I broke my X

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I broke my X

#1 Post by jannetta »

Hi folks
Can someone please give me some advice. I received my HP 2133 mini notebook a couple of days ago and got Puppy 4.1.2 going on it. The only thing I couldn't do was to switch to an external display. Someone suggested I tried the openChrome drivers. I downloaded these from somewhere else on the forum and installed it. It worked, but my cursor went funny. I decided to address the problem later and wanted to revert back to my old settings so I uninstalled the openChrome pet. However, since after uninstalling X is now totally broken. I do I go about restoring X ? I do have a pendrive installation that works, so if neccessary I can copy files from it. I just need to know what I could have potentially messed up and what I need to replace.

Thank you in advance for any help and suggestions.
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#2 Post by MU »

you must type
to set up the grafics again.
Does that work?
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#3 Post by jannetta »

MU wrote:you must type
to set up the grafics again.
Does that work?
No, it doesn't. It just goes back to the command prompt. I can't start X at all.
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#4 Post by MU »

do you have a link for the openchrome you downloaded?
So I could look up, what it changed.
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#5 Post by jannetta »

MU wrote:do you have a link for the openchrome you downloaded?
So I could look up, what it changed.
This is the link: http://download.mcpup.org/pets/drivers/ ... .2.903.pet

I found it in this thread:

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 4555b8b87a
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#6 Post by MU »

uh, that is a quite complex package.

Can you start X, if you choose xvesa in xorgwizard?

I would "clean up" my savefile:
This assumes, that you have a FRUGAL installation using a pup_save.2fs file.
When you drop back to consolemode, delete all the files installed.
You'll catch most by typing:

rm -rf /initrd/pup_rw/usr/X11R7/
rm -rf /initrd/pup_rw/usr/lib/libchrome*
rm -f /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Then when the computer rebooted, run xorgwizard again.
If that still fails, I would need your /var/log/Xorg.0.log:
cp /var/log/Xorg.0.log /mnt/home
gzip /mnt/home/Xorg.0.log

As /mnt/home/ is the drive, where the savefile is located, you now can attach Xorg.0.log.gz from there with the system, that you currently use, to write here.
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#7 Post by jannetta »

I have a full install.

I can't start X at all. I run xorgwizard but it just goes back to the command prompt straight after select Xvesa.

Running xwin also just returns to the command promt.
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#8 Post by MU »

Then I would boot from CD, and mount the harddrive.
Then on the harddrive delete:


Then copy from the running Puppy to the harddrive:

Then delete on the harddrive:

Then boot again, and run xorgwizard.
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#9 Post by tempestuous »

Instead of uninstalling OpenChrome, I suggest you set your xorg.conf file with settings which are known to work with the OpenChrome driver on the HP 2133, such as described here -
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTe ... yConfig810
under "xorg.conf for 3D".
jannetta wrote:The only thing I couldn't do was to switch to an external display.
The ASUS Eee uses the "xrandr" utility to enable/disable its displays. To activate both the internal LCD and external VGA the command would probably be -

Code: Select all

xrandr --output VGA --auto --output LVDS --mode 1280x768
to activate external VGA and disable internal LCD -

Code: Select all

xrandr --output VGA --auto --output LVDS --off
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#10 Post by jannetta »

Hi Mark

That took only 3 minutes and worked perfectly. Thank you SOOOO much for your help.

I would like to make a restorable image of my installation as it is now. I tend to fiddle around with settings and I would like to carry on trying getting the external monitor to work which would mean some more experimenting with openChrome. However, I am using the little notebook quite a bit now so I wouldn't want it to be out of order for long if I manage to mess it up. What would you recommend the best method to be?

Kind Regards
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#11 Post by jannetta »

tempestuous wrote:Instead of uninstalling OpenChrome, I suggest you set your xorg.conf file with settings which are known to work with the OpenChrome driver on the HP 2133, such as described here -
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTe ... yConfig810
under "xorg.conf for 3D".
Hi tempestuous

Thanks for that info. I'm going to give that a go ... as soon as I have figured out how to make a quickly restorable image of my current installation :D
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#12 Post by MU »

I assume, that you want to create the backup on sda2, else use the propriate drivename.

I assume, that Puppy is installed to sda1.

run Puppy from CD.
Mount both drives.

Then type:
cd /mnt/sda1
tar -czvf /mnt/sda2/backup.tgz *

To restore:

Here it depends, if you just want to restore files:

cd /mnt/sda1
tar -xzvf /mnt/sda2/backup.tgz

Sometimes, you also must delete disturbing files first.
This you ca do in the filemanager as before, when you deleted usr/X11R7.
Of course, you also could backup files with a filemanager.
But I encountered, that they sometimes do not work reliable, so using tar from the console is the best solution.

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#13 Post by tempestuous »

jannetta wrote:I'm going to give that a go ... as soon as I have figured out how to make a quickly restorable image of my current installation
Well now that you have successfully reverted to the original (2D) Xorg configuration, don't worry about OpenChrome at all.
Just try the xrandr commands I explained above. xrandr should work just as well with 2D as it does with 3D.
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#14 Post by jannetta »

tempestuous wrote: Well now that you have successfully reverted to the original (2D) Xorg configuration, don't worry about OpenChrome at all.
Just try the xrandr commands I explained above. xrandr should work just as well with 2D as it does with 3D.
Hi tempestuous

Using xrandr with the current X setup (ie without openChrome, just the default install) doesn't seem to do anything. The screen just stays blank after I issued the command. When I do a

Code: Select all

xrandr -v
I only get info for Screen 0. Should there not be info for a second screen? Is there something else I should be doing?
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