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#21 Post by menno »

I donn't know of it is of any interest , but I often use PEU (diviration of Euphoria) . It is itself is a pure comandline-language and 160 Kb .
If you like to do X11 it can add to it GraphApp (900k) or wxWindows .
It has wrapper to SQLite and other things . The nice thing is (to me) that it works in Linux and MSwindows . (This is also true for X11Basic.)
I use it as script lanquage in CGI under Appache . Greatings Menno .
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Re: Programming Languages in Puppy

#22 Post by BarryK »

Lobster wrote:Flash is going Forth again (Lock up your programmers)

Languages IN Puppy:
  • Linux Script (similar to MS Dos batch files) Widely used by GuestToo and Barry
    Tcl/tk (pronounced tickle and very powerful and mature)
    PuppyBasic - also called wxbasicscript ( a smaller version of wxbasic) - we are just starting with this - MU created this especially for Puppy
    XUL - built into Mozilla - I think this has great potential for Puppy but am too stupid to implement . . . Byzantine OS uses this
    SVG - similar to actionscript - seen a tetris game written in this at croczilla. . .
    javascript - thus of course Ajax (the present hyped language)
    Actionscript - well there is openflash and wink but no one is programming directly in this
Also available:
  • Lua - pupget - very interesting language for games (as a glue) - good community
    Tinyc - front end may be in preparation . . .
    GCC C (Puppy can compile its own code with an add on)
    nasm - assembler (G2 dotpup)

Also available in special circumstances with a following wind:
  • Perl - pupget
    Java - command line version available somewhere
    Ruby - With Qemu Puppy
    Python - available from grafpup
    Xbasic - just go to website and install - GUI code also runs on Windows
    Gambas - I loved this but no one else was keen
    RealBasic - now free - not got this working John Murga may have done so?
    ASQ - pre alpha design stage - Lobster insanity
    X11 Basic (was a potential Puppy Basic - never got used)
What have I missed?

You missed Postscript.
Postscript is a language, and could proably do a lot more than just page layout if given half a chance.

#23 Post by Guest »

Post script can do amazing stuff.

This guy has a bunch of stunning examples:
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#24 Post by syzygy »

and just to go full circle, isn't postscript a forth derivative?

#25 Post by Guest »

Ya wanna learn Linux, eh ?

Are ya committed ?

Get Slackware..........any reason why

It's one of the oldest distros

It don't have any slick tools but it does the job as does it very very well


#26 Post by othomas »

LOL Slackware is the one I learned with. Back in the days when a 28K modem was FAST and a big HD was 40meg.

Weeks to download 80 some floppies then weeks to compile it and then a few more weeks to get it working..good time had by all..:)
Ted Developer Dog

harping on GeexBox greatness again

#27 Post by Ted Developer Dog »

GeexBox does contain its source, toolchain, and Arch structure (117M)
link on main page. I have learned alot from it. It does compile from puppy with two script bracking errors ( touch without -t support and LANG not being set)
I have been able to compile for source to executable in about four hours.
It has advanced stuff in multimedia of course. It includes compiler, busybox, linux kernel etc.
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#28 Post by kethd »

Intriguing -- ISO Generator!?!

GeeXboX ISO Generator ... Size: 8.2 MB
With this package, it is easy to modify GeeXboX in a few seconds without having to build the sources. The generator produces an ISO image of the GeeXboX, ready to be burned on disc, that you may have customized to fit your needs. The software is multi-platforms, working currently under both GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows 9x/NT/2k/XP systems. It is able to produce ISO images for both i386 and PowerPC targets.

GeeXboX 0.98.7 Sources (Lite Package) Size: 313 KB
GeeXboX 0.98.7 Sources (Full Package) Size: 116.8 MB
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