Integration of 3G Wireless Modem Detection - 4.1.2 & 4.2.1

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#61 Post by mill0001 »

Hi rerwin,
I don't know if this is relevent to this thread or not, but I thought I'd ask
to be sure. I have Sierra Wireless USB598 modem from Sprint. The Vendor
and Product I.D.'s are 0x1199 and 0x0025. I'm using Puppy4.13 NOP.
When I checked modinfo it shows sierra drivers installed but not the one
for my modem. I'm still a Noob at Linux so I need some help with installing
the correct driver. I DL'd the driver from Sierra already but install instructions
say I have to DL Kernel source code to /usr/src. Where do i find the source code
for 4.13 Kernel and then how would I install the driver?
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#62 Post by tempestuous »

I just compiled the latest sierra driver here ... 154#286154
I also added some basic setup instructions.
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#63 Post by mill0001 »

Hey and a BIG thank you very much Tempestuos for the driver and help.
I'm writing this online from puppy finally. One thing tho I have to open
a terminal, type "ppp call cdma" and leave the terminal open to get
online with firefox. Is there a way I could incorporate the 2 actions into
a script or something to make an icon to just click and open firefox online?
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#64 Post by rerwin »

mill0001, tempestuous,
Thanks for your efforts on the upgraded sierra driver. As I was researching tempestuous' suggestion:
Of course, it would be better to incorporate these configuration steps into rerwin's "3G_pupdial-wireless" dotpet - ... Maybe rerwin can work it out?
I discovered that I have possibly introduced an error that might affect testing of mill0001's and many other wireless modems, those that use device /dev/ttyACM0 and require that you provide an APN or PIN. I have corrected that for my next version, but here is the fix for anyone with a wireless modem that uses ttyACM0: Edit file /usr/sbin/pupdial line 575, to replace "ttyUSB" with "ttyACM". This assumes you don't also need ttyUSB.

As for actually putting the ppp files into the package, I suspect that may not be necessary. I find that wvdial can be called two ways: "persistent" and "dial-on-demand". The latter uses specific ppp scripts; the former relies on /etc/wvdial.conf and /etc/ppp/wvdial. Pupdial uses the "persistant" mode. I don't understand how that all works, but so far it just seems to. So, before I attempt new code for choosing scripts, please test the modem using just pupdial (after booting with the new sierra module). If it needs ttyACM0, please make the change I described here, to fix pupdial.

My fear is that someday I will need to dive into the script world to find subtle fixes for some modems. I may need help at that point, but need to know whether is even a problem to be solved. Thanks for your help.
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#65 Post by tempestuous »

Last edited by tempestuous on Sun 29 Mar 2009, 00:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Dell l400 puppy linux and 3g modem

#66 Post by Ghostryder4u »

Hi just joined today and downloaded puppy yesterday with the help of unetbootin.........Want to oneday have only linux on this laptop but at the moment am using it with xp..........

I have followed your topics on getting the 3g usb modems working and I have dl the two pet files even though I installed 3 which I am not sure why I did that but I did..........

I must point out that I have no basic knowledge of linux so I am finding it difficult to use or follow your instructions here but even you guys/gals started from somewhere but needed to get away from ms products well that is my goal.

I have installed the pet files as I said but the only modem detected is the old onboard modem which is a no no in my eyes have used the probe button to no avail so I need some serious assistance please .......

I must say I do like the look of puppy its smooth and great on the eyes.

If I could just get my modem to work I could then do a permanent install on the hard drive and dump xp.........

Many thanks for the info already here and also for any tips given

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#67 Post by rerwin »

Welcome to the project! You present just the kind of problem I need to solve before we can fully trust this work. To begin, I need some specifics so I can know what we are dealing with. Your PIII 700 MHz laptop is perfect for a peppy Puppy. You are fortunate that your internal modem is already detected; so you can always use the wired phone if necessary.

Tell me more about your 3G modem and what you can see about it. PupScan USB interfaces should show its name and vendor and product/device IDs.

To remove the internal modem's "interference", go into PupDial and click "probe" and then "ERASE" ( and its popup dialog box) and X to exit back to the main PupDial window. Then try "probe" and "PROBE" to see what happens. Post the contents of the /tmp/pupdial.log file (or archive and attach the file itself). I assume you installed the pupdial...-7 dotpet and probably the usb_modeswitch dotpet. That's all you need if your 3G modem is based on either the Option or Sierra chip. But more details will narrow that down.
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#68 Post by Ghostryder4u »

Hi and thank you rerwin for the welcome I cant use the onboard modem as I do not have a landline.

