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Should WhoDo Step Aside as Coodinator

Poll ended at Fri 24 Apr 2009, 11:14

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#141 Post by ecomoney »

Bug fixes start with bug reports, and those reports need careful and systematic identification....we all have our place in the process. Please post more in the future and give everyone the benefit of your long experience. You have your place too.
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#142 Post by Lobster »

We have to look at the effects of individuals.

Ttuuxxx has produced much valuable work. We need productive insanity - assuming he is lucky enough to be crazy. :)

Warren produced 4.2 and might still be persuaded to stay on for 4.3 but due to the recent effects, he might not be sufficiently crazy to do so . . . :?
Thanks again Warren.

What valuable effect can come from this?
I know I will diagnose what I will be doing to improve Puppy? m m m . . . [Lobster think hard - comes up with Nothing]
Anybody have a list of their intentions?

I am pleased to remind you that Barry will be producing
an Ubuntu depository based Puppy - Upup, that maybe of Beta quality in the next day or two. :)
Warren is working (I have no idea how) on a release on 27 April of Deep Thought (4.2.1) :)

. . . and now back to the records . . .
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#143 Post by ttuuxxx »

ecomoney wrote:ttuuxxx From the deepest part of my soul I'm sorry to caused You and WhoDo so much pain, Sometimes I act like such a jerk, like how I posted the statement above, man I know how to put my foot up my own ass, once again I'm sorry, can you ever see it in your heart to forgive me?? I promise I won't ever act like that again :? With my deepest respect
ecomoney of ecomoney sys ltd.

P.s do you know a name of a good Proctologist? To get my foot out of my ass located in England??
Ya sure no problem bud, life goes on :) and I read Malcolm could help you with your 'little problem' ... n-(ms).htm

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#144 Post by ecomoney »

wikipedia wrote:a typical psychopath's behavior: for example, the psychopath's ability to tell vivid, lifelike, plausible stories that are completely fraudulent, without evincing any element of delusion. When confronted with a lie, the psychopath is unbothered and can often effortlessly pass it off as a joke

If I were Mrs Ttuxxx....I would be worried
lobster wrote:

We have to look at the effects of individuals.


What valuable effect can come from this?
Some of the many other contributors to puppy linux, put off by Ttuxxx's tactics would return. The forum would be a friendly place again, where anyone could contribute without fear.

Time will tell.....
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#145 Post by ttuuxxx »

ecomoney,ecomoney I gave you a small doorway of opportunity to escape from all this hurt and suffering you've caused on here, I actually made a joke out of it, but being the knob you like to be you chosen the path of even being a greater knob, your like the supreme knob of knobsville lol
I bet you've had many blond moments like this , lol ... -prank_fun
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#146 Post by ecomoney »

Hurt and suffering?

It was never here before you arrived Ttuxxx. Give me my happy puppy back!!!
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#147 Post by ecomoney »

P.S. your choice of viewing speaks volumes of you, a picture speaks a thousand words, but a video speaks a million.
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#148 Post by ttuuxxx »

ecomoney wrote:[/url]

It was never here before you arrived Ttuxxx. Give me my happy puppy back!!!
Really there's been 2 FW in this forum you and Zigbert, Posting that page is no big deal, Sure I've said some things but really I don't give a stuff about the both of you one bit. Also don't try to shift the topic away from you and focus it on me, nice try. but thats what those other threads are made for, not this one, This thread is about how you verbally Threatened WhoDo, lets keep the focus, bud.
lol knob
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#149 Post by ecomoney »

It seems you were the one that went complaining to him that I used swearwords at you in a PM last time you publicly likened me to a male appendage Ttuxxx, no wonder he expected me to give him similar, and took it that way when he recieved my actually pretty diplomatically worked request for a timescale on fixing the bugs (strangely in the areas you worked on) in 4.2.

This is still pretty on topic as far as I can see. You cannot hide in the background, stirring up controversy and trying to pick off dissenting voices to your by one. Your destructive tactics are obvious.
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#150 Post by ttuuxxx »

What a joke, Hey I was fine until 2 things changed around here
1st Zigbert tried taking away something I worked hard for on 4.2 and failed and then tried a month later.
What he gets in return is what is what he wanted in the first place, to piss me off. Jealousy is a terrible thing especially when your like Zigbert and can't let go.
2nd You getting mad and blaming and shaming the people who worked day and night to give you what your using on your pc, Didn't anyone ever tell you "You never bite the hand the feeds you" well you've more than bitten it, you ate the whole hand and arm.
That shows a great deal of disrespect, and hey I'm not the kind of guy who is going to say ya sure its ok you can crap all over everything. "No Can Do" lol knob Wake up Rob you act like your running things when actually you have no weight or pull around here at all, Next time you need something from me I'm just going to say "Get stuffed"
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#151 Post by Py »

Pizzasgood wrote:I don't see any big reasons why we couldn't. The main thing, under the traditional method of Puppy development, is that two trees would have to be maintained. No big deal. In the Git method it would also be fairly simple (and more space efficient) - keep separate "stable" and "development" branches.
I think this is a very good idea. I would be a "stable" user - and back to using Puppy again. I stopped using it when too many things did not work out of the box.

