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Should WhoDo Step Aside as Coodinator

Poll ended at Fri 24 Apr 2009, 11:14

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#121 Post by WhoDo »

davesurrey wrote:WhoDo wrote:
Not while supercilious people like you continue to twist the facts to suit themselves.
Thanks for the insult, WhoDo. But I doubt it stands you in good light.
It can't be an insult if it's accurate.
davesurrey wrote:
1. We were talking about a Private Message on a forum not private electronic MAIL, for which you kindly provided a suitable definition.
I am well aware of that but think you have highlighted the wrong word. I believe it should be PRIVATE and you are splitting hairs here over what is an important issue of privacy. Trying to twist, of course not.
And you ignored any question as to whether it was morally correct.
Spin, spin, spin. Is it "morally correct" to use the cover of PRIVATE means to employ intimidatory tactics? You be the judge; you seem to relish the role!
davesurrey wrote:
2. Intimidation (your definition) comes in many forms, one of those being the repeated use of small, seemingly insignificant attacks to induce a fear of the next attack - terrorist tactics IOW. It was first made popular in guerrilla warfare, but turned into an art form by modern terrorist groups.
Thanks for the history lessons but I think you will find I also received an education as well as you.
However you seem to have missed the important point that there was a great big AND in that definition. You can't just ignore that the definition involves violence, which makes it patently absurd to use in such a thread.
And you seem to have ignored the syntax in my original comment. I did NOT accuse ecomoney of terrorism but of using terrorist tactics, of which intimidation is one by your own definition. Spin, spin, spin. Aren't you getting dizzy yet?
davesurrey wrote:
Welcome to the debate, Spin Doctor #2. Must be a free "master class" in the subject available somewhere in the UK.
I'll ignore the further insults and xenophobia towards the UK. Thanks for your welcome to the debate, but I have no wish to play to your game.

I've said what I believed was needed saying; if you don't agree so be it.
I don't see any need to discuss this further as you seem so stuck in your beliefs and it won't do Puppy any good continuing this, as it didn't starting this in the first place, as you did.

So over to you WhoDo, have the last word, insult, whatever.....
(deluded of the UK)
Thanks. It's about time one you arrogant twats let someone else have the last word! Let's see if the tag team follows your lead! BTW, the "last word" is that this whole issue was started by ecomoney refusing to accept that NO means NO!
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#122 Post by ttuuxxx »

As I see it Guys, WhoDo/Warren is our leader, He's topdog of 4.2 series, His word is final because of it. Ecomoney first sent me a disturbing email, that I sent to WhoDo only, Then he received a few disturbing ones from ecomoney. Tell ya the truth WhoDo always had puppy's best interest in heart, Really he put up with My crap, Zigberts Crap, Ecomoney's Crap, and few others crap in the past crappy months, you can only put so much crap into a container before the crap starts spilling out over the top and make a crappy mess. WhoDo has done a tremendous job on holding back and has proved himself as a noble dictator. So lets bond together and clean this crap up right now :)
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#123 Post by trio »

can we stop this *beep*ing thread, before the *beep*ing kids read those *beep*ing words? Can't say *beep*ing here? Auto correction? :lol:
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#124 Post by 01micko »

trio wrote:can we stop this *beep*ing thread, before the *beep*ing kids read those *beep*ing words? Can't say *beep*ing here? Auto correction? :lol:
Hehe... yeah bro.... couldn't agree more!

Warren, advice to you, take it or leave it... turn your computer off for three days, have an aspirin (or choose whatever you need, maybe a cuddle with the missus or a phone call to the grandkids or whatever)... and chill. We all appreciate the hard yakka you've put in to 4.2... the bugs are solved, the iso will be out when it's out The stress is no good for you mate. It will take it's toll.


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#125 Post by Lobster »

Oh the humanity :)

Human emotions are a powerful force.
From my experience I find people are quite prepared for and often invigorated by aroused emotions.

Things will change and settle

Also from my experience and remembering about word processing. It did not work in 4.12 properly. The particular bug I pointed out was fixed in 4.2, thanks to Ttuuxx and Whodo :)

What I would ask all those who would Love Puppy to continue . . .
What constructive learning and advice can we provide from this growing process?

