JWM 2.0.1 Enhancements and Fixes

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JWM 2.0.1 Enhancements and Fixes

#1 Post by Patriot »

Joe's Window Manager (JWM) enhancements (Beta Release) by Patriot

-- JWM version 2.0.1 (stable release) written by Joe Wingbermuehle. --
-- Minor enhancements (beta release) scribbled-in by Patriot. --

In early feb' 2009, I mustered enough motivation to take the plunge and
make enhancements to JWM for the parts that I really wanted, rounded
window corners ...

Many will find that JWM was written to be as lean as possible. I applied the
same spirit while implementing these enhancements keeping JWM small
and lightweight.

What this JWM minor enhancement is about :

- This (personal) enhancement attempts to give JWM an updated cosmetic look.

- The criteria that I've used for adding the enhancements :
a. Something that I really wanted
b. Something that someone wanted and yet easy enough to implement
c. Can be implemented into JWM without too much coding

- I originally only wanted rounded window corners and some sort of
transparency. It has somewhat expanded to include some other minor
enhancements plus bugfixes.

- All changes made tries to minimize coding and not break anything. This
also has something to do with my limited and lame coding ability in C ... :)

What this JWM minor enhancement is not :

- Fork or branch of JWM? No, I did not plan for the afterwards stuffs ... I just wanted it to look nicer for me

- It is not an integrated composite manager, not yet. Perhaps when I have
another ton of motivation loaded up I'll make an integrated version in the

- It does not attempt to please everyone

Latest sample screenshot :

Image Image

http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/2725/jwmscr2.png + http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/3987/jwmscr3.png
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#2 Post by Patriot »

Bugfix/addition lists, latest source, binary and pet

+ : addition/fixes to enhanced portions
* : bugfix to JWM portions
- : removed items/features/etc

JWM 2.0.1-pe (Alpha preview) additions and/or fixes :

+ Rounded window corners implemented
+ Translucency support for menus, taskbar/tray and windows
+ Rounded gradient/flat taskbuttons or with single outline for widths >= 24
+ Flat single color active menu button with/without outline
+ 3D look retained only for gradient colored menu button
- Window buttons border removed
* Fullscreen fix for gxine
* Restore to original position from fullscreen mode

JWM 2.0.1-pe (Beta 1 release) additions and/or fixes :

+ User window buttons (simple) bitmask support
+ Winmenu option Transparent renamed to Translucent and checked against composite support
+ Fixed a minor drawing glitch in taskbutton lower corners
+ Fixed an update glitch when resizing client window in opaque mode
+ Fixed inner window client border not drawn
+ Fixed popup border not drawn
+ Traybutton outline requirement increased to >= 48pix wide
* Fixed traybutton label glitch when text width = 0
* Fixed Winmenu Maximize<->Restore text label

JWM 2.0.1-pe (Beta 2 release) additions and/or fixes :

* Bugfix taskbar/tray appearing on fullscreen client
* Bugfix client window loosing focus after multiple desktop switching
* Changed next window cycling to also restore minimized client (ie. alt+tab).
* Changed showdesktop toggle now also restore minimized clients
+ Added opaque, translucent & showdesktop keybindings
+ Fixed square bracket not drawn on winmenu
+ Minor code & comments rearrangement/tweaking
- Removed inner window border (outline)

KIV list that may be added/fixed/evaluated/discarded/do nothing/whatever/etc :

* bug: taskbar/tray appearing on fullscreen client [Fixed]
* bug: active window on previous desktop loosing focus after multiple desktop switching [Fixed]
* change: include minimized client for showdesktop and next-window-switching [Fixed]
* bug: background client appears on fullscreen client
+ bug: square bracket not fully drawn on winmenu [Fixed]
+ feature: ARGB pixmap support for window buttons
+ feature: horizontal gradient window title
+ feature: Active hover buttons
+ idea: JWM Theme Configuration Manager (by cb88) or WYSIWYG JWM Theme Builder

Source code archives list :
1. JWM 2.0.1-pe-beta-1
2. Original Xcompmgr 1.1.4
3. Patched Kcompmgr 2.02

The binary & pet package includes :
- JWM 2.0.1-pe-beta-2 binary
- xcompmgr 1.1.4 binary
- kcompmgr 2.02 binary
- 2 extra JWM sample themes
- 2 window button bitmask sets

For JWM purists, a one-off bugfix version of JWM 2.0.1 is available, containing only these :

