Puppy 4..2alpha "Deepthought" Bug Reports and Fixes

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#261 Post by Lobster »

hey lobster how about
Lock Screen

Does that work better for you, since cancel is usually always last?
I know this is attention to detail . . . but why not.
Yes that works fine. :)
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#262 Post by growler »

I saw that Patriot has cups going now and tested in alpha1 after doing battle with a permissions issue

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 53&t=38095
Installed it and ugh ... can't print now !? ... Kept getting permission denied, backend error, filter stops etc etc ... Hey, I'm setting the same permissions and spool samba folder as before, but, why doesn't it print ?

Finally traced it to /var/spool/cups folder permissions ... no matter what permissions I set, it just won't print ... ok, lets move it somewhere then ... and jackpot! All my troubles went away in a flash ...
I wonder if this is related to the hiawatha permissions issue I have been playing with? Me thinks there is some underlying issue with the filesystem which could bite elsewhere - I bet sshd won't go either
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#263 Post by ttuuxxx »

growler wrote:I saw that Patriot has cups going now and tested in alpha1 after doing battle with a permissions issue

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 53&t=38095
Installed it and ugh ... can't print now !? ... Kept getting permission denied, backend error, filter stops etc etc ... Hey, I'm setting the same permissions and spool samba folder as before, but, why doesn't it print ?

Finally traced it to /var/spool/cups folder permissions ... no matter what permissions I set, it just won't print ... ok, lets move it somewhere then ... and jackpot! All my troubles went away in a flash ...
I wonder if this is related to the hiawatha permissions issue I have been playing with? Me thinks there is some underlying issue with the filesystem which could bite elsewhere - I bet sshd won't go either
You can try my package, Its the latest version of cups and micko has reported it works fine on puppy 4.2
http://www.puppylinux.asia/tpp/ttuuxxx/ ... 386-v2.pet
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#264 Post by ttuuxxx »

HairyWill wrote:
rarsa wrote:
ttuuxxx wrote:-Manage Process
Again, it has nothing to do with shutting down, it belongs under system.
I suggested the pprocess button mainly for win refugees expecting the task manager. Really the simile doesn't hold and I would agree with the removal of the entire tab. Also the jwm button kills jwm then starts, it has a perfectly funtional option
jwm -restart
which doesn't kill X and all the windows
This control is best done from the window managers own menu. Thats true to a point, yes it works better, because you don't close your open pages, But it only works 1 way, IceWM-->Jwm Jwm doesn't work that way, If it did that would be great, but it doesn't, At least the way I have it now its more of a unified feel.

I've just realised the lock button has the same bug as Zigberts tray lock button.
If there is no xlock password set xlock expects new passwords on stdin if it isn't attached to a console then you lose X
Better would be to call /usr/local/apps/Xlock/AppRun which is capable of handling this scenario. I'll change it

The jwmrc template included does not utilise the shutdown dialog. I am a bit confused that you have included a jwm template in a pet called icewm, it should be in xdg or jwm! I suspect that whodo is already having build problems because several pets in the current build are providing different versions of the same file. Please let us not exacerbate this problem.When I started this icewm pet I asked WhoDo for the jwm template that was going to be used via default and he supplied me with that one, The changes I did was to add a menu item 'Restart with Icewm', Thats why its included, and No I haven't added this menu to jwm, because well that would be up to Zigbert or WhoDo, Zigbert been doing all the JWM. Plus I haven't heard a peep from WhoDo in 2 days now,lol
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#265 Post by WhoDo »

ttuuxxx wrote:
HairyWill wrote:The jwmrc template included does not utilise the shutdown dialog. I am a bit confused that you have included a jwm template in a pet called icewm, it should be in xdg or jwm! I suspect that whodo is already having build problems because several pets in the current build are providing different versions of the same file. Please let us not exacerbate this problem.

When I started this icewm pet I asked WhoDo for the jwm template that was going to be used via default and he supplied me with that one, The changes I did was to add a menu item 'Restart with Icewm', Thats why its included, and No I haven't added this menu to jwm, because well that would be up to Zigbert or WhoDo, Zigbert been doing all the JWM. Plus I haven't heard a peep from WhoDo in 2 days now,lol
No-one has really heard from me in two days because I've been chasing show stopper bugs in Alpha2 ... something I said I wouldn't do when I took this on, but whattayergonnado?

As of the moment the consolidated icon themes don't work, Will's fix for the JWM task bar disappearing act doesn't work, and the latest is that Pwidgets manager has decided it won't play either! :evil:

On the plus side, fixmenus has stopped blanking the .jwmrc file menu icon selections when it runs. That's a small consolation, at least to me. It would be way easier if I could give up my day job, but Puppy doesn't pay well enough for that! :roll:

I'm at the stage of almost total frustration and thinking about uploading the broken Alpha2 so you guys can debug instead. That said, I'm nothing if not stubborn so I'll give it one more try before throwing in the towel on these momentous problems. :?