Should human sacrifice be part of the Puppy Development Model? :shock:
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#126 Post by ttuuxxx »

Ok I edited out that email, just in case of kids reading :), But those of you who have read it, now have an idea of what WhoDo has put up with.
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#127 Post by aragon »

Lobster wrote:Should human sacrifice be part of the Puppy Development Model? :shock:
Definitely not. Neither human sacrifice nor self sacrifice. But maybe if WE want to reach something (Puppy 4.x - Puppy N.N.) TOGETHER, than EACH ONE of US has to sacrifice a little of ONE'S EGO for the time of working TOGETHER.

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#128 Post by Aitch »

Lobster wrote:Should human sacrifice be part of the Puppy Development Model? :shock:


:twisted: :lol: :lol: :twisted:

Couldn't resist, Lobster :wink:

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#129 Post by ttuuxxx »

Lobster wrote:Oh the humanity :)

Human emotions are a powerful force.
From my experience I find people are quite prepared for and often invigorated by aroused emotions.

Things will change and settle
Not with Zigbert and Myself, as long as he keeps trying to take hold of the "Only Official Shutdown Script" away from me, There will be emotions in this forum, If he wants to work with me and improve my version fine, I'm more than willing to listen, but the way he's keeps advertising his latest like it already replaced my version in 4.2 and will be used, without any agreement from any coordinator that it will replace my version, He is just asking for abuse.

Things like
Suggestion for shutdown dialog for the next Puppy release.
- Icewm is not included here, since I guess it won't be in the next Puppy.

If he wanted suggestions for the next puppy release then he should of posted it in the "Suggestions for the next puppy release" Thread!

Plus nobody has said if Icewm is in or out, or even if JWM is in or out, but Zigbert somehow has ESP and can tell the future,
Actually I was talking to BigBass and on his slacker pup, for the first time ever his pc doesn't freeze with icewm and he's very happy.
Zigberts shutdown menu script is designed specifically for jwm and will not work on other window managers without jwm scripts being included or major alterations. It has a very large design flaw built into it. It just peeves me to think that this is his worst design yet to do date and he wants to make it default in puppy. imagine all the users surprises to find out that after they've worked hard on unleashed and removed JWM, that they couldn't alter or use the shutdown script any longer unless they reinstalled jwm or used the patch I supplied on his thread. How stupid, my little script works on at least 6 WM I've tried.
I shouldn't let it get at me, But it does.
I personally don't know what the future holds for me with puppy anymore, Zigbert really make me feel like walking. I'm seriously getting tired of his competitive attitude over this one little basic script.
Anyways back to the main event "WhoDo Vs Ecomoney"
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#130 Post by Jim1911 »


Saw at that you are stepping down as coordinator for 4.3. Don't blame you because of all the unnecessary headaches that you've had thrown at you. Thanks for the super job that you and others have done with 4.2 and I hope that you will reconsider staying on as coordinator for future releases.

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#131 Post by ttuuxxx »

Aitch wrote:
Lobster wrote:Should human sacrifice be part of the Puppy Development Model? :shock:

:twisted: :lol: :lol: :twisted:

Couldn't resist, Lobster :wink:

Aitch :)
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#132 Post by Lobster »

Whilst others perform the crustacean gastronomic ritual (thanks guys) :D
If WE want to reach something (Puppy 4.x - Puppy N.N.) TOGETHER, than EACH ONE of US has to sacrifice a little of ONE'S EGO for the time of working TOGETHER.
The important thing to realise that everyone else is at fault. As we all know, as individuals we are unable to appreciate that we might be only partly right
(I think that is the point . . . :oops: )

In my particular case I am guilty as boiled!:)
In fact I need to offer a public apology to all concerned.
I will be locking myself in the cupboard for some serious therapy with my imaginary psychiatrist to find out where I went wrong. . . :roll:
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#133 Post by Béèm »

Lobster wrote:I will be locking myself in the cupboard for some serious therapy with my imaginary psychiatrist to find out where I went wrong. . . :roll:
I bet it's a female psychiatrist. :wink:
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#134 Post by Aitch »


Light relief appreciated

Plus your other efforts,

Thanks mate!!

