Security and other catastrophes

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urban soul
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Security and other catastrophes

#1 Post by urban soul »

To the puppy linux comunity, mainly those in the US and in Europe.

Well, i am writing you this because you use linux. I suppose you do it not because it is easier than M$'s or Job's system, but merely because you appreciate your independence.

I think from time to time the American people rub their eyes and wake up for a moment, look upon the the window and think: this can't be true! 'All that money can buy' is actually a frightening sentence when you know that estimated 90% of the world's money is controlled by only a handful people. Trusts and foundations are used to make it look less obvious. And none of the worlds richest persons ever run for President. The reason is simple: they have a long term strategy and a single election period is a way too short time range.

Up to yesterday we had an argument on our side to support this sort of shadow-government. To name it, this argument was opportunism. With the financial crisis opportunism is no longer a valid argument for us. All of us suffer from it directly or indirectly. From a practical POV the danger of riots has risen. Probably Fox News has told you a mix of truth and lies about it (if at all), but all over Europe have been riots. In Island the government was thrown over after some banks crashed e.g.

So... the natural reaction of any government is to establish security. Security in this sense means control of its own people and you got to be very aware of that fact. I am only talking about laws passed by the US congress or the European parliament. The 'contract of Lisbon (capital of Portugal)' is prob. one of the most far reaching examples: It literally ends democracy in Europe.

It reminds me so much of how the nazis took over in Germany 1933. They simply passed laws which ended democratic control (we had a democracy called the 'Weimer republic' 1918-1933). The parliament was convinced that 'emergency law' is necessary to effectively counteract threats nobody questioned at the time. The difference is that nobody in government needs to use these measures because media works so well. It is just there... sitting and waiting. And in case there's a problem, a real problem... I mean with YOU, the citizens of the United States and Europe... it may be put to action very quickly.

At least it is necessary to realize that 'threats' may be questioned - be it climate change or terrorism - and that media is used to 'herd the sheep into the right pen'. (You prob. know the game from Puppy Linux)

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#2 Post by PaulBx1 »

Well, the point is not that democracy is such a great thing. We are where we are because of democracy. "The purest form of democracy is the lynch mob," as I think Mencken put it. Democracy has transmogrified into kleptocracy. Well, it's always had something to do with kleptocracy, but lately it has simply ignored the usual facade of "common good" which was just hogwash.

No, democracy is no good, at least the form we have in most countries today. However, if you think that the only alternative to democracy is fascism or communism, then even mob rule starts to look semi-respectable.

I don't think it's the only alternative. I happen to prefer armed anarchism and community-level voluntary associations - much like the US was in its infancy, in fact.

As to governments seeking to provide more "security" (other than security from their own depredations), well, that's the way it always goes. Americans at least are heavily armed, and gun and ammo sales are through the roof. We'll see how much of a police state they are going to be able to impose on us. Should get interesting...

Lots of good stuff on these days. Bill Bonner is always excellent; here is his piece on The Economic Panic of 2009

I've noticed a significant push for state governments to reclaim sovereignty from the feds via the 10th Amendment. That's pretty interesting too.
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Security,What Security ?

#3 Post by bill »

What amazes me is that Mr. Barack Obama has flatly refused to show his long form "vault" birth certificate to anyone,and apparently not even to the Supreme Court.I simply haven't a clue who is actually running this train.cheers
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urban soul
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#4 Post by urban soul »

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