13GB PupSave file

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13GB PupSave file

#1 Post by ttuuxxx »

ok I never install puppy, just run it live, due to the fact for some odd reason I can never get a working swap partition working on a sata2 drive with Gparted, it always says it works then when it refreshes it shows that it didn't. basically an error, so when I reboot I only have 1gb of ram left to play with which isn't much when I compile so many things, But if I run live I get 3.2 gigs of ram, my pc has 2 gigs of ddr2 in it plus the pupsave file.
Moving forward I made a pupsave file and then increased the size via the menu, then it said on reboot it would enlarge it, so what I did was simply go to the partition where the pupsave file is located and opened it as text, and added some numbers to, saved the file, hard reset the pc and on bootup it took about 5mins and wouldn't you know it work, my taskbar says it has 12.5GB free on free memory applet:) I'll let you know how well this works, since its the first time I've ever read about a double digit pupsave file on puppy :)
Ps i'm also going to back it up for the future
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#2 Post by canezilla »

Hi ttuuxxx,

Any update on the large pupfile? Is it still working?
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#3 Post by disciple »

Does it still work if you put 13GB of stuff in it?
I wonder if the original report that large save files wouldn't work was based on a bad experience, or some theory...
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#4 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hi guys it works perfect< I had it down to 2.5 Gigs with all the compiling I was doing with the brwowsers, etc. Never crashed, Always ran perfect: I do recommend it very much, What I do is setup the pc with all the programs I use like gimp, filezilla, Kompozer, Xarchiver, and then I copy the pupsave and rename it to something like pup_save.2szzzzzzzz so it isn't found on boot up, then when I'm done with all the compiling, I delete the main pupsave, copy the backup and rename it so it works. Then Hard reset and boom back to 13gigs minus the programs I installed around 12.5 gig, Does that ever work nicely :)
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