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how about 'zigfried chickbert'?

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#135 Post by ecomoney »

@ Ttuxxx....while my back was turned and I was out promoting puppy/open source to a local charity, do you think that I would not be told about your actions while I was away?

@ All - An explanation of what just happened....and why.

Ttuxxx's post as it is now (Mon 20th April, 23:00 GMT)...
As I see it Guys, WhoDo/Warren is our leader [blah bah blah] So lets bond together and clean this c**p up right now Smile
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Last edited by ttuuxxx on Today, at 1:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
Note the last line, the post has been "edited", in fact its origional content has been entirely removed, (and replaced with obsequious platitudes) So what was was posted there originally, before it was "edited"?

The story goes back to when theAbiword wordprocessor bug was first reported.. As Ttuxxx had compiled the abiword package and put it in the final release, I pointed out that hes should in future test new packages it to see if it actually worked as well a just compiled. Ttuxxx took this very badly, and started making excuses it was "not his responsibility to test his work", , the problem was down to the Abiword project team that introduce the bug at source, his origional precious time" was too valuable to spend testing the packages he compiled, and it was my responsibility to test it (I was not asked to be part of any testing team, despite having my name included on the release notes). He also publicly used some very choice four/five letter words (which I wont lower this forum by repeating) to describe me *personally* for daring to make this point to also now deleted.

In response I sent him a Private Message, where I used a similar "low" level of language to let him know that, growing up around the slums of Scunthorpe as I have, such language is used around me all the time and it does not phase me in the slightest, even when directed personally at me. I asked that for the sake of the community he should edit his post and remove the remove swear words from an non-age restricted forum - as it brings us all down together. I dont have a copy of the PM as it has since expired from my outbox, so you will need to take my word for it that any choice language I used was not directed AT Ttuxxx in the PM (i.e. I didint say "your a xxxxxxing xxxxx", only that he "shouldnt be xxxxing posting xxxx'ing swearwords on the puppy forum). In summary, It was a PRIVATE message to someone who obviously (and publicly) believed it was ok to swear....asking him not to swear PUBLICLY. This is something else I have now learnt not to do again as well :roll:.

It seems that Ttuxxx then chose to forward this "well-intentionally-poorly-worded PM" that was briefly posted above to WhoDo, probably with a similar set of "excuses" and a claim that I had been "bullying" him....and it had also I would suspect had been "cherry picked" out of context. With this in his mind, it obviously explains why WhoDo took my original PM asking him to outline when a bugfix would be available as as a personal attack on his position, and also explains his unusually gruff tone with me in the replies I received from him.

I chose to PM WhoDo simply to keep any dissent away from public eyes, since the Abiword thread had already "exploded into obscenity" as this one now seems to have done. It was only when I was refused ANY answer, and I indicated (politely) that I would take my question and concerns back to the wider community at large, that I returned to my computer to find that WhoDo had decided to "get one in first" and had started THIS thread! :shock:

This has set what in my opinion is a very dangerous first in the puppy community, one I have never in my four years here never seen before. Ttuxxx has here above used his obviously superb technical reasoning powers on our *discussion system itself* in an attempt to smear their character while they are offline so he can get his own way. * Is this not a crime against free speech itself?

What Im saying is that Ttuxxxs tactics set a dangerous precident. Not only has his lack of care or sense of responsibility to his work produced the IMHO quite serious bugs in 4.2.0, but he is quite prepared to use technical methods to get his own way and puppy the way HE WANTS IT. What is to say that he would not use these powers, if we let him get away with it, on a .pet, an sfs, or even in an official puppy release? It would be very easy a developer of Ttuxxx's considerable skill to introduce backdoors or other failure mechanisms by which Ttuxxx could take "revenge" on his perceived oppressors.

As Ive already mentioned often, Im no great technical guru when it comes to the inner working of puppy, but what has being around the community centres/homeless/needy has given me some insight into people and psychology...who are often just as complex. Ttuxxxs comments and tactics have set off alarm bells in my head before (anyone remember "pShotdown with the gun to zigberts also deleted? poor Zigbert!) but this one has REALLY brought it home to me clearly.

