ultratiny html viewer - PuppyBrowser 0.5 + embeddedbookmarks

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ultratiny html viewer - PuppyBrowser 0.5 + embeddedbookmarks

#1 Post by MU »

this version is outdated!
Get instead "PuppyBrowser":

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 882#303882

original message:

read more:

I attach a pack with a binary, that shows a real cool Flash site 8)
Also included the files I used for compilation.

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#2 Post by BarryK »

Now with toolbar buttons:


...and it has grown to a whopping big 11KB!
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#3 Post by MU »

this version is outdated!
Get instead "PuppyBrowser":

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 882#303882

original message:
made some changes to Barrys newer example with buttons :D

- no more crashes on https sites
- uses fonts from profile setting "MU". To override my defaults, create a new profile MU in seamonkey.
- added a URL bar
- started to restructure the code, so that it resembles more my other examples

- crashed fixed by defining a profile
- The available methods of MozEmbed can be looked up in /usr/include/gtkembedmoz/gtkmozembed.h

- Unfortunately it seems, that libgtkmozembed is dropped in latest firefox/seamonkey/xulrunner.
So what API is replacing it?

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#4 Post by vovchik »

Dear Mark,

The browser is great. Thanks. I love the fact that the binary is only 10k. It is working smoothly in 4.12.

With kind regards,
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#5 Post by 01micko »

Nice and snappy.


I don't see this as a browser...... yet :) (post made with it ;) )
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#6 Post by vovchik »

Dear Micko,

Not a web browser yet - but good for offline documentation and as the browser of choice for mail progs like sylpheed. I am pposting now, like, you, using MU's browser...

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#7 Post by Lobster »

I don't see this as a browser...... yet
What does it need? Bookmarks? Is certainly fast . . .
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#8 Post by 01micko »

What does it need? Bookmarks? Is certainly fast . . .
In the interest of keeping this light and fast I think bookmarks are not needed. They can be kept in a separate text file and copied and pasted. 8)

Downloading is vital, IMO.

I'm attempting to run this on my 486 with 2.16-fat_free-dillo (from big_bass). I know GTK is the issue. Gonna try to get the necessary dependencies only and see how it goes. :wink:

I've trialled many browsers on that system and so far text based are the best, however it would be nice to have a snappy gui browser on that old clunker. I am of the opinion that I can get this to work and work well. Even if it means an upgrade of OS.. (which is an immediate goal :wink: )


I tend to agree with you. It is a browser certainly, but we are spoiled with features!

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#9 Post by ttuuxxx »

I like the idea of it, but why not use something thats universal, say a frontend to netsurf, since those guys a really taking their time with issues thats it has like it doesn't have "save as" so when you click on a pet in the repo, you get a whole page of code and no file. etc, you might be able to make a real nice small browser. Its just an idea, Also why provide a 35kb COPYING txt file? at one time it was a couple of lines saying its GPL, now its a full blown legal document, what a waste of space, for a 11kb program, why not just a weblink to the online document? it is a browser, so most would be using the net anyways with it :) even a better Idea would have this "COPYING" text file default in puppy, So any other files that you download can just be system linked to the one and only copy on the machine. Like if we had 10 files with the COPYING document, thats 350kb, so one installed by default and system link sounds better.
Really I like the old way better. Like the one in the dotpup package manager
#Lesser GPL licence v2 (http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/lgpl.html)

and that was it, one line not 674 Lines / 5644 words of stuff that most won't ever read from start to finish.
Anyways nice application and a great start. Doesn't work on uPUP, if opens up to a blank page, with google in the url, but the enter key doesn't work, I press enter and nothing happens.I can change the url, but no enter button to actually execute a webpage.
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#10 Post by ttuuxxx »

ps just checked it with ldd. and nothing was missing.
I ran it from command prompt and no error messages.
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#11 Post by Lobster »

Ttuuxxx's comments got me thinking (I may explode)

Make this the default homepage
http://pupweb.org/desktop/ and or use a bookmark facility
eg http://delicious.com/

Then we rebrand as Puppy Browser . . .
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#12 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hi guys This is just an idea, but this tiny webbrowser named Atlantis http://freshmeat.net/projects/atlantis/ which was basically a front-end to gtkhtml.
With that in mind you could make this html viewer work on that base gtkhtml. That way you wouldn't need any other browsers installed.

gtkhtml 3 series sources (2 series is about 1/2 the size) (also says it needs a gnome theme, probably could hack one down)
http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/gnome/sources ... .1.tar.bz2


2 series sources that didn't need the theme was

anyways like I said just an idea if you want a full independent browser.

http://audio.online-convert.com/ <-- excellent site
http://samples.mplayerhq.hu/A-codecs/ <-- Codec Test Files
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#13 Post by BarryK »

To be used as the internal HTML viewer in Puppy, it must support CSS and Javascript, which rules out Netsurf and gtkhtml. Also for any kind of decent web browsing these days, you need both of those features.
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#14 Post by MU »

This browser is based on Seamonkey.
It uses a new, simpler grafical interface written in Genie/Gtk2, so it loads faster than Seamonkey.
I recommend in addition to view images/PDFs:
You can run the pictureviewer from within Puppybrowser, and then drag PDFs on it.

