[Solved!] Xircom detected in Conn. Wizard, not in PupDial

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[Solved!] Xircom detected in Conn. Wizard, not in PupDial

#1 Post by jpr »

Hi all,
I have this setup:
Gateway Solo 2500 laptop, Puppy full installation. I bought a new modem/ethernet pc card. It's a Xircom RBEM56G-100BTX.
When I open the Internet Connection Wizard, it says:
"A dialup modem is detected at port ttySM0
No network interfaces detected "
Then I click on "Connect to internet by dialup analog modem" button. This opens PupDial Modem Internet Dialer. It says:
"Warning! No modem detected! You cannot dialout!"
Clicking on Probe button does not find any modems either. Although inside the PupDial Modem Probe window I get this message:
Puppy detected more that one modem at bootup and loaded these drivers:
slusb slamr martian_dev
PORT: /dev/modem is currently linked to port ttySM0
Maximum speed of modem: 57600
Initialization string 1: ATZ
Initialization string 2:

I don't understand why one program sees a modem and the other does not.
What do I need to do now?

Thank you.
Last edited by jpr on Thu 25 Jun 2009, 14:55, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by jpr »

No progress on this modem issue...
Does anyone know of any tests I can perform on this modem to find the problem?
I like Puppy but this laptop has not been very useful without Internet access.

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martian_dev & Xircom Modem Problem

#3 Post by yorkiesnorkie »


I had a very similar problem. When Puppy 4.2.1 boots it finds the modem but lists it as "martian_dev". This is not the correct whizzbang. What you need to do is blacklist the martian_dev device, erase the old configuration, and re-probe for the modem:
  • Ok, in your modem configuration dialup setup window, you'll see the button to probe. Click on that.

    A second window will open and you'll be presented with a bunch of options: Probe, various tt0 etc., and a button to blacklist the modem, and one to erase the existing configuration.

    Click on the button to blacklist martian_dev. You'll see a another dialog box, select "martian_dev" and move it to the blacklist on the right by clicking on one of the buttons there. Close the dialog box.

    Go the bottom of the second window and click on the button to erase your current configuration. This will make puppy look for a new modem on rebooting.

    If you then click on "probe" Puppy may well find the correct modem. That's what it did for my Xircom! I was then able to complete the dialup setup and connect to the net without having to reboot.

    If it works you'll find yourself back at the dialup setup with success indicated and the window at the bottom lists the various things it did when testing the modem. My Xircom was listed by name and the various settings tested. There is also a second string in the box at the top of the screen by the way.
Try that! I'm not sure how to blacklist martian_dev if your using an earlier version. I know my Xircom worked perfectly with Puppy 3, but not with 4 Dingo. Puppy 4.2.1 is much improved in that regard. If you continue to have problems I'll come back and post some pictures of the screen showing the steps.

Hope this helps!

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#4 Post by jpr »

Hi, Yorkiesnorkie
I have blacklisted 'martian_dev' and now I don't have any modem detected anywhere.
Is there a way to check which driver you are using for the modem?
I wonder if there are any other tests to locate hardware on Puppy?
BTW, My Puppy version is 4.20

Thank you.
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#5 Post by jpr »

Ok, after tweaking this some more I was able to find the modem!
Here is what I have done (I think).
With the laptop running, I unplugged the modem. Then I rebooted the laptop. Then I ran 'probe' without a modem. Then I plugged the modem back in. Ran the 'probe' again. Voila! The modem found! It is being recognized by name and everything.
I was afraid that I will have to unplug the modem every time I boot the computer, but on a subsequent boot I didn't have to. It is still working.
Something in what I did made it work.
Now I am sending this via my Puppy laptop!

Thank you, Yorkiesnorkie! I couldn't have done it without your tip.
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#6 Post by yorkiesnorkie »


Your welcome, although I think we really have to thank whomever made the new interface for the ability to easily fix it! I'm not sure exactly how to find a device driver in Linux. I'd have to go spelunking in the command reference more than I've already done.

There is a text file wvdial.conf which contains the modems settings and you can edit that manually with geany. I've looked at it a couple of times.

I think your probably supposed to use the button at the bottom of that probe dialog window to erase your previous configuration and make Puppy auto detect the modem on next rebooting. Because "martian_dev" is now blacklisted it ignores that and continues looking for drivers.

Probably what happened on reboot is it didn't find any modem because you had removed it. When you ran probe the first time there was nothing to find. When you plugged it in, and ran probe it then identified it. It then saves that configuration to wvdial.conf along with your other configuration information. So, it'll now work every time! Hopefully I've gotten the sense of how this works all right but if anyone disagree's just chip in!

Glad I could point you in the right direction. I always like it when something works! You should add "SOLVED" to the title of your initial message so that people will know you got it working.

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