How to run Puppy from Windows NTFS partition

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#41 Post by Aitch »

First: a reminder - this is posted in the "Solutions" section, which is not intended for problems!


I regularly run puppy 2.14R from liveCD and have ntfs filesystem on a drive with just data - I don't have a problem

How much space do you have on your drive?
Has the filesystem been chkdsk'd & defragged? It is advisable before doing anything to the partition, for which you need to use Gparted from the menu
Make a small Fat32 partition [size depends on available space but 1Gb for starters] for a frugal install, as you can juggle your data easily, [Although Puppy can now read & write to ntfs partitions] or a ext2/3 for a full install & a linux swap [2xram size]

see here, though choose whichever version you like, some may be preferable to your tastes

Instead of deleting the ntfs partition, as suggested, just resize it, allowing enough for your 2 new partitions, & format them - it's a fairly intuitive GUI process

I would advise just getting used to puppy from liveCd first, though

Any further problems, I suggest starting a new thread in the beginners section, & give any details of your hardware & problems, for best support

Aitch :)
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Booting Puppy from ntfs without windows being present

#42 Post by mcewanw »

XiaolinDraconis wrote:grrr everywhere i look to install to ntfs i get this same answer.... this is not the answer to install to ntfs it is for installing grub in windows! i have ntfs but no windows!!!!!
You don't need Windows to boot Puppy from an ntfs partition, as I described here once upon a time. Of course you'd be advised to use a more recent version of grub4dos etc now and the method works with the newest Puppy too. There have been some newer Puppy developments since then though which allow you to put the Puppy frugal files into their own directory (might also be some device name changes such as /dev/sd... instead of /dev/hd... etc), which probably isn't covered in this howto: ... =859595646

I personally always use grub4dos in the mbr method rather than that of the method adopted in the Lin'N'Win project, because I don't want to rely on Windows (and generally end up removing Windows from any computer I buy). Having said that, once I remove Windows altogether, I usually also get rid of ntfs partitions too (but it's true that I could keep using ntfs if I had a reason too).

Of course the method used by Lin'N'Win is easier/"safer" for many users if they are not confident about modifying the mbr with grub4dos; but it is perfectly safe if you know what you are doing. Certainly you can lose access to your partitions and Windows install if you are not careful; the answer is to be careful and practice on machines which you don't mind re-installing... Once you understand the concepts the grub4dos in mbr method is perfectly fine, and very versatile.

For those with Windows on the partition, it is possible to also use standard grub with window-XPs bootloader, using a trick or too, but it is more complicated as detailed (for slax) in an ancient post here:

[EDIT: the above link seems to be down or vanished, see my next post for what was in it. Luckily I had a copy of the info on my machine...]
Last edited by mcewanw on Fri 27 Mar 2009, 00:12, edited 1 time in total.
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using normal grub to boot Puppy from NTFS (old slax post)

#43 Post by mcewanw »

[Note: that I recommend either the method used by Lin'N'Win project: ... innwin.htm
or the grub4dos in mbr method instead: ... 180#135180,
but I've posted this alternative here for technical interests sake. Also see method in - mcewanw]

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 6:14 pm Post subject: Install SLAX to Win-XP machine w/out messing up Win-XP Reply with quote
This post tells you how I installed SLAX to my Windows-XP machine. It is done by using WinXP's own bootloader (ntldr). This method has the advantage of NEVER making your windows unbootable.

People who dont want to install linux bootloaders (like GRUB or Lilo) in their MBR, and thus are not required to configure them so that they boot Windows.
ie: linux noobs like myself Smile

Links i used:

My HD before the SLAX install was like this:
partition1 - primary - NTFS (with win-xp) - 4GB
partition2 - primary - FAT32 (data partition - 36GB

I started with freeing some space for SLAX's partitions, by using partition magic (can also be done with parted/qtparted) to resize partition2 from 36GB to 33GB
Important note: I defraged partition2 before resizing it, ensuring that the free space in it would be in the end of the partition.

Next, I booted SLAX cd, and used cfdisk to make swap (512MB) and ext3 (2.5GB) partitions.
cfdisk /dev/hda

After a quick reboot, I then made the filesystems in those, and mounted hda4
mkswap /dev/hda3
mkfs.ext3 /dev/hda4
mkdir /mnt/hda4
mount /dev/hda4 /mnt/hda4

Then I installed Slax to /mnt/hda4
cp --preserve -R /{bin,dev,etc,home,lib,root,sbin,usr,var,opt} /mnt/hda4
mkdir /mnt/hda4/{boot,mnt,proc,sys,tmp}
cp /boot/boot/vmlinuz /mnt/hda4/boot

I needed to get GRUB from the internet and install it:
wget ... i486-2.tgz
installpkg grub-0.97-i486-2.tgz

Next, I made a backup (just in case, hehe) of the MBR, and installed GRUB in the hd4 partition, not in the HD's MBR
dd if=/dev/hda of=/mnt/hda2/backup.mbr bs=512 count=1
grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/hda4 /dev/hda4
echo "timeout=4

title Slax
kernel /boot/vmlinuz max_loop=255 root=/dev/hda4 vga=normal rw" > /mnt/hda4/boot/grub/menu.lst

My HD after the SLAX install looks like this:
partition1 - primary - NTFS (with win-xp) - 4GB
partition2 - primary - FAT32 (data partition - 33GB
partition3 - primary - linux-swap - 512MB
partition4 - primary - linux-ext3 (with SLAX) - 2.5GB

At this time I dumped the SLAX bootloader (GRUB) to a file:
dd if=/dev/hda4 of=/mnt/hda2/slax.mbr bs=512 count=1
Note:/mnt/hda4 is where I installed GRUB, and /mnt/hda2 is where my FAT32 partition is mounted (must be RW in SLAX). If you dont have a FAT32 partition, you can use a floppy disk or usb-flash-drive to store the file.

I shutdown SLAX, took the cd out of the drive and rebooted (at this point it boots normaly into Win-XP because SLAX is not visible yet)

In win-xp, I moved the slax.mbr file from my FAT32 drive (d:\) to c:\ (where my Win-xp is installed).
Next, I edited my c:\boot.ini file and added c:\slax.mbr="SLAX" in the last line.
My boot.ini looks like this now:
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect
Note: you may have to clear the hiden and read-only attributes in c:\boot.ini to be able to edit this file.

That's it. I rebooted and saw the "SLAX" option along with win-xp.
The bigger they are, the harder they fall...
thank god SLAX is so tiny!

Last edited by Dude on Tue Sep 12, 2006 11:26 pm; edited 1 time in total
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