Puppy 4.2 RC1 Deep Thought - Bugs & Fixes

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#81 Post by pa_mcclamrock »

ttuuxxx wrote:Can I please get a response if this 2nd Cups update does work?
People are so quick to point out errors, but they are sure slow to help and report back if things are fixed, I don't mind helping but this is starting to drag me down, Plus with Program stealer and the guy who doesn't care how his programs preforms, I'm just about ready to throw the towel in with this 4.2 project.
Oh, don't do that! Just try to calm down and don't let them get your goat. I only just now got a chance to try your second CUPS update, and it does work. This is the one to use, I think, because it restores the permissions to what they originally were. Thanks!

Now how about getting a good night's sleep, which is what I'm going to do in just a minute or two? [EDIT: I mean, if you're now in Canada--won't work just now if you're under the midday sun in Australia!] Sometime soon, though, maybe you could tell me what time of day or night would be best to try to catch the CUPS support person you were chatting with on the IRC channel you mentioned, so sometime soon (when I'm not as sleepy as I am just now) I can tell him about the problem I found. Thanks again!
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#82 Post by Pizzasgood »

I haven't been following along with the CUPS saga. Does the included package include the HPIJS stuff? If not, am I right in assuming that the existing HPIJS package is incompatable with the included CUPS? If it's either included or the existing one works, I can test printing tonight or more likely tomorrow. But if not, I can't help any, and also won't be upgrading as I need to be able to print for school, and am not willing to reboot into an older Puppy on those occasions, when I can simply continue using a perfectly well working version.

As for rip-offs, well, this is open source, so code is gonna get reused. But it is considered courteous to mention where you got code from, like along the lines of "Here is a modified version of XXX's YYY that does ZZZ."

IMHO, it's not exactly an ingenious piece of code in the first place. Not anything worth fighting over. Of course, if it happens once, it can happen again, so it should still be resolved somehow. But no need to get nasty (Not that you have yet, I'm just being preemptive).

I was curious, so I compared the code between those two, and there were enough similarities that I'd almost suspect it was a derivative work, but on the other hand, it's a very simple program - there are bound to be significant amounts of convergent evolution - especially if he specifically made his to look consistent with yours, which is a pretty obvious thing to do. Or it could be that you both based the work from the same examples.

At the moment, I think it's a mix of those last three. Not that what I think matters much, unless I'm forced to moderate. I've been under a lot of stress lately, so I don't think anybody wants that. I don't, anyway.
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#83 Post by cthisbear »

"I've been under a lot of stress lately, so I don't think anybody wants that. "

This whole show should close for a week.
Allow people to get some sleep and a sense of humour back.

What the hell is this screaming hurry for.
I thought this was a bug fix release amongst other things.

Plenty of Puplets are being released.
Two even got mentioned at Distrowatch.

We don't need this hurry BS anymore.
Release it in another month...who cares.

Get the Bloody thing right at least 99%
Printing still doesn't work for me.
No blame conveyed,
But maybe if wireless networking, printing etc worked seamlessly
for the majority...that would stop a lot of questions on the forum,
contented users and good press.

No shortcuts, no freakin schedules.
A mature, well balanced release.
And I still say the size BS has to be re-assessed.
Mini...Standard...and deluxe.
Stops the whingeing ........... period.....something for all tastes.

Our Puppy is different to others.
Let's not have differences between ourselves all the time.
We don't have to agree or like each other.
We can all get p.....d off.

But at the end of the day we see the same mountain.
From each point of the compass our view is not quite similar.
But our goal is the same.
How do we reach the top?

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#84 Post by 01micko »

"(enter Chris' rant here)"

Here, here!
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#85 Post by Pizzasgood »

I agree about slowing down. I thought it was pretty odd to see a "release candidate" posted that had known issues. Release candidates are not the "okay, let's make the final tweaks" stage - that would be beta/gamma. Release candidates are supposed to quite literally be release candidates - everything is, to everybody's best knowledge, finished. They provide a chance for people to make final verifications that there really are no remaining bugs. Any time a bug is found in an RC, that should mandate at least one more RC edition before the final is released, to verify that the bug was really removed. Only when either all bugs are gone, or the devs have given up on solving them for that particular release, is the final put up.

