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#41 Post by cthisbear »

You've done the Bondie with your 486 mate.

You'll have to repackage your distro as
Winged Keel Puppy.

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#42 Post by 01micko »

cthisbear wrote:You've done the Bondie with your 486 mate.

You'll have to repackage your distro as
Winged Keel Puppy.

" I don't remember "

ha ha!

Hmmmmmm.... Lexcen Puppy?

Lucky it didn't snap in half! No whales in Big_Bass' stuff!

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too smart

#43 Post by disturbed »

BTW, formated 488MB ext 2, 24MB swap. Runs OK.[/quote]

God you all are too smart for your own good. I don't even know what you are talking about by "swap". I like puppy the best because my wireless and 1024x600 resolution works. I have an eee pc 901 and i have tried a few distros. Fedora didn't recognize my wireless, so I don't use that. Ubuntu didn't even boot. So now I just use xp and puppy. DSL didn't let me go online either. I don't know how to get my drivers working. I prefer distro's that automatically identify all of my drivers. I don't know how to get my bluetooth or webcam to work in puppy. And sometimes my audio doesn't work in puppy either. If it doesn't automatically work, I am not smart enough to make it work. To me that's the job of the distro.
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#44 Post by smokey01 »


This may help your sound if you are using puppy 4,12 Normal with the k2.6.15.16 kernel. ... 395#237741

Have you turned the camera on in the BIOS? By default it was off in my eeepc, although mine is a 701SD.

Bluetooth info and drivers here may help. ... 997#163997

Spend some time searching the forums, there is lots of help.

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#45 Post by Lobster »

I did try Puppy on some ancient 486 (in the end I gave the PC away) Not my idea of fun but . . .
We are all different :)

I would probably try deli linux again
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#46 Post by 01micko »

OMG! I was about to refire this thread but it's been done!

Down to business.

I am gonna try to make a puplet from `woof' specifically for low end kit (486, min 32 ram). Plenty of things will be disabled. Be warned. Slackware seems the way to go..

This will not be a 5 minute job. much resaerch must be done. All help is appreciated, no matter what. May take a week, a month or more. No rush.

All advice is encouraged and accepted, I am as new to this as anyone else.
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#47 Post by 01micko »

Weird. Winged keel?
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#48 Post by 01micko »

Finally I got the 486 online thru my puppy box in the shed, with the help a great little program from gyro, ShareInternet.

A nice routing program which allows 2 network interfaces to be connected. In my case, my main box is connected to my wireless network and this old 486 is connected via ethernet to the main box. Cool! 8)
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#49 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hi Mick
I would use netsurf over dillo anyday for a really small good rendering browser. ...
do you use audio? usually lots of weight in audio drivers, libs etc.Plus I would look into stripping xorg out. and stick with xvesa.
Good luck and great work :) also look for 2.14r that was a good re-release with many updates, Ideal for stripping down for older pc's, Plus puppy used to have a command line version very tiny called onebone, now thats a real start, because it has a way smaller kernel than anything you would put together with woof.

Ok this is the large 30MB version of onebone

and this is the smaller 26.4-28MB ... ve/onebone

Thats the size of puppys todays kernel :)
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#50 Post by 01micko »

Not worried about audio, printing, smb but I do need native file sharing.

The box will only be for browsing and a small amount of editing. Some small games.

Will try netsurf, but having touble downloading on that box, guess I'll get the url and try wget from commandline. Hangon, it has Xwget, I'll try that. Dillo is a pain

I saw onebone and wondered what it was. Hmmm i'd have to compile a bit but doable. Once I get X up I can add stuff like suitable pets. S'pose it's a kernel.... That's what I want. Guess drivers for network and such would be there. So I could wget myself crazy!


Ooh! I could write script and get everything in one hit! Compile strip and build! That's where woof will come in handy! :twisted:
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#51 Post by 01micko »

Got netsurf installed, needed dependancies, 2 libs, so I dragged 'em out of 412.

It's up! albeit slow... :cry:
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#52 Post by ttuuxxx »

01micko wrote:Got netsurf installed, needed dependancies, 2 libs, so I dragged 'em out of 412.

It's up! albeit slow... :cry:
When you installed the added dependencies from 4.2 did you make them into a pet first? so you would see if they were missing any dependencies also? HV3 is good also but it uses tcl/tk which you can get from the repo, it was included in series 3 and 4.2, the nicel thing about tcl/tk most programs are small, like tkdvd is a 65kb dvd burner, theres a cd burner also.

Also delilinux works on i486, 16 MB RAM,
I know you want puppy, buttttttt what I was thinking is that they probably have a kernel that is 1/2 the size of the one in onebone, if you could find it and say replace it then change the glibc and basically start from scratch, Well you could test it and see what works and what doesn't and replace what is broken.

