Project Coordinator Threatened ....

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Should WhoDo Step Aside as Coodinator

Poll ended at Fri 24 Apr 2009, 11:14

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#81 Post by cthisbear »

ComputerBob :

A first class reply.
But I'll have to ban you too I'm afraid.

Look mate on this forum we likes a good fight.
A bit of Biff...a bit of Hiss.
We're here to make enemies never mind the public perceptions.

However after the Jackie Chan styles of "Rumble in the Jungle "
we usually dust ourselves off and get back on the job.
Because we like to find a solution and post back
"told you so, or ain't I good. "

I don't say it's fair...I don't say it's right.
I say that it occurs with boring regularity and hilarity.

" What I see looks to me like "
Your radar has correctly identified most of the issues.


When Barry let go of the reins there was much gnashing of teeth.
We had this syndrome happen.


The Sky Is Falling ...a Bulrovian fairy tale

" "Then come with me and I will show you," said Foxy Loxy.

And just as he was about to lead them into his den to eat them...

...the sky fell on him.

"Oh dear," said Chicken Little.

"We're too late," said Henny Penny.

"Poor Foxy Loxy," said Ducky Daddles.

"No sense in going to the king," said Goosey Loosey.

"Nothing to do now but go home," said Turkey Lurkey.

And they did. "


We get emotional here because we all know puppy is special.
We all want to give him a bone and a pat.
But sometimes Puppy won't wag his tale.
Sometimes he bites the hand that feeds it.

Our love turns to spite...we are human.
Although ttuuxxx has found me inhuman( re Canada. )
He'll get over it.....I wish!

Do all developers of puppy and Puplets make mistakes....yep.
Is Groundhog Day gonna happen again on this forum.
Yes! we like reruns.

So settle back and load up on the popcorn.
Rocky Balboa is back.
Like the " Never Ending Story but with more blood and guts.
The opening credits on the site are so appropriate.


In the great scheme of things,
if we were all to meet on the street by accident....
Not by Choice mate.....
we'd probably decide to go to the pub and have a drink,
raise our glass and say "Cheers".

Would we like each other afterwards?
Hey! We're responsible adults.
We don't get that drunk.

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#82 Post by MinHundHettePerro »

ecomoney wrote:I really should know more about forums.
But, ecomoney, why on earth do you bring our attention to that link, is it because of its grave actuality? See screenies below! :shock: :shock: :shock: :? :? :? :o :o :o
ecomoney wrote:Would you also tell me next how to type your name with the correct inflections without copying and pasting?
What, your a self-acclaimed computer-aidee and do not know ´ nor `??? :?: :?: :?: I'm definitely not a computer aide, but I think I will have a go at it, nonetheless; Béèm. My Bog, I think he's got it! :!: :D :D :D

I'm sure you're all too familiar with Godwin's law. :mrgreen:
I'm not trying to invoke The Law here, not even inexplicitly, nor would the Quirk be applicable. But, anyways: Luftwaffe!!!, Luftwaffe!!!, Luftwaffe!!!, Luftwaffe!!!, Drama queens!!!, Luftwaffe!!!, Luftwaffe!!!, Luftwaffe!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :P :P :P :oops: :P :oops: :shock: :D

WhoDo, I'm all behind you, as it stands now (and in the not so near future). Should you, eventually, fail to deliver, I'll be on to you, like a scunny-demon from Scnthrp!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

All the best,
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#83 Post by 01micko »

davesurrey wrote:01micko:
I am really not sure what you are trying to say. But if it is that anything goes then I don't think that's positive, communal or helpful. From reading the pwidgets thread I thought you were a better person than that.
On an issue like this calling someone a terrorist is unjustifiable.

It's just a comment Dave, I'm kinda looking at the world from outside. We all make comments, some we wish we could take back. Not this one though. We all need a little more tolerance. That is my point, yeah I was a bit cryptic. We all need to take responsibility for how the world is to make it a better place.
I'm sure WhoDo, who is a learned man, did not mean "terrorist" in the context that we have come to know. It would not have been my choice of words, but what's said is said.... I take more note of WhoDo's signature.