The other thing I don't understand is all this "Hurry up, there's only four hours left!" business. IMHO, that encourages sloppiness. Just release that beta and include the changes in the next beta, and keep popping betas until it's ready for final, then pop RCs until it's Ready for final.

If you really need a more finalized stage between beta and RC, call it gamma. Treat gamma like you're treating RC, and then treat RC properly.

I think one reason for the rush is that everybody besides WhoDo needed copies of the most recent setup to verify everything was right and to be able to properly implement new things on top of the already done things. Apparently WhoDo interpreted this as "go faster" rather than "release early, release often".

Just my take on things.
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#86 Post by Flash »

I burned 4.2 RC1 to my multisession DVD+RW, using Burniso2cd in 4.2 beta 2. I'll try to be gentle, ttuuxxx. :)

I noticed that the window of the burning program used by Burniso2cd, the name of which escapes me right now, had white characters on an orange background. I thought that had been changed to black characters in beta 2?

When I shut down, I chose to save the settings from beta 2 to the newly burned RC1 DVD, and it worked fine. The beta 2 DVD was upgraded to RC1 with settings intact.

I like the analog clock dial on the desktop. I found the clock with the white background from alpha 2 (I think it was) to be more readable than the one in RC1. How can I can change the analog clock in RC1 to the one with white background that was in alpha 2?
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#87 Post by ttuuxxx »

Yes Guys printing should now work for both of you, you may need this new fix,
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... h&id=15570

It fixes your permissions and gives a few extras that weren't included. Patriot figured out the fix, his way included 2 locations for it to be installed, I kept one of the locations and chnaged the other to the wrapper, which to me made more sense, then on the second release which is above I changed the permissions from 666 to 777 as requested by pa_mcclamrock, Now his hp is working for the first time in series 4.2 :)

Also Maybe test your HPIJS package first, It might work I don't have a HP printer to test that on, I also compiled the latest HPIJS package, and made 2 versions, One with ppd's and one without, I Don't know if they are needed? or not?
This one doesn't contain the ppd's.
http://www.puppylinux.asia/tpp/ttuuxxx/ ... No-ppd.pet
And if that one doesn't work then the full package is located here with all the ppd's
http://www.puppylinux.asia/tpp/ttuuxxx/ ... 2-i386.pet
I had to disable fax, due to the fact it needed dbus and I wasn't going to start messing with dbus again.

As for the code theft, it wouldn't be so bad if this wasn't really the first official release that its going into, I was actually very proud of it, I showed my wife and she was real happy for once, usually she hates me spending so much time on Linux :? It might be basic code, but its been in the making for around a year, and like I said Hairywill helped with the tabs, But for someone to take it out from underneath me and say its his own work while the community watched and said nothing, other than I guess pizzasgood comments, I find that a cruel injustice. Really I'm still in my early years of coding, But it makes me feel like in the future, I'll just have to use a tough license that people can use it, but not reuse or alter, rename any of it, Do you know who will benefit from that??, nobody.

I Just hope when WhoDo gets back he'll set thing straight.
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#88 Post by ttuuxxx »

Flash wrote:I burned 4.2 RC1 to my multisession DVD+RW, using Burniso2cd in 4.2 beta 2. I'll try to be gentle, ttuuxxx. :)

I noticed that the window of the burning program used by Burniso2cd, the name of which escapes me right now, had white characters on an orange background. I thought that had been changed to black characters in beta 2? WhoDo must of forgot, I'll resubmit it:)

I like the analog clock dial on the desktop. I found the clock with the white background from alpha 2 (I think it was) to be more readable than the one in RC1. How can I can change the analog clock in RC1 to the one with white background that was in alpha 2?
I'll look into it, you must be talking about jwm.
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#89 Post by Patriot »

Hmmm ...

I'm feeling a little better today ... I see cups still giving the hiccups ... Allow me to assist with the first part:

Solving the device permission denied ie. /dev/lp#

I traced this back in January and understood the reason for this behaviour. It is not cups fault as I have stated in my old thread. It is due partly to how the kernel handles /dev/lp# ...

Back in the old days, LPT printer was the norm and USB was not. So /dev/lp# points to LPT ... nowadays, USB is the norm and LPT is not. So /dev/lp# now gets assigned to USB printers. This is fine if LPT printers is not going to be used but it starts clashing when both USB and LPT printers wants attention ...