Slitaz on the other hand comes with a updated kernel with wifi only in the 'cooking releases' around 28MB. and it includes Firefox 3.0!! now wouldn't that be a great way to save space, remove Firefox and bring it down to around 19MB alone.Plus i think it has mplayer, It might be easier using that kernel if possible to build a small system. I don't know just some ideas, Plus thee are some small window managers than jwm and also smaller window managers.
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#53 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hey mick

I was thinking about your CDburner, how about a small cd burning application to match it? BashBurn is a command line Cd/DvD burner, but I made a rxvt wrapper for it so you can start t from the menu, The interesting thing about it is that I had to set a rxvt default screen first, so that was a bit of learning curve:) This is the script
exec rxvt -geometry 110x40+670+50 -e /usr/share/mybashburn/

this sets the screen size
-geometry 110x40+670+50

Well tell me how it works out for you ok, I'm interested in the results :)
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#54 Post by big_bass »


Its good news to see that fat free 2.16

was able to boot your old hardware and run it

its difficult to run side by side tests with different puppy versions

the real test is taking an old machine getting

that little woof woof bark
working : D

good to see my efforts to keep things small and light
were of use to you

with most puppy users using the latest --->" flying machines"
they dont get the idea of fat free

I have something brewing for many months
and I have working and running for 5 months
already I need to put some finishing touches on it
and it can put some wings on your old box
so it can fly again but much higher and faster
than fat free 2.16

thanks for testing

*If you base on woof
I am still reading over the scripts for it little by little
so it would by awhile before I could modify the scripts
to help you *

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#55 Post by 01micko »

Jeff & Joe

Thanks for your interest
When you installed the added dependencies from 4.2 did you make them into a pet first?
HV3 is good also but it uses tcl/tk
Yes, made the pet, Netsurf works fine, looks good, but just too slow compared to dillo, maybe more ram is needed, but my board seems only to support 32MB.
I think fat_free has tcl/tk. Will try HV3, presently downloading Links, and will find dependencies!

Gonna look at slitaz and delilinux
how about a small cd burning application to match it? BashBurn
I dont know if I have enough resources to burn more than than say, 30meg? Caching of the burn image would be the issue. I don't want to mod the hardware too much, or it defeats the purpose :) (a 30 meg burn would still be handy :) )
Its good news to see that fat free 2.16

was able to boot your old hardware and run it
Yeah! Thanks for that! Runs fairly well. Some things are slow, network wizard, Rox is slowish, surprisingly graphics aren't too bad with mtpaint and I installled xli, can even run my 'xlideshow'! (scaled slideshow designed for Pwidgets, albeit a hacked version)
have something brewing for many months
and I have working and running for 5 months
already I need to put some finishing touches on it
and it can put some wings on your old box
so it can fly again but much higher and faster
than fat free 2.16
Sounds nice! Will patiently await a release... :)

Woof has given me some ideas. I don't expect to build a system with a stock woof, but I can use some of BK's ideas, maybe create a hacked set of scripts to build a woof ultralite version. Not real confident with scripting yet but learning something everyday.

I love older kit, well vintage is a better term, especially cars, guitars and amps, and computers.

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#56 Post by 01micko »

Well things have changed!

I did the full install of fat_free dillo onto the 486.

I got Joe Wing´s 445 snap of JWM with 1 persistent bug. That darn red border around the window in focus.

Pwidgets-2.0.5 is running sweetly. (I´m amazed about that! :) )

Elinks is my current browser of choice, fast and download works!

Need local filesharing :( . Not working.

Petget is broken.... I suspect from JWM upgrade, but I can use wget, .pets still install ok.... hang on! Petget just got fixed! Dunno how! But I don´t care! :)

It looks pretty and is usable.


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#57 Post by 01micko »

8) As things do, things have changed some more! I dumped latest JWM, that got rid of the ghastly red border on window in focus. :)

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#58 Post by `f00 »

hm, was reading of your fun with the 'ghastly' .. and yep, probably some sort of thing going on with version differences in jwm and your P216. If you look at the jwm_colors or <theme>-colors file (if there is one ;) ), note that it does a runaround in some script (dunno why that is). There's also that 'use current gtk theme as..' deal that some folks liked to try in the jwm configurator that kinda works as well. Perhaps most likely is there's a 'fallback' red theme somewhere that comes into play (I think?) if things aren't quite as they should be (stuff defined a bit off or whatever, syntax .. stuff like that, y'know?). Had that turn up once when I messed up a menu in blackbox - it threw me into fvwm95, I think - kind of nice having that old-style wraparound border but the all-red kind of put me on edge subliminally 'til I got back to normal or what passes for it. Lol, I've even had xerrs.log tell me some colors were "bad", but as long as they render it's fine by me.

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#59 Post by ttuuxxx »

01micko wrote:8) As things do, things have changed some more! I dumped latest JWM, that got rid of the ghastly red border on window in focus. :)

Mick probably would of been better to have another pc with the same puppy release your using on retrobox pc, and have a compiler installed on it, then just compile jwm and transfer over the files. :)
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#60 Post by big_bass »

486! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

Well things have changed!

I did the full install of fat_free dillo onto the 486.
fat free 2.16 ?
that was sweet one of my favorites

removing xorg breaks the build so be careful
if you do it the official way

try this script out I made and post your RAM usage :D
that will do some magic better than Cris Angel ... h&id=16349

and micko if you have any suggestions I still have the original
build of all of the fat free series stashed away on CD/DVD
no biggie to modify

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