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#84 Post by Aitch »

......and the repeated use of straw-man arguments
good comment [so's the rest]

I've chosen to do the @person method for this

Béèm, I'm joking, however, I too, have on occasion had to do a mammoth reply with quotes & it IS a lot of work! [especially when you're still 'vexed']

Rob, I do think Béèm has a point though, identified quotes do make easier understanding
Thank you for your obviously laboured response, I'll still happily support where I can

@Rob & WhoDo

OK Guys, Chillout time


I agree with ComputerBob, who said;
What I see looks to me like over-reaction, petty defensiveness, group-think, misundertanding (intentional or otherwise), ego disguised as authority, and the repeated use of straw-man arguments. All of which are not only devisive to this community, but look horrible to those of us who see it from "outside."

Rob has admitted to over-reaction & apologised, publicly

I hope you will be man enough to apologise as well, as asked, as otherwise you are perceived as 'ego disguised as authority' here,
& it takes courage to admit to having learned from a public exposé,
as I said egos can be a-holes, sometimes

I don't see competition here, & you have had good support all round, so hope you are feeling it!

I also would add my support to Rob's support of ttuuxx who seems to have 28 hr days to do his bit for us all, & hope you will see him in a kinder light, too

All this public airing may be good for 'openness' but it affects morale, too, & that is not inexhaustible, any more than any of us - we all volunteer our efforts, let's not waste energy on self-destruct, please....

Here's my suggestion - let's have a party


Onwards & upwards

This thread clearly has everyone glued to the screen, can we put it on CD and market it? :wink: :lol: :lol:

Aitch :)
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Re: Everyones Replies

#85 Post by WhoDo »

