Puppy 4.2 "Deep Thought" - Bugs & Fixes

Please post any bugs you have found
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#101 Post by trio »

davesurrey wrote:trio,
killall blnky
is there alright. And I checked in petget that the pet is installed.
Then I un-installed and re-installed your updated pet and now all is well again. Really really confusing.

Clutching at straws here but I did notice that installing these pets I didn't get the usual finished install window although they were registered in petget. I don't even get the remax update pet registered in petget but this may be an entirely diff isuue. I know that petget did have some issues before. But I doubt it's that. Oh well. Fingers crossed now.
you maybe mixing isos up with ttuuxxx 4.2 deeeeeepeeeer thoughts ??
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#102 Post by Eastern Counties »

Full screen in IceWM
I've been using IceWM or Fluxbox to get full-screen webcasts in Puppy 4.12. Doesn't seem to work in 4.2, could somebody point me towards best solution.


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telstra nextg pcmcia cards and hard drive install laptops

#103 Post by oztules »

Hope this is the right place to post this. If not kill it please.

Hi all,

Used the download iso from Telstra file download page for puppy 4.2 The live CD works perfectly well. Problems started trying to install to hard drive. All goes well, but it hangs on shutdown. Forcing shutdown caused boot to fail.

After trying it on 4 laptops, it was found that taking out the next G card, everything worked. The install shutdown, and reboot was perfect. Putting in the card, dmesg found the telstra option modem, and wvdial worked out of the box...... but hung on shut down.

A forced shutdown gave a faulty boot that failed after module loading and went to prompt. Typed in xwin, and the puppy came up.... but the card was inert... no power.

In this state, shutdown was normal, and the reboot was perfect as well???

With further testing, it was found that pulling the card before shutdown allowed shutdown to occur properly. It could them be started with the card inserted before start up.

So it seems, puppy can't shut down the card services properly on shut down and it hangs and subsequently kills the next bootup.

Any ideas on a patch/ workaround this bug? It makes the distro unusable for less dogged folks than me. I had given up on previous versions of puppy (because they wouldn't install), but this time I was going to get an install to work, which it now does (in a fashion), but I know of 4 other people who gave up on puppy before this.. and for the same reason in that they could not get it to install on laptops (they had cards too now I look back)..... and I suspect it is a simple fix.

Any ideas how to stop this petulant behavior.
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#104 Post by davesurrey »

you maybe mixing isos up with ttuuxxx 4.2 deeeeeepeeeer thoughts ??
trio, pleeeeze. :(

I've several distros on this PC and they are all very well separated; separate partitions with each puppy using a pupsubdirectory and clearly labeled in my grub menu.lst.

100% sure I am not mixing anything up.
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#105 Post by trio »


No, I'm serious, if let's say you have 4.1 and 4.2 in the same partition but different directory, than it's ok. But you cannot have two 4.2 sfs in the same partition even seperated by directories
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#106 Post by davesurrey »

But you cannot have two 4.2 sfs in the same partition even seperated by directories
Was unaware of that. But as I said above they are in separate partitions so should be okay.
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Laptop issues

#107 Post by joel »

i have found 3 bugs.

I have a compaq evo n610c laptop.

when i close the lid while the puter is still running, the screen will not relight when opened up. i can still see puppy there as if the backlight is not activated. th only choice i have is to shutdown and restar. i am sure this is a software issue because it does not happen with windoze xp.

second is an issue where puppy say it is not allowed when trying to play fullscreen videos

third item is that some times the screen will out of nowhere get fuzzy and pixley as if the screen is streched. puppy is still running but everything is pixley. again if i restart its fine.
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#108 Post by ICPUG »



But you cannot have two 4.2 sfs in the same partition even seperated by directories

Why do you say that? I have standard and no bling version frugally installed in the same partition - in different subdirectories - with differently named save files in the appropriate subdirectory. It appears to work, as I would expect it to. Serious problem if it doesn't cos this is one of the big plus points of frugal install - the ability to have different puplets in different subdirectories.

