Puppy 4.2 RC2 Deep Thought - Bugs & Fixes

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#241 Post by trio »

ttuuxxx wrote:
playdayz wrote:@ trio,
3. DO NOT SAY "remove", if you want to remove it from your system, please do. Your opinion is NOT always the SAME with others..Ok?
Oh, excuse me, I must have mistakenly thought this thread was devoted to feedback on Puppy 4.2 rc2.
I'm kind of with you on that one Playdayz, I would like to see pwidgets as a addon pet package, maybe included with a puppy pin icon link to the desktop, so you click the link it opens a pet , install conky, fixmenus, pwidgets, etc. and if a user don't want all that stuff installed they could delete the pet and be done with it all. I never liked any system monitor, conky etc, it was nice for about 5 minutes but after that I didn't have any use for it, I never look at the desktop, and to have so many extra things running in the background, making tons of extra links, man I would be happy with 4.12 with the 2 Window managers, new icon themes, and thats it as bling goes, actually It wouldn't bug me if JWM took a one way ride out the door also :wink:
haha..is this the time to "start" again?? well, for me? no..not really.. :lol: puppy's not my life...it's supposed to be fun..and that's it..so playdayz..sooooo sorry if I hurt your feeling....and ttuuxxx you can say whatever you want.......and that's it.. :lol:
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#242 Post by ttuuxxx »

Naaaaa I'm not starting anything, just that I've been reading Pwidgets reviews by users and talking to them in chat, and well I would say its a 50/50 for people who want it and people who don't, we are talking about system resources, space, slowing down of things, not everyone wants that for a little desktop bling. I can't see why we couldn't have a regular desktop with the option of installing all that other stuff, really all you would have to do is take a clean 4.12 and install all your apps and utitilies , make notes while doing it, make a pet, give WhoDo a icon and he can puppypin it, one click on the desktop starts the pet install, and 1 min later you have bling :) probably a good place for the pet would be just in root.
simple. What you guys have done is really nice, no doubt. but people running say a 233mmx probably would never want it. I have a fast PC with lots of extra resources and I find it slows down, compiling and basic moving of window around, I've noticed that 4.2 be not as agile as earlier 4 series. How about a poll Bling or no Bling poll?
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#243 Post by ttuuxxx »

The Bling or no Bling poll can be found at http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=39511
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#244 Post by 01micko »

Not much point really, the poll.

WhoDo decided to include all the eycandy.

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#245 Post by technosaurus »

Here are a few possible space savers

to remove - not really useful???
/usr/lib/seamonkey-1.1.14/res/samples ... 347kb
/usr/lib/seamonkey-1.1.14/res/throbber ... 23kb
/usr/man ... 16kb
/usr/local/man ... 6kb
/usr/lib/syslinux/syslinux.exe ... 24kb
/usr/lib/syslinux/syslinux.com ... 20kb
/usr/lib/syslinux/isolinux-debug.bin ...13kb

these could go to devx_420.sfs ????
/usr/lib/*.a and *.la ...589kb
/usr/lib/alsa-lib/smixer/*.la ... 3kb
/usr/lib/apr-util-1/*.a and *.la ... 38kb
/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines ... 3kb
/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/gxineplugin.la ... 1kb
/usr/lib/pkgconfig ... 7kb
/usr/lib/xchat/plugins/perl.la ... 1kb
/usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/sample_drv.a ... 5kb
/usr/include ... 33kb

Also save 204kb with symlinks from icons in /usr/local/lib/X11/themes/DeepThought to /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps

there are a lot of duplicated icons all over the place - too many to list - no time to track them all down right now, but that should be around 1MB for ttuuxxx to play with anyways
Check out my [url=https://github.com/technosaurus]github repositories[/url]. I may eventually get around to updating my [url=http://bashismal.blogspot.com]blogspot[/url].
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#246 Post by ttuuxxx »

yes but it doesn't hurt to know how the general populations feels, really a "Bling my Desktop" icon on the desktop would be really cool. For the people who want it. Its all about choices, but at the end of the day, your 100% WhoDo will have last call on it. Its never to late to change his mind.
Well maybe after the final is released, it would get great reviews with it, but the final history on the this release will be written by users and how they feel with it.
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#247 Post by ttuuxxx »

technosaurus wrote:Here are a few possible space savers

to remove - not really useful???
/usr/lib/seamonkey-1.1.14/res/samples ... 347kb
/usr/lib/seamonkey-1.1.14/res/throbber ... 23kb
/usr/man ... 16kb
/usr/local/man ... 6kb
/usr/lib/syslinux/syslinux.exe ... 24kb
/usr/lib/syslinux/syslinux.com ... 20kb
/usr/lib/syslinux/isolinux-debug.bin ...13kb

these could go to devx_420.sfs ????
/usr/lib/*.a and *.la ...589kb
/usr/lib/alsa-lib/smixer/*.la ... 3kb
/usr/lib/apr-util-1/*.a and *.la ... 38kb
/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines ... 3kb
/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/gxineplugin.la ... 1kb
/usr/lib/pkgconfig ... 7kb
/usr/lib/xchat/plugins/perl.la ... 1kb
/usr/lib/xorg/modules/input/sample_drv.a ... 5kb
/usr/include ... 33kb