ecomoney wrote:Quote whodo "no one is irreplaceable" - Sorry to quote your Private Messages's publicly whodo.
No you're not and neither am I. Contrary to the opinion of some, Private Messages (PM's) are NOT about keeping communications entirely Private as in Privacy legislation. They are about keeping any communications that only really concern two people from bothering everyone else. The exception is when the content becomes something which clearly does concern the whole community or a sizable chunk thereof. Then they should be made "public". That precedent was set here a long time ago, and not by me either. The important business of the community should NOT be carried out in private between individuals IMHO.
ecomoney wrote:I totally agree. I did put a note on the comments with a link to the fix provided by Ttuxxx (hosted on my server) in the comments section (WhoDo berated me for that!). My website/mirror went down shortly afterwards because my Bandwidth for the month was exhausted.
That is an outright lie, or at best a deliberate misrepresentation of the facts. YOU berated ME because your server went down. I told you it was because YOU posted your own server address at, and the problem was of your own making. As always, your modus operandi was to blame anyone but yourself for your own situation. Where have I seen that before?
ecomoney wrote:Ive scrutinized my methods, yes, a lot of what Ive done I would do differently. Ive never pushed for a bugfix before, next time I will do it differently. Life is a learning experience. Sorry for any offence.
No you're not. Your repeated "pushing" is clearly your preferred method for getting things done when you don't want to do them yourself. That has been true since the days of 2.15CE, on which I can speak with some authority.
ecomoney wrote:An updated ISO would be the best way, but in the meantime yes this would be a very good idea. I will post another one in the comments.
"the best way"? Says you, yet again. BTW, if you had bothered to check this thread more purposefully, you would have discovered that the link has already been done, by SirDuncan, and now appears on the 4.2 downloads page at
ecomoney wrote:The unemployment office incorporated my business late 2004, to try and get me off their books. Ive had better things to do than just make money though. Im sure they regret it ;-)
More like to try and get you to pay your own way instead of living off the taxes of others. Evidently you prefer others to do the work while you do as you please in real life too. I'm sure they regret trying to help you too.
ecomoney wrote:
Simply give Whodo the time required for a proper bugfix release so that you will not be disappointed then.
I am worried that I have seen no preparations for this.
YOU don't need to SEE the preparations, since it is not YOU that drives the actions of the Puppy development team. I have told you before, many, many, MANY times - too many times in fact - that the timing of such things is the coordinator's job. Clearly you don't like the way I do my job. Tough. The last time I stepped aside to let you do the job was back in the days of Talking Stick, and we're all still waiting for you to get that job done. And don't bother with the excuses for that. I've heard them and they don't cut it!
ecomoney wrote:Sometimes in my job I feel like an A-hole too....Im the one one that takes all the brown sticky stuff for the bugs in the new puppy after telling all of my clients how great it would be!
And RIGHTLY SO, too! You talk a good game when it comes to testing for bugs, but YOU didn't do that before you rushed out to say how good you were in finding another version of Puppy your clients could use. It was YOUR recommendation and YOU get the "brown sticky stuff" you deserve for that. WE didn't ask you to do that. That's on your own head. STOP blaming others for YOUR choices! *Sheesh*
ecomoney wrote:I would like to encourage him too. I hope I have not put him off future projects.
You have. I'm outa here. I will release the 4.2.1 update when I'm ready, not before, and then I'm done. I took this role on for Barry and the community's benefit, not my own. I certainly didn't expect to be harassed in the service of your private agenda - yes I chose that word deliberately and the community doesn't know the half of it, believe me.
ecomoney wrote:I know Ive made a few enemies by bringing up the the 4.2.1 bugfix issue the way I have. This will have repercussions in the amount of help people are willing to give me around the forum, and I am far to inexperienced technically to do the work on the code on my own.
Crap! When you want credibility with developers you talk about your programming experience and how you were a VB developer of Microsoft Windows applications. When you want someone else to do the work you cry that you're too "inexperienced technically". You are a manipulative so-and-so, plain and simple.
ecomoney wrote:
Also to be borne in mind is that anyone who is willing to lend a hand with any specific issue is donating his time free-of-charge and in no circumstances is to be criticised, insulted, or complained at in any way whatsoever, should the results of his efforts appear apparently to fall short of expectations.
I hope that doesnt apply to me. Everyone needs to know where they can improve. Ive learnt I need to come across a lot more constructively to avoid all this in the future.
Yes, that does apply to you SPECIFICALLY! There is a sharp difference between helping people to see opportunities for improvement and demanding people fit YOUR idea of what improvement might be. You are way better at the latter, and no good at all at the former.
ecomoney wrote:Yes I take responsibility for the inconvenience (and negative ebay feedback) that Terry has suffered as a result of these bugs, and Ive certainly tried hard enough to get them rectified. I explained to Terry that Im only a very small part of the whole process and that he could/should come on in person to let his feelings be known. I really did think the guy was going to give me a good kicking...such is the way around here.
Half truths only. You claim to "take responsibility" in one breath and then disclaim total responsibility in the next with "I'm only a very small part of the whole process". That's a total cop out and you know it. Whether you will ever admit it, even to yourself, is up for debate.
ecomoney wrote:And the shop takes it up with the manufacturer. If they fix it he keeps selling their ice cream.
Please, STOP selling OUR icecream. We made it to be given and taken freely, NOT to make YOU look like the best place to go to when you need what someone else has made; a shop!
ecomoney wrote:No it doesnt give me the right to express negativity. I was very angry when I found out about the bugs, and I was over negative. I apologised and Im still sorry. This has all snowballed partly because of my lack of communication skills (as MU rightly points out). I have a reponsibility to improve that, and make sure it doesnt happen again.
It is NOT your communication skills that are the problem. It's your willingness to take responsibility. YOU made the recommendation and YOU have to live with that instead of pushing responsibility back here to the Puppy community. We did NOT tell you to use Puppy in these ventures; YOU chose to do that. You were angry, but NOT with the right person. That would be YOU Rob. Next time do your testing and research BEFORE you go promoting things for your own aggrandisement.
ecomoney wrote:I do have a right to point out bugs, and my opinion of their degree of "seriousness" to the other users I come into contact with. I can see that this post has quite a few people (all with lower post counts) that agree with my point, even if they dont agree with the way I have made it.
Yes, you do have that right BUT not to any greater or lesser degree than anyone else. My problem has NEVER been with you pointing out bugs. It has been with your insistence that the bugs that cause your clients problems are the most important and MUST be fixed right away, and not just fixed but fixed to YOUR satisfaction. These bugs were fixed within days, but you saw fit to press your point that they should be the subject of a new release. You simply refuse to accept NO as a valid answer when it isn't the answer YOU want!
ecomoney wrote:I dont think that just because a person works for free, they should automatically be immune to receiving any feedback about how they might do things better, especially on such an important project as Puppy. Feedback is part of any ongoing process whether free or paid. They also have the responsibility to listen.
Oh I've listened. And listened. And listened. And listened. I've also responded. And responded. And responded again. You just don't like the response. Tough!
ecomoney wrote:Its about me (and others) saying it needs doing. Woof will not be "stable" for some time after such a major overhaul (and from what I understand it is major). We need a stable version to cover us while this happens, and to avoid new users getting a "not as good as it could be" impression of puppy linux. Until recently I had seen nothing to say this was happening.
No, it's about you in particular DEMANDING it be done on YOUR timescale! The version you have is stable, and almost completely bug free when you apply the patches and updates supplied. That would be good enough for most people, but you want it done YOUR way. Tough!
ecomoney wrote:
The last time I checked that decision wasn't his to make!
Nope. The decisions are up to the community to make. You are there to "co-ordinate" them.
Nope. The decisions have to be mine because Puppy isn't run by committee. If that were going to be the case I wouldn't have taken on the task. I tried that before with 2.15CE and paid dearly for that until I finally decided, on advice from people like Pizzasgood and Nathan Fisher who had done it before, to listen but make the decisions myself.
ecomoney wrote:Im not the only one out there using puppy in the community, but I am one that will file bug reports, and give suggestions and feedback. At times when its serious enough, I might even dare question the project co-ordinator if there are plans to produce a bugfix soon. Sometimes not very well....but I am prepared to "just do it".
You seem to like to use words like "suggestions" and "feedback" when your methods are really about "demands" and "insistence" on your own way. You've always claimed to be prepared to "just do it", but the proof is in the action and in that regard there really has been NONE from you that wasn't self-serving.
ecomoney wrote:My comments in RED
@All - It is clear from some of the posts here that I need to reiterate (WHERE?) why I believe an update release has not been appropriate, although I have posted my reasons here on the forum before.
Where were the requests for my reasons? Read this thread looking for any post containing the word "why".

