Puppy 4.1.2 ( kernel) final - bug reports

Please post any bugs you have found
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4.1.2 does not need "acpi=off" when loading as a VMware VM

#41 Post by DanYHKim »

Previous versions needed to have "acpi=off" when booting a liveCD .iso in a VMware machine. This .iso does not need to do this. It comes up just fine. Thanks!
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#42 Post by mikeb »

Found answer to not booting under frugal install on HP2133

needed pmedia=scsihd .... drive listed as ATA under scsi in hardinfo.

One thing I noticed whilst testing was that pfix=ram seemed to be ignored and the hard drive install was used as pup_save...(tip.. remove the initrd folder to get the hd install working again)


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#43 Post by vtpup »

Xvidtune does not save Xorg settings.

Test case: Nvidia NV34 [GeForce FX 5500] type card. Dell Dell E228WFP LCD 1680x1050 monitor has screen displaced far to right. Physical monitor controls are unable to fully correct this by left shifting.

Xvidtune does allow shifting to the proper position, but does not save settings when "Show" and "Quit" are pressed, then "Write..

This action has been reported several times before. I haven't even seen a good workaround yet in the forums. And no explanation of Puppy's method of using xorg,conf, xrandr, and the xorg script.

Puppy Xvidtune wizard popup at the end does show the modeline settings that SHOULD have been saved:
The new modeline is:
"1680x1050" 146.25 1680 1960 2136 2240 1050 1053 1059 1089 +hsync -vsync

Note, you will have to restart X for it to take effect. If it messes
up X, edit from commandline 'mp /etc/X11/xorg.conf' and comment-out
the 'UseModes' line (do not delete it) in the Monitor section.

To insert this into /etc/X11/xorg.conf, click 'Write' button...
To exit without changing xorg.conf, click 'Quit' button...
but no modeline appears in the actual xorg.conf (relevant section printed below:

Code: Select all

Section "Monitor"
	Identifier   "Monitor0"
	VendorName   "Monitor Vendor"
	ModelName    "Monitor Model"
	HorizSync    31.5-90
	VertRefresh  60
	#UseModes     "Modes0" #monitor0usemodes
	Option      "PreferredMode" "1680x1050"
Section "Modes"
	Identifier "Modes0"

Section "Device"
	### Available Driver options are:-
	### Values: <i>: integer, <f>: float, <bool>: "True"/"False",
	### <string>: "String", <freq>: "<f> Hz/kHz/MHz"
	### [arg]: arg optional
	#Option     "SWcursor"           	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "HWcursor"           	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "NoAccel"            	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "ShadowFB"           	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "UseFBDev"           	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "Rotate"             	# [<str>]
	#Option     "VideoKey"           	# <i>
	#Option     "FlatPanel"          	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "FPDither"           	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "CrtcNumber"         	# <i>
	#Option     "FPScale"            	# [<bool>]
	#Option     "FPTweak"            	# <i>
	#Option     "DualHead"           	# [<bool>]
	Identifier  "Card0"
	Driver      "nv" #card0driver
	VendorName  "nVidia Corporation"
	BoardName   "NV34 [GeForce FX 5500]"
	BusID       "PCI:1:0:0"

Section "Screen"
	Identifier "Screen0"
	Device     "Card0"
	Monitor    "Monitor0"
    DefaultDepth 24
    Subsection "Display"
        Depth       24
        Modes       "1680x1050"

Several attempts to hand write a modeline using the Xvidtune parameters into the Monitors section have failed to change things or resulted in Xorg failing to re-start.

This is not just a cosmetic bug, solvable by adjusting the physical monitor controls. In this case the controls do not have enough adjustment to overcome the severe displacement of the screen.

I don't expect replies here -- I'll add the above to an already existing thread. This is only a bug notification.

EDIT: solved, needs bugfix in next distro see:
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 603#274603
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#44 Post by smokey01 »

I have reported my problem a few times without receiving a reply that was able to fix it. I guess it's not just me scratching my head.

Anyway, I have made some progress that may help find the answer and be of use to others.

The Problem
When I boot from a new CD image using the pfix=ram option I get as far as the mouse selection. I am not able to select a mouse as the keyboard does not work. It worked earlier so I could type in pfix=ram.

Ok, If I don't use the pfix=ram and just let it boot it asks me which save file to use, I have a few in different directories, I select option 0, no pup save file. Puppy continues to boot and I am able to select mouse and keyboard etc. Most of the software seems to work too.

The problems is that most of the drivers don't appear to be loaded. When I do a "modprobe via-rhine" to load my ethernet driver it can't be found.