* gxine to-fullscreen & restore fullscreen client to original position bugfix
* tweaked flat tray/taskbutton (no border) for widths < 48
* taskbutton text width = 0 bugfix
* Winmenu Maximize<->Restore text label bugfix
* Bugfix client window loosing focus after multiple desktop switching
* Changed next window cycling will also restore minimized client (ie. alt+tab).
* Changed showdesktop to also include minimized clients
* Added keybinding for showdesktop

Binary and modified sources are included in the archive. This version is
provided as-is and will not be maintained unless when JWM requires some sort
of bugfix.
For JWM purists: JWM 2.0.1 with bugfixes and patched sources
(95.16 KiB) Downloaded 2759 times
JWM 2.0.1 pe-beta-2 pet
(99.6 KiB) Downloaded 3564 times
JWM 2.0.1 pe-beta-2 binaries
(99.24 KiB) Downloaded 2504 times
xcompmgr 1.1.4 full source from I can't remember where
(90.1 KiB) Downloaded 2607 times
kcompmgr 2.02 patched source from KDE3.5
(86.38 KiB) Downloaded 2597 times
Last edited by Patriot on Thu 19 Mar 2009, 00:09, edited 7 times in total.
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#3 Post by Patriot »

Q & A

Q1. Where to begin ?
A1. I've provided 3 options for you to begin, there's the pet, binary or source.

The easiest would be the pet package. Before applying the pet, you may want
to make a backup copy of your original jwm. The pet package will overwrite the
existing copy of jwm, install two extra jwm sample themes, copies two window
button bitmask sets plus a copy of xcompmgr and kcompmgr.

Restart X to load the new JWM.

Q2. How does the rounded corners work ?
A2. I used shape bounding to get those rounded corners. There are better ways
to do it but since JWM is intended to be small and lightweight, I picked
something with lesser codings.

Q3. Can we change the corner radius ?
A3. Yes and no. Yes you can by modifying the source. No it's not implemented
as a configuration parameter in .jwmrc ... Most of the time, the default
4x4 is sufficient.

Q4. How does transparency/translucency works ?
A4. Two things are required: xorg driver with composite support and a
composite manager. Internally, JWM sends a window opacity property
request and the composite manager will handle the rest.

Here are the steps to enable composite (for transparency/translucency):

1. Add the Section/EndSection below to your xorg.conf (at the end of it also works)

Section "Extensions"
Option "Composite" "Enable"

2. Add one of these to .xinitrc before "rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin"

kcompmgr -n & # basic composite & transparency


kcompmgr -I 0.05 -O 0.15 -f -n & # composite, fade-in/out & transparency


xcompmgr -n & # basic composite & transparency


xcompmgr -I 0.05 -O 0.15 -f -n & # composite, fade-in/out & transparency

Note: I prefer to use kcompmgr as it has some bug fixes done by KDE.

Q5. Where did kcompmgr come from ?
A5. I was looking for alternative composite manager as xcompmgr seems to have
issues here and there. I've looked at cairo-compmgr and ecomorph (ecomp),
but they're too big and needs a lot of work to implement. Then, I've read
about KDE 3.5 utilizes xcompmgr for its composite support. I took a quick
look at KDE basepkg and saw that they have made a bug fixed xcompmgr into
kcompmgr. I patched some const headers and planted it into xcompmgr
makefiles and here we are ...

Q6. I get a blank screen when enabling xcompmgr/kcompmgr ...
A6. This is a tough one, as I do not fully understand yet why it does this or that.

My own experiments shows that xcompmgr works fine on my classic P3 with i810 vga
when used in 16bit color depth but 24bit color depth gives a blank screen.
During my tests between 16bit and 24bit depth on the i810 (without xcompmgr),
it seems that the display looks much better and colors crispier in 16bit.
Didn't make much difference switching between intel or i810 driver.

Anyway, you may want to try reducing the color depth a notch if you're
getting a black screen.

I've also read something about RenderAccel switch for Nvidia drivers.
Sorry, can't help much with that one as I don't have the opportunity to
try that out yet.

Q7. Fullscreen fix for gxine ?
A7. Previously gxine could not display fullscreen videos unless you maximize
it first. HairyWill made a nice quick hack to JWM recently. I've
followed a different route to ensure it will work as intended and
attempted to fix a couple of stuffs along the way.