This is no reflection on anyone's effort here. It is just the way I enjoy using Puppy.

Thank you all for all the effort you put in.

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#152 Post by ecomoney »

Zigberts work on making puppy actually useable by non-developers has IMHO been one of the main factors puppies recent rise to popularity. Ive thanked him many times. From what Ive seen he is a very unassuming and modest character who is more than willing to lend his skills to provide what is actually needed in puppy more than anything else...a user friendly front end!

It seems I have you to thank for a bugged-out word-processor and printing system, and a browser that gives out security warnings on first bootup.....not things your average computer user appreciates, Windows or Linux. By your own admittance, you havnt contributed anything to standard puppy apart from a shutdown dialog?

If you hadnt "contributed" to 4.2, who would have? Would it be better or worse than it is?

If its respect your after Ttuxxxx

A. earn it
B. give it to others

FYI Im not running anything, but Im observing a lot, as are please moderate your language on the forum.

P.S. Please remember Ive contributed a relatively stable java/flash/enabled firefox that works with all features on the most popular websites, and a modern office suite to the latest puppy....not that im a great "technical" developer....just a little more in touch with what people want than some!
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#153 Post by elraven »

while this might not be the place , i'll throw out my question any how. It might be helpful if it were known on what computers were the problems happening? For instance , i run an intel 2.66 with an 80gig hd and 512megs of ram. My only problem was with gparted which would not show any of my partitions. Having pmagic on a disc i easily got around my problem. This is the reason i didn't report it. perhaps that was a mistake on my part. The other reason i didn't report it was Whodo was swamped already with reports. Any way , maybe by looking at the pc's running 4.2 perhaps it might shed some light on things.
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#154 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,
You know, there are so many people who have contributed great things to Puppy....And isnt that the point.....Just imagine if they could all get along.. 8)

Dude, you need a post in your defense...If I had something included in the "Official" Puppy, I`d be thrilled too...And if someone screwed me out of it, I`d be pissed off too...
But that is "Open Source"...
I believe you`ve been accused of "Riding Coattails" before..
I`ve said before, "If it says Ttuuxxx, it works"...
I wasnt kissing butt..its true...your stuff works..I trust it....
You got there by learning from others, and adapting what you learn to suit your own needs...
That is what Linux is...ask Richard Stallman....
The reality is that anything you create here, eventually, someone else will "recreate" later...
Please dont let that stop you, as there is a lot I want to steal...ahmmm LEARN. from you yet....
Get it dude,??? Dont be angry, it wont help...even if you are right..(and you are)... that don`t help does it???

Well, I was so hoping to say something to make you feel better...
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#155 Post by tronkel »

Ecomoney wrote:
I admit these are bold statements against our "lead developer"
The above statement could really do with some further consideration.

As far as Puppy 4.2 is concerned, nobody (as far as I know) was never officially appointed lead developer as such. Ttuuxxx though, has seen fit to submit packages to be considered for inclusion in this version.

He submits the package to the builder (WhoDo in this case), who then test-runs the program on the hardware he happens to have at the time. If it seems basically OK the package can then get included in the build. At that point it is then down to the community to test and feed back any issues to the co-ordinator.

This is the way other distros do it.

The point here is, that the contributor of the package (ttuuxxx in this case) is, in no shape or form, offering any kind of guarantee as to its suitability for the purpose here. You take it or leave it mate. This is the land of free software - there are no guarantees at all.

Ecomoney, I have to say that I'm not at all impressed by your "diagnosis" and clarification of Ttuuxxx's alleged disturbed "societal adjustment" and the various comparisons you put forward. There is no place in this forum for such discussion and discourse where it concerns another forum member. It's really no concern of yours what the situation with "Mrs Ttuuxxx" is either.

This sort of ad hominem attack on another member has led to people having been banned before. I'm starting to change my mind on thinking that you should not be banned. That is not up to me personally but, I would watch my step here if I were you, just in case that comes to pass. We wouldn't want that now, would we?
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#156 Post by ecomoney »

Just imagine if they could all get along.
I dont doubt Ttuxxx's technical ability one bit, it is his ability to work in a team that I do. Wherever he goes there is dischord and infighting. When he doesnt get his way he resorts to abuse, namecalling, swearing, and dubious forum-manipulation. When a newb asks him for help, or to fix something, he gives a load of technical workarounds rather than address the problem (its not workable....therefore not useable) and its always someone elses fault not his own. Even Barry has been exasperated with him!

