Puppy 4.2 Beginners Instructional Video

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#21 Post by 01micko »

ttuuxxx wrote:
01micko wrote:
ttuuxxx wrote: ... but from another location unknown, lol Trade secrets :)
yes well, ummm.. legality?
Of course it was legal, I wouldn't ever promote anything but, well unless its windows related :wink: lol
Well " heads up"

Anyways off topic, what about the level plug?
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#22 Post by ttuuxxx »

01micko wrote:
ttuuxxx wrote:
01micko wrote: yes well, ummm.. legality?
Of course it was legal, I wouldn't ever promote anything but, well unless its windows related :wink: lol
Well " heads up"

Anyways off topic, what about the level plug?
I'll go half way,
voice - ecomoney
no systems limited etc,
just his user name, because thats what his role in this video is, a puppy linux user. His father on the other hand has a video business, If he wants to have his companies name at the end, the same size as rest of the text with no company images, thats fine with me, we are all equals. I still don't even know why his father would even want that, its not like someone from China, Australia etc is going to say, hey come video my computer over seas.
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#23 Post by 01micko »

ttuuxxx wrote: I'll go half way,
voice - ecomoney
no systems limited etc,
just his user name, because thats what his role in this video is, a puppy linux user. His father on the other hand has a video business, If he wants to have his companies name at the end, the same size as rest of the text with no company images, thats fine with me, we are all equals.
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#24 Post by ttuuxxx »

01micko wrote:
ttuuxxx wrote: I'll go half way,
voice - ecomoney
no systems limited etc,
just his user name, because thats what his role in this video is, a puppy linux user. His father on the other hand has a video business, If he wants to have his companies name at the end, the same size as rest of the text with no company images, thats fine with me, we are all equals.
I Agree with how its stated above, Its really up to WhoDo in the end, But its always best getting everyone in a team to agree on issues like these.
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#25 Post by 01micko »

ttuuxxx wrote:
01micko wrote:
ttuuxxx wrote: I'll go half way,
voice - ecomoney
no systems limited etc,
just his user name, because thats what his role in this video is, a puppy linux user. His father on the other hand has a video business, If he wants to have his companies name at the end, the same size as rest of the text with no company images, thats fine with me, we are all equals.
I Agree with how its stated above, Its really up to WhoDo in the end, But its always best getting everyone in a team to agree on issues like these.
Fair's fair, fair enough
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#26 Post by ecomoney »

Hi Ttuxxx

Far from being offended by your comments, i am actually glad you brought them up, and Im also glad you brought up your concerns now. I would hate to have made the video and it be rejected by the puppy community for being too "corporate". I thought the issue of me having some company structure to my work would come up eventually, so this is as good a time as ever to explain.

Let me explain a little about the huge corporation that is (not) Ecomoney Systems Ltd. Ive just (yesterday) filed our accounts, which had more circles on it than the wheatfields of Western Europe, and less digits than the the worlds entire whale population. Ive actually had to send it in three times already because its hard to work to get them to believe someone would bother running a company, with all the hassles that involved, for nothing.

Why do I bother running a company if it makes me no money? The answer is simple, it opens doors in the busimess world and gets things done, which is my main concern. It means that I can legally take away computer waste from schools and colleges while complying with government regulation, for nothing, while the company down the road has to charge £3 an item for disposal. The reason I do it for nothing is because I can sell them for a nominal fee (around £40) to families that would otherwise not be able to afford them. I use this money to keep petrol in my £100 car, pay for internet access, web hosting and software mirrors, and mobile phone top-up so I can keep the whole thing going.

The charities I deal with usually get them for free, or I ask them for around £5 to cover delivery. Another reason I run a company is because it keeps my personal finances separate from my work, and this avoids all kinds of paperwork. I dont draw any wage or a salary from the business, and neither does our secretary, Sylvi-Maree Westlake (sylvi on the forum) or our "Chief Technical officer" (he chose that name) who deals with our more technical difficulties. We havnt made a profit...ever, and more often than not I have to use my own money to keep things going.

Ecomoney Systems Ltd was registered at the end of 2004 as a Social Enterprise through a government scheme. The reason our government (what country are you from Ttuxx?) is promoting social enterprise is because it doesnt have the money to invest in social services, and it thinks that by getting altruistically minded people to run companies where all of their profit has to be re-invested back into our business aims is a way of getting those public services for free (probably so it can save the taxpayers money to bail out their masters at the banks instead).