Where have I posted my reasons before? Read any of the 4.2 Final Bugs & Fixes thread, the Abiword Update thread and the Kennel development thread. As usual you expect someone else to do the work for you. Do it yourself!
ecomoney wrote:My methods and questions, though not always best carried out, fall way short of "bullying". That is not a term that should be used lightly, or it dilutes the seriousness of when it does happen. Thats down to how you choose to take it as well though.
No, that's entirely "down to how (I) choose to take it". I didn't use the term lightly, and I meant it exactly the way it is defined. "bullying - blustery: noisily domineering; tending to browbeat others" - web definition.
ecomoney wrote:Perhaps you could post the rest of our Private Messages, including your own responses, not just the bits you have "cherry picked" out of context to make your point and paint yourself as the aggreived party. Perhaps you might withdraw some of the statements you have made about my character?
Nope. My choice not yours.
ecomoney wrote:When I use that work to provide feedback and testing to the Puppy Developers. My expenses for this project are practically nothing for the time Ive put in for it. If I was doing it to "pay my own way" I would go back to programming Visual Basic for Walmart on 40k a year and a lot less hours.
Your thread on the Mission makes it sound as though the entire point of the mission is to provide Puppy with feedback. That's crap and you know it. They have their reasons for needing an Internet cafe, and you have your reasons for providing it and using Puppy as the OS of choice. Giving "feedback" to the Puppy community is incidental and purely designed so that YOU don't have to accept sole responsibility if anything goes wrong with the system. As far as Spin Doctors go, you'd easily get your PhD if it was up to me.
ecomoney wrote:Are you "deluded" enough to think that as a project co-ordinator part of your role is to track bugs and accept suggestions from Puppys end users? That is my main purpose for this project, I hope you will listen.
Yes, if that is a delusion then I'm guilty as charged. Or did you mean to include the word "not" in there somewhere?
ecomoney wrote:I have no interest in controlling the direction of the puppy community at the moment besides that. Your "crown" is safe on my part.
Your actions bely your words, and if it is a "crown" then its a crown of thorns IMHO. Try it, just once, and you'll know what I mean immediately.
ecomoney wrote:
@ttuuxxx - Your action was well intentioned my friend, but a mistake nevertheless. You cannot defeat terrorists by acceding to their wishes and you do none of us any favours by letting Robert think he has had a victory. It only serves to reinforce in his mind that his bullying tactics are "successful", and so ensures that he will continue to employ them. Notice how he apparently only "has respect for you"(sic) now, when you seem to be doing exactly what HE wants?
Who the HELL do you think you are to compare me with a "Terrorist"? and then to accuse me of "Bullying"? George Flipping Bush?
I didn't accuse you of being a terrorist, but the analogy was well drawn and relevant. You do use terrorist tactics to get your way; they too use frequent niggling attacks on the establishment to remind them they are there and won't go away until they get to control things their way. Sound familiar? My point was that giving you what you want only serves to have you continue to use the same tactics again, just like acceding to the demands of real life terrorists. If you don't like the analogy, don't exhibit the behaviour.
ecomoney wrote:There are times for taking critisism on the chin, and there are also times for standing up and saying something is OUT OF ORDER!