You also might have to install "libgee" with petget or from this messages attachment, if it will not work.
If you have no menu entry, click on:


version 0.1:
- initial release with a new toolbar, bookmarks, search, buttons to download files.

version 0.2:

- fixed bug, that pages for "new windows" did not load.
They now open in the same window.

- added a statusbar, so you can see where a link points to, when you move the mouse over it.

- bookmarks were loaded twice using different code, removed the unneeded one.

version 0.3:

- optional buttons now located in the statusbar
- fullscreen mode
- tabbed browsing
- load/save the current tabs
- updated startscript, so it should work with newer installed seamonkey 1.x or with the xulrunner sfs.

version 0.4:

- fixed crashes caused by javascript popups (popups in most cases do NOT work, this is a limitation of gtkembedmoz).
- when you close a tab, the last one that was active before is selected again.
- using the same bookmark again now works with new tabs.
- fullscreenmode now hides the toolbars. Move the mouse to top or bottom, to show them. Move the mouse slowly, so that they hide again, this works not perfect yet.

- support for profiles
Run for example:
/usr/local/PuppyBrowser/puppy-browser -profile=fullscreen derbauer.de
(turn up sound, then relax and enjoy!)

A profile is a folder in /root/.PuppyBrowser/profiles.
If you pass a non-existent one, it will be created. Each profile has own saved tabs and bookmarks.
in addition, you can save there a "settings.rc".
I included 4 profiles:

- this is created when you run it the first time (your old tabs/bookmarks are copied to it).

- run the browser in fullscreen mode.

- runs the browser without any toolbar. Use it for example, to display Flash games in it, so the game looks like a native desktop application.

- has only 3 buttons: back, forward, reload.

The corresponding "settings.rc", for example from profile helpviewer:

Code: Select all

Related to the profiles, I had to change the way, how arguments are passed.
Now it can be done like this (it does not matter, which you use first)

Code: Select all

puppy-browser -x=10 -y=30 -w=300 -h=200 -profile=helpviewer '-title=my help' /root/help.htm
version 0.5:

- links passed as console argument now may contain "="

- 3 buttons support drag'n'drop:
- open new tab
- pictureviewer
- pwget
So you can drag a link on the "new tab" button, to open it in a new tab.

- pwget now is included, the updated version from gposil that suppots passwords.
I modified it, so that the download window will not close automatically, so that you can see, if the download had no errors.

- bookmarks fixed again. My last fix had a bug - you could no longer edit their names

- added a new button "Open Bookmarks for Embedded Code". This is a new optional program explained here:
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 452#311452

If you have a Puppy without seamonkey, you need such a SFS:
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 329#304329

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Puppybrowser playing a video, that is saved as bookmark for embedded code.
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the browser
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#15 Post by Lobster »

Incredible! [Lobster faints]
You have a credible browser :)

Even comes with an icon and link here (once installed)
which can be dragged to the desktop

Mark, you must be dependent on some libraries from Seamonkey?
Would it be viable to use this in Puppy - allowing users to download a bigger browser if required? Preferences for Opera, Seamonkey, Firefox, Konqueror, Flock, Dillo etc would no longer be an issue . . .

How exciting :)
Using it in Upup Alpha 6 incidentally . . .
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#16 Post by vovchik »

Dear Mark,

Wonderful work. I installed it in 4.12 on my Samsung NC10 netbook - after finding the libgee pet - and it works very well. It's great for browsing documentation, like your earlier html-viewer, only better.


With kind regards,

PS. I share Lobster's enthusiasm.
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#17 Post by BarryK »

Wow, just when I put together a internal HTML-viewer PET for Woof alpha7, you are already miles ahead (or I should say "kilometres ahead"!)

Well, perhaps I'llleave it as-is for alpha7, because if I attempt to update it, I'll look on the forum the next day and see you have done heaps more to improve it.

I'm planing the next Woof release after alpha7 will be 'beta1', then I'll update it.
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#18 Post by MU »

Lobster, is there no icon in the menu?
Then I must change the "category" entry in /usr/share/applications/PuppyBrowser.desktop to a different one. I just had tested the menu-entry in lxde.
*edit: in Puppy 4.2 it works, just takes a moment to appear.

yes, libgee is needed for the bookmarks.
It can be installed with PetGet.
I could replace the lists with fixed arrays, but must check, if it would have other advantages.
Libgee lists have an unlimited length, while arrays are fixed, so they would need some tricks to allow a non-limited amount of bookmarks. But it would be possible, so we had one dependency less.

in the next 2 weeks I finish my C# course, and must work on my final project (C#2vala), so there will be not much time for the browser.
So it will remain like it is I think until then.

There is one issue, that is a showstopper:
if you click on links, that should open a new window, nothing happens.

E.g. the links on dotpups.de use "target=_blank", and do not work.
I have not found out yet, how to solve it, and if someone knows a solution, I would add it quickly.
A workaround is, to drag those links in the URL-entry, and click on the "ok" button.

Apart from that, it basically works as I like, I just would like to add support for tabbed browsing later, and mabe a very simple config dialog.

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#19 Post by MU »

The pet included old sourcecode without active pwget button (but the binary was the current).
I updated the pet with the current source, and added some comments in it, to make it easier readable.
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#20 Post by Lobster »

Lobster, is there no icon in the menu?

Yes there is, just booted up (restart x might have done it too) 8)

- just did a JWM refresh which is sufficient in 4.2
(or there is a button to refresh menu - got confused with that . . .
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