My fullscreen application test list :

1. gxine
- versions 0.5.9, 0.5.11, 0.5.901, 0.5.03 integrated window mode works ok
- versions 0.5.9 and 0.5.11 separate toolbar works ok
- version 0.5.901 separate toolbar half works/broken (inconsistent)
- version 0.5.903 separate toolbar broke my fix

Note: I recommend either version 0.5.9 or 0.5.11 with latest xinelib

2. mplayer
- mplayer from svn dated 19 feb 2009 works great in fullscreen
- mplayer gui also tested to work with no issues
- smplayer from Mulder tested to work fine
- mplayerxp not yet tested but should also work

Note: If you have the space, I recommend latest mplayer (with gui)
over gxine. It's a lot bigger but provides better visual
quality and yet much lower on cpu usage.

3. Geany
- F11 fullscreen/restore position mode works

All were tested with and without running xcompmgr.

Q8. How to use the window button bitmasks ?
A8. Have a look at the sample bitmask provided. Copy, edit, hack, paste or
whatever you want with it. Place those bitmask files in your home
(ie. root) folder. Restart JWM to load the new window buttons bitmask.

Q9. Compiler dependency ?
A9. Compulsory library : X Shape Extension and Xmu used for rounded window
corners. It's already available in the devx sfs and XShape must NOT be
disabled when doing ./configure as -lXmu is tied to -lXext. The current
provided binary is compiled with all options enabled except debug mode.

I'm sorry but I couldn't get my head straightened out to do a proper make system.

Q10. My tests hardware setup ?
A10. Currently all internal tests are done on a classic IBM PC P3-600/ i810/
256MB ram/ internal vga and a classic HP P2-400/ 440zx/ 128MB ram/ MGA-200.
JWM performs well even with composite enabled on these classic workhorse.

Q11. Can we have feature x implemented ?
A11. If it can be supported by the existing framework without having to code
too much, then possibly yes. However, did I mentioned that I'm real lame
with C ?

Q12. I've found a bug !
A12. Please let me know how to reproduce the bug. I'll see if I can whack it ...

By adding just one additional feature like rounded window corners, it can
break a lot of things. I have tried to ensure all functions affected by
rounded window corners are dealt with correctly.

If the bug is related to JWM enhancements then it will be fixed as
soon as possible. If the bug is due to JWM internals or xcompmgr then
it will be placed on the KIV list accordingly and to be looked into as
time permits.
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#4 Post by ttuuxxx »

Patriot wrote:Q & A
Looks pretty good Patriot :) I'm not the best coder or anything even close,lol but I was wondering if you and the developer of mtpaint, wjaguar, well if you two guys got together and scratched heads, I bet you could find a easy way for the transparent images/backgrounds. The reason is, well mtpaint can make layers, and with each layer you have a slider that controls opacity, now if you could figure out how that works in mtpaint without any extras? probably Cairo or something. It would be really cool to have a slider also, in say a menu item. Then everything would be just right. Well Its a shot anyways.
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#5 Post by zigbert »

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#6 Post by Dougal »

Just one quick thing before I look into this more properly and test it: another outstanding bug in JWM, is that when you change desktops a few times windows tend to lose focus! What I mean is that you'll end up with only one window (on a random desktop) being in focus... so if you work with a few desktops you keep having to re-focus windows when you switch around -- pretty annoying.
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#7 Post by panzerpuppy »

- Is it possible to get the old look without the inner border (as in the alpha preview)?

With the inner border the windows look clunky:


Here's how they look without it - *much* better:


- Another ugly 'feature' is the odd looking active taskbar buttons:

The active button looks like it's shifted upwards by one pixel. This optical illusion is a result of the contrasting colors of the white outline and the button gradients:

With a grey outline at the bottom,the bad effect is gone:
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#8 Post by ttuuxxx »

panzerpuppy wrote:- Is it possible to get the old look without the inner border (as in the alpha preview)?

With the inner border the windows look terrible:

Here's how they look without it - *much* better:

- Another ugly 'feature' is the odd looking active taskbar buttons:

Current look: The active button looks like it's shifted upwards by one pixel . The contrasting colors of the white outline and the button gradient create an unpleasant optical illusion:

With a grey outline at the bottom,the bad effect is gone:
Now thats what I like to see a eye for detail, I'm like that also, I was a interior/exterior Painter for a lot of years and when you do that kind of work you get a eye for detail, Thats why it takes me so long to finish my own graphics etc or even to today when I walk into someones home the first thing I do is look up and look at the cutline where the ceiling and walls meet, lol force of habit. But It does pays off. even if its for your own self gratitude. not that I'm saying that to this case. Anyways your right the extra inner black line needs to go, I wouldn't say it looks terrible, but it does look better when its not visible.
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#9 Post by Leon »


Thank you very much for your time and your work!