I have been man enough to stand up and apologize when I have said something which I later come to realise later is out of place, but I have NEVER once gone outright to insult you, call you names, or reveal your PRIVATE messages. I trust you too are man enough realise your comment too is a mistake, and apologize accordingly.
Yes, that's what I've done by posting your PM. Your demands were OUT OF ORDER and I've made them public so the community at large could see that. A problem shared is a problem halved in my view. I debated long and hard with myself about posting the contents of that PM, and I decided that you'd left me with no choice. You kept returning to the same browbeating tactic that you used from the beginning ... not "Just do it" but "Just do it MY way". I'm too stubborn to let you get away with that by using a PM to cover your approach. This way you now have to conduct your campaign entirely in public where it can be seen for what it is - bullying.
ecomoney wrote:I understand you have experience in project management WhoDo outside Puppy Development. You also used to work as a Co-Ordinator for one of the "Work Trial Schemes" that the Government puts Unemployed people on in order to get them off the unemployment statistics...where most would not be if it were not for their own economic policies. I know about them I have been on one.
And quite clearly have a chip on your shoulder about it, too. It seems you learned nothing, as you are still trying to do as you please rather than carrying your own weight in society. We all have to do things we don't like in life to get by. I carry my own weight and I'm proud of that. I've helped many long term unemployed like you learn how important that is for their own self respect, and I've had plenty of success with that. It starts with recognising that the solution to your situation is in your own hands and is not the responsibility of someone, anyone, else!
ecomoney wrote:It may come as news to you that Open Source development does not have a "management heirachy". You cant just "kick us off the programme" and stop our money. You cant "dictate" what others choose to do with their own time, or what we can say. We have no reason to give you respect apart from the respect you give us.
Wrong. Take another look. There is a management hierarchy in Open Source development just as in anything else that progresses logically. It's just that you can't see it. It may have a flatter structure than some commercial endeavours, but that's a good thing IMHO. I suspect that when you allude to "kick us off the programme" and "stop our money" you are suggesting I have managed this project like government might manage a dole program. The point there is that it is THEIR money, meaning the taxpayers, not YOUR money unless you earn it by trying to carry your own weight and find paying work. To do otherwise is what we term "dole bludging", which doesn't necessarily equate with laziness as much as a lack of concern for others who do take responsibility and are often their "brother's keeper" whether they like that or not.
ecomoney wrote:Coming from a commercial project management and "Doley Bullying", to open source you will need to make an adjustment to that attitude. Get are not my "boss". You cannot tell me what to say or what to do, any more than I can tell you.
I chose not to bully my WfD participants but to help them to regain their self respect. I did that by being willing to employ "tough love" when necessary to show them what society expects of them. Most remain my friends today because they came to KNOW that I truly cared about them and their futures rather than just collecting my pay cheque for keeping them off the streets 2 days a week. Clearly your experience was different and for that I am sorry. Your bitterness is palpable. Only you have control over how you react. Google the story about Buddha and the Abuse to see the light of how you should react to such things. I wish I could do that where you are concerned. I certainly am trying not to accept ownership of your problems.
ecomoney wrote:Open source development is an organic process. If there is a need, something will evolve. There is a need for a bugfixed 4.2. Ttuxxx has with the best of intentions done a lot of people a very valuable service here...if his work is still good enough for you now? Stand by your work Ttuxxx!
There is nothing wrong with ttuuxxx's work, or his good intentions in the particular matter either. After all, he was trying to get YOU off my back! I could have told him that would be a wasted effort, since it would only serve to encourage you to push harder for the next objective that buzzes around in your bonnet.
ecomoney wrote:As a result of that last comment about "terrorism", my vote is still not cast. It would have been "NO".
Send me your PayPal account ID and I'll send you 50p to phone someone who cares. When was the last time you phoned your mother?