Also save 204kb with symlinks from icons in /usr/local/lib/X11/themes/DeepThought to /usr/local/lib/X11/pixmaps

there are a lot of duplicated icons all over the place - too many to list - no time to track them all down right now, but that should be around 1MB for ttuuxxx to play with anyways
that would be excellent, the last version of abiword was around 300kb larger than the previous, well just the openxml plugin was 400kb. plus I included enchant lib, all the templates(extra 25kb compressed) (plu it had the clipart files minus the 4 gnome letters, they are useless anyways.I converted them to jpg and saved 300kb.
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#248 Post by panzerpuppy »

@WhoDo: check out this thread and read my post there:

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 974#282974
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#249 Post by WhoDo »

Enough! :evil: I'm really sick (I have a respiratory tract infection) and tired of it all (the infighting that is)!

As the Benevolent Dictator appointed by Barry to manage the 4.2 project, I have been more Benevolent than Dictator to this point. That changes now! Here are my decisions:

1. I have RC3 all but ready to release. Apart from one or two program updates and bug fixes, the only significant change will be the inclusion of pa_mcclamrock's Remaster Express (RemaX).

2. Pwidgets WILL be IN by default and ON by default. The only concession to those with slow machines will be advice in the opening info screen about how to disable them (remove the start_widgets file from /root/startup directory). That's so easy to do it's ridiculous!

3. There is really no point in having a poll about anything in a dictatorship! That's what we have here. That's what we've ALWAYS had with Puppy. I guess I'm partly responsible for the flack here as I've been way too benevolent in my approach.

4. I am tired of people ignoring forum etiquette in MY threads! If you doubt they are MY threads, check the name of the poster in the first post of each such thread. What individuals want/don't want, like/don't like, do/don't do has no place in a Bugs & Fixes thread. It's purely for Bugs & Fixes.

5. I will NOT have people criticising members of the development team, or their work, in personal terms ... not even OTHER members of the development team. That stops NOW!

It bears repeating here so I will repeat that I will make the decisions. Period. No second guessing allowed. If you like what I've decided, that's great. If not, borrow 50c and phone someone who cares!

I should warn all and sundry (that's everyone in general and not anyone in particular) that no-one is indispensible ... not even ME! I urge everyone to read again the description of How the Puppy Project is run, as laid down by Barry some time ago. Read, mark and inwardly digest as my old English teacher used to say... especially these final sentences:
Now to get onto what really matters... having fun with Puppy. Approach this project with a spirit of light-heartedness, interact in the Forum in that manner.
I've told Barry before and now I'm telling EVERYONE here ... the moment this project stops being FUN for me, then I'll walk. I don't need the aggravation and I sure as heck don't need the disappointment of seeing otherwise good, intelligent, supposedly mature people needlessly bickering and sniping at one another. At the moment it is NOT FUN and I'm really, REALLY close to walking... as are a number of the quieter devs who are seriously reconsidering their contributions to Puppy. That would be EVERYONE'S LOSS ... not just mine!

I will NOT mention this again, in this or any other thread concerning Puppy 4.2 development. I will simply STOP ... if the problems don't! That is my first and final warning on the subject. Now, can we please get back to just having FUN?
Last edited by WhoDo on Wed 11 Mar 2009, 10:36, edited 1 time in total.
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#250 Post by ttuuxxx »

wow WhoDo nice to see you put down the law, I'm still working on abiword, should be finished tonight, I started over from scratch again, things were getting too cluttered. This time its compiling even better, it found Goffice.
As the poll goes sure why not see how the public feels, your the dictator and don't have to listen, but poll are made for one thing, to give you some sort of idea what people want. Right now its at 9 out of 10 against having Pwidgets auto start or even be installed, thats 90%, but he do what you want, you know whats best and I have full trust in you, that you will deliver the goods :)
Take care, get well and don't worry about it :)
I'm still having fun :) So should you.:)
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#251 Post by Lobster »

I'm really sick
Try not to die.

I feel your patience has been extraordinary.

Just remember a LOT has been achieved in terms of who
is fun to work with and who is not. What is easy and so on.
It might interest you to know that the one person (at the moment)
who voted for more bling - was me . . .
Because a stripped down version will be released without fail
just as new users are wowed by Puppy widgets and eye candy. . .
And of course because at this stage you vote for what you ARE doing
and that is why I fully support Warrens direction and efforts.
Well done. 8)
I feel most impressed by those showing restraint and moderation
and working co-operatively.

