OxygenOffice extended openoffice package for puppy linux

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OxygenOffice extended openoffice package for puppy linux

#1 Post by ecomoney »

My second clumsy step into the world of package creation is .sfs package for a full office suite. Oxygenoffice is basically standard openoffice with extra document templates, clipart, fonts, samples and VBA macros (if you need them). It is able to open, edit and save Microsoft Office .doc, .ppt, .xls. Openoffice is also available (free) for Windows and Mac, as well as almost every type of Linux.

Ive just looked up on the P.C. world website, and the cost of the equivalent Microsoft Office 2007 package is.....wait for it....

£265.33 British Pounds or $387.00 U.S. Dollars!!!


...and for that price you dont even get an install cd with it.....just a serial number from Microsoft!

System Requirements

This is obviously a very big package as it has so many features. It also requires a faster computer than the standard puppy linux (I would estimate about a 400mhz with 192mb RAM) to get by. This should be most computers under about ten years old.

If its any consolation, Microsoft Office 2007 requires a computer around three times more powerful than this, and if you didnt have a computer already, and you used your computer for "Commercial Purposes", you would also need to purchase a new computer with a Windows Vista Business Operating System Licence...thats another £289.99GBP or $422.49USD at for a base model (without monitor). That would bring the total cost of writing a letter to around £555.32GBP or $809.05USD. So much for "Free Speech" 8)

Installation Instructions (For Free)

Mirrors (more Needed)

BigFileHost.com worldwide download mirror

Ecomoney Systems Ltd European Download Mirror

MD5SUM = 2ba493b49eee653c762ac8481c95796c

Because of its size (and current limitations with puppys the .pet package installation system) its only really possible to install this as an ."sfs addon pack". If you have not done this before "DONT PANIC", its actually very simple (and flexible!) Once you know how, you will be able to install all of the other many .sfs files that will give you access to to all of the larger packages made for Puppy Linux

Installing OxygenOffice if you are still using Windows as well as Puppy Linux

If youve just started using Puppy Linux, and are using a CD to switch between Windows and Puppy, you will have what we call a FRUGAL installation. Youve probably not figured out the puppy linux filesystem yet, and feel more comfortable in Windows (this feeling will pass trust me!) The absolutely easiest way for you is to just download the file in windows, and copy it to the bottom of your "C:" drive (where most probably your puppy linux "pup_save.2fs" file is too).

Simply download the file from one of the mirrors above, and save it to your desktop or "My Documents" or wherever. On your desktop you will see an icon called "my computer". It looks like this.


If you double-click this, it will show you all the drives on your computer. You will see one that says "Local Disk C:". Like this


Simply drag and drop the oxygenoffice301_420.sfs onto the top of the "Local Disk C:\" icon above this. When you next put your Puppy Linux disk in and restart your computer, Openoffice will be installed! You can go to the next step to create a desktop shortcuts to all of the different office programs.

Installing "properly" using Puppy Linux

If your not using Windows, or your Windows is broken (likely ;-)), or you just want to learn how to do things "properly" then use this method.

If your still in Windows, restart into Puppy Linux, and when the puppy desktop appears go back to this thread. Click on the link above under "mirrors" for a location near you. (A "mirror" is somewhere you get software from, it means a copy of the original location). A box like this one will appear...


(Side Note To Puppy Developers! Puppy should really know how to "handle" an .sfs package OUT OF THE BOX!!! You really wonder why New users are always asking for .pets of your .sfs's?)

Click on "OK", and you will see a box like this...


The next part is either very tricky or very easy, depending on which version of Puppy Linux you are using. If your not sure, if your Puppy desktop looks like the old Windows 95/98/2000 then its probably pre-4.2.

Installation Instructions for Puppy Linux Version 4.1.2 and Earlier

Read the instructions in the next post below this one...there isnt time to explain here!

Version 4.2 or later

If you are using a version of puppy thats later than version 4.2 (i.e. has a higher number) then there is an easy link directly to where you need to save the file. It is called called "Hard-Drive" and you can see it in the picture above.

Simply "double click" the "Hard-Drive" folder, and click Save. Wait for it to finish downloading (another window called "download manager" should appear, that will tell you the progress of it). When its finished you need to restart your computer and it will be installed. (The "Hard Drive" link will always take you directly to where you "C:\" was in Windows). Proceed to "Setting up Desktop Shortcuts" Below.

Setting up Desktop Icons


The Office packages in OpenOffice and OxygenOffice have got different names to the "word", "excel", "powerpoint" and "dbase" used in Microsoft Office. They are actually easier to remember. The equivalent programs are listed below.

