Is Puppy Green?

Puppy related raves and general interest that doesn't fit anywhere else
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#81 Post by ecomoney »

A really good review of how "green" puppy is ... omment-298

By a girl of all things!!!
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#82 Post by Lobster »

ecomoney wrote:By a girl of all things!!!
It's an outrage!
Look what this gal has done with a perfectly good instrument . . .

oh Ok . . . I liked it really :)
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#83 Post by ecomoney » need to be jumping on this sort of thing for puppy publicity, havnt you heard green is the new black?
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#84 Post by ecomoney »

this gal has even demystified the eternal secret of configuring the GRUB bootloader...far more difficult than playing the violin in my experience.
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#85 Post by Aitch »

As they say - 'not just a pretty face' :D

Nice, useful find, Rob

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#86 Post by ecomoney »

Wonder if we can get her to do a puppy linux beginners introductory tutorial?

Im sure it would be more watchable than anything I could produce. :P
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#87 Post by Aitch »

He He

I've asked - better than the ruderies posted by some on there.......

"I'd like to grub her", etc

C'mon you nerds - get out more! ... with-grub/

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#88 Post by Pizzasgood »

He He

I've asked - better than the ruderies posted by some on there.......

"I'd like to grub her", etc

C'mon you nerds - get out more!
WATT? Those DRMed sons of BSODs are attempting to sync with my linguistic style? I outta boot their ASCIIs so hard their cookies crumble. I outta >/dev/null their faces. I outta signal a high priority interrupt during their breathing routines. I outta skew their clocks until their flipflops pop. Their motherboards are so fat they could install Vista on their BIOS. Their idea of a fast chip is a Dorito on an airplane. Their opamps are more like op-outs. Their NANDS NOR. They think PI is 3. If they ever come within arm's reach, they're getting a 300mF cap to the head, followed by a swift rm -f *. I'll ^C them so fast they'll think I'm the Doctor. I'll rot their bits until their segments fault. I'll defrag their hides and sell them on Ebay. And then I'll be in their Out house, eating their foodz.

And to top it off, I'll have a cat notify them that all their base are belong to us.
[size=75]Between depriving a man of one hour from his life and depriving him of his life there exists only a difference of degree. --Muad'Dib[/size]

#89 Post by aarf »

Lots of people leave their PCs on overnight. Often, this is for no good reason whatsoever, it’s just out of laziness. But sometimes it’s a conscious decision: if you want your computer to continue receiving updates, or transmit/receive information of any kind during the wee hours of the night, you need to leave it on. But even the lowest power settings generally burn more power than you need to do that minimal amount of computing.

Now, those people can use a system called Somniloquy. Although this device may be hard to spell, it does offer a cool service. Most computers have four levels of power consumption – regular use, standby, sleep/hibernate mode and completely shut down. A lot of people, including myself, prefer to hibernate their PCs rather than shut them off, because it allows them to start up again more quickly. With Somniloquy, you can hibernate your PC and still have it communicate with other PCs. Check out more details on
edit:fixed link to click it to go.
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#90 Post by Aitch » appears to be a parked page, however, engadget.... ... lk-essent/

PG, what have you been reading?? :lol: :lol:

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#91 Post by Pizzasgood »

Mostly Arthur C. Clark lately. Though, I was recently tricked into reading a boring love story (you know the type - couple breaks up, sees other people, attempts to get back together but hate eachother, then get back together anyway and live happily ever after...) because it was titled "Lightyears" so I thought it was a sci-fi. I quickly realized the truth, but I hate quitting a book once I've started so I had to finish it... But the Clark books are all great.

