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#101 Post by b100dian »

To compile it, I first installed vala 0.6.0.
This installed the required header.
Sorry for the additional work involved, MUguest. I fixed this in 0.2.5-1.
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#102 Post by MU »

thank you very much.
I wanted to send you a mail about it tomorrow, but you were faster, great!

I will update the pet tomorrow to your latest version.


(P.S. Just to avoid confusion, I'm MUguest, I write from school using a second login.)
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#103 Post by b100dian »

luckily I was watching the referrals since yesterday's release was downloaded before being announced.. :) don't hesitate to file bugs or write me if this version doesn't fix it.

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#104 Post by MU »

yes, I'll mail you, when I find issues, or people report them.
As you can see by this long thread, Vala/Genie really have found great interest by several Puppy users, and even Barry Kauler, the Puppy founder, is very attracted.
It always was hard for programming languages to enter Puppy, because size/dependencies play a big role in this small system.
I remember 2005, when wxBasic (2 MB compressed with upx, 6 MB uncompressed) was rejected, because it was too "bloated" :lol:

So Vala/Genie are really on a good way, if they find interest even under such "critical" conditions :)

Thanks very much for your work, Mark
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#105 Post by MUguest »

Updated Gtkaml to
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#106 Post by b100dian »

So Vala/Genie are really on a good way, if they find interest even under such "critical" conditions

Thanks very much for your work, Mark
Well I am only another Vala user, but thanks for the thanks:)

However, I have one question regarding Vala/Genie, Puppy Linux and Gtkaml: I am in the process of re-writing the parsing to better integrate with Vala's parser and symbol resolver, and to expand Gtkaml's features.

Q: How do you feel about the libxml2 dependency (given the Puppy Linux constraints) and would a GLib/GMarkup approach be favored?

Thanks, and sorry for the offtopic.
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#107 Post by MUguest »

Hi Vlad,
I think libxml2 is in Puppy since ages, and will stay in it, as many programs depend on it. So it is ok, if you stay with it.
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#108 Post by Mr. Maxwell »

I've got everything working except my GUI. :? All I need is a button and a text entry field, the problem is I have no idea how to 1) pack the widgets so the text entry field is on top of the button 2) how to make, display text, and delete text in a text entry field.

Thanks in advance.
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#109 Post by MU »

I attach an example.
It uses, that can be modified with Glade.

If you do not want to use libglade, I would need your program, so that I could add the code you miss to it.

Note, that you must compile it with libglade and gobject.
If you don't use the ValaIDE, compile it with:
valac -C --pkg gtk+-2.0 --pkg libglade-2.0 --pkg gmodule-2.0

If you use the valaide, add those libraries in the options.
On my current system, the ide crashes, if I go to the options, so I added them with an editor to buttonandtext.vide.

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#110 Post by MU »

Here is the same result, but now without libglade, coded "by hand" with the native Gtk bindings.

Code: Select all


//-- declare global variables --
entry : Gtk.Entry

//-- define the methods --

def on_button_clicked ()

  entry.set_text("text changed!")

//-- main program --

  Gtk.init (ref args)

  //-- build the window --

  var window = new Gtk.Window (Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL)
  window.set_default_size (300, 10)
  window.destroy += Gtk.main_quit
  var vbox = new Gtk.VBox(false , 1)
  vbox.border_width = 10
  vbox.spacing = 10
  window.add (vbox)

  //-- the entry is global, so that it can be modified later --

  entry = new Gtk.Entry ()
  vbox.pack_start (entry, false, true, 0);

  var button = new Gtk.Button.with_label("ok")
  vbox.pack_start (button, false, true, 0);

  //-- define actions --

  button.clicked += on_button_clicked;

  //-- show the window, hand over to the Gtk mainloop --
  window.show_all ()
  Gtk.main ()

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#111 Post by b100dian »

Here is the same result, but now without libglade, coded "by hand" with the native Gtk bindings.
(Shameless plug, I know... )

Here is the same code "by hand" with gtkaml (Mark, you once said you 'haven't tested the library')

Code: Select all

<Window xmlns="Gtk" xmlns:g=""
  g:name="ButtonAndText" destroy="{Gtk.main_quit}" type="{WindowType.TOPLEVEL}">

  <VBox homogeneous="false" spacing="10" border-width="10">
    <Entry g:public="entry" editable="false" text="hello" expand="false" />
    <Button label="ok" expand="false" clicked='entry.text="text changed!"'/>


  static int main (string [] args)
    Gtk.init (ref args);
    var window = new ButtonAndText();
    window.set_default_size (300, 10);
    window.show_all ();
    Gtk.main ();

Compiles with:
gtkamlc --pkg gtk+-2.0 buttonandtext.gtkaml

(Unfortunately gtkaml only supports vala atm, not genie)

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#112 Post by MU »

Great, thanks for the nice example, Vlad!