Microsoft Word -Openoffice Write
Microsoft Excel -Openoffice Calc
Microsoft PowerPoint - Openoffice Presentation
Microsoft Dbase - Openoffice Database
Microsoft Publisher - Openoffice Draw

Note:- For the same job as Microsoft Publisher, only less with less annoyance, its easier to use, works roughly the same way as the other office applications and you can send the results (via .pdf) straight to your printers without them charging you extra for the trouble (I know a printers that does this). :D

You can use the above programs to open Microsoft Documents of roughly the same type (for example, OpenOffice Write will open Microsoft word Documents). There is the notable exception of Publisher (.pub) documents, most of which quite frankly are so awful no one would want to convert them. If you need a dedicated Desktop Publishing application (i.e. your in the print or publishing business) then I suggest using a program called "Scribus" for Linux. For most users Draw will be more than good enough, and is a lot simpler and easier to use.

Openoffice Math is for solving complex mathmatical equations...you dont get this at all with M$ Office.

Puppy 4.2 and later - This is a lot more "intuitive". Move to the left hand side of the screen with your mouse, and click the "Add Icon" tray that pops out. Click it and a window full of icons will pop out. Drag the ones out of the list above onto the desktop to create a shortcut.

Pre-Puppy 4.2
You need to find where the icons are stored manually (dont worry it isnt as bad as the post below). Click on the "file" icon in the top left hand corner of your desktop. Next click on "My-Applications" and finally "bin". This will bring up a window where your icons are stored. Drag and drop the ones you want onto the desktop to create your shortcuts.

Top Tips for using Open/OxygenOffice

1. If you want to change the format of your page, use the "Format>Page.." menu at the top, rather than the "File>Page Setup..."

2. You might want to send a document to someone still using Microsoft Office (say a C.V. for a Job application). Create your document as usual, then go to "File>Save as" and select the equivalent Microsoft File type from the drop down "file type" you want to save it as. For example, for word processor files, you would save as ".doc" files (Listed as "Microsoft Word 97/2000/2003/XP"). You can also save it in many other formats, and under the "file>export as pdf" you can create standard Adobe Acrobat documents if you need it to be Read-Only or sent to a printers.

3. If you use OpenOffice's standard (.odt) file format for your own use, or sharing with other with OpenOffice, they use approximately half the space of an Equivelent Microsoft office file...meaning you can store twice as many on your disk, or send them via email in half the time!


Currently the dictionaries included only support American English, you will have to install ones for your own variant (or Language) yourself. you can find out how to do this under the help menu section.

There is a problem sometimes that the window controls at the top dont show (maximise, close, minimise, restore). There is an easy fix. Just right click (right hand mouse button) the square in the task bar at the bottom of puppy that represents the office application and select "Maximize".

Sun Microsystems and the developers of the openoffice.org project for developing this and saving so many people so much money.

The OxygenOffice Project for extending the work on Openoffice.

Mark Ulrich (MU) for his openoffice builder program - OO2SFS., and for taking the time to post it and explain how it works in a non-native language - and the many other packages and easy-to-follow tutorials that have helped me over the years. His Openoffice Builder is what I used to build this package.

Zigbert for his PWidgets package, which has finally made it easy for the non-linux-initiated to do something as easy as create a desktop shortcut with Puppy Linux, and beautiful enough so they will bother to learn!

WhoDo for Managing the puppy 4.2 project, and despite opposition including pWidgets in 4.2. Also for the initiative to get out from behind his computer and find out for himself what people need from an operating system. Also for including my idea of an automatic symlink from /root to the hard disk that makes installing .sfs's easy...and many other things :D

Whoever it was that created the desktop icons! I cant remember but I used your work.
Last edited by ecomoney on Sun 29 Mar 2009, 04:45, edited 5 times in total.
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#2 Post by ecomoney »

Installation Instructions for Puppy Linux Version 4.1.2 and Earlier

This is a bit trickier....actually a lot trickier. You need to find where your hard drive is yourself, and save the file there. Previous puppies put where it is in many different places, and this used to be very confusing for new Puppy Linux users. Your best bet is probably to use the desktop icons (only introduced in puppy 3 about a year ago!) to find out where your hard disk is "mounted"...ie where the link in puppies filesystem to where it is installed actually is.

First off you need to switch "WorkSpaces" (Puppy Linux has two separate "desktops", and you can have different Applications open on each...its very handy once you get used to it!) You can switch between them by clicking on the squares next to the menu button (Bottom Left Corner, where the "Start" button is in Windows).


