hplip lite and LJ 1000

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hplip lite and LJ 1000

#1 Post by goodstomach »


I'm using Puppy 4.1.2 retro, not getting anywhere trying to print on
my LaserJet 1000 series. I think the hpliplite install was succesful,
but when I try to print there is no blinking on my printer's light,
which I think should blink as data is received, and nothing prints. And
I don't understand CUPS to know if there's something fundamentally wrong in its configuration.

This is a printer where the firmware gets downloaded to the printer every time you boot, in Windows (and I suspect my problem might be that firmware isn't getting sent with the hpliplite pachage). I don't understand enough about what's supposed to happen to fix it. How could I try manually sending the firmware to the printer? (something like "cat firmwarefilename > /dev/something")?

The other thing that seems not quite right to me is CUPS sees the
device (when I go in to "add printer" using the web interface to CUPS v.1.1.23)
hp laserjet 1000 usb 0 hplip (HP Laserjet 1000)
and it says that no matter which usb port I plug into - that is, the
usb 0 never changes. Shouldn't it be USB1 when printer is plugged into second port?

I installed hpliplite-2.8.12.pet, install_hp_plugin, and libnetsnmp 15.
petget says they have their required dependencies. I also got

Other datums:

0. When I ran install_hp_plugin hp_lasert_1000_plugin, I got error
messages which I solved by making directories by hand. The error messages
cp: cannot create regular file `/usr/share/hplip/prnt/plugins/': No such file or directory
cp: target `/usr/share/hplip/prnt/plugins/' is not a directory
cp: cannot create regular file `/usr/share/hplip/data/firmware/': Is a directory
After creating directories manually, the "install_hp_plugin" command
runs without error message.

1. In the first post at http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 84&t=27519, lluamco says that a post install script is
necessary. It looks to me like that creates symlinks that are taken
care of with the newer .pet file. I didn't run it.

2. CUPS does have an entry for my printer, which it didn't have before
I ran the hpliplite plugin. There are two choices,
HP LaserJet 1000 Foomatic/hpijs, hpijs
HP LaserJet 1000 Foomatic/hpijs-ZJS (recommended)
When I create a printer based on first, jobs that are printed show as
"processing" but nothing ever prints. When I create a printer based
on second, jobs never show up in Cups as either processing or completed

For both, CUPS says:
Printer State: processing, accepting jobs.
Device URI: hp:/usb/hp_LaserJet_1000?serial=0

3. In the Hardinfo Hardware Information utility, I can see that my
hp printer is connected, and it changes port when I move from one USB
port to the other (this is an older dell with only 2 usb ports)

4. hp-mkuri -o says:
direct hp:/usb/hp_LaserJet_1000?serial=0 "HP LaserJet 1000" "HP LaserJet 1000 USB 0 HPLIP" "MFG:HP;MDL:hp LaserJet 1000;CLS:PRINTER;DES:hp LaserJet 1000;SN:0;"

5. When I start CUPS to add a printer, I'm not sure if I should be
tellilng CUPS that the printer is USB Printer #1, or one of the "HP Lasert
1000" type names
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Re: hplip lite and LJ 1000

#2 Post by lluamco »

goodstomach wrote: This is a printer where the firmware gets downloaded to the printer every time you boot, in Windows (and I suspect my problem might be that firmware isn't getting sent with the hpliplite pachage). I don't understand enough about what's supposed to happen to fix it. How could I try manually sending the firmware to the printer? (something like "cat firmwarefilename > /dev/something")?
Hello goodstomach. I have never required plugins for my printers, so I do not know much about how to make hpliplite
or hplip work in these cases. I may suggest though using the full hplip instead of the lite version. The difference is that
hp-setup sould care automatically of the plugin installation.
Hope that helps.
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The full package worked

#3 Post by goodstomach »

Thank you Lluis. The full package worked to get my LJ 1000 printing with puppy 4.1.2. I followed your instructions for the full package (previously mentioned thread).

For anyone with similar problem:
When I installed hplip_dependencies.pet, I got some error messages that sounded like it was expecting hplip to have already been installed. I ignored the messages and it worked out.

The hplip package tried but failed to install a CUPS printer or print a test page. After it was done I was able to create a printer in CUPS, then go to the Menu/Utility/HP Device Manager application. There, I selected "Download Firmware", and that sends the firmware to the printer. It looks like I have to do that every boot. I suspect there is some shortcut, like

$cat somefile /dev/somedev

and if I find that, I'll post it back here.

Thanks again Lluis, this is a big help to me.
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Problem with HP Device Manager application

#4 Post by Archiefdny »

I hope you can help me. I am having the EXACT same problem. I have an HP Laserjet 1000 printer that simply will not print. I have followed all the steps you've outlined to install it, downloaded and installed everything, but I have gotten no where.

The one problem I may have which you apparently did not have is that the HP Device Manager seems not to work for me. If I click on it I get nothing. Therefore it may be that the the firmware needs to be updated and I for some reason can't do it.

Perhaps one of the reasons I am having trouble is because I am running Puppy Linux as a live CD? I really don't know. I hope you can help me. I am very new to Linux (24 hours new!) and I am very frustrated by this whole thing.
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HPLIP.pet - HP Device Manager does nothing

#5 Post by goodstomach »


Hope I can help you because I deleted my working set up and on trying to reinstall, I'm in the same situation as you.

Anyone: when I click on an icon and the menu and it does nothing, is there a log I might be able to look at to see what is(n't) happening?

when I run hp-setup (which is a link to python scrip) from the command line it fails with the messages below - Archie, do you get the same messages? - it sounds to me like python is having a problem knowing what's were

Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix>
Could not find platform dependent libraries <exec_prefix>
Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>]
'import site' failed; use -v for traceback
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/hp-setup", line 31, in <module>
import getopt
ImportError: No module named getopt


Archie - this is the kind of thing you hit with linux, but realize in this case, the printer is a genuine oddball with all sorts of prblems with lots of distributions and with windows too. Also, if you get this kind of problem with mac or windows, usually the answer is "you're out of luck", whereas with linux quite likely it'll get fixed.
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Re: Problem with HP Device Manager application

#6 Post by goodstomach »

Okay, for me it turned out to be something lluamo has explained
before but I overlooked when I tried to re-install everything.

Running the various packages does not set up python, and hp-setup
needs python. You can get python as a separate .pet file, or if
you are running the development version, you don't need it.

To see if this is relevant, go to a terminal and run python, see
if you get an error message. Before you start python, know that
to get out of it you hit control-D.

You should see this or something very similar:

# python
Python 2.5 (r25:51908, Mar 18 2007, 21:16:26)
[GCC 3.4.4] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
(type control-D to quit)

If you do see, that, what happens when you type:

# hp-setup

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#7 Post by Archiefdny »

I Sorry for the slow reply,

I get

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'hp' is not defined

I have to be honest with you, I have no freaking idea what I'm doing but I really appreciate your help.
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