Will's point is valid, Jeff. The jwm template has changed at least twice since I supplied what was, at the time, the default. That's not your fault, or another dev's fault, or anyone's fault and now it's not even the DEfault! :lol:

If I can hang in there so can you guys. Just don't leave me out there with my a... in the wind, ok? :wink:
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#266 Post by ttuuxxx »

hey WhoDo welcome back :) Long time no chit-chat, lol
I compiled Firefox 3.0.5 and IceCat 3.0.5, I'm leaning toward IceCat as a better browser. plus its a couple MB smaller than FirePup and I included Fasterfox, FlashBlock, The insert key doesn't crash the browser and youtube works fullscreen. Should be ready in about 15-20 mins.
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#267 Post by WhoDo »

ttuuxxx wrote:I'm leaning toward IceCat as a better browser. plus its a couple MB smaller than FirePup and I included Fasterfox, FlashBlock, The insert key doesn't crash the browser and youtube works fullscreen. Should be ready in about 15-20 mins.
Don't let anyone tell you size isn't important, Jeff! :P The Alpha2 with Firepup crashes through the 100Mb barrier to be around 102Mb all up. That couple of Mb will be worth its weight in gold when we go to beta.a
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#268 Post by ttuuxxx »

Ok Icecat and firefox 3.0.5 both are around 9MB, But like I said I feel that IceCat is more stable.
http://www.puppylinux.asia/tpp/ttuuxxx/ ... -3.0.5.pet
http://www.puppylinux.asia/tpp/ttuuxxx/ ... -3.0.5.pet
anyways I hope that helped your size issues a bit.

Ps so that saves you around 2.35 MB and should bring you back to 99MB :)
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#269 Post by HairyWill »

WhoDo wrote:thinking about uploading the broken Alpha2
alphas are meant to be broken
I'm bored
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#270 Post by pa_mcclamrock »

WhoDo wrote:I'm at the stage of almost total frustration and thinking about uploading the broken Alpha2 so you guys can debug instead.
Oh, don't do that. Maybe you're trying to make too many changes for one release. As to the things that don't work, can you go back to the corresponding things that did work in Puppy 4.1x for the second alpha, and save the remaining innovations at least for the third alpha?

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#271 Post by WhoDo »

pa_mcclamrock wrote:As to the things that don't work, can you go back to the corresponding things that did work in Puppy 4.1x for the second alpha, and save the remaining innovations at least for the third alpha?
Hairywill wrote:alphas are meant to be broken
I'm bored
release early release often
I think I can satisfy both requests.

1. I have resolved several of the issues that plagued me when I wrote the last post - a good night's sleep helped.

2. I plan to upload Alpha2 fairly soon because it needs you guys to tackle a couple of issues right at the root of the problem.

Things that are now working again include the Pwidgets manager, all non-behaving applications now appear to behave, new features are doing what they should.

Things that are NOT working and need attention are:

1. Bareview is segfaulting so we don't get the introductory web page after you click the yaf-splash notification.

2. Switching JWM themes still blanks the taskbar

3. Desktop icon themes are all over the place - there are 4 basic themes and each one has some idiosyncratic naming of icons. These need to be standardised across themes as well as within themes

4. I still haven't tested CUPS successfully and I have no comprehensive reports about the later version supplied by ttuuxxx with respect to adding printers, managing queues, deleting jobs, etc. Does it all work as expected, at least for local printers?

And of course there are still the outstanding issues on the ToDo List for Deepthought at the wiki. The Alpha2 will have Firepup/Sylpheed which is the prime cause of breaking the 100Mb limit. If IceCat (why would we have a cat in puppy?) doesn't work out I'll move back to Seamonkey for the beta, even if we have to stick with the old version.

@ttuuxxx I know you're working hard on browsers for Deepthought. Please don't be offended if the final choice is to go back to the old stalwart Seamonkey. Firepup will be in the PETget repository no matter what, for those who prefer that and don't mind the extra weight.

I'll upload the Alpha2 in 16 hours unless there is a major problem. It's too late to do it tonight and I have to go to work in the morning.

@Hairywill - Alpha2 will cure your boredom. I've tried to apply your fix for the JWM theme switcher but it still creams the .jwmrc-tray file and I can't see any logical reason why - I may have patched the file incorrectly?

@trio/01micko - the new func for Pwidgets kills the Pwidgets manager. You can't add or remove anything and none of the buttons respond to mouse events. I had to revert to the old func to get the manager going again.

Also Pweather's new font looks great except that the night versions have a box that encrouches on the text description of the conditions below it. I can't see how to increase the line separation so I guess the night characters will need to be modified somehow.