To fix this, we need to reassign these USB and LPT to the previous assignment method. That is USB goes to /dev/usb/lp# and LPT goes to /dev/lp# ... That's the fix I've used in my cups-1.4b2 and cups-retro-1.3.9 pets ...

I haven't had anymore usb+lpt printing problems since then ... this method was tested to work with gutenprint 5.2.3 that ttuuxxx provided earlier ...

For now, I've put cups integration on hold while I sort some other stuffs first ... Its on hold as I have come to realized the gravity of integrating all the latest cups + samba + gutenprint + hpijs + hplip + foo2zjs + etc + etc + etc ... really, whoever doing this will have to sit down and learn each package requirement and how they interact ... I got burnt meself when I thought getting cups to work was peanuts ...

The Fix:

Those /dev/ path assignments can be automatically handled by udevd ... for that to work, I added specific rules to udevd to assign usb and lpt printers dev path appropriately ...

All you have to do now is copy this udevd rules to /etc/udev/rules.d/ and overwrite the old one. Best to reboot your pc to ensure that the new rules is enforced. Alternatively, you can try killall udevd and restart udevd again ... My previous tests seems inconsistent when restarting udevd. Maybe I'm too dumb to properly restart it ... (That is the reason for my earlier cups pet wanting to reboot. Be safe than sorry).

Once the new rules are enforced, usb printers will always be assigned to /dev/usb/lp# and lpt printers will always be assigned to /dev/lp# .... No more problems using either one or both simultaneously ... No more "ttuuxxx, I got a /dev/lp# permission denied" ... At the same time, permissions is automagically fixed at 0666 as required by cups backend ..... ;-)

Thus this will end once and for all those permission denied related errors.

To the spoolers/printers, there is no difference between the two /dev paths ... they're just links ...

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#90 Post by ttuuxxx »

Patriot wrote:Hmmm ...

thanks patriot, But your a day late:) I used your code already earlier today and made a fix, It looks like it worked also, :) I used a different location for one of them and changed it to 777, because another user asked for it:) but it looks like it worked, oh ya you had just /dev/lp0 Pa needed /dev/lp1 so that got 777 also. ttuuxxx
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#91 Post by ttuuxxx »

Added latest axel multi threaded downloader, Plus I added a updated Puppy download, But this version you can choose upto 8 connections, The previous was 4, I talked to Eric first and made sure it was ok to have that may, its really flies great now. Plus I notice that at one time it had an icon, Well it was in the code but along the way it must of been deleted, So I included one. I also change the orange background to beige and black text like the others I changed. Since orange BG and white text, just doesn't work for most.
enjoy. Page 1
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#92 Post by 01micko »

01micko wrote:HELLO!!!!!

I don't really want ot yell but rtl8187 is still BROKEN. I think it was alpha3 when I reported it :cry:

Appears as 'r8187' when I do an lsmod.
BUMP! HairyWill had a wireless issue in one of the alphas too, don't know if that was addressed
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PPLOG and Hiawatha broken

#93 Post by growler »

Note PPLOG doesn't work still as hiawatha is still broken for the same reasons as it was broken in all prior releases. Permissions for the nobody user - she can't read the web-root /root/httpd/hiawatha - even though the permissions set would suggest she should be able to. See previous posts in other alphas/betas. Too hard for me - need a guru to figure this one.

I guess WhoDo is trying to fit the development timetable around his other commitments as we all must. With the amount of posting here I am comfy there will be no final release of a shoddy puppy. There are clearly a few issues to work out still.
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PetGet 420 v3 updated with 5 more mirrors,

#94 Post by WB7ODYFred »

UPDATE March 11, 2009: uploaded Ttuuxxx improved version with the 5 mirror addition.

ttuuxxx I updated your work here attached below. Tell me if it works for you. Thanks for your efforts, ttuuxxx!

I fixed the broken GATECH link (mirror website) moved from
cc.gatech.edu to gtlib.gatech.edu.

UPDATE: I add petget-420-v2.pet
Same petget_v420rc1 file contents just created into a .PET format file
for easier installation

Please download file and untar
tar -xvf petget_v420rc1.tar
cp /usr/sbin/petget /usr/sbin/petget.original
cp petget /usr/sbin/petget

Then run Start --> Systems --> Puppy Package Manager

Report back problems to me WB7ODYFred or voicemail SIP7:fredfinster@sip7.vitelity.net

Is there someone else that can setup the buttons locations better?
ie modify the petget script to better place the buttons?