It contains a slight error, the return type must be void, or I get this error:
# gtkamlc --pkg gtk+-2.0 buttonandtext.gtkaml
buttonandtext.vala:11.3-11.17: error: missing return statement at end of method body
Segmentation fault
Here is the same code with void instead of int:

Code: Select all

<Window xmlns="Gtk" xmlns:g="" 
  g:name="ButtonAndText" destroy="{Gtk.main_quit}" type="{WindowType.TOPLEVEL}"> 

  <VBox homogeneous="false" spacing="10" border-width="10"> 
    <Entry g:public="entry" editable="false" text="hello" expand="false" /> 
    <Button label="ok" expand="false" clicked='entry.text="text changed!"'/> 


  static void main (string [] args) 
    Gtk.init (ref args); 
    var window = new ButtonAndText(); 
    window.set_default_size (300, 10); 
    window.show_all (); 
    Gtk.main (); 

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#113 Post by Mr. Maxwell »

I got my first complete Genie program done! It's a shakespeareain insulter! :lol:


Code: Select all



//-- declare global variables --
entry : Gtk.Entry

//-- define the methods --

def on_button_clicked ()

    cola:array of string = {"artless", "bawdy", "beslubbering", "bootless", "churlish", "cockered", "clouted", "craven", "currish", "dankish", "dissembling", "droning", "errant", "fawning", "fobbing", "froward", "frothy", "gleeking", "goatish", "gorbellied", "impertinent", "infectious", "jarring", "loggerheaded", "lumpish", "mammering", "mangled", "mewling", "paunchy", "pribbling", "puking", "puny", "qualling", "rank", "reeky", "roguish", "ruttish", "saucy", "spleeny", "spongy", "surly", "tottering", "unmuzzled", "vain", "venomed", "villainous", "warped", "wayward", "weedy", "yeasty"}
    colb:array of string = {"base-court", "bat-fowling", "beef-witted", "beetle-headed", "boil-brained", "clapper-clawed", "clay-brained", "common-kissing", "crook-pated", "dismal-dreaming", "dizzy-eyed", "doghearted", "dread-bolted", "earth-vexing", "elf-skinned", "fat-kidneyed", "fen-sucked", "flap-mouthed", "fly-bitten", "folly-fallen", "fool-born", "full-gorged", "guts-griping", "half-faced", "hasty-witted", "hedge-born", "hell-hated", "idle-headed", "ill-breeding", "ill-nurtured", "knotty-pated", "milk-livered", "motley-minded", "onion-eyed", "plume-plucked", "pottle-deep", "pox-marked", "reeling-ripe", "rough-hewn", "rude-growing", "rump-fed", "shard-borne", "sheep-biting", "spur-galled", "swag-bellied", "tardy-gaited", "tickle-brained", "toad-spotted", "unchin-snouted", "weather-bitten"}
    colc:array of string = {"apple-john", "baggage", "barnacle", "bladder", "boar-pig", "bugbear", "bum-bailey", "canker-blossom", "clack-dish", "clotpole", "coxcomb", "codpiece", "death-token", "dewberry", "flap-dragon", "flax-wench", "flirt-gill", "foot-licker", "fustilarian", "giglet", "gudgeon", "haggard", "harpy", "hedge-pig", "horn-beast", "hugger-mugger", "joithead", "lewdster", "lout", "maggot-pie", "malt-worm", "mammet", "measle", "minnow", "miscreant", "moldwarp", "mumble-news", "nut-hook", "pigeon-egg", "pignut", "puttock", "pumpion", "ratsbane", "scut", "skainsmate", "strumpet", "varlot", "vassal", "whey-face", "wagtail"}

    insult:string = "Thou "
    insult = insult.concat(cola[GLib.Random.int_range(0, 49)], " ", colb[GLib.Random.int_range(0, 49)], " ", colc[GLib.Random.int_range(0, 49)], "!")