We were originally commissioned to create solutions for the web based management of community currency systems (a citizens operated currency), We developed a package based on phpbb, which we released for free. It was the first such program of its kind in the world. That concept has been copied and improved all over the web and a huge number of sites now exist. With the depression, they are going to get ever more popular. I havnt seen a penny (of national currency) personally for this. Having fulfilled our origional remit, I realised that these systems were pointless unless people had a secure, cheap, easy, non-corporate controlled and reliable way of accessing them, and the rest of the mind blowingly informative material that the only free information network in the world contains, This is why I now work on the puppy linux project full-time...for the last four years for free. Im honoured and excited to have the opportunity to do this film.
You haven't put anything into 4.2 from what I've seen, and I don't agree that you would deserve such a spotlight for making such a small tiny donation.
Puppy development is an ongoing process, Each version getting better and better. What makes it (and all open source software) is the gathering up of feedback from the user base to the developer base. Its no good developers just developing what they personally want. Puppy linux, from its mission statement, is a project aimed at getting people to switch to linux ("linux newbs") from other operating systems. The only way most are going to do this is if it benefits them personally to do so...such is human nature.

Over the years since I started using puppy linux, I have introduced hundreds of people to it. That is personally stood over them while they have tried linux for the first time. This is either through supporting them in their homes charities and businesses, or at the cybercafe where I used to work. The things I have learnt I have fed back thorugh the forum so that faults can be rectified and puppy linux can become more useable and hassle free, so more people can move away from Windows.

Some notable examples are the problem with pup_save.2fs files filling up causing desktop icons to disappear with no warning, and xwindows not showing up after a power failure/lockup, leaving a black screen full of code (implemented in version 3 and the last 2.15ce community edition). All of these are show stoppers to new linux users, and make them very likely to give up on it, return to microsoft, and continue criticism to others that linux is just too complex for most computer users. All these are faults that are now fixed. Another thing I have been banging on about for years is that puppy looks primitive, grey and uninteresting out of the box. This is something I am over the moon about being resolved in 4.2, thanks to your own coding.

Ive also contributed on the forum many of the problems that my users have faced, and supplied fixes in them, liasing between the developers in their language, and writing solutions for newbs in their language.

During the last four years, Ive seen puppy linux go from 20th place on distrowatch, to seventh or eighth, contributing to linux overall destop penetration that has gone from about 0.2% to 2 or three percent this year, and set to double or triple over the coming year, and for all the years after that. Im an in absolutely no way saying that this was due to me only, or even that my contribution was particularly significant compared to the great many others involved in open source or puppy linux in particular, and at the same time I wouldnt say that my contribution to the latest puppy 4.2, and its previous foundations isnt "anything".

I want to do this video because I think it will be a great help to new users, and excellent way to promote puppy, and because I have the experience in demonstrating puppy linux to new users to do it effectively. Im also lucky enough by chance of birth to have free access to a professional video production company who specialise in instructional videos of technical processes.

All I ask is that, along with the names of the many developers/project managers who have contributed to this release, the name of the project that I run (at cost to myself), that I am known as locally be mentioned for a second in the end credits, the name of the person who composed the music for the video and the name of my fathers company who is also giving up his time for free. I wish to use the "ltd" part because I think it will give new users a better impression that puppy linux is a serious project (opening doors) and that is the name under which I (Robert Simpson) undertake all of my puppy linux related projects. This would be no more intrusive to the purpose of the video than putting the name and contact details of the developer in the Help>About menu in an application would be intrusive to the purpose of that application.

This is just that, a request. If my name is not mentioned at all I am still willing to produce the video. Especially if mentioning my projects name would cause one of the best current contributors to puppy linux to "walk". :)

P.s, While totally sharing your views about flash, I must disagree with your views about including it. When we have as much market penetration (98%) as adobe, but then we will have the leverage required, but until then we must find the best solution to the its problems and compromise. Would love to hear about this "trade secret" you have Ttuxxx.
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#27 Post by technosaurus »

http://www.tuxradar.com/content/linux-t ... hould-know

see #19 for how to take a screenshot in a terminal
Check out my [url=https://github.com/technosaurus]github repositories[/url]. I may eventually get around to updating my [url=http://bashismal.blogspot.com]blogspot[/url].
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#28 Post by raffy »

Based on what ecomoney just discussed, perhaps it would be appropriate to put in the video "Directed by Robert ... of Ecomoney Systems Ltd. Ecomoney supports new currency virtual communities that are in turn made possible by Puppy Linux. Ecomoney is registered as a social enterprise in the UK".