The lighter coloured one is the Workspace your currently using. Click on that and you will see your desktop again (the "polar" scene). Click back on the other one and you will get your previous screen back. Switch back to the empty one for now.

At the bottom of the screen you will see icons representing all of the different storage devices you can see.


Click on the first icon labelled "sda1" (this means the first part("ition") of the first drive in linux terms..probably your "C:\" in Windows. If you see a file called "pup_save.2fs" (your puppy save file then youve found the right place! If not, try clicking on some of the other icons until you have found it. Next look at the window that the files are show in. At the top (in the window "title bar") you will probably see something that is one of these


Remember this code (remember you can always switch workspaces quickly to copy it).

Are you thinking of upgrading yet? ;-)

Next you will need to switch back to your first "Workspace", and tell Puppy to save the oxygenoffice301_420.sfs file in the same location.


To do this, Double click on "file system" at the bottom of the left-hand panel of the above window. Now you will need to navigate through puppy's file system to find where you just saw (where the pup_save.2fs file is). So....

If your save file was in "/mnt/home" you need to double click the "mnt" folder in the right hand pane of the window above, then double click the "home" folder icon.

When you have (finally) done this, click on the "Save" button in the bottom right hand side of the window above. Wait for the package to download, and restart the computer. Proceed to "Setting up Desktop Icons below", patting yourself on the back for going to this much trouble to save yourself $800. Its still worth it :D
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#3 Post by ICPUG »

Thank you Ecomoney for this detailed run through and your work. I learnt a lot.

I never tried Math before because I thought it was just for drawing mathematical formula - Like MS Word Math was. Now I know it can actually DO Maths I must look!

Your words here show why Puppy 4.2, when it appears in final, is just going to be best Puppy ever for users. (I'm assuming the devs sort the remaining buglets).

Your comments on making installing sfs accessible to new users are important. As someone who thinks a barebones puppy with lots of available add-on sfs files is a good idea, then better instructions are going to be needed.

Thank you again.
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#4 Post by Caneri »

Hi Robert,

OK...I'll do the file again from here

I used this the first time and the file was copied correctly as the total bytes matched.

I'm not sure what's wrong.

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#5 Post by pupshock »

Caneri wrote:I made an md5sum....please check it with your original to be sure it's correct.
yes, ecomoney, what is the original's md5sum?
the sfs i got from your site has a different md5sum from caneri's, it doesnt work either :oops:
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#6 Post by ecomoney »

The MD5SUM I have here is 2ba493b49eee653c762ac8481c95796c

This is different to Caneri's Site


but thanks in any case...this is a big file

Puppy 4.2 has made a lot of improvements, but your right that will always introduce a lot of bugs. I hope they make sure its right before they release it too.

Math Im afraid I dont know a lot about....I presuming it can actually do calculations as well.
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#7 Post by Caneri »

Hi Robert,

I edited my post above...try try again.

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#8 Post by techtype »


Thanks for the work, I can't reconcile your md5sum with the file you posted:

The file at http://ecomoney.eu/puppy/sfs/oxygenoffice301_420.sfs has a different checksum than you say you have -- 09249d4801bea472884c39e5bb63da78 ---Downloaded it twice to be sure.
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Re: OxygenOffice extended openoffice package for puppy linux

#9 Post by DMcCunney »

ecomoney wrote: <...>
Thanks for packaging Oxygen Office. It's a nice free sotware extension to OO, and worth having.

Microsoft Publisher - Openoffice Draw

Note:- For the same job as Microsoft Publisher, only less with less

MS Publisher is a Desktop Publishing program, similar to but not as powerful as Quark Express, Adobe InDesign, or Framemaker. It handles layout, markup, and typesetting, allowing you to combine text and graphics laid out as you prefer them.

It's intended for printed publications, but has a Publish to Web option, and there are some deluded souls actually using it as a website design application. (I don't want to think about the kind of code it generates.)

For the equivalent functionality in Puppy, you would want Scribus.

OO Draw states what it's for:
OpenOffice.org Draw lets you create simple and complex drawings and export them in a number of common image formats. You can also insert tables, charts, formulas and other items created in OpenOffice.org programs into your drawings.

You might be able to create publications as drawings, but I'd hate to use it for anything more complex than a one page flyer.
annoyance, its easier to use, works roughly the same way as the other office applications and you can send the results (via .pdf) straight to your printers without them charging you extra for the trouble (I know a printers that does this). :D
Many commercial printers accept (and prefer) PDF files as the copy to create plates and print from, and if they want to charge you extra for doing it, you may need to look for another printer. PDFs are easier for them: they can feed them directly to the imagesetters that make the plates.
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#10 Post by Caneri »

Hi Robert,

I'll host the file when I get a confirmation on the md5sum.