//-- main program --

    Gtk.init (ref args)

    //-- build the window --

    var window = new Gtk.Window (Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL)
    window.set_default_size (400, 10)
    window.destroy += Gtk.main_quit
    var vbox = new Gtk.VBox(false , 1)
    vbox.border_width = 10
    vbox.spacing = 10
    window.add (vbox)

    //-- the entry is global, so that it can be modified later --

    entry = new Gtk.Entry ()
    vbox.pack_start (entry, false, true, 0);

    var button = new Gtk.Button.with_label("Insult me again!")
    vbox.pack_start (button, false, true, 0);

    //-- define actions --

    button.clicked += on_button_clicked;

    //-- show the window, hand over to the Gtk mainloop --
    window.show_all ()
    Gtk.main ()
The source and binary are attached.[/code]
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#114 Post by MU »

:lol: well done :D
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#115 Post by Lobster »

Looks simple - good :)

I have called that insulter
(why would anyone want to insult Shakespeare?) - ahem :oops:
This is what I get - have had similar problems with other gtk programs.
Am I missing a library (using Puppy 4.2.smp)?
Should I use Puppy 4.12 for Genie?

Code: Select all

# valac error: The symbol `Gtk' could not be found
entry : Gtk.Entry
Compilation failed: 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
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#116 Post by Mr. Maxwell »

You have to call the compiler with the GTK package flag.

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valac --pkg gtk+-2.0
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#117 Post by Lobster »

Thanks Mr. Maxwell

Now able to compile for gtk :)
We are now trying to combine the earlier random monkey generator
with your code as a basis

so far we can input text - say 'in'
but need another output window?
some way of putting the generated random letters in a second window . . .

Anyway the code we have so far:

Code: Select all


//outputting random generated text from input and outputting result 


//-- declare global variables --
entry : Gtk.Entry

//-- define the methods --

def getRandomNumber(RangeFrom:int, RangeTo:int) : int  /* function to create random number between range */
    return GLib.Random.int_range(RangeFrom,RangeTo)

def getRandomChar() : char                             /* function to generate ascii codes from a-z and space (32) */
    num:int = getRandomNumber(0,27)
    if num == 0
        num = 32
        num = num + 96
    return (char) num

def addRandomChar(myText:string) : string              /* function add text from command line */
    var retText = new StringBuilder
    return retText.str

def IsEmpty(theText:string) : bool
    if theText == null
        return true
    if theText == ""
        return true
    return false

def on_button_clicked ()
    theText:string = entry.get_text()
    if IsEmpty(theText) 
        entry.set_text("Please enter some text")
    theText = theText.down()
    myText:string = ""

    timer : Timer = new Timer()

            myText = addRandomChar(myText)
        while theText.len() != myText.len()
        if theText != myText
            myText = ""
    while theText != myText

//-- main program --

    Gtk.init (ref args)

    //-- build the window --

    var window = new Gtk.Window (Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL)
    window.set_default_size (400, 50)
    window.destroy += Gtk.main_quit
    var vbox = new Gtk.VBox(false , 1)
    vbox.border_width = 10
    vbox.spacing = 10
    window.add (vbox)
    //-- the entry is global, so that it can be modified later --

    entry = new Gtk.Entry ()
    vbox.pack_start (entry, false, true, 0);

    var button = new Gtk.Button.with_label("Insult me again!")
    vbox.pack_start (button, false, true, 0);

    //-- define actions --

    button.clicked += on_button_clicked;

    //-- show the window, hand over to the Gtk mainloop --
    window.show_all ()
    Gtk.main ()

Any help or tips?
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#118 Post by MU »

I attach an example, Lobster.

I have one problem:
I would like to display the random words in the label in the second window.
But it does not get updated, until the whole function has finished.

It might be doable with threads, but I found no example yet, how to use threads in Genie.
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#119 Post by MU »

ah fine, threads can be used.
but together with gtk it is complicated.

such code works:

Code: Select all

def mythread2() : int
    for var i = 1 to 100 
        print ("%s" , "+++")

    return 0

def mythread3() : int
    for var i = 1 to 100
        print ("%s" , "------------")

    return 0

def static on_button_clicked () 


    Thread.create( (ThreadFunc)mythread3, false);
    Thread.create( (ThreadFunc)mythread2, false);

must be used in a full program, and compiled with:
valac --thread --pkg gtk+-2.0

This will print stuff like:
So both methods run parallel.

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#120 Post by Lobster »

Thanks Mark - hopefully will look at it tomorrow with Shadow

Threads in particular are interesting - and the first example is using a library you are using in NewyearPup? - does not seem to be in 4.2 . . .

Really appreciate the help.
In fact I might suggest Shadow uses your Genie + Java ISO that might be ideal for him . . .
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