Start counting guys. 16 hours till the Alpha2 is available for download. :P
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#272 Post by 01micko »

WhoDo wrote:@trio/01micko - the new func for Pwidgets kills the Pwidgets manager. You can't add or remove anything and none of the buttons respond to mouse events. I had to revert to the old func to get the manager going again.
No worries there mate, it is still experimental. We can wait until Sigmund has a look. He's gonna wish he had another two weeks off! :lol:

At least we got the font! So he will be happy on one font.. er... front... :twisted:
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#273 Post by ttuuxxx »

WhoDo wrote: 4. I still haven't tested CUPS successfully and I have no comprehensive reports about the later version supplied by ttuuxxx with respect to adding printers, managing queues, deleting jobs, etc. Does it all work as expected, at least for local printers? Like I said I put a heck of a lot of work into this package, Hacked some of Barry's scripts etc, It wasn't a just compile job. I don't have any way of testing it but any others that would like to test it, download link below. Its also not cutdown what so ever, Because I didn't want to break anything. Printers aren't my calling but atleast I tried, And from what I seen it worked, becuase I had to login and it came up on a url with all the options.
http://www.puppylinux.asia/tpp/ttuuxxx/ ... 2-i386.pet

@ttuuxxx I know you're working hard on browsers for Deepthought. Please don't be offended if the final choice is to go back to the old stalwart Seamonkey. Firepup will be in the PETget repository no matter what, for those who prefer that and don't mind the extra weight.
Hey WhoDo I'm one step ahead of you :) I've been compiling Seamonkey all night and I'm getting close, won't be long :)
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#274 Post by 01micko »

WhoDo wrote:Also Pweather's new font looks great except that the night versions have a box that encrouches on the text description of the conditions below it. I can't see how to increase the line separation so I guess the night characters will need to be modified somehow.
Noticed that and am onto it, it'll be right for beta. :wink:

EDIT: Simple fix is to open the 'weather' config file and reduce (on line 52)

Code: Select all

{font pweather:size=36}
whereas the default is 'size=62', dunno how it will look for daytime though...
EDIT LATER: Daytime appears a little small, I'll get Sigmund to take a look when he returns.
pure coincidence!
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#275 Post by ttuuxxx »

Well I finally have the latest Seamonkey compiled 1.14, the only thing that didn't compile right was the Chrome Folder, So I borrowed one from one of Barry's Previous versions and it worked:) So it has the latest gecko
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090129 SeaMonkey/1.1.14
But the top of the screen says 1.11 because of the reused Chrome folder, I'll fix that No problem, might not get it finished tonight 2am, but I'll get it done for sure tomorrow, Plus I'll change the theme to the one WhoDo wanted as default, by removing the original theme and replacing most of it: The size of it is 8.9MB and it has Composer but I compiled without mail to save 2MB, Like Barry explained before :)

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#276 Post by ttuuxxx »

I Have the Seamonkey.Composer pet down to 8.5MB now, The Chrome folder had lots of E-mail parts, So I used a different Seamonkey Chrome folder from Barry's repo without the Email, and it dropped down to 8.5MB not bad at all:)
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#277 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hey WhoDO, I took the SeaHawke 3D theme which was 585kb or 2220kb extracted it and just used the icons for the navigation and css for it, which was 220kb and replaced almost the same amount, and this is what it looks like, plus the pet is down to 8487KB, If you have a different theme please supply the link asap :)
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#278 Post by Minnesota »

:( Downloaded cups-1.4b2-i386.pet

Booted Puppy 4.2 Alpha from CD -

ran pet,,, obviously a different format than before.

OK...found and selected ADD printer... screen shows Local, Network, Other network.... NO BOXES or area to put in anything... just the continue box.

Pressed continue........no response... back to same screen.

Tried small entry box near the top of the screen... which is unlabeled by the way....still no action.

HOW do I get to add a printer????

I AM NOT ON LINE... is that the issue?

Not to be picky, but as I read the instructions it said routine would be located in Utility menu item.. found it in SYSTEM.

Next step please? :(

Rebooted and ran CD live again.... the old routine found my printer and allowed me to print on a canon 4300 no problem.
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#279 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hi that printer package I made to use with a full browser, because this release of puppy wasn't going to have Seamonkey which came with a small type of browser, So if you used it on a release with Seamonkey, Seamonkey doesn't usually come with java script enabled, To enable it. click
then click
Advanced and tick 'enable java script'

Then try that, Like I said, I don't have a way of testing the package, and Have 1 report that it works, But I don't mind finding out if it works out of the box, If the java is the problem, Thats easily fixed.
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#280 Post by ttuuxxx »

'Update on the Seamonkey Browser'
Well I've been testing it and its runs very nicely :) By far its the browser of choice, well kind of equal to FirePup, FirePup is faster than any Seamonkey I've seen but they both have there good and bads, But anyways Seamonkey is smaller and has Composer, But here's the thing, I remembered that print preview doesn't work on this model of GTK we are using, its a well known problem and has been patched with updated version, So I started looking around and Then I found the problem, if I removed the bindings 'Print Preview' actually worked and didn't crash the browser, yahooo I made a fix for Seamonkey and Firefox, Ok it was luck, but nether the less it works.
Also if you press the insert key this Browser doesn't crash.
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