Robert, I browsed the page here, but I could not clearly classify Ecomoney Systems. If it was a trust, then is it correct to say that some community ownership would be one of its features?

I asked because it would be fun to continue that caption above with ".. and co-owned by the Puppy Linux community".
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#29 Post by cthisbear »

ecomoney :

Do what you like.

I wrote more but I decided that the 10 second rule should apply.

Charity towards others efforts etc, before I pour out a diatribe
in a certain direction.

Diplomacy is not my forte'.
I want so much to scream out my pain too.

Your past efforts need no more reasoning.
Your direction is sound.
Criticism can come later if the video doesn't deliver the goods.

I'm hanging out to be your first detractor.
PM me when you have finished editing so that I can whinge
about how awful and awkward it is.
I'm slavering at the mouth to put you down.

Diplomacy! I forgot.
Negativity is just so much sweeter.

Put on the earmuffs and go forward friend.
That way you won't be aware of too much banging
on the drums around you.

The natives get very restless in Sydney.

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#30 Post by ecomoney »

Sorry for boring people with my diatribe, my reasoning was it is best to give too much information than too little when it comes to the issue of a "corporate" getting involved in puppy linux and taking whatever small credit there is to be had! I would really like to just work on puppy linux as an individual, but the money police here would have a field day with me. I am no Mark Shuttleworth.

Weve actually had a long hard look at re-incorporating ourselves as a registered charity, with the aims of recycling waste and bridging the "digital divide". The reporting and accounting obligations for that would be massive however, and we just do not have to staff/skills to do that for the size of operation we currently are. It is something that we will look at again in the future.

@Raffy, what you suggest would be ideal, perhaps

"Presented by Robert Simpson of Ecomoney Systems Ltd, a registered Social Enterprise",

that would pretty much describe my part (presenting), as well as mentioning the name under which I personally do my puppy related work, and the way that work operates. (Im not sure mentioning community currencies would be relevant). If people were interested, they would be able to look us up and see that we just use and where we can contribute to Puppy Linux, and were no kind of "Canonical".

I see you thinking with the community ownership part, basically the major part of our work is owned by the puppy linux community....puppy linux itself! In that respect, the puppy linux community owns far more of Ecomoney Systems then Ecomoney Systems owns Puppy Linux! Puppy linux belongs to everyone who works on it.

I agree somewhat with Ttuxxx's valid points, for new users coming over from proprietry operating systems where all of their software is guarded with vicious lawyers, they might get the dangerous impression that we are somehow majorly responsible for its development, rather than the small contribution to it we have made - just like any of its users who engage with the wider puppy linux community. Giving this impression is something I too would want to avoid like the plague.

Perhaps in the part on the instructional video where we explain about the way Puppy Linux/open source is developed, I would have the opportunity to make that clear. Ecomoney Systems isnt the only commercial or quasi-commercial company involved in the puppy linux open source development process, and that project is for the far greater part driven by selfless individuals who give their time and skills for free. Its actually a big plus part for the end-user who the video is aimed at that they too can play a part in puppy linux's development, whether they have actual coding skills or not.

Were actually a lot less commercial than any others I have heard about, and our bank balance (about £34 when I last checked) is proof of that.

I know Im labouring the point, but I really wouldnt want to make any enemies or cause any resentment with this video amongst the community. Its better everything is made clear and understood in advance.

Back to the video:-

My fathers company, like I say, uses an dedicated Amiga computer to do its "non-linear" editing. As a result, the titles come out really badly. Would there be someone who has a better way of titling videos who would be willing to do this part. My father has cameras that are worth far more than even Ttuxxx's expensive camcorder, the results of which have often been used on local and national television in the UK. If he would just do the "raw footage" part and leave the titling to someone with better titling equipment Im sure it would make for a much better overall result.
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#31 Post by ecomoney »

Also, as a thought, does anyone else have any video footage of puppy linux in action that could be included? Any good pics of puppy linux projects around the world would also be handy. Please post them here and I will attempt to get a five second shot of them onto DVD so they will go into the casablanca for editing.
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#32 Post by big_bass »

I know Im labouring the point, but I really wouldnt want to make any enemies or cause any resentment with this video amongst the community. Its better everything is made clear and understood in advance.
Hey ecomoney

A suggestion

why don't you open a dialog with Barry K directly
last I heard he was working on "woof"

present your Project to him first
for him to review
if you get his blessings
you can avoid a lot of unneeded problems

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#33 Post by raffy »

I hope these pictures can be useful:

Puppy Linux in Action - Philippines

Note also the Affordable Computing Workshop in Manila sponsored by VIA Technologies in 2006, see here. (I hope the link to the report will be active again, as it has many pictures.)