To all of those who are shocked by this dialog and my approach, bad luck. Despite Rob's protestations, Puppy development is not a democracy, nor has it ever been. Read Barry's "How the Puppy Project is Run" for confirmation of that. I have had enough of the bullying tactics so I won't continue to coordinate further Puppy projects once the 4.2.1 release is published. That's my choice and I've made it. Rob helped. Like our former Prime Minister, Sir John Gorton, if I don't have the support of the whole community then I'd rather not lead. It's a selfish choice, granted, but at my time of life I'm finding I need to make more and more of those every day.

Do yourselves a favour and stop listening to self-serving whiners like Rob. Welcome Barry back to release the Puppy 5.x series, if he'll come back. I'll still be here, and will still contribute, but I have better things to do than put myself through this sort of crap from someone who hasn't produced a single thing for the benefit of Puppy which wasn't first of benefit to him and his ego. I have found the man to be the human equivalent of water torture; a drip constantly pounding on my head and preventing me from concentrating on anything worthwhile.

This will be my final response to Rob and his arguments in this or any other thread on this forum. He can have the last word, and probably will. I apologise to the rest of the online community for the length of the argument and this especially lengthy post in response. I should have just ignored him but I'm an optimist; I had some hope he could be turned around for the good of the community. It's not the first time I've been wrong and it probably won't be the last. Please accept my apology that you were subjected to the bickering and accusations. I hope by withdrawing into the background things will be better for the rest of you. I'm sure they'll be better for me anyway.
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#86 Post by ttuuxxx »

Well said WhoDo, boy you sure do post a long response :)
Don't let one person destroy all your fun, You still have my vote for future releases of Puppy if Barry doesn't hop back into the drivers seat again, :wink:
Try not to make 4.2.1 your last release over one person. You've done a great job and it can only get better :) since we're at rock-bottom now, only place to go is upppppppp :)
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Re: Everyones Replies

#87 Post by John Doe »

WhoDo wrote:I apologise to the rest of the online community for the length of the argument and this especially lengthy post in response.
No need to apologize.

That was EPIC!!
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#88 Post by trio »

:lol: Aaah, I've seen this before...hmmm..the bold & the beautiful? hmm beverly hills 90210? ...hmmm
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#89 Post by raffy »

Ttuuxxx has shown the way in dealing with this discussion, which is to get back to work and forget about the passing misunderstanding:

Hope we can make better use of our energies by helping ttuuxxx with the testing...
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#90 Post by Lobster »

Many thanks Warren for staying on to produce 4.2.1.
A mark of great integrity and grit. :)
Puppy is so much more for your hosting and work on
and Deep Pain :oops: . . . eh . . . Deep Thought :lol: ... ease-notes

For Puppy 4.3 and 5 (Kennel) Warrens and everyones efforts will be apparent.
4.3 from what I am beginning to glimpse of developers intentions and directions will be:
  • Built with Woof and a new kernel
    Offer support for Vala and Genie in the devx
    Offer code availability through Git
And how will 4.3 come together?
Organically. A posting will appear on the forum.
Code will appear. Some will be asked to add coders efforts to Git
When Developers are happy, the code from Git will be turned into 4.3
Maybe by Barry or Ttuuxxx, Pizzasgood (Git proponent), Dougal - who knows . . .

. . . and that will be a stepping stone to the greatest Puppy ever
  • A new kernel
    A new build system (woof)
    Code moved from Unleashed to Git
    Wooflets - Personally modified 5.xx series eg. Developer, Business, Retro, Multimedia, Multilingual, Pupeee, Wpup Wine Pup ... y-5-kennel
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#91 Post by tronkel »

WhoDo wrote:
Puppy development is not a democracy, nor has it ever been
That is entirely correct and has been the case from the start of the Puppy project. Had Puppy been a democratic entity, it would never have got to where it is today. Someone needs to have the last word.

