it based around woof, but with our own swing of things.
Yep. We could have ...
- 2.xx series for earlier lower resource machines (Retro series)
- 3.xx series for Slackware binary compatibility (Chihuahua series)
- 4.xx series for modern, higher resource machines (Dingo series)
- 5.xx series for Debian binary compatibility (Woof series)

I think that would just about cover everyone's requirements, don't you? There is no reason these can't all develop side-by-side and feed off each other's development efforts.
ttuuxxx wrote:Also another Idea I had is that, well certain things get doubled and tripled in the software section, one thing like wxgtk we have like 5 or 6 versions and non are compatible, I think the repo should have SDL plus the other 6 or so SDL type, Wxgtk, a Gnome and Kde universal base model that applications could be added and sections for it. Oh ya and tcl/tx properly compiled, The thing about that is most versions aren't compiled properly, you have to cross compile them to get them working properly for compiling. Plus a working model of OpenGl that could be easily installed
I agree. I think we have restricted ourselves when it comes to things like SDL, OpenGL, tcl/tk, etc. Surely these could be recompiled with Puppy in mind and some really small libraries result? I wanted to put the 8.4 Tcl and Tk libraries in Deepthought, but 6-8Mb was just not worth it! They will be in the PETget repository though, as will SDL and OpenGL.
ttuuxxx wrote:Anyways as soon as I'm done Icewm, Xarchiver is next :), Then back to the Browser thing.
Great! I'd also like to see if we can bring VLC to a size and reliability that it can replace Gxine, too. Just a thought.

Cheers, mate.
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#24 Post by WhoDo »

ttuuxxx wrote:Here's what I've been working on, the toolbar icons, I made the showdesktop from scratch. The xterm is the default one but I resized it and made a new background, I resized the default browser and home, and recoloured the magnifying glass, but I'm not happy with it so, I'll keep working on it.
Have a look at the desktop brag thread and you'll see the orange icons I have set aside for Puppy 4.2 - not to replace Zigbert's Deepthought set, but to supplement them. JebaJQ8's lite set are also going in for the next release. Only around 50kb.

Maybe there are some in there that would be of use to you.

If you make the taskbar icons the same as those in /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps then they should automagically change when the desktop icon set is changed.

Just a thought.
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#25 Post by Lobster »

Just to remind people who don't want the alpha to mess with their existing settings . . .

Press f2 (during the boot - be quick)
then type puppy pfix=ram
that means you are running in a pristine Puppy for testing . . .

Good to see Transmission in there
Xchat (as already mentioned) is superfluous
FlashChess player will be popular I hope :)

Congratulations on the Alpha 8)
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#26 Post by ttuuxxx »

Yes those are nice, where's the package? Also the toolbar icons should match the desktop somewhat, that crystal orange look, unlike the flat orange menu icons. To give a unified feel, shouldn't it?
And Yes I'll try the VLC thing again after the browser, But my last package I have down to around 8.2MB pet, thats pretty good, compared with 24MB previous version, Plus I have the same plugins plus a few extra formats, The killer is the wxgtk base or QT based, Its hard to tossup which to use, Qt is buggy on puppy because of a reduced Qt devx+repo combined base, its missing a lot. Last time I compiled it, the compiling folder was around 1.3 gigs and took about 5+hrs, lol And wxgtk like I said we have way too many version. I do recall mark(Mu) compiling a smaller version that took him forever. Hmmm Something like that compiled on 4.0+ series would be a great start and also a newer ffmpeg with a few extra options would be nice, I could compile the other 30 or so packages needed, It took a couple of weeks last time I did it. I wish that someone like Zigbert would get on board with VLC, man he could save us a lot of space, Since you can run VLC via command line, a GUI could be built as gtk2. That alone would of dropped my 8.2MB pet down to around 4.4MB Which would be perfect for puppy. Plus whoever would make a gtk2 frontend for VLC would instantly be famous, The first one ever. Kind of reminds of the Wizard of Oz, "If I only had a coding Brain" lol
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#27 Post by WhoDo »

ttuuxxx wrote:Yes those are nice, where's the package?
In the WhoDo repo on my laptop! :P It is ready to upload as a dotpet for Dingo's desktop icon switcher, but I was saving them for Deepthought. If you want them to play with, let me know where to upload and you'll have them.
ttuuxxx wrote:Also the toolbar icons should match the desktop somewhat, that crystal orange look, unlike the flat orange menu icons. To give a unified feel, shouldn't it?
Yep. The whole set should be a single piece; consistent with no obvious oddballs.
ttuuxxx wrote:I wish that someone like Zigbert would get on board with VLC, man he could save us a lot of space, Since you can run VLC via command line, a GUI could be built as gtk2. That alone would of dropped my 8.2MB pet down to around 4.4MB Which would be perfect for puppy. Plus whoever would make a gtk2 frontend for VLC would instantly be famous, The first one ever
Yep. Maybe Zigbert will return from his 2 week sabatical all refreshed and itching to get his teeth into a new project! :wink:
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#28 Post by 01micko »

Ok, been playing with a 486 today so I have some excuses!