But that's not related to my rant. I read what you said, which I quoted. I was annoyed at people using (for nefarious purposes) my habit of misusing tech words and acronyms for other things, or as expletives. And I was tired and bored and overworked, so ranting and raving a little made me feel better. :)
[size=75]Between depriving a man of one hour from his life and depriving him of his life there exists only a difference of degree. --Muad'Dib[/size]

#92 Post by aarf »

Aitch appears to be a parked page, however, engadget.... ... lk-essent/

PG, what have you been reading?? :lol: :lol:

Aitch :)
thanks Aitch.
added/fixed the link to the copy /quote from ecogeek.
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#93 Post by ecomoney »

@ Pizzasgood

I find those types of books very good research reading into mankinds greatest mystery...womenkind ;-)

@ All

So....are we decided? Puppy is definitely "Green"?

If thats the case...we elligeable for quite a bit of funding to get some professional programmers/project managers in.

Comeon guys/girls....weve got the world to save.

Woof Woof
Puppy Linux's [url=]Mission[/url]

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#94 Post by aarf »

ecomoney wrote:@ Pizzasgood

I find those types of books very good research reading into mankinds greatest mystery...womenkind ;-)

@ All

So....are we decided? Puppy is definitely "Green"?

If thats the case...we elligeable for quite a bit of funding to get some professional programmers/project managers in.

Comeon guys/girls....weve got the world to save.

Woof Woof
hey i am quitehappy to step aside and let you do the searching, proposals and leg work for all the funding, i am generous like that. send me a PM when get to the stage where you need a bank account number to hold the funds :)
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#95 Post by hillside »

So....are we decided? Puppy is definitely "Green"?
Wait a minute. Do you mean actually green or politically green? I'm afraid there's a difference.

Actually green: everyone should adopt it
Politically green: government will promote it

I expect Puppy is both. But then, I'm biased.
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#96 Post by ecomoney »

Us British, having seen your revolution, are constantly amazed by the faith you Americans have in your "goverment". We learnt from that mistake as well when you guys broke away :)

If you have an Environmental concern, you should get others to adopt it. Puppy Linux is a "green" technology, and also a example of how other future technology can be made "green" too.

It naturally surpasses single direction technology, who's centralized message promotes the cause of its promote consumption of natural resources via their limited-lifespan products. Puppy spreads knowledge not widely available through single-direction media.

Look at that fellow Al Gore. Hes a politician who is aware of politics works with no reason now to deceive anyone. Watch his film "An inconvenient Truth".

@ Hillside
Puppy is actually politically green, and we shouldnt rely on those who govern to support it.
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#97 Post by Aitch »


Perhaps an email to Greenpeace/FOE suggesting they support Puppy for XXX reasons, including recycling :D

I, too have thought about funding/support, but 'got my fingers burnt' doing the M11 campaign
I find involvement with 'officialdom', sadly requires them to monopolise your headspace, timescales & agenda!!

Once Open Source has more impact, they may see the light

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#98 Post by ecomoney »

Yes, I started my "social enterprise" (I have to be VERY careful people understand Im not like Bill Gates), a got grant funding. Yes they do want headspace, forms filling, "proof of delivered objectives" etc), the trick would be to approach an organisation who's goals match those of Puppy Linux's Effects. Im not sure those of Greenpeace are a very good fit....maybe Norton or Symantic ;-)

The problem with money is that, if there is no "profit", then there is no "investment".

The thing is, puppies benefit is to the people that use it.....perhaps something should be put into puppy itself, like a link in the web browser to donate to a "puppy linux charity". This would be able to support valuable contributors (Like MU) to allow them to work on puppy full time. To think he was nearly going to have to go work for a bank!

How/If this ever came about, it would have to be very well discussed, and open and transparent. This is perhaps a topic for another thread.

"Should Puppy Learn to Beg"

Now THAT should be a contentious topic.
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#99 Post by tronkel »

ecomoney wrote:
I have to be VERY careful people understand Im not like Bill Gates
LOL that's a good one. Can you be serious? There is no need to be "VERY careful" at all!

Trust me - there is absolutely no way that anyone could possibly confuse you with Bill Gates! Image
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#100 Post by aarf »

The key trick to dealing with govt departments is to do a freedom of information request for their decision guidelines BEFORE you start on your proposal.
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