The usb modem is a e160 , which linux does not detect, have used pupdial to delete the onboard modem and when told to re probe comes back with no modem detected you cannot connect to the internet or words similar will endeavour to try and copy what pup dial says so I can hep with your requests for more info. I forgot to mentio the laptop has upgraded memory so is running with 256mb now using puppy is fine the only problem I have is getting the usb recognised is there some procedure that I have not done? Many thanks for the help so far.
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#69 Post by Ghostryder4u »

I have made a serious mistake and I am sorry the usb modem is a e156 not a e160 I am so sorry and yes linux is recognising it however the reports I generated are stuck in linux as I do know how to copy them to my memory card so that I can then log into xp to get on the net I did say I am new to linux lol......
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#70 Post by rerwin »

In the absence of hard data, I will take a stab at what might be wrong. The starting point is for you to tell me the product ID of the USB modem. Go into Menu > System > PupScan and click on the button in the "USB devices" box. Find the entry for your modem and tell me the Vendor ID (probably 12d1) and product ID. The "KERNEL-MODULE should be "option".

With the product ID, I can instruct you on a minor change to be made to a file. I assume the product ID is neither 1001 nor 1003. If it is one of those, then I need to change my approach. Otherwise, once I have the product ID, I can give you a fix.
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#71 Post by Ghostryder4u »

Hi and thank your for your assitance in this

Vendor id ( 12dl )
Product id ( 1003 )
Kernel module ( none )

I have no idea what this all means except that the none part is not too good is it?

Again I am grateful for your help

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#72 Post by Ghostryder4u »

Hi and thank your for your assitance in this

Vendor id ( 12dl )
Product id ( 1003 )
Kernel module ( none )

I have no idea what this all means except that the none part is not too good is it?

Again I am grateful for your help

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#73 Post by rerwin »

Thanks for the info. However, this exchange is detracting from the purpose of the thread by concentrating on your getting up to speed on Puppy. For this kind of thing I prefer to move the conversation to exchange of PMs until we get it worked out.

I say this because I understand that others have gotten modems with the same IDs to work with no fussing. So let's switch to private messaging. Look for a message from me, by clicking on "Log on to check messages" at the top of any forum page.
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New version of wireless integration package - 8

#74 Post by rerwin »

Users and Testers,
I have uploaded the "-8" version of the 3G_PupDial-et-al dotpet (in first posting of this thread). Thanks to forum member Wilky and others who reported (via PM) the failure to automatically load the "option" driver for the slightly older Huawei and other modems, I have corrected a mistake I made in trying to keep things neat. I need some users of the Huawei E220 and E169 modems to try out this version with a fresh (pfix=ram) Puppy, to verify that on initial use the mode-switching takes place, the option driver module gets loaded, and PupDial "just works".

Besides that whopper of a bug, I made other improvements:
1. Changed udev mode-switching rules for the above Huawei modems and added rules for a large set of similar modems (v12d1p14[01]*) that appear to require an identical mode switching technique. These changes skip switching if they are marked as in modem mode.
2. Allows single spaces within an APN.
3. Restored treatment of device ttyACM? as a possible wireless modem, to permit its use of wireless-specific modem-initialization strings.
4. Created a separate mode-switching rules file for 3 modems that initially have the same vendor and product IDs; the user must uncomment the rule corresponding to the modem:
-- A-Link 3GU
-- Option iCON 210
-- Hyundai Mobile MB-810
5. Updated mode-switching rules to match the 3/14/09 version of the usb_modeswitch.conf file, adding support for the ZTE MF636.
6. Added retention of a user-modified APN profile number in the "Init5" line of wvdial.conf, to be associated with the user-specified APN; it was previously reset to "1".
7. Added "Init8" and "Init9" wvdial.conf lines as examples for listing the APNs and operator ID stored in the modem.
8. Updated the README file with BootManager lines to load module usbserial for modems apparently not detected by other drivers.

The package still collects debug information. Now, especially, please notify me if you see anything wrong with the package/project, so I can fix all the remaining bugs (you find). Thanks to everyone for your feedback.
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#75 Post by tubby »

Hi rewin, the url that i have posted has the vodafone linux drivers for download, they contain a lot of info that may be of use to your project.