That may be frustrating for Rob, but that's life.

That's not to say that the users should be totally ignored as per a dictatorship, but the co-ordinator has the last word on any issue and does not have to accept even minor arm-twisting. I don't blame WhoDo for wanting to get out either. I would be the same, but don't let this business with Rob put you off doing Puppy in whatever way it suits you WhoDo. This ought to be a pleasant hobby experience for you and nothing more. Rob's problems have got nothing whatsoever to do with you. I doubt if I would have put up with a tenth of what you have had to listen to as project-co-ordinator.

Motto of dictator: take it or leave it - no-one's forcing you to use Puppy - end of story.
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Re: Everyones Replies

#92 Post by WhoDo »

John Doe wrote:
WhoDo wrote:I apologise to the rest of the online community for the length of the argument and this especially lengthy post in response.
No need to apologize.

That was EPIC!!
Yeah, I think I had the 1812 Overture playing full volume in my head at the time, too! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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#93 Post by Béèm »

ecomoney wrote:
testing testing 123 wrote:testing testing
Cripes your right Béèm!. It seems I just had a lesson thank you I will use that method in future. I really should know more about forums.

Would you also tell me next how to type your name with the correct inflections without copying and pasting?

Im still not a "terrorist" tho. :roll:
One is never too old to learn. :wink:
Having a Belgium keyboard, I just push the key for the accented characters.
Be assured, you don't have to buy a Belgian keyboard.
Accented characters in Windows
I am not in puppy now so I can't test, but google is a good friend.

And don't worry, you can type Beem as well, I won't mind.
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Find packages in a snap and install using Puppy Package Manager (Menu).
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#94 Post by ecomoney »

Thanks for the link to the story about Buddha. I believe similar things, though I did not realise it was buddhist. The link for anyone reading is here ... ments.html

Considering Ive been likened to a "terrorist", told I "contribute nothing to puppy", implied I "contribute nothing to society" and that I "dont take responsibility for my mistakes" and accused of "threatening" and "bullying" , its is a good thing that I do already hold that belief.

What I have done is asked you to fix the bugs in 4.2 as they are quite serious to "linux newbies", asked you to give it a priority for this reason, discussed how we might avoid those bugs in the future, and offered to co-ordinate it myself if you dont have the time. I also let you know in advance and in private if you were not willing to let me know I would ask the wider community publicly, so as to avoid a "rift".

Ive never to my knowledge resorted to "observations" about your character, and when Ive mis-communicated, Ive apologised for any offence Ive caused. If were going to get spiritual about this (which may not be a bad thing) then perhaps you should take note of this
Matthew 7:2 - Bible in Basic English wrote: For as you have been judging, so you will be judged, and with your measure will it be measured to you.

Ive known Bankers, Investment Managers, Millionaires and stockbrokers as well as community centre volunteers, nurses, sewage workers and binmen, and come to the conclusion that personal income is a poor indicator of a persons worth to society. What society needs more than just one more person paying taxes and a mortgage, is someone who will speak up and do something when something isnt right.

I save the taxpayer far more money than I cost them through my free work with community centre, hospitals, schools etc so I lose no sleep at night over it. But you are right I shouldnt "Expect" anyone to pay my way, so Im going to take your observation as a "gift" and make sure I get myself "signed off" soon....selling recycled puppy-pc's perhaps?

In the meantime, you have clarified where you are with the 4.2.1 bugfix, confirmed you are actually going to do it, and let the community know a lot about what has been discussed privately between the main development team. A very dedicated and talented coder (with broad shoulders) has even fixed a lot of the bugs introduced and produced something from which to start from. I am happy, as will be many new puppy users/ex windows users when it is released. Dont windows users pay "taxes" too?

Back to work everybody....weve got a modern day printing press to make!!!

Thanks everyone for my "learning experience."[/quote]
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#95 Post by mcewanw »

EGO versus ECO

The open source model would conceptually appear to deny all attempts to impose authority, yet its discourse of "newbies" and "gurus" exposes more than a little of its underlying arrogance.