Ttuxxx, if your shutdown box is so precious to you, and its so good, why do you fear that zigberts will replace it?....if it does use your superior "technical skill" to make a better one.

heres a community currency system I was working on before I came to puppy. It was the first time a non-national currency system had been administered online. The idea was copied all over the world, and now the depression has kicked in (and even before) theyre sprouting up all over the net. People are using the idea all over the place to get out from under the thumb of the banks.

You know, Im GLAD, in fact Im totally thrilled. Ok People did it better than me, they took an idea I had, refined it, made it better and released their own version. They havnt even mentioned my name. I dont care Im just glad its there. I dont go to and say "hey, you stole my idea, how dare you you B*****".

If you really want to contribute ttuxxx, get out there, do some home/business/charity I.T. support with real people, learn a few social nicities and a little humility, and come back and use your programming ability to provide what youve found out people really want! [/quote]
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#157 Post by ttuuxxx »

All I have to say guys is as an example Take Seamonkey that rob is worried about that it asks you just once do you want to upgrade? which is a natural safety feature of just about all browsers, He's blaming me becaus e its working right?? Go figure
Seamonkey that we are enjoying right now in 4.2 is the most usable,Stable, attractive Seamonkey browser to date ever to hit Puppy Linux or any other Linux Distro, thanks to me and WhoDo
That little browser your using has-

-5 different themes plus code I mixed together for the browser, mail, composer, address book
- I made my own fix so now you can use Print Screen where the past few barry has removed because it was broken.
-Whodo found a fix so now you can hit the insert key and it doesn't crash.
- I installed and preconfigured Monkeymenu so now you have a home button
- plus I added forum links
- plus 5 search engines I made
- Then I made puppy's first "Throbber" which was noticed on 4.2 first review and was liked a lot.
to do that it took over 2 weeks to figure out why seamonkey doesn't compile right, then I asked Barry and told me the secret, that every Seamonkey release has to be patched because T2 using a fault glib.
Once I patched it then it compiled fine, Then being way different than Firefox I had to basically educate myself on the code and locations of files. etc. and because each build/test takes around 3hrs of compiling, then adding all the extras/fixes etc. It was a very slow start.
Thats just 1 application that was updated during the 4.2 build and I had to do it all over again. When they updated it, and now they've updated again and ecomoney complains, man I wish all I did was complain, today during all this crap fight again. I compiled the latest CUPS 1.3 release that was released this month, It should be better than the beta in 4.2, Sure it has the old look to it, but something like that takes the back seat to stability, I'm doing some basic test, then I would like maybe a few testers for it:) Anyways Ecomoney I've well and truly earned my respect on here for the things I do. And people show it with tons of emails filled with praise. The only reason you have a unofficial version for your clients that works right now is because of me.
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#158 Post by ecomoney »

This is exactly what Im talking about Ttuxxx.

Someone reports a bug to you, its their fault, or its a "feature" not a bug, or theres a "workaround".

You then go into a long tirade justifying yourself, and tell everybody how much work you put in, and how you did it for free, and how difficult it was. You then go on and say "well your a newb" or "your so ungrateful". Why be on the defensive? Why deny there is a problem? If not having the .1 update makes it less secure than internet explorer (which most people still use) then why bother warning them? Security is a relative thing.

Im not saying there isnt a place for seamonkey (for a livecd or really low spec machine), but all my clients use Firefox/Ecofox, because it has all of the "software needed for day-to-day use", i.e. Java for facebook and ebay, Mcaffee Phishing, zoom for users with poor eyesight, predefined bookmarks etc. You even once suggested taking the flashplayer out of puppy!!!

Whatever Ttuxxx, I talk to lot of Windows computer professionals (at schools, hospitals, computer shops, business IT managers etc), and you personally more than anyone Ive met on here epitomize everything they say is stopping them switching to Linux ("Its your problem newb", "fix it yourself", "its someone elses fault", "you should know that you idiot", "what do you need THAT for", "what are you complaining about its free" kinds of attitude) that only serves to keep most of the world locked into expensive/wasteful/buggy/insecure OS's like Windows.

Thankfully I live in a different timezone, and I have an important request to make for someone, so I must wish you goodnight Ttuxxx.
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#159 Post by bugman »

get a room
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#160 Post by trio »

bugman wrote:get a room

Mods, can you just remove this thread already?...I'm sure Whodo won't mind....before it scares away puppy newbees seeing this thread