How to make partition: /home?

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#21 Post by Pizzasgood »

Yep. I never upgrade, so I don't know if it will automatically keep it. I think it might, though. I prefer using a fresh install, so I just store a copy of rc.local and my other tweaked scripts. Then when I put in a newer Puppy, I just copy them in and I'm ready to go.

I guess if you want to find out, just wait until 1.0.7 is done (or use the alpha) and see what it does. I think it will keep it.
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#22 Post by aahhaaa »

could somebody please make a summary statement here or put something in the wiki? I'm confused (again), and this header says already says SOLVED.
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#23 Post by Takilla »

Sorry aahhaaa, I seem to be in need of instruction in etiquett concerning summery statements, wiki, posting
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#24 Post by aahhaaa »

Ta- I'm no bigshot around here! :D Just noticed that when an issue is marked solved, there's a newbie tendency to check out the last few posts... and a guru tendency to move on. A mod seems to have 'unsolved' this thread now.

What you've written makes a very good summary- excellent! :D

The only suggestions I'd make for wiki-ing is to perhaps to call it something like Simple Puppy Install on 2 small HDs : moving /home (newbies may not know what /home is); and maybe trim the 'Since I do not understand half the advice I am given on the forum, I make do with what I can grasp.' stuff altho... that's exactly how I operate here, and I kinda like the idea of newbie to newbie advice- especially if they'd gotten something working!:] Not to worry, other wiser heads can edit it up after...

You don't have any fancy html, so you can easily cut'n'paste your nice summary right into a new wiki page. Send up the Lobster signal for any needed help on that! :wink:
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#25 Post by GuestToo »

[quote]My etc/rc.d/rc.local is edited like this: (with no'#
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#26 Post by Takilla »

OK, it;s getting a bit moe clear now.

Thanks all!
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