If there is a mismatch, then either your md5.txt is wrong or there is interference between servers and I can't host a file until I'm SURE it's correct.

We'll figure it out..no worries..let me know and I'll upload via wget (as I did before) so there is no possible problem.

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#11 Post by ecomoney »

Yes, I think the problem comes from my pendrive. Thinking back used it to transfer the file to a computer with a wired connection for uploading. I noticed today it had developed a fault, but it must have occurred earlier than I thought.

Im sorry for the the trouble, I will re-upload to my site, but the transfer will take all night over my feeble connection. Ive just rung a friend (and new puppy user) and theyve agreed to let me use their much faster one
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#12 Post by ICPUG »


I had a look at Math last night and it does not do maths. It allows the creation of formulas in text. If you do an Insert - Object - Formula from Write it opens up Math for you to create the formula.

Can you confirm when the file with the correct md5 is uploaded? I am waiting to download and don't want to take the old version!
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#13 Post by ecomoney »

Yes, Ive reuploaded the file from a friends (better) internet connection. I can do an md5sum on my file mirror, but the byte size is matched at 388,177,920 bytes on both my local and file mirror copies.

I used this package "in anger" for the first time today, writing a letter to the housing office for a friend who was going to be evicted. The pen may be mightier than the sword, but OpenOffice.org Write kicks everything to the kerb ;-)
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#14 Post by maquinadeldios »

I couldn't get the .sfs file here to download but finally got an OpenOffiice (firepup & opera 10 .sfs') to download (/mnt/home) from the choicepup post. I added the _412 (since I'm running a full install of NOP 4.12) and mounted the programs (through ROX, open with...and the message saying they were successfull mounted, etc.).

When I go to bootmanager though it says i have no .sfs files????

So what do you suggest next? Thanks ahead of time.
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Tweaking questions

#15 Post by mattst8ler »

I have been working with this sfs for a little while now, changing icons for the menu, adding it to my wbar, etc. One thing I can't figure out is the font. If you look at the attached picture, the font on the windows seems compressed and awkward. The appearance that I want is like the menu bar in Seamonkey on the left. Does anyone know how to change this? I have tweaked the options menu, and even gone as far as changing my jwm configuration with no luck. It seems that all I am able to do is alter the scaling, but this doesn't change the font.

Otherwise, great job on the sfs, Ecomoney. Thanks.

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#16 Post by ecomoney »

Your welcome, and sorry for taking so long to get back to you...Im afraid I have no idea! I would like it to use puppies font settings if possible, so if you do find out please let me know and I will incorporate it into the main package.

Nice desktop design BTW.
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#17 Post by ecomoney »

In Writer the interface is too small. I am used to opening soffice in text, going to "misc. environment variables," and entering: export OOO_FORCE_DESKTOP="gnome" I don't know how to correct the interface in OOo 3.1.
This is from a post about openoffice 3.01 here by cagliostro. I seem to remember having to do something similar in OO2.2 . He has also thankfully posted an updated US english dictionary at the same location.

Openoffice 3.1 is out, I will probably update this package when it gets to 3.11 (Im cautious like that).

I will also create a second version, as I hear it will not work in Puppy 5 "woof". Apparently Mark Ulrich has posted a howto on how to do this. I would appreciate it if anyone wants to do this.
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#18 Post by rebbi1 »


Thanks so much for the time and effort to package and document this application suite. Thanks also for explaining to a Puppy newbie how to use SFS files. :?

It's amazing to me that I have OpenOffice running on an 11 year old HP laptop with a 433 Mhz Celeron CPU! :D

I agree with the above poster that the GUI looks a little ragged and compressed. It's not unusable, just not real pretty. Minor issue!

I also wanted to ask where the American English Thesaurus might be. It's ghosted in the menu... or am I missing something?

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#19 Post by ecomoney »

Thanks for the feedback rebbi ot makes me :D

The packaging was done using Puppy Guru MU's scripts, or I wouldnt have been able to do it. All feedback is appreciated...it all goes to making it "perfect" ;-)

Ive had a look, but Im no expert, it relies on two thesaurus files

http://user.services.openoffice.org/en/ ... p?f=7&t=67

This is the most I can find for now...I will keep checking.

Happy puppying rebbi1, Im sorry I cant be of more help
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no "Hard-Drive"

#20 Post by cmccullough »

Strange......You speak of a "Hard-Drive" folder in the download and install instructions but I'm running 4.2.1 and do not have this folder.
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