Please support Spanish character set used by Windows XP

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Please support Spanish character set used by Windows XP

#1 Post by alejol »

Hello! I have used Puppy 4 as a rescue system for saving files from a damaged XP disc.

Puppy complaints about "non UTF characters". The manual renamig is very hard and time consuming task. (I have renamed about 300, spend hours in this).

It would be very nice if Puppy load the character set used by Windows at
boot time, or if you can write a program that automatically renames all non-UTF characters in filenames into ASCII.

For those like me that do not use English, it would be a great improvement of Puppy.

Sorry by my poor English.
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#2 Post by Todd »

I totally agree. One of the biggest problems I have shipping around the world is that I have to remove all of the accents, et cetera in the addresses so that they work in the "iso-8859-1" encoded websites. We really need to move on to "utf-8".

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#3 Post by lefty »

Hello! (I am from Sweden)
I also have problems with this UTF-8 stuff. When i work in rox-filer with directorynames where some of 3 swedish letters are included. the letters are å,ä and ö (i dont know if your web-browser can show them, it is an "A" with one or two dots over it, and an "O" with two dots over it). If i create a directory with one of theese letters in the name, the name will be distorted/garbled in Windows XP (and one character become two). And if a file or directory is created in XP and have a swedish character in its name, ROX-filer complains "This filename is not valid UTF-8".

Actually there was a File manager in Puppy 2.16 called Uxplor which was more "kind to" swedish letters, it might be to spanish to.
In Uxplor i could create directorys with all swedish characters in their name and they where not garbled in windows XP. I Used uxplor to copy files to a USB-memory, but maybe you want to burn a record?
and i only know how Uxplor works with Swedish characters but maybe it work with spanish to.

I am also Curious
which are the spanish characters that causes problems when you need to manage files in Puppy and then in Windows XP. Is it letters or is it characters like accents ´ and `????

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Non-UTF8 characters

#4 Post by alejol »

Hi, Lefty!

Well, the Spanish characters problematics for ROX are:
á é í ó ú ü
GIF image of Spanish characters.
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