streamtuner missing required libs on 4.20

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streamtuner missing required libs on 4.20

#1 Post by dr_willis »

Testing out 4.20 on my Celeron 600 system In the garrage. And i stumbled upon the following issue.

# streamtuner
streamtuner: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

So i found that lib in the Puppy package manager... tried again,
# streamtuner
streamtuner: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Now this Lib i can not seem to find. Checking various package sites..

Will let you all know what i find.
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#2 Post by ttuuxxx »

Doesn't streamtuner start when you click on it? And doesn't the stations load and play. and does it ever crash?
On 4.2 I made the package thats in it, its always worked and never crashed, So those libs aren't needed. But its strange they are missing since it was compiled on series 4.0, but sometimes things like that really don't effect application.
Good you found it anyways, I'll look into it next time I boot up 4 series :)
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#3 Post by dr_willis »

actually i just ran it from the terminal, got those messages.. it never showed any windows/dialogs. I will check again later. I dont think it ran from the icons either, but im not 100% sure.

I also did try reinstalling a pet i found of it - and the dialog at the end of the install also mentoned the libldap dependency missing.
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#4 Post by dr_willis »

Weirdness. On virtualbox streamtuner works fine. But my test machine is useing the same version of puppy, just as a frugal install. Perhaps ive installed somthing else that is conflicting.

The joys of troubleshooting/debuging/bug reporting.

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#5 Post by dr_willis »

Figured it out... I need to make sure my Grub Entry for 'Turbopup' actually DO say turbopup, and stop making identical wallpaper/theme/layout for the various Puppy variants.

Which is to say . its a Problem in Turbopup, not the normal 4.20

Now to bug those guys. :)

Bruce B

A packaging rant

#6 Post by Bruce B »


I'm going to bounce a rant of you. The rant has
nothing to do with you or streamtuner.

You get the rant because you have clout - that's why.

As an experienced package builder. I learned
something, none had to tell me to learn, I learned by
the obvious.

A package is not ready to upload to others, UNTIL it
has been tested on a clean Puppy.

The reason why is; the package I build on my own
Puppy might have dependent files, in my Puppy which
I'm unaware of.

In the case of my 'bad' package the dependent file
was 'find', a common utility. But at the time, 'find'
was a Busybox extension and not the real find.

Everyone who believed in my package didn't get what
they bargained for. I fixed it, sure. But there is
nothing as good as getting it right the first time.

Question: Is it standard practice for all packagers to
test on a fresh Puppy?

End of rant. Thanks for your good service

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#7 Post by ttuuxxx »

Bruce that package I built using 4 series and it had no missing parts, libs, this whole thread is news to me, it I had 4.2 running I would check and see if anything was missing, When I built the package, the system was clean, Also he is using a reduced version of puppy, called turbopup, probably something got messed up in that release, I could be wrong, but next time I fireup 4.2 I will be checking for missing libs, when you install the package it does not say anything is missing, I've installed it a few times myself. plus he has said, if you read the post above

"Which is to say . its a Problem in Turbopup, not the normal 4.20 "

What people do to there personal releases is not my problem, I make packages to work on "vanilla Puppy". Not for derivatives. Unless they are mine :wink:
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Bruce B

#8 Post by Bruce B »


Thanks for your prompt reply. I feel bad however,
because I wrote at the beginning of the post and I noted
you explained things, and I was merely ranting to you in
a generic way as one with clout enough to do things.

The rant has nothing to do
with you or streamtuner.

Hoping you did catch that!

Now, anything I can do to help with streamtuner?

Using 4.00

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#9 Post by ttuuxxx »

Bruce B wrote:ttuuxxx,

Thanks for your prompt reply. I feel bad however,
because I wrote at the beginning of the post and I noted
you explained things, and I was merely ranting to you in
a generic way as one with clout enough to do things.

The rant has nothing to do
with you or streamtuner.

Hoping you did catch that!

Now, anything I can do to help with streamtuner?

Using 4.00

sure open a command prompt and run streamtuner and see if anything is missing :wink:
no Problem Bruce I didn't take it personal.
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Bruce B

#10 Post by Bruce B »

Wanting to be precisely on the same page. I ask: where can I get your version of Streamtuner?
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#11 Post by ttuuxxx »

Bruce B wrote:Wanting to be precisely on the same page. I ask: where can I get your version of Streamtuner?
This is the one in 4.2 with alsaplayer included ... h&id=14956
from this thread ... 76&t=38590
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Bruce B

#12 Post by Bruce B »

Cool. In the words of California's governator, "I'll be back."
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#13 Post by Béèm »

Wasn't it California's Terminator who said that? :wink:
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#14 Post by Béèm »

Downloaded and installed aqualung-streamer in Jaunty 466 (alpha6)
Nice to have only an icon in the tray.

A couple of questions tho:

Can streamtuner be called again from within aqualung? I didn't find it.

Are there other themes/skins?
This one isn't very clear.

Forget about the skin, I finally found that plain was better for me.
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#15 Post by ttuuxxx »

which ever streamtuner package you installed last will be the default media player, so just open streamtuner via the menu and it should open aqualung.
The "plain skin" is the which you have put a pic up is a combination of like 3 skins I put together, The real default skin is very flat/basic compared to that one. :wink:
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#16 Post by dr_willis »

Speaking of streamtuner.. which DOES work in a 'normal 4.20' puppy now for me. :oops:

I noticed that on some other disrtos the program does not work with shoutcast due to shoutcast changing their web site.

Streamtuner needs to use the 'classic' web site.

Im curious as to how this got fixed in puppy since its version works. :)

The general fix im finding on other sites for non working versions
is to either change a .so file to point to the proper address, or add to
the /etc/hosts file a line like.

Code: Select all
This reroutes all rewuests for to be
directed to the shoutcast 'classic' web site.

Im making referance to this 'fix' here, even tho this is NOT needed in 4.20 mainly because, i wonder how its been fixed.. and anyone using older puppies might need this fix.
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#17 Post by ttuuxxx »

I patched the sources and fixed it, then compiled it and set it to work with what ever media player package I provided :)
Yes I aim to please :)
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