But what do the open source community respect most: The dictatorial approach or the diplomatic (imperialism versus brotherhood); clean, green and environmentally friendly, or, HE who SHOUTS loudest?

Let the community decide!

But which is Stallman (since he is surely the model whose personality and proclamations most defines the open source movement generally): the arrogant child-like dictator or the selfless (perhaps somewhat patriarchal) provider; or is he some more complex other?

And is there EGO and ECO in both camps? Or is the answer 42?

A thought provoking and amusing thread, which is almost as funny as the Shingledecker/Andrews DSL debacle. But my vote is for Barry Kauler (rather than against anyone else); it is his Puppy.
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#96 Post by Aitch »

Derived from the Buddha post
[quote="Aristotle"]"Criticism is something we can avoid easily by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing
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#97 Post by big_bass »

I am thinking about the safety of my fellow puppy users
and I just would like everyone to be prepared well
so nobody gets hurt

I bought one of these suits a few months ago
and managed to survive the flames

it is more difficult to get work done wearing this damn thing
so I built in a puppy OS controlled cooling device :lol:
Fireproof Clothing357.jpg
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#98 Post by droope »

mcewanw wrote:EGO versus ECO

The open source model would conceptually appear to deny all attempts to impose authority, yet its discourse of "newbies" and "gurus" exposes more than a little of its underlying arrogance.

But what do the open source community respect most: The dictatorial approach or the diplomatic (imperialism versus brotherhood); clean, green and environmentally friendly, or, HE who SHOUTS loudest?

Let the community decide!

But which is Stallman (since he is surely the model whose personality and proclamations most defines the open source movement generally): the arrogant child-like dictator or the selfless (perhaps somewhat patriarchal) provider; or is he some more complex other?

And is there EGO and ECO in both camps? Or is the answer 42?

A thought provoking and amusing thread, which is almost as funny as the Shingledecker/Andrews DSL debacle. But my vote is for Barry Kauler (rather than against anyone else); it is his Puppy.
You obiously didn't read how ecomoney complained... But he has admited he was on a bad day.

Whodo could end this today, but, i think a bit of his way of doing things comes from thinking "If I let him get what he want's, he'll continue demanding from me".
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#99 Post by SirDuncan »

Well it looks like the fire has died down on both sides. I can't say that it is a satisfactory conclusion, but at least it looks to be over. As someone said above, Ttuuxxx has set a good precedent for how to handle this type of situation. I hope that exchanges like this do not become commonplace in the Puppy community.
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#100 Post by Pizzasgood »

So, after weeding out the fluff, the problem as I see it is was this:
  • There were some bugs.
  • Ecomoney asked for them to be fixed and a new iso be posted, ASAP.
  • WhoDo said that there are fixes available, but he wants to hold off on making the new iso until there are more fixes to put in it.
End of problem.

Yet, this simple thing was inflated to massive proportions.

Why? Bad communication? Impatience? A refusal to accept a decision?

In the end, what was accomplished? A promise that the bug fixed iso will eventually appear (which should have already been obvious), after which WhoDo intends to resign.

In other words, all that this served to do was lose us a coordinator.

Yes, it also resulted in ttuuxxx's bug-fixed version, but wouldn't it have been much simpler if Ecomoney had simply popped one of those out himself? I believe he already said he's perfectly capable of doing that... (Yes, his point was that he shouldn't have to - and see where that got us?)

Maybe we can take this, and previous occurrences, and learn from them: When somebody has listened to and acknowledged your gripes, and stated plainly that they're going to do what they're going to do, stop griping. Once a person has made their decision, further complaints are a waste of time, and a pain in the ascii.

From what I've seen, most of the problems we've had during 4.2's development were because somebody had a problem, explained their issue, and then continued to complain over and over about it.

I'm not meaning to sound accusatory here. I understand the need to make one's ideas known and the desire to do whatever it takes to make Puppy as good as it can be. I'm just hoping we can learn from this, so we don't repeat it.
[size=75]Between depriving a man of one hour from his life and depriving him of his life there exists only a difference of degree. --Muad'Dib[/size]