I have removed the obvious as i am not to sure about posting links.
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#76 Post by muggins »

Curious whether anyone has had any success getting ZTE MF626 working. While usb_modeswitch successfully detachs the device, running
modprobe usbserial vendor=0x19d2 product=0x0031, appears to work, but pupdial can't detect it.
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#77 Post by plumtreed »

I downloaded the new 4.2 followed by your -8 pet and tempestuous' upgraded pet to take care of my Qualcomm modem.

After rebooting I 'plugged-in' my usb modem and used the connect icon,
clicked on 'internet via dialup etc' and found that things were set up to probe automatically. Everything went the way it should, modem was found and after filling in the right answers I was on the net.
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Next step: triggering driver after mode switch

#78 Post by rerwin »

Plumtreed, congratulations on your success! I seems your modem does not require mode switching, so only the updated option driver was needed.

Now that (I think) I have gotten the mode switching pieces where they need to be, I am focusing on what happens after the mode-switch. I have been working with Wilky (via PM) and his ZTE MF626 modem, so far without complete success.
Subject: Re: rotten zte626 modem
Ok here we go Richard.
Fresh install of Puppy
Fresh install of new "-8 version", "usb-modeswitch" and tempestuous's "option"
Removed the "#" in 51-usb_modeswitch-option-zte... which is now on line 61 which is the second mention.

Removed the ";" in usb_modeswitch.conf . . .

Plugged modem in
"lsmod" "option" is not there
/etc/int.d/Option" is not there

Replugged modem and same results. Rebooted with modem plugged in and same result.
I have not used "add" on the "option"

Thought I would leave it at that and await further instructions.
And my reply:
Thanks again for testing my latest. Your actions match what I expect is necessary, except that my implementation does not use the /etc/usb_modeswitch.conf file, at all. Usb_modeswitch does not access the file if parameters are passed to it, as I do from the udev rules. But to avoid confusing others, I think it best to not uncomment anything in it; it is provided only as reference, a convenient place to see all of the supported modems and their switching techniques (that I made the rules from).

You have now confirmed my next suspicion regarding modems that require usb_modeswitch to change their vendor/product ID. Yours is one of those, so is a perfect test case. My fear is that even though the device is told to respond to a different vendor/product ID, nothing tells linux/puppy about that, so the module loading does not occur.

Resolving that may require help from those familiar with that business, perhaps even Barry. I will take a little time to work that out.

In the meantime, you might try putting option in the "add" list, to see if it makes any difference. I find that it does get loaded, but I suspect that is not enough. I think that the driver must detect the modem, then execute some setup logic. But whenever the modem is plugged in or replugged, it shows as a storage device, not a modem, so the driver never sees it as a modem. You could verify that thinking, but we are probably stuck until I discover the missing link. (End of reply)

That gives you an idea of where I am going with this. I need to determine how to trigger loading of the option driver after switching the mode (storage-device to modem-device). So far, I will consider (1) creating a new uevent that should trigger loading via the normal puppy-loading rule, and (2) converting the rules for the ID-changing modems to invoke a script that combines the mode-switch and subsquent invocation of the pup_event_backend_modprobe script (as done for a few modems in another dotpet package and in 4.2). This technique may also be needed for the E220/E270/E870 (& E156?) (for a reason I won't go into), but I will wait until confirmation that the driver is still not being loaded at either initialization or plugin. Anyone with other ideas on how to proceed, please PM me.

Ghostryder4u, I will need your help in testing whatever I come up with, since your modem has the same IDs as the E220 (Vendor id 12dl, Product id 1003).

Muggins, you are a victim of the same problem I am working with Wilky. Your workaround is good; I would think you could instead use the BootManager to add usbserial and its arguments to the "add" list, so you wouldn't need to do the modprobe (and maybe other commands, as well). I need someone to prove that doing so is effective, since I have now listed such information in the README. Thanks in advance.
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#79 Post by tempestuous »

rerwin wrote:Muggins ... Your workaround is good; I would think you could instead use the BootManager to add usbserial and its arguments to the "add" list
If you install the updated "option" driver, that shouldn't be necessary. The option driver should automatically load the usbserial driver with the correct parameters.
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#80 Post by muggins »

Tempestuous & Rerwin,

I used Rerwin's latest usb_modeswitch & 3G modem .pets, plus the patched option .pet, made by Tempestuous. Maybe I need to remove the option & usbserial modules, then re-modprobe them?
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