"JWM 2.0.1 with bugfixes and patched sources for JWM purists" package is exactly what I was searching for since I started to use Jwm in very early days of Puppy Linux.

The result:

Full screen:
http://freeweb.siol.net/ladsl/jwm-2.0.1 ... 24x768.png

Give some rest to your eyes.:wink:
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#10 Post by Patriot »

Hmmm ....

Yep, verified the window loosing focus on desktop screen switching bug ... It's now on the KIV list ...

First, I agree that the inner window border thing can 'kludge' the look ... I'll take out the inner window border for the next update/bugfix if this is really required. But then, some may want the inner border for whatever reasons ...

For now, you may want to specify the same border color as the outline color (or make it slightly darker/brighter to suit your needs). This will immediately fix your issue as the outline color is used by JWM for the inner border too. My tests indicates that the window borders looks cleaner this way.

Next, the taskbutton outline color is a no go (for now) as it depends on existing JWM color picks. I've already experimented earlier with existing JWM color picks but it doesn't give the result you or I wanted.

Possible solution to the taskbar outline color:
1. Reverse the gradient color from a:b to b:a
2. Use a darker starting gradient color for active taskbuttons. If I'm not mistaken, this color will be picked up and made lighter by JWM as the outline color (cant remember off hand). You'll have to experiment on this.
3. Patch to always use a darker outline. This may break dark themes
4. Patch to always use a lighter outline. This may break light themes
5. Add in outline color option. This may break jwm themes compatibility
6. Make JWM smarter to detect all possibilities. Hmmm, I'm not smart enough to make JWM smarter .... ;-)

See, its easy to break stuffs ... its lotsa hard work to make it better ...

I hope you enjoyed the bugfixed jwm. Thank you.

@01micko (questions from a related thread)

To edit/delete the window buttons bitmask files, you can find them in the home directory (ie. /root):


To use the built-in bitmasks, simply delete the files listed above and restart JWM. Its also possible to use them selectively by deleting just the button close bitmask file.

In total, there are 3 bitmasks:
1. built-in (as in jwm alpha-preview)
2. original jwm buttons
3. "rounded" window buttons

If you're applying the pet, the sample bitmasks can be found in .jwm folder. To use them, copy the files into /root and restart JWM. The bitmasks can be edited using mtpaint or similar ...

I have inadvertently mixed-in a broken configure script. I've updated the source archive with the correct script.

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#11 Post by 01micko »

Thanks Patriot, for those interested this was my question
"Hi Patriot,

Looking nice, one query, How do I change the close button from the powerswitch icon? If you have addressed this please point me there.

Thanks "
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#12 Post by Dougal »

I looked at the beta and have some feedback...

First, the bug I never got to report with the alpha is still there:
In the "send to" and "layer" submenus of the window menu, the right bracket is missing (see image attached).
I assume this is just a matter of needing to allocate more space to the text...

You also broke the configure script... see a trivial parch for that.

I noticed that you also added to the window menu an option to toggle transparency! Nice.
I went ahead and added a keybinding for it, to make it easier to use... see patch.
(I wasn't sure if I need to do the STAT_SHADEHACK trick before doing the TransparencySwitch, though... so it might need to be added.)
I also updated the man page to include this (but I'm not sure if the wording is all that good... I used the keyword "opaque", since that's what you used.).

I also tried to add support for setting groups to be transparent, so you can have in jwmrc something like:

Code: Select all

which should make all your rox windows transparent.
However, it doesn't work... I tried playing with it a little, but am too tired to try anymore.

Besides that, I've been using jwm-svn lately, as it includes some improvements -- a keybinding to stick/unstick windows, for example.
So I also created a patch to port the svn improvements to your beta-1 (there don't seem to be any clashes, so it was easy). See patch.
Then I also applied the opacity-keybinding on top of that, so there's another patch for that (the transparency group patch works for both).