Incidentally curry made with lots of garlic will help with your lungs . . . :)
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#252 Post by playdayz »

The only concession to those with slow machines will be advice in the opening info screen about how to disable them (remove the start_widgets file from /root/startup directory). That's so easy to do it's ridiculous!
Perfect. Thanks. Is this possible with ptray also?

I did regard it as a "bug" or at least a problem, because the widgets took so long to display after startup and in changing wallpaper that I would do things before the process was complete and that caused problems that led to the cpu going to 100% and staying there.
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#253 Post by rjbrewer »

Here is a simple way of making "full" install from "frugal" without
using cds'. Handy for testing release candidates. Don't know if
this has been covered anywhere before.

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 970#282970


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#254 Post by rcrsn51 »

Lobster wrote:Because a stripped down version will be released without fail
There is already a perfectly good "stripped down" version in circulation. It's called 4.1.2.
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#255 Post by Caneri »

Hi Warren,

I hope you feel better soon...the lung infection can really drag you down so get the chicken soup going.

To make chicken soup just find a chicken that's so old it's teeth have fallen out and put it in a pot full of water and simmer for the afternoon or whenever it's coolest where you live...then clear the stock and add whatever veggies you like and voila...chicken soup. My chicken soup will hurt your eyes...from looking for the chicken...lol... as I usually just make veggie chicken soup and the meat is in sandwiches or pies.

This may cheer you up http://git.puppylinux.ca/
Pizzasgood has been testing out Git and we now have a server to run it. It's taken a long time but if this works a build for another release will be much easier...thanks Pizzasgood for the testing and implementation.

So get well and remember to have spicy food with a beer...no reason for this but it tastes good ;-)

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This thread

#256 Post by Béèm »

I can completely agree with Whodo's comment about bickering in this thread.
This thread is about bugs and fixes. In this case rc2. Nothing more nothing less. Period.
All other comment about wishes how things has to be done is out of line here.

Having said this, I feel there is a lack of another thread about wishes and rants or whatever.
There is a possibility of wish list on the Wikki, but a separate thread in projects might be more intuitive.

Hope that people gets their act together, so the project is not in danger and I wish Whodo lots of patience. But I think he took a good decision to act more as a 'dictator' then he was before.

This thread and previous bugs and fixes threads weren't actually fun to read/follow.
Time savers:
Find packages in a snap and install using Puppy Package Manager (Menu).
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#257 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hey WhoDo heres your abiword, what a pain 3 times I had to start over, and when I mean that, basically erase my 18gig pupsave and basically restart, takes about 15mins, so its not that bad. Anyways
http://www.puppylinux.asia/tpp/ttuuxxx/ ... wordfinal/
In that directory posted above are basically all the files needed,
I made abiword, plus extra, plus plugins,plus enchant all in one package. so that gets rid of 4 packages
next aiksaurus is a couple of kb smaller and has the missing .desktop file:)
Goffice is almost 100kb smaller compressed :)
I recompiled lib jpeg to hope that it would stabilize the pictures better, I didn't strip it, sometimes when you strip.so they mess up, so I was thinking maybe thats what happened to it.

There's 2 link grammars, the small version is just the libs and no text, so it basically won't work, but it should stabilize the system somewhat. and the bigger one has all the text, Its not needed for the dictionary to function. We don't really need it either, maybe just the libs, anyways most of these packages are smaller than the originals, so it should be very close in size. If you want to read up on link grammer, here's a link
Next I'll work on the shutdown and email.
take care and feel better WhoDo
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#258 Post by pa_mcclamrock »

WhoDo wrote:1. I have RC3 all but ready to release. Apart from one or two program updates and bug fixes, the only significant change will be the inclusion of pa_mcclamrock's Remaster Express (RemaX).
I just need a little more time for debugging . . . let's see how I'm doing by tomorrow, OK? :D
I am tired of people ignoring forum etiquette in MY threads! [ . . . ] I will NOT have people criticising members of the development team, or their work, in personal terms ... not even OTHER members of the development team. That stops NOW!
Hear, hear! But, just in case it doesn't, please give serious consideration to ejecting the offenders, not to walking out yourself. Get well soon!
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#259 Post by 01micko »


Glad you made 'that' post.

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#260 Post by WhoDo »

pa_mcclamrock wrote:
WhoDo wrote:1. I have RC3 all but ready to release. Apart from one or two program updates and bug fixes, the only significant change will be the inclusion of pa_mcclamrock's Remaster Express (RemaX).
I just need a little more time for debugging . . . let's see how I'm doing by tomorrow, OK? :D
Good news!8) Hmmmm.... Black Friday release .... :shock: I was wondering when I'd hear from you, David. FWIW I don't have the power to eject anyone but myself ... hence my "choice" of that "option". :wink:

@01micko - seems to have slowed the pace of this thread a little, too! :o

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