Testing Puppy 1.07 alpha Xorg....works fine!

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Testing Puppy 1.07 alpha Xorg....works fine!

#1 Post by LazyLabrador »

Love the new decriptions when setting up Xorg- (ie "the little round plug").
I found Xorg very user friendly on my 2 pcs , Old (amd k6 2+ 583mhz) and Older (amd k6 3 400mhz) .However it would only would start at 800x600 until I "tweaked" the settings on both pcs. (Even though I specified other options -ie 1024x768)
On both machines the correct video card driver was chosen automatically -s3virge and NV5M64.
On Older with the s3virge card , the Sony monitor was not auto detected -yet on Old it was. So Older defaulted to "Basic Monitor" which I "tweaked" to reflect the true refresh rates.
This post is coming to you via puppy 1.07 on Older at a respectable 1024x768 and 85hz.
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