Now, I got my shiny 4.2alpha cd and poked it into my laptop. Nice spla... eeeeek! Oh no! Booting. Hard poweroff! Ok, settled down, powered up again... was ready now... (48what?) ... hit 'puppy pfix=ram', bewdy, booting, not too long, into X, nice background, not too busy, first thought, 'is that help tab gonna interfere with the drop down tray ziggy made?'. Well it didn't. Nice. Oh! Pwidgets by default! Cool! Ok, it all looks good, let's connect. Well I knew that would be no problem, click, lan, ndiswrapper (in my case, marvell crap chipset), eth0, wireless, found my network, in with wep key, save, use, dhcpcd, online. It was all quicker than I could type this! nIce work Warren.
Ok, gonna look around. I may get back to ya! :wink:
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#29 Post by WhoDo »

01micko wrote:Ok, gonna look around. I may get back to ya! :wink:
:lol: Don't forget to right click on something ... anything! I just love Hairywill's Rox-rightclicks! 8)

Then drop to a command line - Ctrl+Alt+Backspace - and type

Code: Select all

xwin icewm-session
. TWO window managers so everyone is happy .. well almost everyone! :wink:

Try a couple of Icewm themes ... play some Flash chess ... oh, and don't forget to save your settings when you shut down. The splashy is nice but you don't need to see it every boot, do you? If you do we'll add it to the Grub install as well, ok? :roll:
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#30 Post by ttuuxxx »

WhoDo wrote:
01micko wrote:Ok, gonna look around. I may get back to ya! :wink:
:lol: Don't forget to right click on something ... anything! I just love Hairywill's Rox-rightclicks! 8)
I tried Hairywill's Rox-rightclicks on an image and guess what, it says "View with Fotoxx" Ummm its been removed so thats a bug :)
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#31 Post by WhoDo »

ttuuxxx wrote:I tried Hairywill's Rox-rightclicks on an image and guess what, it says "View with Fotoxx" Ummm its been removed so thats a bug :)
Go to /root/my-roxapps and click on the Rox-Right-Clicks icon. It will update your list to the currently installed applications.

It probably hasn't updated since it was originally installed. There must be a config file somewhere that I included by accident.
Last edited by WhoDo on Sun 18 Jan 2009, 10:27, edited 1 time in total.
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#32 Post by 01micko »

The weather font doesn't work in Pwidgets. And we need the 'howto' to set the location. Trouble is, with accuweather it is different for the US. I'll look into it...
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#33 Post by WhoDo »

01micko wrote:The weather font doesn't work in Pwidgets. And we need the 'howto' to set the location. Trouble is, with accuweather it is different for the US. I'll look into it...
I'll fix the font for the next release. Now that we've got a GPL weather font there is no reason not to include it.

The HowTo is a good idea. You write it and I'll add it in.

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#34 Post by 01micko »

I looked in usr/share/fonts/default/TTF..... no weather font... hmmm, is that a bug?

Ok, we posted at the same time! :lol:

Aha, ok, gpl weather font. Can you PM it to me? I'll check it out. Or a link will do.
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#35 Post by WhoDo »

01micko wrote:Aha, ok, gpl weather font. Can you PM it to me? I'll check it out. Or a link will do.
Better still ... here it is!
Weather font for Pwidgets - extract to /root/.fonts directory
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#36 Post by 01micko »

ok I extracted but I know it goes into '/usr/share/font/default/TTF

ALSO in '~/.pwidgets/config/Weather' the lines after text must be like this, obviously, this is where you change your weather code too

Code: Select all

${color0}${font NowTheWeather:size=62}${execi 10 /root/.pwidgets/scripts/WeatherIcon "EUR|NO|NO009|Val%E5moen"}${font}  ${execi 10  /root/.pwidgets/scripts/Weather city}
${color1}${execi 10  /root/.pwidgets/scripts/Weather text}
emphasis on {font NowTheWeather}

Spose we have to check if all the symbols correspond, different font, maybe different. I wouldn't like to see a snowflake when it's 36C outside!
Last edited by 01micko on Sun 18 Jan 2009, 11:53, edited 1 time in total.
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#37 Post by WhoDo »

01micko wrote:ok I extracted but I know it goes into '/usr/share/font/default/TTF
Yeah ... and ... No. On my system it's in the root/.fonts directory and Pwidgets finds it there, as does Abiword. Ooh! I just got DejaVu all over again! :P
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Re: Puppy 4..2alpha "Deepthought" Bug Reports and Fixes

#38 Post by pa_mcclamrock »

WhoDo wrote:I have just uploaded the first alpha for Puppy 4.2 Deepthought. Although I am very happy with its current state, it is still an alpha so some diligent testing and bug chasing is in order.
I'm pretty eager to try out 4.2, but not so eager that I won't wait for the next alpha release, in which the reported IceWM bugs will surely have been fixed. :D

How about editing the title of this thread with each new trial release, to make it really obvious when there's a new one? Like, "Puppy 4.2 (now alpha 2, 19 Jan 2009) [ :lol: ] Bug Reports and Fixes"? From the sticky at the top of this sub-forum page, everyone must already know Puppy 4.2 is called "Deep Thought"; you could save some valuable title space by not repeating it here.

David McClamrock
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#39 Post by ttuuxxx »

I'll try to have the Icewm fixes ready tomorrow, Its getting late tonight and I'm about 70% finished, But I have to get up at 5am for work in the morning. and its 11PM now.
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#40 Post by 01micko »

WhoDo wrote:
01micko wrote:ok I extracted but I know it goes into '/usr/share/font/default/TTF
Yeah ... and ... No. On my system it's in the root/.fonts directory and Pwidgets finds it there, as does Abiword. Ooh! I just got DejaVu all over again! :P

I booted "puppy pfix=ram" . No '~/.fonts' dir exists. But more important is the code fix

EDIT: triple checked, NO hidden dir in /root called '.fonts' or anything similar.
Last edited by 01micko on Sun 18 Jan 2009, 12:33, edited 1 time in total.
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