Linux is to hardware

Puppy related raves and general interest that doesn't fit anywhere else
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Linux is to hardware

#1 Post by noprimenumbers »

I just want you to know that I think Linux is the most advanced software that can be had today. That being said here is what I put on my site tonight.

Hello all.

I have found a great Operating System for this project called Puppy. Puppy is a Linux based system that has many variations called distributions. These distributions are basically customized versions of the original.
I am looking at several possible routes to take with applying this as a solution. Because there are so many distributions I felt that it would be good to build each computer with a different Puppy for each. The loosing PC will get a new Puppy to play with.
There are many reasons to use this OS as opposed to a version of Microsoft Windows. Even though I can recycle even a Windows OS I find that it would be more difficult to customize the Windows Operating system to be used by older computers and newer software. The reason for this is that Microsoft designs their operating systems to lead the way to the advancement of modern technology. This is a great thing. Really. O.K. You see the things that modern computers can do in comparison to just a few years ago. Well why? Without operating systems like Microsoft that push technology forward technology may not be what it is now. This however good it might be still has its negative effects.
If we look at what Microsoft has done to technology with the introduction of Vista we can see both positive and negative things. Vista forced many hardware manufactures to build components that will work with Vista. This caused some technology separation between older hardware and newer. This was actually needed to keep pace with research work being done in many areas. While Vista is a good advancement it is not able to run on older systems. There would be a lot of good computers that would go to waste if Microsoft was the only one designing operating systems.
The question now is not what to do with older systems, but did the push for the advancement of technology reduce the potential for this technology.
With the use of Linux a computer that is technologically out dated can be given new life. Linux systems although using out dated equipment are able to in many cases out perform up to date equipment. The software advancements made by Linux developers and users are taking older equipment and pushing it to its limits. These limits are far in excess of what was done by Microsoft before moving on to their newest system. This is kind of like quitting before the job is done and leaving it up to someone else to finish.
Microsoft software plus modern technology in my personal opinion is just a marriage of convenience.
Linux software plus any hardware in my opinion are soul mates.
Last edited by noprimenumbers on Mon 19 Jan 2009, 22:12, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by sullysat »

very cool! Thanks for sharing

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#3 Post by Aitch »

micro$oft & hardware are sole mates :D [stuck on the bottom of your shoe, mates :wink: ]

Puppylinux & hardware are Soul Mates
- with the PuppyLinux Developers & Users making the match 'made in computer heaven' :D :D

Thanks, all :D

additional 2cents worth

Aitch :)
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#4 Post by noprimenumbers »

Thanks I was getting tired.
I should have fixed it when I realized that I made that mistake.
Oh well!
I like your analogy.
I wanted to say that Microsoft is like a pregnant you know what all bloated... But pregnancy is a beautiful thing and didn't want to put the 2 together.
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