The init script for 4.1.x certainly coped and I don't think that for 4.2 has changed in this respect.
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#109 Post by Béèm »

trio wrote:Dave

No, I'm serious, if let's say you have 4.1 and 4.2 in the same partition but different directory, than it's ok. But you cannot have two 4.2 sfs in the same partition even seperated by directories
I have subdirectories from alpha 1 on to final.
The only thing I have to take care of, f.e. if I want to look at alpha 1 again, that I copy the pup_420.sfs corresponding to alpha 1 to /mnt/home first before booting and selecting alpha 1 in the grub menu.lst.

Prior to 4.2 this wasn't necessary as there was a pup_xxx.sfs where xxx was a sub level version indication.
Time savers:
Find packages in a snap and install using Puppy Package Manager (Menu).
Consult Wikka
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Re: telstra nextg pcmcia cards and hard drive install laptop

#110 Post by ttuuxxx »

Open up Pprocess and find what process is running that card. and try to kill it, Then write down word for word the name of it, or even take a snapshot of Pprocess and circle the hanging program, then a simple little update to the shutdown menu with a killall and you should be good :)
so post you findings here
http://audio.online-convert.com/ <-- excellent site
http://samples.mplayerhq.hu/A-codecs/ <-- Codec Test Files
http://html5games.com/ <-- excellent HTML5 games :)
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Re: Shutdown problems

#111 Post by mawebb88 »

trio wrote:
Keef wrote:I've mentioned this elsewhere, but wot wiv this being the bugs thread, I'll repeat it here. Hope that's ok...

I have a frugal install on a Dell D610 laptop.
Shutdown doesn't work, and more recently had problems with reboot.
Screen goes black and system locks up - also happens when trying to change locale.
This laptop has run several varieties of Puppy before without problem.

Mmm... Reboot not working, but just tried a shutdown and it worked correctly for the first time. No idea why (although I'm not complaining - if someone fixed it by the power of thought, I'm very grateful.)
which wm do you use? and could it be a broken download?
I also have this black screen of death (BOD) problem with a frugal install of 4.2 standard on my Eee PC901's SSD. There appears to be more than one cause but certainly for me one of them is switching WM from JWM to ICEWM and back .and then shutting down when I then get the BOD. Never seen this with 4.1.2.

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Printing to Canon I250 USB

#112 Post by mawebb88 »

Tried hard last night to get this working with 4.2 standard on my Eee PC901 from a frugal SSD install. Everything in CUPS looks fine (except I have to use http://localhost:631 from SeaMonkey as the normal CUPS interface does not see to commit anything) but nothing is sent to the printer (no lights blink etc) although in the Job's list it says its finished.

Only clue I have is to try the stuff in this thread:

Puppy 4.2 Alpha4 Seamonkey Bugs & Fixes
by ttuuxxx (PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:17 pm) where he says "and it worked Smile)))))) for the first time on Puppy this Cannon printer works, yahoooooooo."

BTW I started from scratch with 4.2 so no save file contamination from 4.1.2.

Rgds Mike

I normally have to resort to printing from Windoze XP to another PC loaded with Puppy 4.1.2 set up as a pass-through printer server but am afraid to boot this today with all that Conficker virus stuff around.
Last edited by mawebb88 on Wed 01 Apr 2009, 19:58, edited 2 times in total.
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Lost Blinky

#113 Post by mawebb88 »

I have lost Blnky! I stupidly made the mistake of on the right click options hiding both of my interfaces and now I would like to get the WiFi one back but can't figure out how to as Blinky has gone as one would expect. I searched for a configuration file eg. /root/.blinky but this lists (CSV) both interfaces but could not find where the hide option is stored?