I then had a look in the directory and it seemed to be missing many files and sub directories. If I look in the directory there is tones of files, 43M or so when the other directory only has about 500k. This all seems a bit odd.

I have also discovered you can type puppy then one space at the boot-up screen and it will also load however the same results occur.

I would really rather use the later kernel but until I solve this problem I have no choice, unless I buy another computer.

I have even tried loading the modules manually by copying them from a fresh CD. The modules still cannot be found.

There are a lot of good puplets that I would like to try but unfortunately most of them use the later kernel.

Does anyone have any ideas how to solve this problem.

Puppy 4.0 was the first time I had encountered this problem on my computer. It must be kernel related or the associated software with it.


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Re: kernel or

#45 Post by chrisf »

DanYHKim wrote:When downloading the devx_412.sfs and kernel source.sfs at:

http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/dis ... modules-4/

the kernel source file has "" in its filename. Is this correct for Puppy 4.1.2? I was trying to install VMware Player 2.5.1, which requires compiling modules, and get a message saying that the header files are not correct, or something like that.

If the .sfs file does contain sources for, then where can I get the source? If the file contains the source, could the archive be renamed to reflect the correct version?

Thank you
Did you find an answer to this?
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#46 Post by niksfish »

Well i'm posting here because somewere it says that's here the place to post suggestions.

I wanted to install puppy normally in the hdd, like some windows or something else. I have tried a lot, but I couldn't make it boot from the bios.

I would like to see something more automatic, because puppy it's suposed to be an SO for easy use. I'm not noob, really I have tried but I couldn't configure Grub or lilo... Maybe it is my bios, but the wizard to install Puppy on the hard disk sucks. I would like to see something to install it directly (i dont know how is called) on that screen black with withe letters (or blue with white letters), with no graphical interface, like installing windows... Or a better wizard that make more things for you.
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bootmanager sfs /mnt/home broken in 412

#47 Post by zvonik »

First time puppy user on a Dell C600 laptop. Beats xubuntu hands down on this p3 700Mhz and 256M ram laptop.

I tried to install an sfs as instructed and use bootmanager to select it and it didn't work. Multiple posts suggest that this is broken in 412 (I can provide links if needed). Downloading devx_412.sfs to /mnt/home (and also seen at /) in a hard drive install (full?) didn't get seen by menu->system->bootmanager at all. But in a terminal, if I cd to /mnt/home and type bootmanager, presto now it's found (by the upper-right selection) so bootmanager from the menu appears to start in the wrong directory. Now I have an entry in /etc/rc.d/BOOTLOG for this sfs and I reboot and ... nothing. No gcc found. So it's still not being mounted at boot.

Also, bootmanager from the command line spits out this:
/usr/sbin/bootmanager: line 85: cd: /initrd/: No such file or directory

and I get 412# as puppyversion. Is the hash at the end correct?
# cat /etc/puppyversion

I've looked through the bootmanager script but it's too complicated for me. I hope this can be fixed in 4.2 and this should be a priority as some of the fun of puppy is in the sfs mounts.
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#48 Post by vtpup »

@zvonik -- I have a frugal install, but I believe the Bootmanager cannot be used to add an sfs to a full hard drive installation.

There are other methods of adding the contents of an sfs to full installs. Do some more searching on these forums -- I believe Artie's thread talks about methods of doing it, along with a lot of other good advice for new users.
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#49 Post by Pizzasgood »

For a full-hd install:

Click the .sfs file. That will cause Puppy to mount it and open a window with the contents. Open a terminal there by either right-clicking and going to "Window -> Terminal Here", OR by pressing the back-quote key.

In the terminal, type this and press enter:

Code: Select all

cp -a * /
When it finishes copying the files, you can close the terminal, click the .sfs again to umount it, and carry on. At this point the actual .sfs file is no longer needed.
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#50 Post by zvonik »

Hi guys. Thanks for the replies. I found nothing in the manual or any other documentation that this shouldn't work with a hard drive install. I did find many posts from people with the same problem. And I did find the post about mounting the sfs and copying out the contents but that seemed like such an undocumented kluge in an otherwise elegant environment.

It would be nice to have a built-in sfs installer. Download an sfs, click on it in a file manager and it installs. Whether it installs to /mnt/home and uses the bootmanager behind the scenes or does a mount and copy, the user shouldn't have to know the details. The next release would be a nice place to start doing this.
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#51 Post by vtpup »

I'm very much in favor of an error message when attempting to add an sfs and informational hints indicating that an sfs file can not be added to an HD full install in Bootmamanager. People should not need to search a forum to find out why something doesn't work in about 50% of installed systems.

