can't get DidiWiki to display local images - a solution

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can't get DidiWiki to display local images - a solution

#1 Post by miriam »

I tried various methods to display an image kept in the /root/spot/.didiwiki/ directory. The only images that display are remote ones.

I've ensured the didiwiki folder and all its contents are set to user and group "spot", and only the user has write access.

Here is a didiwiki example page I tested:

Links to images display an (external) image:

Code: Select all

Remote images work fine

But I tried to display a local image with no success...


Another attempt...


And yet another...


or, after copying the smile.gif image to my "/" directory...

Anybody have any ideas?
Last edited by miriam on Fri 24 Apr 2009, 10:37, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by aarf »

Check the image addresses on some of the preinstalled documentation.
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#3 Post by miriam »

Only the help page has an image, and it is the remote google logo in my example above. It works on both the help page and my example, but I can't get any local images to work.

Thanks for the suggestion though.
[color=blue]A life! Cool! Where can I download one of those from?[/color]

#4 Post by aarf »

Inside the ~/haiawatha/blog folder there are some images. The .css file in there has links to the images. Maybe something there to explore further.

#5 Post by aarf »

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#6 Post by miriam »

aarf wrote:Inside the ~/haiawatha/blog folder there are some images. The .css file in there has links to the images. Maybe something there to explore further.
You had me somewhat non-plussed there. I thought, Hiawatha? It's a webserver. There is a tiny webserver inside DidiWiki, but that is a different program. Then I read, after a while of searching, that the most recent Puppies come with Hiawatha web servers. I'll have to use Puppy 4 more and check that out, though it doesn't appear to be in Puppy 4.11 as far as I can see...

How do you get hiawatha running? What Puppy version are you using?

Thanks for the suggestion...
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#7 Post by miriam »

aarf wrote:Else try
This doesn't help with my current problem, but it does possibly solve another thing I'd been wondering about: php-based wiki software so I can run it on the hosting server where my website is. Cool! :D Thank you.

As far as relating to the current problem of displaying local images pmwiki doesn't explain how to display them either. All its image examples deal with absolute addresses. At the bottom of the pmwiki page that discussing images there is a link to something about relative addressing, but as far as I can work out this is simply a different form of absolute addressing that lets you show things at the pmwiki home site (not your own wiki) using the pmwiki: prefix. Odd, confusing, but potentially useful.

Didiwiki has a different (and much simpler) markup language than pmwiki. In fact I found pmwiki's markup so complex that I found myself wondering why they don't simply use html -- it is easier to read.

I really am interested in getting DidiWiki displaying relative addressed images. I know it can be done because I saw it on one of my Puppies early this morning, but was unable to repeat it. Damn!

Again, thanks muchly for the suggestions, aarf.
[color=blue]A life! Cool! Where can I download one of those from?[/color]

#8 Post by aarf »

in puppy 4.1.1

Code: Select all

in a terminal will start hiawatah.
then in a browser http://localhost/blog/ will get you into the blog and password woofwoof will allow you to post images

Code: Select all

in General

have previously used XAMPP for php on puppy. not used hiawatha before cant see that it does php.
pmwiki was use for ripples info data base
has how to post images info at the masterindex. and at Images not able to use the same code in didiwiki though.

#9 Post by aarf »

so if you start hiawath and put your images in /root/httpd/hiawatha/blog/header.png
then you can have images in didiwiki by just posting the url
works for me. let me know how you go. or if it is not clear.
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#10 Post by miriam »

Thanks aarf. Last night I checked through my various Puppies and found that version 4.1.1 has hiawatha pre-installed. It is used as the web server for PPLOG. Hiawatha doesn't actually have a menu entry, but starting "PPLOG personal blog" from the menu (under the "Personal" sub-menu) will first start hiawatha, then PPLOG. The menu item also gives the choice to stop hiawatha if it is already running.

I spent quite a while familiarising myself with PPLOG last night, and it is very nice, but I think I still prefer DidiWiki for the kind of notes I want to write... or I would, if only I could get the darned thing to display local images! I tried more experiments last night on a completely fresh installation and still couldn't get it to work. It has me quite puzzled. In the end PPLOG may win out over DidWiki just on the strength of that alone. And I can always hack the perl code for PPLOG to add the other functions I need (though my perl these days is a bit rusty).

Regardingn php: that was why your pmwiki suggestion interested me. It could solve another completely different problem... though I'm thinking perhaps not. I'm currently looking into Photo-Website posted by MU here last year. It looks quite a bit more promising. Edit: Oops! I said it was 25MB, but I read the numbers wrongly. It is only 25KB!!! Neat! ... 798#194798

Thanks again for the suggestions. I appreciate it.
Still wishing I could put images in DidiWiki. It is sweet software... and so small!
[color=blue]A life! Cool! Where can I download one of those from?[/color]

#11 Post by aarf »

miriam wrote: Still wishing I could put images in DidiWiki. It is sweet software... and so small!
A solution is in my previous post above. Use hiawatha to serve the local images to DidiWiki.

click for bigger screen shot.
try again, if not i will give a step by step layout.
this link to the image also works:

Code: Select all
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#12 Post by miriam »

Well I'll be.... It works.

I must admit I misunderstood what you'd said.
Well, this proves I can get absolute images into DidiWiki from the same machine. Yay! I wonder why I can't do relative images.
I might be able to edit hiawatha's configuration to change its default directory to DidiWiki's default directory. It still isn't relative addressing, but at least the images and pages could live together. And it is messy having 2 web servers (one in DidiWiki and one in Hiawatha)... but at least now I have a partial solution that lets me enter locally held images.

I know DidiWiki can display local images on its own -- I've seen it do so. I'll keep looking into it.

Thanks aarf, for your cool solution. Until I solve the image weirdness in DidiWiki I can use Hiawatha to serve them.
[color=blue]A life! Cool! Where can I download one of those from?[/color]
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