In my opinion Ttuxxx (and the people around him) suffer from a condition known to medical and legal professionals as Dissocial personality disorder. It is generally recognised as untreatable, and is often caused by childhood parental abuse, which Ttuxxx has mentioned he suffered from elsewhere on one of the development threads.
wikipedia wrote: ICD-10 Criteria for Dissocial Personality Disorder

Specifically, the dissocial personality disorder is described by the World Health Organization by the following criteria:

1. Callous unconcern for the feelings of others and lack of the capacity for empathy.
2. Gross and persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, rules, and obligations.
3. Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships.
4. Very low tolerance to frustration and a low threshold for discharge of aggression, including violence.
5. Incapacity to experience guilt and to profit from experience, particularly punishment.
6. Marked proneness to blame others or to offer plausible rationalizations for the behavior bringing the subject into conflict.
7. Persistent irritability.

.....A sample research finding is that between 50% and 80% of prisoners in England and Wales meet the diagnostic criteria of dissocial personality disorder
Another good source of information on those suffering this disorder is "The Mask of Sanity" by Hervey Cleckley, M.D. In it he quotes that those found suffering from the disorder most often have higher than average cognitive intelligence.

I admit these are bold statements against our "lead developer", but and I back up with experience. I would just like to remind everyone that Puppy Linux is an OPEN project, -anyone- can come here and contribute. We have no C.V.'s, background checks, criminal records or references from anyone about any of us. It is quite within the bounds of possibility that someone with this destructive condition has come amongst us, and from the clear evidence I will say it has.

Put it another way (in computer terms)....if something was working and now its not, its usually the last thing that was changed that is causing the problem. This is Ttuxxxes first official position with Puppy Linux Development.

@ Whodo, do you remember in part of the PM that you have not quoted, I explained to you my worries about Ttuxxxs character, and that having a person with these traits high up in a team, and the damage that it can cause?

Im going to hold off on the comments you have made, and the valid points many others have contributed, while you and anyone else reading considers what I have put above. Perhaps we are both being given the "run-around" and played off against each other. Like any fault-finding exercise we need to stop and think with clear, calm heads whats actually going on here..
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#136 Post by Béèm »

I feel being teleported in a kindergarten.
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#137 Post by James C »

Exactly what is all of this back and forth bickering supposed to accomplish? A bunch of name calling back and forth isn't getting anyone anywhere.

I assume by now that many, if not most, people reading this thread and those familiar with the personalities involved have formed an opinion about this and more finger pointing and name calling is not going to help matters.

I don't have a lot of posts but I've been wandering around this forum for about a year and a half and it is sad to see things deteriorate to this point.
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#138 Post by jamesjeffries2 »

James C wrote:Exactly what is all of this back and forth bickering supposed to accomplish? A bunch of name calling back and forth isn't getting anyone anywhere.

I assume by now that many, if not most, people reading this thread and those familiar with the personalities involved have formed an opinion about this and more finger pointing and name calling is not going to help matters.

I don't have a lot of posts but I've been wandering around this forum for about a year and a half and it is sad to see things deteriorate to this point.
here here, at the end of the day everyone wants the best for each release and everyone does their best to make it so. things have been said, and possibly taken the wrong way or possibly not but this is achieving nothing but causing a divide. lets get this behind and get another great version of puppy out there
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#139 Post by ecomoney »

I would dearly love to, and I really mean that, but until we get to the root cause of these problems its likely to just as problematic.
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#140 Post by elraven »

Whodo don't you dare give into this type of pressure. You do a super job here and don't forget that. It isn't easy to head a group and make a new puppy. Each person feels some passion in their suggestions as to what the next puppy should have in it. This has its proper place but with community efforts its a balancing act. Personally I feel that "homer" simpson needs a chill pill . If he thinks its so easy to come up with bugfixes and the like , then he should offer them up to the community. All of us here ARE A COMMUNITY , a collective of ideas , dreams, and hopes. Please don't let these things die . Now , as for those who get ticked off by my post here , and ask who the "!*#?" is this guy ? I'm a puppy user , and i've been around since puppy 106. Now you'll excuse me i'm getting off my soap box .
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