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#114 Post by rcrsn51 »

Yesterday, user jakfish solved his printing problems on a EEE by installing CUPS 1.3.9. Read here. Then go here for details. You might want to make a backup copy of your pup_save file before starting, just in case.
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PUPMODE=13 using a SSD

#115 Post by mawebb88 »

I had to again (like with 4.1.2) edit the init script in initrd.gz. to force PUPMODE=13 on my Eee PC901 SSD (to minimise wear and tear) as reported in:

Booting and running with CF card in IDE adaptor (Solved)

HairyWill had proposed a non hard coded solution in that thread but if it has been implemented (??) then it does not work for me hence editing the init script was required to overcome PUPMODE=12.

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#116 Post by mouldy »

Not sure what the idea with the calendar with black numbers on dark part of desktop screen. On my old lcd screen with my old eyes, I CANNOT see the numbers. I had to create a png background that is bright yellow in order to see the white days and the little black numbers. Can the calendar widget be easily modified some way from some menu or config file so I can determine what colors of numbers should be?

And played some with pupdial. The probe on second try actually finds serial modem with usb converter cable. Congradulations, somebody finally fixed that little bug where wvdial couldnt deal with /dev/usb/ttyUSB0 by simple fix of copying so now have /dev/ttyUSB0.

But now when it dials out and starts negotiating with my isp, starts off ok but quikly goes to monotone sound where its obviously not communicating with isp and nothing gets done. I cant connect. If you let wvdial go long enough it times out and tries again to same end. And its same modem, same converter cable, same isp that I am posting this with now only using Puppy 3.01.

I will eventually make it work, if nothing else ripping wvdial stuff out by shorthairs and reinstalling it from scratch out of an older Puppy, but it should work out of box without such hassle.

Also the poweroff computer entry on menu now wants to pop up a screen and make me push a button to poweroff just like the windows philosophy of "are you sure???, are you really sure?????, are you reall, really, really sure?????????????......" That sucks. When I click poweroff, I want it to start process of shutting down, not play twenty questions with me. Then when I push the shutdown button it just hangs. I had to use the power switch on the back of my computer to shut things down. That sucks big time. This isnt even acpi stuff, this doesnt get that far, it just hangs at the desktop, doesnt even start shutting down.

Is anybody even trying the releases of Puppy on older computers anymore or with dialup? Sure doesnt look like it. I am on dialup so downloading 100mb of beta eyecandy just isnt in the cards to give feedback earlier in the process. I wait until I can get to library to get new final release.
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#117 Post by mawebb88 »

rcrsn51 wrote:Yesterday, user jakfish solved his printing problems on a EEE by installing CUPS 1.3.9. Read here. Then go here for details. You might want to make a backup copy of your pup_save file before starting, just in case.
Thanks rcrsn51 I will check it out. As I intimated getting printing working with the printer I already have will be a a big step to dumping Windoze.

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#118 Post by trio »

@ all who asked

I said not to put two 4.2 sfs in one partition because I had rc4 and final one the same partition in an usb frugal. When booting, it always boot rc4. I have to remove rc4 in order to boot final.they are in different directories of course, no pup save, and yes I know how to configure grub menu.lst
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Re: Lost Blinky

#119 Post by trio »

mawebb88 wrote:I have lost Blnky! I stupidly made the mistake of on the right click options hiding both of my interfaces and now I would like to get the WiFi one back but can't figure out how to as Blinky has gone as one would expect. I searched for a configuration file eg. /root/.blinky but this lists (CSV) both interfaces but could not find where the hide option is stored?

Rgds Mike
Well, you should get blinky back after reboot
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#120 Post by jayargent »

I just want to say that I also have multiple 4.2 frugal installations on the same partition. What might not be generally known is there is code and a new parameter, psubok=TRUE, in Init (Thanks to Crash) that works with psubdir to really zero in on the subdirectory that contains the puppy files. This is documented in these two threads.:




I use these parameters plus PDEV1= which specifies the partition and really cuts down on the search time. Here is part of my menu.lst file:

Code: Select all

title Puppy 4.20
fallback 6
rootnoverify (hd0,4)
kernel /Puppy420/vmlinuz pmedia=idehd pdev1=sda5 psubok=TRUE psubdir=/Puppy420
initrd /Puppy420/initrd.gz

Hope this helps.....

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