I'm running it compiled with --enable-debug and it seems to work fine... just one little message that keeps repeating when I close Geany:

Code: Select all

DEBUG: XError: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
DEBUG:    Request Code: 20 (X_GetProperty)
DEBUG:    Minor Code: 0
DEBUG:    Resource ID: 0x1600003
DEBUG:    Error Serial: 149351

So with all this there are three new keybindings: opaque, stick and pdesktop (go to previous desktop), which is very nice... here's what I have in the keybindings part of ~/.jwm/jwmrc-personal:

Code: Select all

<Key mask="A" key="F1">root:3</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F2">exec:gexec</Key>
<!-- the next should give a list of windows (JWM doesn't support it) -->
<!-- <Key mask="A" key="F3"></Key> -->
<Key mask="A" key="F4">close</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F5">opaque</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F7">move</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F8">resize</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F9">minimize</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F10">maximize</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F11">stick</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="F12">shade</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="#">desktop#</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="Tab">next</Key>
<Key mask="A" key="space">window</Key>
Last edited by Dougal on Sun 12 Apr 2009, 09:30, edited 1 time in total.
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#13 Post by Dougal »

Got it!
Here's a patch to add a "transparent" group.
Last edited by Dougal on Sun 12 Apr 2009, 09:32, edited 1 time in total.
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#14 Post by Patriot »

Hmmm ...

Thank you for the patches, I didn't thought of going that far yet ... I'll give it a look and get them added soon. The square bracket bug have been fixed for next update (but not so soon) ...

The broken script was already fixed after the first 2 downloads. I discovered the mixed-up when checking the file sizes (and have posted a msg above about that). So, I guess you're one of two who got the broken script. Sorry about that. The updated source already contain the correct configure script.

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#15 Post by lilleguard-liste »

First of all: Thank you very much for your effort in improving JWM! And keep it simple and small :-)

I have two suggestions for improvements:

1. Ever since starting to use Puppy Linux I have been annoyed that alt+tab doesn't include the applications which are minmized (icewm and every other window manager i have tried does). Is it possible to fix it?

2. Can you make a keyboard shortcut for "minimize all" and "maximize all" open applications?

Good luck with your further efforts! I'll be watching your results with great interest.
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#16 Post by `f00 »

If you really want to mess with keystrokes I have another wm here that needs a return to sanity (no hints, you must guess .. oki small hint - if a commmon combo is used, it kills the Puppy with no save dialog ...) . . screenie to lower the qual of this fine thread . .
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#17 Post by Dougal »

lilleguard-liste wrote:2. Can you make a keyboard shortcut for "minimize all" and "maximize all" open applications?
You mean like "show desktop"? There's the show desktop panel button and I tried looking at some stage to see if there's a key-binding for it... I'll see if I might manage to hack something like it.
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#18 Post by Patriot »

Hmmm .....
lilleguard-liste wrote:.....

I have two suggestions for improvements:

1. Ever since starting to use Puppy Linux I have been annoyed that alt+tab doesn't include the applications which are minmized (icewm and every other window manager i have tried does). Is it possible to fix it?

2. Can you make a keyboard shortcut for "minimize all" and "maximize all" open applications?

First, the next window cycling issue can be fixed quite easily. My own personal version already have this fix. It was not earlier included as I thought of it as an original JWM feature ... ;-)

Second, as Dougal mentioned, by making a keybinding to showdesktop it will achieve the result you desire ... I've already added the keybindings and it'll be included into the next update.

Anyone else who wishes to have these two fix included, please say aye to lilleguard-liste request.

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#19 Post by `f00 »

Was I dreaming or might it have been a reality-based thing about a keycommand-wizard-script .. that checked for conflicts between all the apps' keycommands ? Yah, seems too good to be true but if it were (hard to imagine since 'standard' keycommands are often user-modified - I try not to since that way lies much complication in recall and yes, conflicts with some key-intensive apps like graphics and audio/video creation ..)

But "aye" - make it something like win<key>+D or similar? I never did get the naming conventions down (hyper, super, meta etc) and yah, be sure and take into account the international nature (yep, there's absolute standards there somewhere) .. as long as it's safe ;) I'd rather not lose a session by clumsy typing :lol:
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#20 Post by zigbert »

The window is maximized and I want to close the window. I 'throw' the mouse-cursor to upper-right corner and click, but the close-button is not there. - It is a few pixels down and left. It would have been great if close-button was defined all the way out to the upper-right corner. The same feature would be nice for the start-button.

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