Will someone inside India, create a http://mirror.puppylinux.in website that can host puppylinux mirror. Also help with localization to Indian dialects?
Ttuuxxx updated version with the 5 mirror sites addition.
see here at http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=278456
(25.01 KiB) Downloaded 541 times
Same file contents as petget_v420rc1.tar but in a pet package for easier download and installation. Send bug reports to WB7ODYFred or Voice Mail SIP:fredfinster@sip7.vitelity.net
(20.68 KiB) Downloaded 537 times
Please test. Report back problems to WB7ODYFred
This petget has gatech link fixed. Adds 5 more mirror websites around the world.
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#95 Post by zigbert »

ttuuxxx wrote:So you support ripoffs, That tells a lot about a indvidual
Honestly ttuuxxx, we are talking about a dialog, - not a new invention.
Shutdown dialogs is not really something new in the digital world.

Would you like me to change the default shutdown command in the Ptray package to point to aragons shutdown dialog?????

Stay tuned :D
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#96 Post by trapster »

Here is the earliest shutdown dialogue I can recall from disciple.

But I agree...very trivial to the overall picture.
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#97 Post by capoverde »

Trying to change the number of virtual desktops with the JWM configuration manager still gives the error message "New config corrupt. Keeping original" as already in Beta2.

Setting it by hand in /root/.jwmrc/jwmrc-personal and restarting jwm it works, of course.

Printing works here - HP970Cxi on USB.

*A newcomer might be misled by launching the GTKLP printing manager before installing the printer, as it won't "see" it: adding a line to direct to the CUPS printer wizard if no printer is detected could solve this.

BTW, now that I've tested them, in Geany and Leafpad the default font size seems way too small (or is my eyesight falling? :shock: ).

Good job altogether, but Whodo and Ttuuxxx (and maybe others) appear to get too much stress on them... Let life quality come first, folks - I mean yours! :D
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Re: PPLOG and Hiawatha broken

#98 Post by pa_mcclamrock »

growler wrote:Note PPLOG doesn't work still as hiawatha is still broken for the same reasons as it was broken in all prior releases.
A while ago there was some consideration of making PPLOG and Hiawatha installable rather than built-in in Puppy 4.2. This might be a good way to save some space and not risk offending users with broken built-in programs. I really think a built-in personal blog and web server would be of interest to only a fairly small minority of users--even if they could be relied upon to work!

Other possible space-savers: when I was going through the packages.txt file for 4.2RC1 last night in connection with the 4.2 version of Remaster Express, I noticed a couple of incongruities. The ayttm chat client is now "off" (i.e., not built in), but jasper ("needed by ayttm for yahoo webcam") is still "on." Also, pstopwatch is "off," but ptimer, "gui for pstopwatch," is still "on." Could jasper and ptimer be turned "off"? Also, can somebody tell me what "jester" is and what it's needed for?
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#99 Post by jcoder24 »

ttuuxxx wrote:
zigbert wrote:aragon
I think your shutdown dialog should be packed as a standard app. Then Ptray, or a menu-item could call it. I made the one-click-power-off because I personally like it better than dialogs. If you pack it, Warren will decide what shows up by default in the menu, and in ptray. So you support ripoffs, That tells a lot about a indvidual :? [/color]
I thought we were looking at a "Puppy Shutdown Dialog" and not a ttuuxxx or aragon shutdown dialog. In fact the Shutdown dialog is actually disciple's shutdown dialog according to the following quote from ttuuxxx.
ttuuxxx wrote:hey maybe include this http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=21934
as a shutdown script, its very snazzy :)
That original dialog looked the image attached below. However, even if it wasn't Disciple's shutdown dialog, there is a phenomenon called "Simultaneous Discovery".

There are a number of people who make contributions to puppy to make puppy the distro that it is. Some do so silently others not so silent, but when it comes to demanding recognition, implying that your contribution is significantly superior to others or trying to force your preferences on people a line must be drawn. I have seen this a lot as it relates to puppy 4.2 and it is the kind of thing that would push people away puppy. In my case Im more likely to boycott those kind of developers contributions and re-invent the wheel.
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#100 Post by MinHundHettePerro »

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