As far as adding capability to install an sfs goes, I believe it might be more appropriate to install the contents of .sfs files for full HD installs in the Puppy package manager than in the Bootmanager, since it has nothing to do with boot loading, as it does for frugal installs. It is a true fileset installation.

Note that in a full install, programs added from an sfs integrate in the same fashion as those from a .pet. Basically you are just overwriting new files onto your file system. Therefore there is no advantage to using an sfs rather than a .pet, assuming what you want is available in a .pet.

In a frugal install, the sfs does behave differently than a .pet, and saves space in the personal savefile. It is an overlay, not an overwrite for existing saved files.
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#52 Post by mikeb »

Ok so is not so much a bug as a logic thing...

If a full install is present and a frugal install is added then until there is a pup_save the init script assumes that the full install is the pup_save...mode 6. This is not prevented by pfix=ram...I feel it should be to allow for that first boot although it now seems that this would now prevent creation of a pup_save...and if a blank pup_save was created would this mess up a first frugal boot?

Is mode 6 commonly used?...7 is for those flash internal drives I believe.

And yes having a frugal alongside a full install is very useful for testing...perhaps a better way of differentiating between a 'true full install' and a 'pup_save as a partition' is needed (presence of /initrd is a dead givaway)


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#53 Post by PaulBx1 »

Flyover info for drive icons is still wrong. It appears to be the case that whatever was first in there, stays there forever. For example, my sda1 was at one time ntfs, but has since been changed to ext3. But the flyover still says ntfs. Also when I right click the icon and select "edit item", the "Arguments to pass..." variable shown is "drive ntfs". Changing that to "drive ext3" does not change anything that I can tell.

Flyovers probably ought to be eliminated if they can't be depended on to give the correct information.
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#54 Post by PaulBx1 »

Don't know if anyone pays attention to this thread any more... :?

When I do "puppy pfix=fsck" for my heavy-encrypted pupsave, I get no indication an fsck is actually taking place.
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#55 Post by Béèm »

You could boot with (puppy) pfix=ram and run the fsck on the pup_save by hand. You'll get the messages.
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#56 Post by PaulBx1 »

I finally figured out how to do that. Since it badly needed the fsck, it is clear "pfix=fsck" did nothing.

I'm guessing the modprobe of cryptoloop or aes is missing?
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#57 Post by Béèm »

Good you saw the "light" :wink:
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#58 Post by Sage »

Oh dear - third time lucky - popped this into the wrong section twice already.
Glad to see I'm not alone - yes, there's something wrong with the PUI/Xvideo-to-install, (but not the live version):

Don't normally look at the CE and hand-me-down versions - too many cooks, too many fingers burnt. This time I wanted to run up an old AMDKII-6/500. Had to burn to CD-R to use the old CD which can't read RW s, another thing I hate to waste resources on.

Big Mistake - again.

After a FULL install there emerged the return of an old friend - looping associated with the X system. Haven't seen that one for years.

Can't read the exact detail, but the first line talks about 'touch' - 'can't touch'
something about 'temp' files???
lines 401 & 402 ???
doesn't like something in /usr/X11R7/bin/xwin

copied the whole of the X11R7 directory from CD along with various other random guesses to no avail.

Absolute bummer. I know folks like to try hard, but bitter experience with virtually every distro teaches that the lead developer is generally the best option to complete a task successfully. Shame I hate the MarineBeast and he loves it....
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Dir2pet script erratic with space chars in directory name

#59 Post by rerwin »

The /usr/bin/dir2pet script reacts unexpectedly if a space character is included in the name of the directory to be made into a PET package. Inserting the following command as the first command (line 12 in 4.1.2; line 13 in 4.7.1) of the script would prevent the behavior and assist the user in correcting the problem.

Code: Select all

[ "`echo "$@" | grep ' '`" != "" ] && echo -e "This script expects a directory name without embedded spaces.\nAdditional arguments are not appropriate.\nPlease remove or replace any space characters in the directory name." && exit #v413
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Not exactly a kernel bug, but here goes......

#60 Post by SilverPuppy »

I discovered a problem with the desktop interface. If you access a very large directory with ROX, (10,000+ files will definitely do it) the ROX box crashes AND so does the entire desktop (icons and background.) Open programs and JWM continue to work. I'm using 4.1.2 and will never use 4.2.anything, so can you enlighten me as to whether there might be a fix in for this? It's a bit annoying to not be able to access ultra-large directories, as I do data recovery and sometimes create such beasts......
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