BTW, if you need a good narrator, I guess Lobster is well-qualified. :)
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#34 Post by big_bass »


Inspiring !

great to see a plan in action

the rest of us need to wake up to the many opportunities
that present themselves :D

now I am living in Mexico
where computers are recycled
nothing is thrown away

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Re: pictures

#35 Post by Lobster »

raffy wrote: BTW, if you need a good narrator, I guess Lobster is well-qualified. :)
Nice pics Raffy and well done on the donation button and php update on the website - I did post on it but pressed only preview so you did not see it :oops:

Narrating - I am doing my best to get sound with my new motherboard (also 3 mics all not working - OK one is for the Mac . . .)
So if that changes it might be possible
But it would be much better if many people sent in 'soundbytes'?

There is a presentation on 4.2 here that might be useful
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 096#281096

here is a little Puppy TV project that might be of interest . . .
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#36 Post by ecomoney »

I couldnt get your file lobster..which is disappointing. Does 4.2 open odf in abword by default? I find quite often mime types are incorrect. I have a mike here I have been saving....but may I suggest Poundland first...its cheaper than the p+p! (Ive even seen a windows version of supertux in there!). Those who dont know what Poundland is...its a growing British institution ;-)

I actually have puppy set up already for quite a few T.V./media centers running through T.V.'s I even set up one for my mum!!!

Raffy, thank you for the pics, I will make sure your valuable work is highlighted.

I have quite a few of Ecomoney Systems Ltd work, but would like to highlight the fact that puppy is collaborated on internationally, by business and individuals alike :-) Please....do not be "camera shy"! We need puppy pictures from around the world, I do not have "film star looks" either lol

The only problem I have now is putting them on a dvd for about five seconds to get the stills onto the casablanca machine. Any hints and tips appreciated. Plinej?

Im going to go ahead and write a first draft "script" tommorow, so if anyone has any further suggestions they were thinking of, please post them now.
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#37 Post by Lobster »

I couldn't get your file lobster..which is disappointing.
ODP is a format that loads into Impress in Open Office (which you need the SFS or pet to run. It will not load into a word processor.

I enclosed a pdf version . . .
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#38 Post by ecomoney »

Many thanks lobster, I saw that abiword had an export filter of openoffice writer .odt, and thought it has .odt support. This opened up fine as a .pdf

Of particular use is the credits section, thank you for your work to compile a full list. This is the list I will be using for the end credits of the video.

Another question about printing, using the CUPS package I added on for 2.15ce based Ecopup, there were drivers for around 768 printers. Roughly how many models does the current puppy 4.2 support "out of the box" with the latest printing system?

I was reading this about Ubuntu on www.digg.com last night

http://linuxpoison.blogspot.com/2009/03 ... nt_07.html

Look at feature 8....beginners instructional video lol

The others are pretty good imho to.
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#39 Post by Lobster »

thank you for your work to compile a full list
That list is largely created by Coolpup
whose very latest listing is here
http://puppylinux.org/wiki/archives/old ... ease-notes

The presentation is also available as a flash file directly here:
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#40 Post by ecomoney »

Its a bit late and Ive been testing netbooting all day, so my head is a bit tired to be writing scripts. I have had chance to give it some thought though. Like I say, I think the video should be in two parts

Part 1 - Making a disk under Windows, booting, connecting to net

This will be generally available on youtube/digg/slashdot/lifehacker to "Draw them in"

Part 2 - Exploring your puppy linux computer, general tasks and tweaks, M$ word vs Linux formats for abiword, gnumeric, connecting to msn/chat etc, asking for help from the community etc

This will be available from within the newly booted and connected puppy 4.2 setup.

The job of the first part will be to encourage the user to give puppy linux a spin, and show them how to do it. Its a general "sales tactic" to sell somethings benefits rather than its features. For example, a feature of puppy linux is that it boots into RAM, the benefit of that is that it runs very very fast!

Therefore, Im suggesting the first part of the video, before even the description of how to burn the cd, should be about the *benefits* of puppy linux. Has anyone got any thoughts about this?

I know we can do a better job at "selling" an operating system than this guy, and look how far theyve got lol
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